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A fruitful trip to the post office. My Blackwell‘s order arrived. Yay for having reasonably priced access to books not yet published in the US. More #LitsolaceFallCardSwap arrivals, my #FallingForFallSwap box and not pictured but a #LitsyLove letter from @Blerdgal_Fenix that showered me in Mickey head glitter that made me laugh out loud.

@Avanders @Chrissyreadit @Meshell1313 @TheBookHippie

TheBookHippie Did my card arrive and also 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🙈🙈🙈I mailed your birthday card today 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️so sorry. 😩 3d
Deblovestoread @TheBookHippie Yes it did. I‘m waiting til the 22nd to open them all. And thank you! 3d
Avanders 👏🏼👏🏼🍁🍎🍂 3d
Chrissyreadit 🧡💛🧡💛 3d
Meshell1313 Woo! 🎉 surprise! Happy #FallingForFallSwap! 2d
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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My 5th and, so far, easily my favorite from the #booker #booker2024 #longlist

This is spare, “stripped to the bedrock”, as our narrator leaves her husband and life and joins a tiny isolated outback monastery as a non-believing nun. It‘s quiet and peaceful, then come the mice, and the past and the outside world in general. This builds up, everything standing out against the blank backdrop. It‘s peaceful, despite the mice. And cathartic.

Graywacke In my longer review i wrote that it‘s very different from the other longlist books i‘ve read. It has a depth and pace and complexity that stands out distinctly from the other four, and it offers more freedom to the reader in how to respond. 2w
Lcsmcat Sounds lovely. Stacking. Because I need to buy more books. 🙄 2w
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squirrelbrain Fabulous review! This is my second favourite from the list. 2w
jlhammar Hope to get a copy soon! Sounds like one I‘m really going to like. 2w
Suet624 I can NOT wait for the library‘s copy to get to me. I think this sounds like it could be the most delicious of all the books for me to read. It was my secret desire for years to do something like this. 2w
Graywacke @Lcsmcat of course. Enjoy! 2w
Graywacke @squirrelbrain thanks. Which is your #1? I‘m anxious to read Hold. 2w
Graywacke @jlhammar 👍 i think you‘ll like it 2w
Graywacke @Suet624 ooh. Then it was written for you. 🙂 2w
BarbaraBB Fab review! It‘s one of my favorites too. 2w
Graywacke @BarbaraBB i remember you liked this one a lot. Thanks! 2w
Aimeesue Great review! 2w
squirrelbrain My favourite is The Safekeep. 1w
Leniverse So far it's this one and James for me. But I have high hopes for The Safekeep and My Friends as well. 1w
Graywacke @squirrelbrain that will be my next, unless Playground arrives early 1w
Graywacke @Leniverse this and My Friends are my personal shortlist. i haven‘t gotten to The Safekeep or James yet 1w
Graywacke @squirrelbrain @Leniverse I‘m involved in the Booker Prize Book Club on fb. Readers i trust have been thrashing The Safekeep. Hmm But they can‘t say why, which i appreciate. Because, spoilers 1w
AnneCecilie Love your review. I loved this as well for the same reasons 1w
Leniverse Interesting. I'm reading The Safekeep next, so we'll see! 1w
kspenmoll This sounds like I need to see if my library has it! 4d
Graywacke @AnneCecilie thanks. Fingers crossed for tomorrow ☺️ 4d
Graywacke @Leniverse i finished The Safekeep yesterday. Don‘t tell @BarbaraBB … but, i didn‘t really like it that much. 😁 4d
Graywacke @kspenmoll No US publication yet. I think you‘re American. So tough to find. And the price on amazon is boosted. I keep seeing try Blackwells. But i already have a copy. 4d
Leniverse @Graywacke I liked The Safekeep, even though I don't understand how anyone could be surprised by the reveal. 🤪 I've chalked it up to differences in background, Brits are as clueless as the MC, Europeans know what's what. So now I have to ask. You're American, so were you surprised or did you see it coming from the start? 4d
BarbaraBB Haha @Graywacke I read that 😂. And I agree with @Leniverse that the reveal is not really a reveal since it was clear to me from the first chapter and I am curious now too how you perceived it. (edited) 4d
Graywacke @Leniverse My ✡️ radar - I knew the history of house immediately. But didn‘t identify Eve‘s ethnicity. Her height was cute hint. Of course, I knew about Isabella and Eve from reading reviews on all the graphic content. 4d
Graywacke @BarbaraBB I wish the book was less dependent on the reveal and more exploratory on how difficult it is to respond to. Eva‘s response is very simplistic and, well, I thought it was silly. Necessary for the resolution. But the book is more to my liking without that resolution. 4d
BarbaraBB I see what you mean. And I agree on Eve‘s response. But I loved Isabelle, the sparse words she needed to express herself and the development of her relationship with Eve 4d
Graywacke @BarbaraBB Isabella was always entertaining and endearing 🙂 4d
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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After visiting her parents grave, a woman makes the impulsive decision to stay at a monastery, and this turns into more than a few days. Escaping her life and failing marriage, she seeks the solitude and repetitiveness among the nuns. In the middle of this the monastery experience a mouse invasion, a person from her past comes back and a sister returns in a coffin.

