4.25/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
“Strange, I thought, how you can be living your dreams and your nightmares at the very same time.”
#fantasy #youngadult
4.25/5 🌕🌕🌕🌕🌘
“Strange, I thought, how you can be living your dreams and your nightmares at the very same time.”
#fantasy #youngadult
Then I hung up the phone, and speaking a language I didn‘t know I knew, I ordered the hollow to stand.
Obedient as a shadow, it did.
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #bookreport #bookreports #recommendation #recommendations #bookreview #bookreviews #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #HistoricalFiction #Horror #TimeTravel #Mystery #Adventure
This series is really good. My daughter and I like reading it together. We're making our way through them quickly. I find we're already talking about what we think will happen in the next one when we finish.
We rowed out through the harbor, past bobbing boats weeping rust from their seams, past juries of silent seabirds roosting atop the barnacled remains of sunken docks, past fishermen who lowered their nets to stare frozenly as we slipped by, uncertain whether we were real or imagined; a procession of waterborne ghosts, or ghosts soon to be.
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #HistoricalFiction #Horror #TimeTravel 🧡
I enjoyed this sequel, and liked it just a tad more than the original. Picking up immediately from the previous book, the peculiar children embark on a journey to save one of their own. There is more action and the stakes are higher. This installment also fleshed out the world of peculiardom more by giving history and world building. The pictures continue to add depth and I was devastated by the twist at the end. Excited for the next book! 3.5⭐️
I finished three books during the #marvellousmarch readathon and have read 20/100 books so far in 2023. Looking forward to the rest of the reading month. 😀
Not sure how I feel about this book …. I loved the first one . But let‘s read it …
Love love love!! I can‘t wait to read the next book. I‘m dying because my order with the next book doesn‘t come until the end of this week. This series is seriously thrilling and just when you think you know what direction the story is going … bam there‘s a twist you didn‘t expect!
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookhoarder #bookhoarders #bookhaul #bookhauler #bookholic #bookholics #bookheaven #bookjunkie #bookjunkies #bookjunky #bookjacket #bookjackets #bookjacketdesign #bookjacketdesigner #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #bookloot #booklist #booklust #booklove #booklover #booklovers #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #HistoricalFiction #Horror #TimeTravel #Mystery 🤎🤎
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings #bookedit #bookedits #bookeditor #read #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #HistoricalFiction #Horror #TimeTravel #Mystery 🧡🧡
Obedient as a shadow, it did.
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #lastline #closingline #book #books #read #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #recommendation #recommendations #bookreport #bookreports #bookreview #bookreviews #bookriot #booktattoo #booktree #bookthief #booktopia #booktoday #bookyourself #bookunion #bookutopia #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal #HistoricalFiction #Horror #TimeTravel #Mystery 💖💖💖
#Bingo #HollowCity #RansomRiggs #TheMerruAdventuresOfRobinHood #FireHorse #ABabyForTheSheriff #SingleFatherSheriff #TheLastBlueEnvelope #TheHunchbackOfNotreDame #PeterPan #TheScarletLetter #TheHollow #TexasWitness #TheShipBeyondTime #YellowBrickWar #TheDazzlngHeights #SleepingMurder #Passenger #BlackBeauty #book #books #read #bookrecommendation #bookrecommendations #recommendation #recommendations #bookreport #bookreports #bookreview 🤎
#BIngo #HollowCity #RansomRiggs #AWholeNewWorld #TheDazzlingHeights #HowToFindLoveInABookshop #OperationNanny #TheMerryAdventuresOfRobinHood #DeathInTheClouds #TakenAtTheFlood #TheMysteriousIsland #EndlessNight #TheAdventuresOfTomSawyer #TheBeautyAndTheBeast #TheBeastIsAnAnimal #TheScarletLetter #TheMirrorCrackdFromSideToSide #ClosedForTheSeason #HalloweenParty #YellowBrickWar #book #books #bookend #bookends #bookending #bookendings 🤎
This was an interesting read. There were some parts that had me on the edge of my seat. The ending definitely has me wondering what will happen in the next book. I can‘t wait to see what happens next. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormproblems #bookwormproblem #bookworld #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal 🤍
Currently Reading 📖
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #Hidden #PCCast #KristinCast #book #books #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #booknook #booknation #nerd #nerds #nerdsunite #nerdy #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookworld #bookword #epicreads #bookend #bookends 💓💓💓💓
My latest wheel for deciding what book series I should read next.
