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Balbala: Roman | Abdourahman A Waberi
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Waberi is probably the best-known Djiboutian author in the world. He currently teaches francophone literature at George Washington University. Balbala is a short but dense political novel about #Djibouti. Clearly, I get on better with his poetry than his novels, but I'll persevere. I saw him at a couple of round tables last weekend (hence the photo - he's right in the middle), and he is a very engaging public speaker.

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Passage of Tears | Abdourahman A. Waberi
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We read about the clashes between modern and traditional #Djibouti through the eyes of two estranged brothers. One left for Canada but has returned to research the possibilities for American investments, the other stayed and dedicated his life to the Quran.
The former brother keeps records of his observations and memories. They are interspersed with letters from his brother in prison who seems to observe his every move.

#ReadingAfrica2022 🇩🇯

BarbaraBB Thank you @Liz_M for sending me this book 🤍🤍 2y
Liz_M @BarbaraBB Happy to share and I'm glad you didn't hate it! 😁 2y
Librarybelle I love how the book cover matches your setting! 2y
BarbaraBB @Liz_M You know I wouldn‘t!! 2y
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Passage of Tears | Abdourahman A. Waberi
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#WeeklyForecast 47/22

Three completely different books lined up for this week. Current read is the Hamid, it‘s on the #ToB23 longlist. The tagged book is a birthday gift from @Liz_M that I‘ll read for #ReadingAfrica2023 and the third one is a romance novel! I don‘t often read them but I did like our Buddyread book Seven Days In June. I asked @CarolynM for recommendations and she mentioned this one. I am looking forward to it!

Cinfhen Fun!!! It‘s great to read across genres!!! 2y
squirrelbrain I‘m going to borrow The Last White Man from the library so will be interested to hear your thoughts… have a great week! 2y
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I just finished it and tagged you! 2y
CarolynM Oh dear! I hope you like Corey and Hartley, or at least that you see what I mean about showing the relationship developing. 2y
BarbaraBB @CarolynM I‘m sure I will be fine! I‘ll keep you posted 🤍 2y
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Still chipping away at this book - it‘s sort of cool to be inside the heads of the 9/11 hijacker‘s as they begin to Americanize themselves. From getting their hair cut & styled, to tasting alcohol and speaking directly to women. It was such a HUGE operation on SO MANY levels. Really shocking what they were able to carry out. And according to this book, SOME in the US intelligence KNEW that a MAJOR terrorist attack was being carried out on US soil

kspenmoll Yes, some did tragically enough. Book sounds fascinating. Not sure I could stomach it as 2 close fiends of mine lost so much- one a brother whom I knew, another‘s father lost his whole business/employees that were on a high floor. (edited) 2y
Cinfhen It‘s still such a raw tragic event @kspenmoll especially for those on the east coast who had ties to people who worked in the WTC and Pentagon. It‘s a hard book for sure. The author read all 8000 pages of the CIA‘s commission report so this book is VERY detailed. 2y
BarbaraBB Seems like such a good read. 2y
Cinfhen It is @BarbaraBB and BONUS I‘m using it for #ReadingAfrica22 #Libya - it discusses politics of several African countries and luckily Libya is one of those countries along with #Sudan and #Djibouti ( which surprisingly I read 2y
BarbaraBB Thanks for the Djibouti suggestion 😀 2y
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Passage of Tears | Abdourahman A. Waberi
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It‘s not a “spy novel“ or “political thriller” due to the lack of plot and momentum. Instead, it is a multilayered story told through three texts. The reader is dropped into the world, not really understanding what Djibril is doing there, or the role of the Muslim prisoner. Context is slowly provided through disjointed memories or religious-influenced monologues. I found it intellectually interesting but emotionally flat and bereft of tension.

Librarybelle Great review! 2y
BarbaraBB You have me intrigued anyhow! 2y
Liz_M @TheAromaofBooks, this was my January #DoubleSpin 2y
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!!! Nice to get a backlog book checked off!! 2y
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Black Mamba Boy: A Novel | Nadifa Mohamed
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Jama is a young Somalian boy when his mother dies in the port city of Aden, Yemen, and so he decides he will undertake a trek to find his father, who he believes to be a “driver” somewhere in #Sudan. Thus begins his travels across north Africa & on to England all during the most dangerous time the world has ever seen, WWII. He is smart and lucky (thanks to his being born under the lucky sign of the black mamba). But he also makes stupid ⬇️

