Look what I found under the Christmas tree this morning!!🎄🎅🏻🎁 #bookishpresents #books #bookhaul
Look what I found under the Christmas tree this morning!!🎄🎅🏻🎁 #bookishpresents #books #bookhaul
I know it‘s a little late, but i still wanted to share the #adventkalendar with you my mom gave me this year. I just love #bookishpresents 😍
#decktheshelves #bookishpresents #seasonsreadings2017 #bookishgifts
My aunt made these cute #stockingstuffers for everyone. Mine of course had a B&N gift card.
More #bookishgifts #bookishpresents
Our #christmasbookhaul has been good so far! The horizontal stack is my hubby's..techincally 😂
Locke & Key are mine and I'm pumped to continue!!!
#day26 #bookishgifts #SeasonsReadings2017
#day25 #bookishpresents #decktheshelves
#day25 #bookiskgifts #ReideerReads #day25 #ItsChristmas #DecemberDays
Books, journal, pens & bookmarks. Featuring beautiful,personalized, homemade bookmark by Natasha. 🎄❄️🎅🏻
I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Here are mine and my boyfriend‘s #bookishgifts. His are the top two, and the bottom three are mine. 🎄🎁📚
#bookishpresents #DeckTheShelves
#MerryChristmas #SeasonsReadings2017
#ReindeerReads #catsoflitsy #Phoenix
#decktheshelves #day25 - #bookishpresents
A reminder to always give out hard copies of your Christmas list. Sent my parents a link to my Amazon Wish List, ended up rerouting them to my list from 7 years ago, when I was getting into screen writing. #merrychristmas
We finally finished opening our gifts and I‘m enjoying looking through everything and savoring the thoughtfulness of my family. #bookishgifts #christmasday #itschristmasday #decdays #reindeerreads #decktheshelves #bookishpresents #jingleshelves #seasonsreadings2017
#DecDays #ItsChristmasDay
#ReindeerReads #BookishGifts
#DeckTheShelves #BookishPresents
#JingleShelf #ChristmasDay
It's so rare for me to received books as presents, so l'm particularly grateful to my sister who gifted me this beauty 😍
And thanks also to @Moray_Reads who talked about this during the #LotRChapterADay And so l discovered about it. A classic case of #BlameItOnLitsy eh? 😆
#BookishPresents #DeckTheShelves
The writing girls and I exchanged gifts and this is the haul: notebooks and pens and totes!
Thanks @beccaeve !!! 😊