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The Birthday Triplets | Kelly Tooman
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The birthday fairies are thrilled to celebrate the birthdays of the lovely @BarbaraJean & @Cathythoughts and one of our very own fairies, @julesG today!!! Wishing you all a wonderfully bookish birthday! And lots of cake! 💕

@KarenUK @CarolynM @squirrelbrain @Crazeedi @julesG @robinb

KarenUK Happy birthday to you all! 💕💕💕 6mo
julesG Happy Birthday to my Birthday Buddies @BarbaraJean @Cathythoughts 🎉🎂📚🎈 6mo
CarolynM Happy birthday @BarbaraJean 🎂🎈🥳 Have a great day! 6mo
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CarolynM @julesG Happy birthday Julia🎂🎈🥳😘 Hope you‘re having a lovely day. 6mo
CarolynM @Cathythoughts Happy birthday dear Cathy🎂🎈🥳😘 Hope your day is extra special. 6mo
squirrelbrain Happy Birthday @julesG @Cathythoughts @BarbaraJean - hope you all have a lovely day! 📚🍰🎉📚🍰🎉 6mo
JenReadsAlot Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 6mo
TrishB Happy birthday all 🎉🎉 📚❤️ 6mo
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! @julesG @Cathythoughts and @BarbaraJean 🎊🎂🎉✨ 6mo
Amiable Happy birthday, you fabulous Littens! 6mo
Crazeedi Happy birthday @julesG @Cathythoughts and @BarbaraJean !! 🎂🎉🎈📚🌷❤️ 6mo
Jas16 Happy Birthday @BarbaraJean @Cathythoughts @julesG 🥳🎂🎈 6mo
robinb Wishing my fellow #birthdayfairy friend a very happy birthday and all the best in the year ahead! Have a wonderful day, Julia! 🎈🎈🎈 @julesG (edited) 6mo
robinb Happy, happy birthday @BarbaraJean ! 🎉🎉🎉Enjoy your day. 6mo
MaureenMc Happy birthday, all! 🎈🥳🎉 (edited) 6mo
robinb Wishing you a day of dreams come true @Cathythoughts !! Happy Birthday! 🎁🎂🎊 6mo
dabbe HB! 💚🩷💚 6mo
youneverarrived Happy Birthday @Cathythoughts and @julesG 🩷🩷 6mo
mrp27 Happy Birthday everyone!! 🎉📚🎂 6mo
Cathythoughts Thankyou everyone. Happy Birthday @julesG @Barbarajean 6mo
BarbaraJean @KarenUK @CarolynM @squirrelbrain @Librarybelle @JenReadsALot @TrishB @JessClark78 @Amiable @Crazeedi @Jas16 @robinb @MaureenMc @dabbe @mrp27 Thank you all for your birthday wishes!! And a very Happy, Happy Birthday to my fellow birthday triplets @CathyThoughts and @julesG!! Hope you both had lovely, book-filled birthdays. 🎂 🎉 📖 💜 6mo
Ddzmini Happy belated birthday 🎂🎈🎊🎉🎁🥳📚 6mo
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The End of the Line | Angela Cerrito
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Entries to my #BirthdayPixieReadathon are now CLOSED! Thank you so much to everyone that entered(and there was a lot of you🙌)and wished me a happy birthday. You guys are amazing and I wish I could give all of you a prize. Unfortunately the hubby would be a bit annoyed at that🫣 I‘ll take tonight to go through all the entries & double-check I have everyone down, then winners will be announced tomorrow. Good luck everybody!!🎉

Cinfhen Damn hubbies are such a kill joy 😉😂Thanks for hosting #BirthdayFairy 🧚🏻🧚🏻🧚🏻 1y
Lizpixie @Cinfhen total buzzkill they are! Thanks for entering gorgeous😘♥️ 1y
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Friendswood: A Novel | Rene Steinke
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Thank you, Karen, for the wonderful surprise in my inbox today! 😊 I look forward to using it for bookish things. 📚📚 You are kind to think of me today, my #birthdayfairy friend. Hugs to you! 🤗🤗

Andrew65 Happy Birthday Robin 🥳 🎂🎁🎈🎊 2y
robinb @Andrew65 Thank you, Andrew! 🤗 2y
KarenUK You are very welcome! 💕 2y
Ddzmini Happy birthday 🎁🎂🎈🎊🎉🥳📖 2y
robinb @Ddzmini thanks so much, Danielle. 🤗 2y
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What a wonderful package from across the pond! 🎉 It was such a sweet surprise, Helen…I‘m glad I waited. 😉😉 This sounds like a perfect book for me and the chocolate…well, chocolate is ALWAYS perfect. 😄
Thanks so much for thinking of me, my #birthdayfairy friend. 🤗😘 P.S. That wrapping paper is gorgeous!

