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SkippyJon Jones
SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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Holy guacamole! Skippyjon Jones is 10 years old! He's fearless, he's fun, he's a hero to all! Enjoy a special edition of the book that launched a thousand Chimichangoes with a note from author Judy Schachner about how the character came into being. There's a photo of the real Skippyjon Jones, and even a reversible jacket with El Skippito in his mask-ito on the other side. So hold on to your mice and beans this book is the fiesta youve been waiting for!
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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By request from one of my lovies. Hard to believe I had never read this before. ☺️. The class was in stitches. #classroombookaday #picturebooksforall

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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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SkippyJon Jones By Judy Schachner is a great F book to do a RA with the class. This Siamese cat not an ordinary cat, he has a large head, big ears, and a small tail. Since he looks different, he believes that he is a Chihuahua. After going into his closet, he is transported to another world where he goes by “El Skippito” a great sword fighter and his journey begins. You‘re going to have to read it to find out what happens next. #ucflae3414

Viviannef It is a New York Times Best Seller. UDL principle 6.4 Enhance capacity for monitoring progress and ESOL strategy 24Incorporate the culture and the language of second language learners in your curriculum. This ESOL strategy will be helpful especially since there are many words within the story that are in Spanish. 4y
Viviannef https://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/skippyjon-jone... - This website provides a wonderful lesson plan for teachers to use this book in the classroom. An activity specified within the lesson that works great with the ESOL strategy I chose is to make a list of all the Spanish words that students can find within the story. 4y
dbears1 Great post Vivian ! This is a great book that expresses diversity , with a billingual approach. The lesson plan and UDL also lines well this this book.I will definitely add this book to my classroom collection. 4y
Viviannef Correcting myself ** the genre of this book is MF 4y
DrSpalding Correction noted. This is modern fantasy at its best. The Spanish terms provide the opportunity for you to truly teach two languages. I really like the idea of having a bilingual word wall. Think about creating QR codes for Spanish words that you place right next to the English word on your word wall. 4y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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Skippyjon Jones is a fun, fast-paced MF picture book just screaming to be part of an RA. Judy Schachner‘s colorfully written and illustrated book even earned her an EB White Read Aloud Award! Her story is about a Siamese kitten with an active imagination and the desire to be a bandito Chihuahua, the exasperated mama cat who doesn‘t know what to do with him, and the hijinx that follow!

nquintus This storybook is chock full of action and cries out to be read aloud in conjunction with active student participation! There are opportunities for children to join Skippyjon when he jumps, claps, parties, naps, and much more. This coincides with UDL guidelines 1.2 and 1.3 about offering alternatives for auditory and visual inputs. It also fits perfectly with ESOL strategy 18 regarding the use of TPR! 4y
DrSpalding I have read many award winners and this is one of them! EL strategy 18 using total physical response would be a lot of fun to incorporate with an interactive read aloud. Skippyjon is an active Siamese kitty. 4y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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I tell my husband all the time that “I am sweet like the jello” 😂
#sweet #quotsymay19

Chrissyreadit 😁🥰 love Skippy John Jones. 5y
marleed Love this! 5y
Jen_Reads My nephew has had me read this book at least twice a day for a week straight. I think I have it memorized. 5y
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MotionChickness Our favorite is the Skippy Jon Jones in Mummy Trouble book 😂😍 I still catch myself asking to “rest in peas” every now and then! 5y
kspenmoll Live these books!!!! 5y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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As usual, most of them are because they have LGBTQ characters. #BannedBooks

Emilymdxn I can‘t believe people are banning books like these, it hurts me so deeply. 5y
NamasteReading DRAMA was not even bad. tsk tsk... THUG is on there too?! 13reasons why, SHEEESSSSSHHHH. 5y
MoonWitch94 Ridiculous and absurd 5y
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vumblereads Captain Underpants???? 5y
MicheleinPhilly 😒 I did not “turn straight” after having read nothing but heteronormative shit for 20 years. It doesn‘t work in the reverse either. 🙄 5y
TrishB @MicheleinPhilly I‘ve not yet turned into a serial killer either, given all the thrillers we read.... 5y
Sharpeipup I feel bad “liking” this post because of the ignorance behind the challenges. 5y
AlaMich What‘s the matter with Skippyjon Jones?? 5y
WanderingBookaneer @AlaMich : It depicts stereotypes of Mexican culture. I‘m just surprised it was challenged enough times to make the list. 5y
LibrarianRyan @vumblereads yep. “Potty humor” and teaching kids to misbehave. 5y
LibrarianRyan I‘m surprised Tango makes three has fallen off, and after some national uproar this title is not on this list 5y
AlaMich @WanderingBookaneer Ah. Well, yes, I do see that. 5y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner

published 2003. I really loves the use of language in this book. The language in this book make it really funny for young children to read because there is fun interactive words and clapping in the book!

