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The Swan Thieves
The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
47 posts | 70 read | 47 to read
Psychiatrist Andrew Marlow, devoted to his profession and the painting hobby he loves, has a solitary but ordered life. When renowned painter Robert Oliver attacks a canvas in the National Gallery of Art and becomes his patient, Marlow finds that order destroyed. Desperate to understand the secret that torments the genius, he embarks on a journey that leads him into the lives of the women closest to Oliver and a tragedy at the heart of French Impressionism. Kostova's masterful new novel travels from American cities to the coast of Normandy, from the late 19th century to the late 20th, from young love to last love. THE SWAN THIEVES is a story of obsession, history's losses, and the power of art to preserve human hope.
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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This is a mystery, a full circle story with much context, enthusiastic talk of art, particularly painting, and secrecy. An epic love story in which I had to be very patient. Robert is mentally ill. Andrew Marlow, his psychiatrist, is intrigued with his case. His quest to cure Robert leads him to uncover love in the many forms it takes.

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I really love how this book was written and if your an art lover it adds to the story. Great read

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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We went to the 🏖 again yesterday and snorkeled in a different spot 🤿 but I had some good reading time and we drove home on a different route so these are just some of the pictures from that drive 🥰📖

Cathythoughts 👍❤️ 3y
Gissy 😍🏖 🐢 3y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Even at the beach 🏖 I read… of course I had to snorkel 🤿 as well but I did get some reading with a beautiful view 🥰

Cathythoughts Beautiful 3y
Gissy It is a beautiful view! I will be doing that today but it‘s going to rain. I have to go to watch some bikes while friends do their run practice for their Ironman event. They will do the bike first and the running. I will be reading while I wait and watch their bikes what a beautiful sacrifice.📚🙌 🏝 3y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Beautiful 💙 3y
Ddzmini @Cathythoughts thank you I‘m spoiled, @Gissy it rains here but it‘s warm love it 😊, @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks thank you I love days like this 🤗🏖 3y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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How I‘m starting my weekend… my husband dragged me out of the house 🤨📖

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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It has been a few years since I read “The Historian” and I really loved it so I finally will get to read this book by the same author 🤗📖

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Reading is occurring. I swear.

kspenmoll 😂 3y
Reggie No one would blame u if there hadn‘t been, though. That is a gorgeous view! 3y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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That was a whole lot snooze fest to get thru for some blackmail. After being disappointed in both The Historian and The Swan Thieves, I will cross off Kostova's name for authors to read in the future. I gave her 2 shots & was disappointed each time. 1 star

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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60 chapters in
This book is pretty slow. If I hadn't gotten so far I'd probably abandon it but I've read enough and am still somewhat interested to figure out if Robert gets better that I'm continuing on and will finish. I just hope this all leads somewhere and I'm not left disappointed at the end, like I was with The Historian. I feel like my next book is going to have to be really good to replace my wishy-washy feelings about this one.

PatriciaU I remember really enjoying The Historian, so picked up this one last year. I also found it really slow and a book that requires some concentration. Kostova‘s writing is dense, for sure. 4y
perfectsinner I *wanted* to like The Historian.... but I didn't. I'd abandon this but I'm so close I might as well just finish it. Thankfully I only spent $1 on this. It's going straight in the donation pile when finished. 4y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Anyone read The Swan Thieves by Elizabeth Kostova?
I picked it up from The Salvation Army for $1 a while back.
I read her book The Historian, which got rave reviews, but I was not among those fans. To me it had a great premise but poor execution and overall I didn't enjoy it at all. I guess for $1 I thought I'd take a gamble on this.

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Not as good as The Historian but still a good read. I might have appreciated it better if I had more knowledge or background of art. I didn‘t really appreciate romanticizing infidelity but over all I enjoyed the book.

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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This was a well written story. The ending came as a bit of a surprise, but I feel that important things were explained, and loose ends tied up. It‘s a love story, of a sort. A historical novel, addressing art history. And a psychological case study, of a fascinating type. And beautifully written in a painterly way. Overall, enjoyable and interesting. #recentlyread #nospoilers #arthistory #romance

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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So, I loved The Historian, and this so far is phenomenally enjoyable. It‘s difficult to write in a way where you paint with words, but the author has achieved that skillfully. ❤️🎨 #currentlyreading #romance #fiction #painting

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I‘m never quite sure how much I enjoy Elizabeth Kostova. As with her other book that I‘ve read (The Historian), I can recognise the artistry in her work and pieces of the story will probably stick with me. But it does drag on a bit, and I definitely read some parts just to get through it.