LeahBergen Happy Birthday, my friend! Have a lovely day. ❤️📚❤️📚 2y
robinb @LeahBergen Thank you, Leah! 🤗🤗 2y
squirrelbrain You‘re welcome Robin! Hope you‘re having a lovely birthday! 🥳😘 2y
BarbaraBB Happy birthday dear Robin! Hope you‘re having a wonderful day 🤍 2y
robinb @BarbaraBB Thank you, Barbara! ❤️❤️ 2y
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Untitled | Unknown
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Robin, look what arrived in the mail today! I can't wait to read, it looks so good! Thank you for your thoughtful gift and for being a special friend and fellow #BirthdayFairy
🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♂️ Diane

squirrelbrain That looks good! 3y
robinb Yay!! I'm glad you like it and haven't read it yet. I saw it on your Litsy TBR and since she's one of my favorite authors, I thought I'd pass it along. :) Hope you enjoy! 💜 3y
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I've Got Mail! | Robert Messinger
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Two lovely Christmas surprises in the post today from my #birthdayfairy friends!

@robinb - thank you so much for the desk calendar - I love it! It‘s perfect as usually #mummysquirrel buys me a desk calendar for Christmas every year, but this year she hasn‘t been out to the shops and she doesn‘t use the internet, so I didn‘t get one. This has beautiful pictures and quotes on it too.

And @Crazeedi - thank you so much for your lovely card too! 😘

robinb You are so welcome #BirthdayFairy sister! 💕 So glad you like it! That company is one of my favorite “bookish” go-tos. 😊 4y
Crazeedi Isnt that the most beautiful calendar ever that @robinb gave? She's very special. So happy to be a #Birthdayfairu 🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️🧚‍♂️ 4y
Crazeedi @robinb what is the company?? 4y
Crazeedi And you are welcome 💗 4y
robinb Thank you for your sweet words @Crazeedi ! The company is Obvious State. If you‘d like to check them out, here‘s their website: https://obviousstate.com/ 4y
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Untitled | Anonymous
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The awesome @Chrissyreadit has a helpful post still going strong:

Hi friends! Comments on @TheAromaofBooks page made me realize how many activities have helped people join our community- I know joining my first swap changed litsy for me. Hashtag comments can lead to activities for people to see how amazing this community is- and much more than book reviews. I may miss some- feel free to add to it with any info!
#litsylist #litsywelcomewagon

TheAromaofBooks Yes!! The challenges & hashtags are a huge part of what make this community so special - it's so fun to get to know other people as we work together to check off a reading challenge!! 4y
Liz_M Hello friends! It seems as if LitsyHappenings is on hiatus -- I get it, we're all busy and there is really too much happening for any one person to be the town square. So I've been thinking. What if LitsyHappenings was divvied up into four accounts, each manned by two or three people, cover an aspect of Litsy. For example: Litsy-Swaps, Litsy-Readalongs, Litsy-Challenges, and then a catch-all (Litsy-RandomFun? Keep LitsyHappenings?)

