“ If Miss Honeychurch ever takes to live as she plays, it will be very exciting for both of us and her.” (Mr.Beebe,24)
#pemberlittens #buddyread #hashtagbrigade #chapter3 #achapteraday
“ If Miss Honeychurch ever takes to live as she plays, it will be very exciting for both of us and her.” (Mr.Beebe,24)
#pemberlittens #buddyread #hashtagbrigade #chapter3 #achapteraday
#pemberlittens #thewatsonsreadalong #chapter3 Oh so many new great characters. The ball starts and Miss Edwards actually show some personality warning Emma against Mr. Musgrave and Mr. Tomlinson (a complete over by talkative bore).Emma dances with some soldiers when the Osborne‘s arrive with Mr. Howard, Mrs. Blake and her son Charles. Literally the whole ball stops for their arrival. It is clear the Osborne‘s‘ you know what does not stink.👇👇
I've got company so I haven't read #Chapter3 yet. Drop your thoughts here #PemberLittens and I'll join in later.
#wanderingthroughwutheringheights #pemberlittens #chapter3
Mr. Lockwood is stuck because of the snow & is put up in a room no one is to enter. There he finds Catherine‘s name etched in the furniture and reads her journal. He then has horrifying nightmares of a a never ending sermon and Cathy trying to attack him. This wakes up Heathcliff who cries for Cathy‘s return. After Heathcliff berates the woman, Lockwood leaves. Never to return?
I found this picture https://wuthering-heights.co.uk/locations/wh-tour-catherine of Mr Lockwoods sleeping spot. And while he had terrible dreams, I think it would make a perfect Book Nook. Just someplace other than Wuthering Heights. 😱
#Chapter3 #PemberLittens
#potteraday #chapter3
Having the hindsight of the whole Harry Potter story and world makes me appreciate everything so much more this time around.
I always wished there had been more books released about the Marauders era. Specifically I wish we learned more about Lily and Petunia. You can feel the fear they feel in this chapter at finding out they‘re not rid of *that* world.
#pemberlittens #chapteraday #chapter3
When Mr. Norris dies it causes an upheaval in the whole family. The Bertram boys‘ career paths are in flux, Fanny is told she will go live with Mrs. Norris and then finds out she won‘t and Mr. Bertram plans to go away with Tom for at least a year.
We‘re definitely about to see some great exposition in Fanny‘s development.
#pemberlittens #chapteraday #chapter3
This was my reaction when Mr. Tilney suggested women were inferior letter writers.
This was also my reaction when Catherine thought “no young lady can be justified in falling in love before a gentleman‘s love is declared”
But Catherine got her dance, and a laugh, finally 😬
I forgot how good this book is. Harry begins to feel the depth of the trauma he has endured, painfully unaware its about to get much, much worse. I love when these guys burst in to take him away from Privet Drive. #OrderofthePhoenix #Chapter3 #PotterADay