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SkippyjonJones Cirque de Olé written and illustrated by Judy Schachner is one of the many books in the series! It‘s is fantasy picture book that is a New York Times Best Selling Series. This book goes in to another one of Skippy‘s many fantasies this time he is in a circus! These books are such a fun read that even my boyfriend gets a kick out of them!! This book lines up perfectly with the ESOL strategy 24 because there is Spanish in the book!

Gabylaurel10 This book also works well with 2.4 because it promotes understanding across languages! This book would be great to use as a read aloud in a classroom. This author would also be great for an author study in the classroom! http://www.skippyjonjones.com/teachers.php #UCFLAE3414SuB18 6y
JayaJ I have read a book from this series and I agree it is a fun, hilarious read! 6y
AmyPerezCubas What a cute cat 6y
DrSpalding You were very passionate about your love of Skippy Jon Jones! I think you got some of your peers to want to look into these books. Nice job! 6y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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Skippyjon Jones is a E. B. White Read Aloud award winning book written and illustrated by Judy Schachner. I would consider this book to be both P and F because of SkippyJon Jones the talking Siamese cat along with the words all rhyming together and the book having such a fun rhythm to it. I think this book would be perfect for RA. I didn‘t know it had a lot of Spanish in it so it would be perfect with Spanish ESOL students.

Gabylaurel10 Again I think this book would be great with teaching some Spanish words! http://www.skippyjonjones.com/teachers.php There‘s an activity on here that helps students match the English to the Spanish word. This is perfect for UDL principle 8.3 of building a community because it allows for ESOL students to feel comfortable. It would then work really well with the ESOL strategy 12 because it is teaching native speakers Spanish and nonnative speakers 6y
Gabylaurel10 the English word that they might not know! 6y
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JayaJ I just read this book and I thought it was a fun read! I agree with you that it would be a great book for ESOL students. 6y
DrSpalding Your posts are thoughtful and encompass all of the necessary requirements. You also were very supportive of your peers. Thank you for making so many comments in supporting their reading of good books!❤️🙂📚 6y
Gabylaurel10 @DrSpalding thank you!! I loved your class and if you ever need a TA for it let me know😏 6y
DrSpalding Will do!❤️📚 6y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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This F book won an E.B. White Read Aloud Award, and will be a wonderfully hilarious read aloud. This book is about a Siamese cat named Skippy Jon Jones. While in time out in his room, Skippy Jon Jones imagines himself to be a chihuahua and goes on this adventure through the desert of Mexico with other chihuahuas. EL 24, incorporate the culture and the language of second language learners in your curriculum.

JayaJ UDL 2.4, promote understanding across languages. This is a great way to incorporate this book in the classroom tps://www.scholastic.com/teachers/lesson-plans/teaching-content/skippyjon-jones-lesson-plan/
DrSpalding Good for you for recognizing that 2.4 applies nicely to this particular book and author. Try to be sure that your resources hyperlink. There is an error above. 6y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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“I‘m sweet like the Jell-o” #belovedseries #riotgrams #teachersoflitsy

jessijames My students LOVE Skippyjon! @JoScho (edited) 7y
JoScho @jessijames he is such a fun and lovable character! Kids love it when you read and sing the books with a Spanish accent! 7y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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It‘s my last night with my family here in Maine and with my sweet little California boy who I‘ve read bedtime stories to a few times. 💕

#picturebooks #family

SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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This might be more exciting than meeting Santa Claus! #raisingareader

DrJAdMerricksson Skippy Jon!! 7y
Texreader !!!!! Cool!!!! 7y
Cinfhen 😍😂 7y
OrangeMooseReads Skippito! 7y
readinginthedark @DrJAdMerricksson @Texreader @Cinfhen @OrangeMooseReads Spider-Man ended up stealing the show, actually. But it was fun to see Skippyjon and recount some of our favorite moments from the books! 7y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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This F picture book by Judy Schachner can be used as a RA, RT, and CR. This Siamese cat called Skippyjon Jones likes to imagine himself as other animals. In this book he took the role as a chihuahua and was now called El Skippito. Such an entertaining book with a opportunities to chorally sing and even has some Spanish words. This is only one of many books about Skippyjon Jones. In the link you can find a guide with other books and how to use in

Floribelg your classroom. There's even a RT and a poetry lesson. http://www.skippyjonjones.com/downloads/Skippyjon-CC.pdf it's necessary to use UDL 2.1 to clarify the vocabulary that's in Spanish and how some of the words aren't real words. ESOL 20 of listing the important words can be found in the link on how to create a word wall. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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Skippy Jon Jones by Judy Schachner won the EB White read aloud award, it is a fantasy picture book I will use in my classroom for a read aloud. A Siamese cat causes havoc in his household as he is the only boy of the family. Skippyjon goes into his closet and is off into another world, this time it was to Mexico where he meets with Chihuahuas who are battling a huge bumblebee. Will Skippyjon Jones be able to help the Chihuahuas?