This book will stay with me.

I‘m late in starting my #Booker reading

BarbaraBB Wonderful review. I enjoyed this one a lot too. 2w
squirrelbrain Great review - this is among my favourites on the list. 2w
JenP Im reading this now and also one of my favorites 2w
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Graywacke Oh. Lovely to see. I‘m so glad you liked it. I just finished this morning. I‘m still in its spell. (edited) 2w
Cathythoughts Great review! I‘d like to read it. Not sure I could read about that ‘ invasion‘ though. Phobias 😬🤣 2w
AnneCecilie @BarbaraBB thank you. I understand why you said this was a good book to start with. 2w
AnneCecilie @squirrelbrain thank you. I don‘t think I‘ve read enough books from the Longlist to have a ranking yet, this was my 3rd book. 2w
AnneCecilie @JenP so glad you‘re enjoying it. This was my 3rd book from the Longlist so I don‘t feel like I‘ve read enough to have an opinion. 2w
AnneCecilie @Graywacke It really does pull you into its atmosphere 2w
AnneCecilie @Cathythoughts I‘m not a fan of mouse, but I don‘t have a phobia either. There‘s talk of mouse traps, the extent of them when it comes to burning, hearing them, I also think there‘s a couple of mentions of them crawling over people. Just to let you know the extent of the mentions. For me there was other parts in the novel that was more important and that will stay with me. 2w
charl08 I liked this - hoping it gets shortlisted (altho I haven't read them all by any means!) 2w
Leniverse Just finished this one too. (And coincidentally it's also my third from the longlist). It's lovely. Definitely won't complain if it gets shortlisted. 2w
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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I really enjoy this #Booker longlisted book about an Australian woman deciding to abandon everything to live amongst nuns. But even more than wondering why she's there, I've been wondering why does Richard Gittens keep hanging out with them as their self-appointed, unofficial handyman? 😆

Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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BarbaraBB One of my favorites 3w
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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I continued with Dark Fire #ShardlakeBR and finished The Voyage Out #VirginiaBloomsberries

I‘ve almost finished A Life‘s Work

I‘m about halfway through Stone Yard Devotional and hope to finish today

Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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Charlotte Wood has a knack for creating novels from really unique situations. In this case, I don‘t think we were ever given enough information about the narrator to understand the dissolution of her marriage and move to the abbey. I felt slightly perplexed the whole time.

Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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I want to continue Dark Fire #ShardlakeBR and finish Rhe Voyage Out #VirginaBloomsberries

I‘ve just started A Life‘s Work and want to continue that

I want to get a start on my first read from the Booker Longlist with Stone Yard Devotional

BarbaraBB A good one to start with! 4w
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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This took me a while to get into but once I did I liked it. A slow paced but interesting story set in an abbey of an order of nuns in rural Australia. The book looks at the nature of faith and women who choose to leave society and devote their lives to god. Forgiveness and grief in the midst of a mice plague makes this a haunting read.

Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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#Booker 7/13

Another winner for me. Nothing much happens in the narrator‘s life, who more or less accidentally ends up living & finding solace in a religious community hidden in the Australian outback, where she grew up. So nothing much happens in the book either. A mouse plague getting out of control, that‘s what mostly happens and it sounds horrible. Yet of course there are reflections on life before. On grief and death and choices made 🤍

squirrelbrain Yay - I‘m glad you liked it too! Great review and gorgeous photo! (edited) 4w
BarbaraBB @squirrelbrain I was curious if I would after your high praise because we mostly love similar books but Charlotte Wood can be a hit or miss for me. So glad this was a hit ❤️ 4w
AnneCecilie This is one of my next reads 4w
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BarbaraBB @AnneCecilie I am interested to hear what you‘ll think! 4w
JenP I think I may like this one. Just finished safekeep. Finally back home so I can speed up on the reading. Reading my friends noe 4w
Graywacke I‘ve been anxious to read this one, although this mouse thing sounds awful. Glad you liked it! And your photo is terrific. 4w
jlhammar Beautiful photo! The mouse plague scares me a bit, but looking forward to this one. 4w
Ruthiella Stunning photo- perfect! 🤩 4w
BarbaraBB @JenP I loved Safekeep. Did you? 4w
youneverarrived Gorgeous photo! I‘m looking forward to reading this. 4w
Suet624 And now I must search for yet another book!! 4w
BarbaraBB @Suet624 Afraid so. This is your kind of book 😀 4w
BarbaraBB @youneverarrived Thanks! I hope you‘ll enjoy it too. 4w
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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14-5 Aug 24 (audiobook)
A woman escapes her problems and those of the world by retreating to a convent.
Wood‘s writing is compelling but the protagonist frustrated me. Having such a low tolerance for organised religion did not help. I do not think ‘First do no harm‘ is enough.
I prefer Nick Cave‘s take - grief and loss are our fundamental fabric and bring incredible meaning to who we are.
Not the option to sequester ourselves.

Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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I've managed to slow the influx of non-library books into the house, but I'm skilled at making exceptions. (Not pictured are the journals I also purchased. I'm pretty sure journals don't count.)