(edited) 3y
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sprainedbrain @Liz_M I think that‘s a great idea. Happy to help in any way I can as well! 3y
Chrissyreadit I love that idea! I think that would help significantly! If there are 2 people at least for each group they could alternate. 3y
Andrew65 Sounds a great idea. 3y
Liz_M @sprainedbrain please start by sharing this post? 😁 3y
sprainedbrain @Liz_M Do you mean tag people in the comments or actually share the old post about LitsyHappenings? 3y
Liz_M @sprainedbrain Both? You should be able to share a link to this specific post/discussion, I think. 3y
MoonWitch94 @Liz_M What a fantastic idea! So great! I‘ll share! 3y
SamanthaMarie That's a great idea!!! 3y
CBee @Liz_M fantastic idea! I‘ll share on my page. 3y
squirrelbrain Great idea! I‘m already a #birthdayfairy on LitsyBirthdays so won‘t volunteer to host one of the accounts, but happy to help by sharing etc - just let me know! 3y
Soubhiville I definitely think this could be helpful, for new folks especially. I have my hands full with the things I organize already, but I‘m happy to share posts when I see them. 😊 3y
Lcsmcat I‘m willing to help, but need to understand what‘s involved. Would a host of one of these sites, say readalongs, create a separate account? Would that require a different email address, or can you have multiple accounts attached to one email? And what is expected. Reposting events as the host informs you? Or searching them out? Trying to gauge the time commitment. 3y
MatchlessMarie I‘m glad this conversation is happening. A few months ago I thought about making some TikTok videos about Litsy because I‘m always trying to convert people but then I realized that LitsyHappenings hadn‘t been active and it used to be a really great way to stay on top of giveaways, photo challenges, swaps, et cetera. I would love to have one central place for events like a Litsy Newsletter of sorts 3y
rsteve388 I would be willing to help with LitsySwaps as long as it isn't just me. I think this is a great idea and I am glad we can find a solution to ensuring the community stays engaged while ensuring we are taking care of ourselves and not doing all the work. 3y
Librarybelle @Liz_M I think it‘s a good idea - a lot of work, for sure, but you‘re right in that there is so much happening and not one specific place where everyone can go to find it. That‘s what made LitsyHappenings so helpful! 3y
Q84 @Liz_M I would be willing to help out with this. 3y
Chrissyreadit @Liz_M I think if the pages are set up and have a host, the responsibility for tagging the appropriate page would be on the activity, then the host of the page would create a post? 3y
wanderinglynn @Liz_M I think this is a great idea! And I agree with @rsteve388 that it will probably work better if there‘s at least 2 people assigned to each subcategory. I‘m thinking a group of 4 would probably be ideal for each subcategory. You want enough people that no one is overwhelmed with keeping up but not so many that there‘s too many cooks so to speak. 3y
Butterfinger I will do whatever is asked. I love Litsy and am so grateful to its members. 3y
robinb Fabulous idea! Even though I'm not a big joiner on lots of things, I do like to keep up and see other's posts! And the plus side of dividing it up into categories is that each Litten can go to whichever category they're interested in and not have to wade through to find something of interest...if that makes sense! 😂 I'll re-post this! 3y
coffees Really like this idea and would be up to helping :) 3y
LibrarianRyan @MatchlessMarie I can make a few TikTok a too. I talk about it seminfrequently on there. 3y
LibrarianRyan I‘m down for it. Who ever does swaps can totally use the primer I made. Between #bbrc, swaps, and #litsyawards I‘m a little jammed but am always happy to help promote. Just take me and I‘ll share. 3y
Crazeedi @Liz_M this is a great idea, I am a fairy and part of #litsylove right now, but I can spread the word and help as I can 3y
Crazeedi I shared the post 3y
Catsandbooks Such a great idea! There's so many things happening that's it's hard to keep track of everything! I'm able to help with whatever is needed! 3y
julesG Great idea! I'm happy to share. 3y
Nute Great idea! Happy to help. Sharing this post. Volunteering service. I really like this special place!🤗 3y
Liz_M @Lcsmcat I think, as someone posted further down, that once the new accounts are up and running, it would mostly be reposting events. I am hoping that by having multiple people for each account and a couple of reservists, the time commitment would be reasonable - 10 minutes a day, an hour a week, whatever works. 3y
Liz_M @Chrissyreadit This makes sense -- So, for example SprainedBrain would tag Litsy.swaps on her initial Basic Witch Swap post and the volunteer(s) manning the Litsy.Swap account would repost it. 3y
Liz_M @robinb Yes, I also thought some people might only be interested in reading challenges and others really only want to do the photo challenges... 😄 3y
Liz_M @Nute @Catsandbooks @coffees @Butterfinger @Q84 @rsteve388 @Lcsmcat @sprainedbrain Thanks for offering to help! I think there should be a minimum of 10 people for this to work, but perhaps we have enough to start.

I've set up a slack team (group? channel? help? 😅) as a place to continue brainstorming and coordinating. Anyone interested in volunteering, please email Litsy dot readalong at gmail dot com and I'll invite you to slack.

Liz_M @coffeewithbooks see comment above. 😊 3y
sprainedbrain @Liz_M email sent! 3y
Butterfinger @Liz_M I don't know anything about slack, but I am emailing and then looking for slack. ☺️ 3y
coffeewithbooks @Liz_M okay thank you . I will email now . 3y
Nute Email sent! 3y
coffees @Liz_M just sent the email 📨 3y
Catsandbooks @Liz_M sent an email! 3y
Liz_M @squirrelbrain @Crazeedi How do birthday fairies work -- how do you coordinate and divvy up tasks? Can you email a quick explanation at Litsy dot readalong at gmail dot com? Thanks so much! 3y
squirrelbrain Of course @Liz_M I‘ll do that now. @Crazeedi - just letting you know so you don‘t respond too, although of course you‘re more than welcome to if you wish! 3y
Crazeedi @squirrelbrain thank you Helen!! 3y
Crazeedi @Liz_M let me know if you need any more from me!! 3y
LitsyEvents @catsandbooks, @nute, @coffeewithbooks, @butterfinger, @sprainedbrain @Q84 Please check back into slack -- I need help with a name. profile pic, and dividing up duties. :) 3y
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Untitled | Unknown
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@robinb what a lovely gift I got in the mail today. The calendar is just so unique and beautiful! And the bookmark is perfect. The card is just awesome too. Thank you for being such a good friend and #BirthdayFairy . It is an honor to share the job with you and the others 🧚‍♂️🌲💟☃️❄

robinb So glad it arrived!! And I‘m so glad you like it!! Thanks for your kind words, and I feel exactly the same way... #BirthdayFairies are utterly divine. I am blessed to work with you all! Merry Christmas and be safe. 💕💕 4y
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This also arrived. Thank you very much to my #BirthdayFairy friend, @KarenUK! 😘😘😘

#BookMail #LitsyMail

KarenUK You are welcome, Fairy friend! 💕🧚‍♀️ 4y
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