Texreader decisions, which can be inordinately frustrating for the reader. Then you have to remember he is a homeless kid without an adult to love and teach him. To say he remains a mostly ethical, good person is surprising given all he experiences in his travels. There are a few scenes, one in particular, that is beyond gruesome. So trigger warning for violence against children. The audiobook is free for Audible subscribers but I‘m not sure I‘d ⬇️ 2y
Texreader recommend it because Jama meets so many people and travels so extensively, it‘s really hard to keep track. Often I just had to acknowledge I didn‘t recognize names I should have, or didn‘t have a clue where he was sometimes. I wish Audible would include chapter names. That would clarify a lot. The narrator was lovely, however, so no discredit to him. Recommended, if not the audiobook. #Somalia #Djibouti #Eritrea and #Sudan. (edited) 2y
Librarybelle Excellent review! 2y
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Black Mamba Boy: A Novel | Nadifa Mohamed
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I finished this audiobook tonight. It grew on me over time and I‘m looking forward to reviewing it. In the meantime it has helped me complete a few countries for #readingafrica2022: #Somalia #Eritrea #Djibouti and #Sudan. Some of it takes place in #Egypt too. It‘s free for Audible subscribers and it certainly helped with the challenge! It can be a rough read but it‘s very good. Review to come. @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

Black Mamba Boy: A Novel | Nadifa Mohamed
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A journey like no other. A heart wrenching yet hopeful story of young Jama, a boy from Yemen, who travels across Africa and Asia with nothing more than dreams, determination and the goal to find his father. What makes this book even more special, the events of WWII are on the periphery of the story leading to a fascinating background. Stunning narration #Hoopla #ReadingAfrica22 I‘m using for #Eritrea and #Djibouti

BarbaraBB Djibouti. 🤔 Choices… 2y
Cinfhen Yeah/ totally using a #DoubleDip @BarbaraBB because I don‘t think I‘m gonna find books for those countries so easily 2y
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BarbaraBB Both are hard indeed. 2y
Cinfhen A lot more time is spent in #Eritrea @BarbaraBB but there‘s at least a chapters worth in #Djibouti 2y
ravenlee Not sure if it helps, but the tagged book has a small section in Djibouti - but it‘s about the US military presence there. @BarbaraBB 2y
Cinfhen That‘s kind of cool @ravenlee thanks for sharing!! Maybe I‘ll give it a listen. 2y
Librarybelle Great review! 2y
BarbaraBB @ravenlee Thanks! Very helpful 🤍 2y
Centique This sounds amazing! 2y
Cinfhen I really think you‘d like this one @Centique 2y
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Black Mamba Boy: A Novel | Nadifa Mohamed
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This book is heart wrenching- so bleak, yet you can‘t stop rooting/ hoping/ praying for young Jama - a Somalian boy searching for his father who he believes is a soldier fighting in Sudan. This works for many African countries so far - #Djibouti #Eritrea #Somalia #Sudan #ReadingAfrica22 #OutstandingAudio 🎧❤️🙌🏻

Cinfhen Thanks to @Andrew65 and @Texreader for putting this book on my #ReadersRadar 2y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen Great to hear you enjoyed it. I agree with your comments. I also want to read the following by the same author, which i will be reading for Somalia. 2y
Cinfhen I‘m almost finished @Andrew65 it‘s fantastic - I‘m going to read/ listen to this one 2y
Andrew65 @Cinfhen Great to hear. I will need to look out for The Fortune Men. (edited) 2y
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After the Monsoon | Robert Karjel
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A group of Swedish soldiers take some locals in #Djibouti to a shooting range, where someone ends up dead. Investigator Ernst Grip is called in to investigate and while there gets involved with a search for a Swedish family hijacked by Somali pirates. This could be a complete testosterone fest but it‘s not—Grip is bisexual and the main female characters are strong women not described by their bodies. I liked it!


BarbaraBB Great choice. How do you find these books?! 3y
Hooked_on_books @BarbaraBB This one was a lucky find just the other day. I‘m a member of Libro.fm for audiobooks and it happened to show up in their sale books. The description just mentioned Africa but not which country, so I was delighted when it was Djibouti, as I didn‘t have a book for there on my list. Pure luck! 3y
Bookwormjillk Ohhh nice scribd has it too! 3y
Librarybelle Nice! Stacking! 3y
BarbaraBB Such a difficult country to find a book for. I might steal this idea! 3y
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