The second book in this classic series.
The second book in this classic series.
I enjoy how Rowling gently reminds us of the previous events. New characters integrate and introduce the mystery. We better understand the growing wizarding world and I'm still waiting for Harry to become likeable and less annoying.
The twist of this book kept me guessing and I was pleasantly surprised when it turned out differently than I expected. The way he-who-shall-not-be- named threads through the story is holding my interest.
This book was a little worst than the first book, but it is still one of the best book I've read. Good job J.K!
@BooksRockMyWorld posted this over in FB land. It made me smile and brightened my day. I just had to bring it over here to share in case anyone is having a rotten Tuesday . . .
I met JK Rowling and got a Signed book.😁😁😁😁
When in doubt, go to the library.
happy birthday, my dear brave friend!
Dobby is one of my most favourite characters in Harry Potter series. he is brave, loyal and love freedom. we need to learn a lot from him.
#dobby #dobbythehouseelf #jkrowling #jkrowlingwizardingworld #potterhead #harrypotterandthesecretchamber #books #bookish #booklover #bookaddict #bookworm #booknerd #booksarelove #bookholic #booksareneverenough #itsallaboutbooks #ilovereading #ilovebooks📚
I may have been slightly overzealous in my reading plans for the weekend.
On this lovely #socksunday I bring you a #riotgrams catch-up post: my favorite villain. I've always found Draco insufferable but complex. Also, #ravenclawforlife
Trying to catch up for #hpchapteraday !
Chapter Eighteen: Dobby's Reward
Theme: Peace. Hogwarts is safe once more, Dumbledore is back in charge, Dobby has his freedom and so Harry will have some peace from all of Dobby's disastrous help. Ginny has recovered her peace of mind, Lockhart's off to find the pieces of his. #hpchapteraday
Chapter Seventeen: The Heir of Slytherin
Theme is Service. We've got Harry & Ron doing a service to Hogwarts by once again blindly rushing into danger. Fawkes & the Sorting Hat are there to give service and aid to Harry. But there's also a lot of Disservice- Riddle took advantage of Ginny, draining her like a little supernatural battery, & Dumbledore keeping mum about his suspicions that Riddle opened the Chamber. #hpchapteraday
Chapter Sixteen: The Chamber of Secrets
Theme: Dishonesty. Oh, Dishonesty! Thy name is Lockhart! I will never understand why the boys don't go to McGonagall or Snape- 2 actual capable wizards, but it's so nice to see Lockhart exposed for his lies. #hpchapteraday
Chapter Fifteen: Aragon
Theme- Sanctuary. This one was a little tough (I'm totally with Ron on the subject of spiders), but here's what I got: Hagrid gave sanctuary to Aragog, and Hogwarts is the ultimate sanctuary for Tom Riddle and Harry Potter. It makes sense that they'd go to extremes to save their sanctuary). #hpchapteraday
Chapter Thirteen: The Very Secret Diary
Theme: Cowardice
It's hard not to equate Cowardice with Gilderoy Lockhart. Often times in this series it's not the obvious villain who is the most dangerous. #hpchapteraday
Chapter Twelve: The Polyjuice Potion
Chapter Twelve: I Was A Teenage Werecat
Theme: Belonging
Harry's not feeling that he belongs much at Hogwarts now that everything thinks he's Slytherin's heir. Poor Potter!
Chapter Eleven: The Duelling Club
Playing catch up! The theme for this chapter is Excellence... but all I can think of is the excellent snow!
Chapter Ten: The Rogue Bludger
Yesterday days theme was Complaining (I got behind a day, but I'm catching up! ) . Um, I think if Lockhart had liquefied my bones, I'd still be complaining! #hpchapteraday
Chapter Nine: The Writing on the Wall
Innocence: I hate when Harry is on the outside with his classmates, especially when he's actually innocent. But this is the first real hint of the trouble he will find later on in the series. #hpchapteraday
I would imagine if you weren't at a Deathday party this would be truly frightening. #hpchapteraday @hpchapteraday
Updating my Jan reads and getting ready for #hpchapteraday while #Septimus naps 💜
Chapter Seven: Mudbloods and Murmurs
Today's theme is Confusion. Poor Ron's send takes the award for confusion since it has no idea what it's doing. The chapter starts off with Oliver Wood (swoon) waking a very confused Harry up at the crack of dawn for Quidditch practice. #hpchapteraday
Who finds himself more attractive than Gilderoy Lockhart? He is besotted with himself and expects everyone else to be as well. Hermione sure is!
Embarking on today's #hpchapteraday. #Septimus is unusually disinterested 🤔🤷🏻♀️
Pixies, pixies, everywhere! Fun! Well, not if you're in Gilderoy Lockhart's class! #hpchapteraday @hpchapteraday
Chapter Five: The Whomping Willows
Today's theme is Responsibility. I enjoy this chapter, but even the first time I read it I remember thinking how crazy it seemed that taking the car to Hogwarts was the first solution Ron and Harry come up with. They don't even know how to drive a regular car, let alone a magical one! I also think it's out of character for Arthur and Molly to go through the Platform ahead of Ron and Harry. #hpchapteraday
Chapter Three: The Burrow
Today's theme is Curious. I feel like this chapter was totally written for us fans because we are just as curious as Harry to see into the everyday life of a wizard family. The Weasleys are as different as you can get from the Dursleys, and it's a glimpse of the kind of life Harry might have had if his parents hadn't died. #hpchapteraday
I think Harry feels disappointment more now that he knows what it is like to have friends, eat good food, enjoy being with others, what being cared for and loved feels like. He is so isolated and can't understand why his friends ditched him. Although he'll find out soon enough. #hpchapteraday @hpchapteraday
Chapter One: The Worst Birthday
Today's theme is disappointment. How could being back with the Dursleys not be a huge disappointment after Hogwarts? And not hearing from his friends, and worse Dudley realizing it, sinks Harry's spirits as low as they could get (well, until book 4). He just looks so sad in this picture! #hpchapteraday
Proud Ravenclaw! See my sorta-diadem? Lol #hpchapteraday Let's do this! I've got my illustrated Sorcerer's Stone and Chamber of Secrets and I'm pumped.
Happy holidays, Littens! Girls' gifts set under the tree, watching Love Actually, and gift exchange with my husband. Like the wonderful husband he is, he got me CoS, illustrated Ed. Now the question is, will I actually open the book... #IHateSpiders #MommyBookworm #HolidayEdition
Proof you're never to old for your mama to send you books. My son texted me this thank you photo and thereby ensured that he will get every edition in this series in the future! Visiting him in TX next month and looking forward to watching Fantastic Beasts together too🤓
Love the illustrated Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets! Made some HP inspired Pumpkin Pasties to go with it!
Haven't had a chance to really flip through it and look at all the illustrations yet but the book sort of fell open to this page the first time I opened it up. I love these kind of illustrations
Book mail!! Technically it's the boyfriend's Christmas present but that gives me a couple months to...test it out :)
Minni book haul for the little one. Can't wait to see the look on her face when she comes home from school to these.💗