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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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Reader, I wanted to love it more than I did. Wood is an interesting author who is able to write compellingly obscure stories. However, the deeply reflective nature of this one didn‘t work with the lack of narrative drive for me. There are some really interesting ideas here, about eschewing capitalism and the modern world for isolated introspection, and the role of ritual in helping us cope with, and/or avoid global and personal issues.

BarbaraBB Great review. I‘ve been curious about this one 2mo
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD

Simone saw me at the tall glass-fronted 'library' in the sitting room, looked at the book in my hand and snorted. 'You know there are good books in those shelves, don't you?' I did know. Dorothy Lee, Edith Stein, Joan Chittister, Simone Weil, Ariel Burger. Arendt, Nussbaum, Hitchens, Robinson, Merton. But Simone had caught me engrossed in Stories of the Saints...

Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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.... at every step of my every attempt I have only worsened the destruction. Every email, meeting, press release, conference, protest. Every minuscule action after waking means slurping up resources, expelling waste, destroying habitat, causing ruptures of some other kind. Whereas staying still, suspended in time like these women, does the opposite. They are doing no harm.
On the other hand, 'evil flourishes...'

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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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I loved this, and it may even make my top picks of the year.

I couldn‘t imagine that a book about a woman giving up life to live in a convent retreat would be very interesting and, really, not much happens but I still adored it and didn‘t want it to end.

This is the first book I‘ve read by this author and I definitely want to read more - luckily the friend that gave me this one also gave me another, although she didn‘t think it was as good.

Oryx Adding to my Waterstones basket... It fills up quickly 5mo
Tamra I can‘t wait to read it! 5mo
squirrelbrain @Oryx - you‘d better make sure it doesn‘t overflow…maybe you need to take some books out of it? 🤣🤣🤣 Or maybe just buy *all* of the books, then it will be empty again. 🤔 5mo
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Oryx @squirrelbrain I actually just saw a secondhand copy on eBay for a decent price, so have ordered already 😬 5mo
squirrelbrain How funny - was just about to post that there is a used copy on Amazon for £.74! @Oryx 5mo
LeeRHarry Glad you enjoyed it 😊I only have a couple left to read so I‘m eking them out slowly. 5mo
sarahbarnes I haven‘t read her, but this sounds very interesting. Stacking! 5mo
Cathythoughts Great review Helen. Stacked 👍🏻❤️ 4mo
batsy This does sound very intriguing! 4mo
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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Just about to start this (it jumped to the top of my pile @Oryx so not next year like I thought!). 🤣

I always like to match my bookmarks to my books, and this one is particularly pleasing so had to post it - it makes me happy! 😜

Oryx 😁 5mo
LeahBergen That‘s a lovely match! I‘m a bookmark matcher, too. 😆 5mo
youneverarrived That is a great match! 💚 5mo
TrishB Has to be done 😁 5mo
Cathythoughts Lovely match 💚 5mo
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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Two books given to me by a friend / neighbour. Stone Yard is brand new - she loved it but ‘never keeps books‘. Great for me! 😃

That inspired her to get the other book, which she found rather depressing and didn‘t enjoy as much, but it‘s a free book, so….

(We did just give them our barely-used travel crate for their new puppy so a fair exchange I think! ☺️)

Tamra Lucky you! I‘d really like to read Stone Yard. 5mo
jlhammar An author I‘ve been meaning to try. I really like that Stone Yard cover. 5mo
charl08 Stone Yard's on my list too - waiting for the library hold! 5mo
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squirrelbrain @Tamra @jlhammar @charl08 - it was first on my radar as a possible for the #womensprize and then I *nearly* nominated it for #camplitsy24. 5mo
LeeRHarry I‘m seeing Charlotte Wood at the Melbourne Writers Festival next month - I have really enjoyed her earlier books. Looking forward to Stoneyard Devotional. 5mo
BarbaraBB I read The Natural Way and have another of her books on my shelves 5mo
squirrelbrain These will be the first I‘ve read by this author @LeeRHarry - enjoy the Festival! 5mo
Oryx Stone Yard Devotional high on on my mental tbr list - looking forward to hearing what you think of it. 5mo
squirrelbrain I‘m hoping to get to it soon @Oryx …story of my life though so maybe next year sometime….! 🤪 5mo
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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Finished just this minute. When I started it I thought this is not as good as her others. However it‘s been amazing for me. I don‘t want to give anything away but I felt like the narrator could have been me. Her mother and her mother‘s experiences so like mine. Her thoughts and actions so like mine. I‘m blown away. Need to go nap and think for a bit.

Centique I remember i loved her book The Weekend and must read some more of her work 😍 8mo
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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Atmospheric, quiet and sparse. Charlotte Wood is a must-read Australian author for me. This is her latest offering and my husband grabbed this signed copy for me when he spotted it in our favourite indie bookstore. Not a lot happens plot-wise, but I enjoyed it very much. #ozfiction

LouiseWalters About a third of the way through and loving it! 8mo
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Stone Yard Devotional | CHARLOTTE. WOOD
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Loving my latest #ozfiction read.