Alighieri‘s Inferno is an intricate commentary on the innate tendency to sin, the consequences and human emotions that follow, and man's search for redemption through God. Written in the first person perspective, characterized by the use of I, we, and our, this epic provides insight into how a man would act if thrust into hell and includes Dante‘s thoughts and observations.
Halfway through his life, Dante awakens in a dark forest where misery surrounds him; he is in the area outside of hell. He is unable to say how he arrived at this place but knows he strayed from the straight road. In his pursuit of light, representing Christ, he climbs a hill. However, blocked by beasts symbolizing the three types of sin separating mankind from God (deception, violence, and greed), he decides to turn back to the forest. 1mo
Approaching hell's gates on Good Friday, Dante laments that he is not worthy to enter the afterlife and return. Virgil tells him that the virgin Mary knows he has strayed off course and has sent her messenger to tell Virgil to guide him. Heaven is with them so Dante agrees to enter hell.
Outside of hell is a place for the uncommitted in life. These people never chose a side, good or bad and only did what was best for themselves. This group includes the angels who chose no side in the rebellion of angels. The uncommitted scurry restlessly through fog in search of a blank banner they can never catch while being pursued by wasps and hornets. Their bodies drop with pus and blood that attracts maggots.
The third circle of hell is for those guilty of gluttony. These sinners wasted their lives eating and drinking too much so they are forced to bathe in a foul slush that rains on them. Cerberus, the three headed dog of myth, drools over the people. Dante meets up with a man from Florence who tells him about the future.
The fourth circle of hell is for the hoarders and the wasters. The hoarders only wanted to gain wealth and things on earth and the wasters spent money recklessly. These sinners were blind in life and in hell their souls can‘t be seen. For punishment, they joust with heavy boulders and mock one another. This is a fit punishment because one side is hoarding and the other side is throwing away just like they did on earth but now with rocks.