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarket #bookmoment #bookmoments #bookquote #bookquotes #bookqueen #bookquirk #quote #quotes #bookworm #bookworms #bookwormlife #bookwormproblem #bookwormproblems #bookword #bookworld #epicreads #bookend #bookends #bookending #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal 💛💛💛💛💛
Currently Reading 📖
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #Emma #JaneAusten #book #books #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #bookbag #bookbags #bookbinding #bookbeau #bookblog #bookblogs #bookblogger #bookbackpack #bookbackpacks #booknerd #booknerds #booknerdsunite #booknerdy #booknook #booknation #nerd #nerds #nerdsunite #nerdy #bookmark #bookmarks #bookmarket #bookmarkets #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal
After fleeing in a boat from the hollowgasts, the peculiar children are caught up in a bad storm and need to find land. They land on a beach only to find that the wights are trying to track them down, so they flee into the forests of the mainland.
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #bookdesign #bookdesigner #bookdeal #bookdeals #bookdealer #bookdragon #bookdragons #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal 🖤🖤🖤
I had no intention of falling off the radar again, but here we are again!
I've been keeping busy with my new job, but I've still reading a good bit, too, so I have a few reviews I need to get posted sometime soon (including the predecessor to the tagged book, my current read).
In the meantime, hello from Sphinx and I!
The second in the miss peregrines series . Loving this series,will definitely continue as the year goes on :) 4 stars
Book 28 of 2021. I liked this book, but not as much as the first one. I felt like it was a long setup for the next book. Will I read the third book? Of course...and the ones after it! 🤣😂 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
2nd book. Absolutely amazing, not as good as the first but still worth reading. 😃
We rowed out through the harbor, past bobbing boats weeping rust from their seams, past juries of silent seabirds roosting atop the barnacled remains of sunken docks, past fishermen who lowered their nets to stare frozenly as we slipped by, uncertain whether we were real or imagined; a procession of waterborne ghosts, or ghosts soon to be.
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal 💗💗💗💗☮️
Finally getting Around to reading the rest of this series. I loved the first book but wanted to wait for all of the rest to come out before proceeding. I got the final book as soon as it came out but had to finished the ones I was in the middle of first
The book Hollow City is the second book in a four book series written by Ransom Riggs. Hollow City takes place mainly in 1940s Europe, however, the year and location change many times throughout the duration of the book. The book is about ten kids who are peculiar and are watched over by their headmistress, Miss Peregrine.
I love this book it's a fave in my collection I have the special one with bonus stuff at the end it's a 10 out of 10 for me.
Book 11🎵👂🏻- 5⭐️
Loved this one!! So action packed and kept me on my toes! CANT WAIT to see where the next book takes me! 🖤
Audio walking today and found my dream tree 😍 my future home will have a tree like this to sit in and read... too bad this one is on a public walking path. ☺️
Obedient as a shadow, it did.
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #lastline #closingline #book #books #bookish #bookishfeature #bookishfeatures #bookishlife #booksoflitsy #bookobsessed #bookobsession #bookoholic #bookoholics #bookperson #bookpeople #bookpassion #bookpicture #bookpictures #bookphoto #bookphotos #bookphotograph #bookphotographer #bookphotographs #bookphotography #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #Paranormal 🤎🤎🤎🤎
I finished my re-read of Hollow City by Ransom Riggs. I liked this one better than I did the first in my re-read, I'm guessing because there was a lot more action in this book. It's a solid 3 star for sure. I wouldn't go as high as 4 or 5 just because I'm admittedly over the age for this genre, but I did enjoy it. Now I'm trying to decide between starting the re-read of the third book, or re-reading my new birthday gift, Fahrenheit 451. 🤓📖🤔
Going back to Miss Peregrine's 👍🤓📖
A great distraction read! Now I HAVE to see what happens in the next book!!