ChristinB I will utlize UDL 6.4 enhance capacity for monitoring progress. I will use ESOL strategy 24, incorporate the culture and the language of second language learners in your curriculum, as the book has a lot of phrases in Spanish. The website http://www.skippyjonjones.com has a link to all the Skippyjon Jones ipad apps that I can use in my classroom to make Skippyjon come to life. #UCFLAE3414F17 7y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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Skippyjon Jones is a picture book written and illustrated by Judy Schachner and is one of my favorites! It follows a little chihuahua and his crazy life! This book also incorporates some spanish words which is also an awesome tool for the classroom & a RA.UDL strategy 2.4 Promote understanding across languages and EL strategy 11. Place language in meaningful context and 45. Use Venn diagrams to contrast and compare activities would work very well.

MarinaForsythe https://i.pinimg.com/originals/f8/61/b6/f861b66b49a31f5572b13c58440e7676.jpg is a venn diagram so your students can compare and contrast two different Skippyjon Jones books. #ucflae3414f17 7y
Jbombardiere It‘s really awesome to see how many books incorporate the spanish language! Great for learning in general but also helpful for esol students. 7y
kenyanellie I have definitely fallen in love with Skippy Jon Jones and his wonderful adventures! I love that these books incorporate spanish language that make these stories fun for ESOL learners as well. (edited) 7y
elifkelly It‘s so great to know that for EL learners there are options that infuse Spanish into the text, love this book! 7y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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This modern fantasy(F) incorporates Spanish phrases and culture, an underlying theme of being true to who you are, & features a great deal of humor as Skippyjon Jones thinks he's a chihuahua rather than a Siamese cat. The series (18 books) is great for cultural diversity and offers audio books for EL support! Fabulous read aloud activity including acting and props:http://www.skippyjonjones.com/downloads/Skippyjon-ReadersTheater.pdf #UCFLAE3414su17

melissaallam This sounds like it would be an awesome book to read if you have Spanish speaking students in your classroom. They'd probably appreciate you incorporating their native language into a lesson! 7y
DrSpalding Wow, I had no idea she had already written 18 in the series. I read SkippyJon Jones Mummy Trouble to my niece this weekend. She has the plush character and loves the stories. Yes @melissaallam stories with vocabulary from other languages or written in other languages are excellent additions to your classroom library. 7y
Ashleywwolfe @DrSpalding - the plush!?! Ohhh need that for my "reading buddy bin" I'm creating! 7y
DrSpalding I ❤️ the idea of the reading buddy bin! Woo hoo! 7y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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Man Cub's school had a scholastic book fair tonight. SkippyJon wanted to come home with us.

saresmoore Hey, Skippito Friskito! 8y
coffeenebula omg Kurt Vonnegut doll?!? Awesome. 8y
OrangeMooseReads @coffeenebula yes! I ordered it from The Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library and Museum but you can find it on Amazon as well. The Unemployed Philosopher's Guild has a bunch of different ones. 8y
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I really enjoyed this animal fantasy book! This book tells about a Siamese cat who think he is a Chihuahua and his adventures in a dog circus! I LOVED that it incorporated Spanish within the text, making it a learning opportunity for kids and a familiar language for our Spanish speakers! The official website for this character provides multiple resources for teachers: http://www.skippyjonjones.com/teachers.php #UCFLAE3414sp17

DrSpalding An excellent example of animal fantasy! Children love Skippy Jon Jones! 8y
AlanaA I love this book! I've always wanted to learn how to talk in a Spanish accent so I can read it to kids in a fun voice like my teacher used to do for me (: 8y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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I have read this so many times. Over and over. Always a hit! #seasonsreadings2016 #charactersonthenaughtylist

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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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At the library preparing for #Deweys24hourreadathon! The kids picked out audiobooks and lots of pictures books to read for our family-wide #readathon.

#mandelpubliclibrary #LiteraryLife #LibraryStack #bookhaul #RaisingReaders #RaiseEmRight #AFamilyofReaders @DeweysReadathon

melbeautyandbooks That's awesome! 8y
javadiva SJJ are the most fun audiobooks! 8y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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For today's #octphotochallenge #catsvsdogs I give you Skippyjon Jones, the kitten who thinks he's a chihuahua! These books are some of my son's (and mine!) absolute favorite. We have had a lot of fun evenings reading these together.

Sarahr875 My kitty looks like Skippy Jon Jones and I wanted to name her that so bad. Sadly no one in the house would let me 😕 8y
JustTrish Aw! @Sarahr875 -they're just wrong! You can still call her that in your head 😉 8y
Sarahr875 I do, @JustTrish I do 😂 8y
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SkippyJon Jones | Judy Schachner
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When my 13 year old was little, she loved the Skippyjon Jones books. They were so fun to read aloud. #Shelfie

LauraBeth I ❤️ed reading those to my now 12 year old - so fun and I still quote it 😀 8y
quirkyreader I love Skippy John Jones. 8y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa OMG! I just read about those books in an unlikely of places, a political book where Michelle Obama was reading them to a classroom of students, accents and all, LOL! You never know where the book coincidences might strike. 😉 8y
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