The first one seemed to have a bit more mystery and puzzle aspect to it as we learn about Peculiars and their world. This one was one action scene after another, though I guess that's what I signed up for? I do love the photos and the creative ways the author fits them into the stories, but I may take a small break from this series as I suspect action-packed is the way the rest of them go as well.
While better than the first, I still felt like the plot was so forced. I wasn‘t able to process a scene that happened before another “bad thing” was shoved into the narrative. At this point the found pictures are just being shoehorned into the books. As something off key to the plot is occurring, I know I‘m going to turn the page to find a picture. I‘m so frustrated that I know this is a series and I have to finish it. 😭
Even though I wasn‘t convinced by the first in this series I wanted to give the second a go. This was a much better read for me - lots of action and a twist I didn‘t see coming. I‘ll definitely read the third now.
So pumped to start reading the next book in this series! I read the first one a while ago and got this as a gift!! 📚📖🤓
#peculiarchrildren #hollowcity #ransomriggs
Brilliant book in the series. One of my top 5 series
I‘ve been taking my time with this series. It‘s a credit to the writer that Book 1 by itself is an impressive read. That you can take a break from this genre without forgetting this tale and return to Book 2 with the same fervency. And it doesn‘t disappoint. Hollow City pushes the story to a greater landscape filled with perils both physical and emotional. Can‘t wait to find out how #LibraryOfSouls unfolds! #Fantasy #GenreJuggler #BigPileOfTBR
So many incredible characters who didn't get their due in this book. I needed some more time with a few. I don't want to spoil anything but a great addition to the series and a great audio reread! Fun fact: I thought I hated Kirby Heyborne as a narrator because he did a book I thought was so awful. Turns out he was PERFECT for this and does wonderful British and Scottish accents, as far as my American ear can hear. ❤
I recall loving the way the story progressed but I forgot how much I began to hate Enoch and how whiny and self pitying Jacob is. 🙄 I can't wait for the twins, though!
We rowed out through the harbor, past bobbing boats weeping rust from their seams, past juries of silent seabirds roosting atop the barnacled remains of sunken docks, past fishermen who lowered their nets to stare frozenly as we slipped by, uncertain whether we were real or imagined; a procession of waterborne ghosts, or ghosts soon to be.
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesHomeForPeculiarChildren #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #YA 💞💞💞💞💞
TFW you know you should have just taken all the books in the series out at one time... 😫😡
Hollow City by: Ransom Riggs 📚📚
#HollowCity #RansomRiggs #MissPeregrinesPeculiarChildren #book #books #funko #funkopop #popvinyl #Alice #bookloot #booklist #booklust #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzine #bookzone #Recommendsday #bookxcess #bookcollection #bookcollector #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookclub #bookclubs #Fantasy #YoungAdult #Fiction #YA 💕💕💕💕💕
Like reading under the covers at night at a sleepover. I liked this book much better than the first one. A lot more character development, a better understanding about some of the specifics of their world— just better all around. Jacob still irritates me, but the other characters make up for it.
OOF I‘M LATER THAN USUAL! Today‘s #colormepretty is #monochromatic!
Hollow City was great. I loved the Miss Peregrine‘s trilogy, and was not disappointed with the end. I haven‘t read the new one, though.
Hush, Hush was one of the books at the height of the YA angel thing. I didn‘t like it and only read the first.
The Dark Deceit is the third book of a series I started reading on Wattpad and is something I consider a guilty pleasure.