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Interesting to watch someone's mental illness unravel them through the eyes of someone who loves them. I'm about 1/3 through and fascinating. Also, the attention to detail is stunning.

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I found some #goldspines for #literaryluck. Too bad it's not real gold. 😛

@vkois88 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

vkois88 Oh, I'm interested in Mirror, Mirror On the Wall! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks The Address 💛💛💛 6y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova

Another awesome book from Elizabeth Kostova, this time centreing on a painting and a tumultuous relationship in modern day. Gripping and emotional.

Swan Thieves | Elizabeth Kostova

Amazing. Art, mental illness, stories in time- this was a slow, complicated read and worth it.

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Oh boy am I excited for this one !

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova

I LOVED the Historians so I had high hopes for this, but I'm bailing 100 pages in. It's very well written, and atmospheric, but I'm finding myself bored...I guess I'm just not syncing up to the characters. Maybe for someone who enjoys deep personal introspectives?

Samplergal Or another time. Atonement was like that for me. The third time was the right time for me. 6y
Columbkill1 You are probably right, I've been super busy and definitely in the mood for quick/easy entertainment right now! 6y
KateFulfordAuthor Better character development you say? If you need another recommendation, may I point you to my People‘s Book Prize nominated debut? Sassy female narrative, laugh out dialogue and a pacy plot. Check the link in the bio for 2 free chapters, reviews and more. 6y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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About 40 chapters in and I couldn‘t love this story more. I am in awe of authors who perfectly describe the pain felt in divorce. While I am well past my own, I find it cathartic to hear described in the most perfect words what those days were like. Of course this book is also so much more, fine art, mental health, Paris....

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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I think, with Captain Lawrence‘s help, I can finish this one tonight. 🍺 📖

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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#Chloe #currentlysnuggling #tuxedokittiesoflitsy #catsoflitsy I was going to get up but she just sprawled across me and I don‘t have the heart to move her. @MinDea You can sort of see House of Leaves on the bookcase behind us.

rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 7y
Texreader Kitty noses are so cute 7y
MinDea Oh my #SleepyKittiesOfLitsy So sweet. I understand. So hard to move them when they fall asleep on you. 😻😻😻 7y
mcipher @rubyslippersreads @Texreader @MinDea She is the cutest baby! I‘ll be so sad when she‘s a grown up kitty. 7y
Texreader @mcipher I keep a photo of my kitty as a kitten as the screen on my phone. 💗💗💗 7y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Strawberry newtons, Christmas Morning tea, and a book - perfect Saturday night plans. I walk-ran (mostly walked) a 5k today and already did my yoga and meditation, and I cleaned most of my house, so I get the night completely off for this. ☺️

JoScho Well deserved 👏🏼 7y
Aims42 Wooo! Enjoy your night, you deserved it!! 7y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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So today was one of those days where you have this super intense therapy session where all this teenage gunk gets stirred up. And then you go to work-sponsored happy hour (so being social but free drinks!) and get 14 texts from your son about how awful his day was and 10 more from your husband about how your son is so angry and needs more therapy. And it kind of sucks, that kind of day. So glad to be alone reading in my pjs for a reality break.

Reviewsbylola I‘m so sorry. I can relate, having an 18 year old stepdaughter than lived with us until recently. It can be very painful having a teenager. She moved out unexpectedly in June and hasn‘t tried to contact me or her dad since. They sure make it tough sometimes. 💔💔 7y
mcipher @Reviewsbylola Awww, that is tough. I hope you hear from her soon! Teenagers are so so hard. 7y
Branwen Hang in there sweetie *hugs* 7y
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batsy ❤️❤️ 7y
Jas16 Sorry your day was so hard. Hope tomorrow is better 💙 7y
Lcsmcat I‘ve been through the teenage anger thing. They do grow up. In the meantime, many hugs and I hope tomorrow is a better day. ❤️ 7y
Megabooks 💜💜💜 7y
mcipher @Lcsmcat Thanks! I keep reminding myself that it‘s a phase. It‘s just so hard to watch him suffer. I remember how awful it felt being 15 and it‘s just💔💔 7y
cobwebmoth Big hugs! 7y
LeahBergen Yikes. Hugs to you. ❤️❤️ 7y
mcipher @cobwebmoth @LeahBergen Thank you. ☺️ 7y
minkyb Sending hugs! 7y
mcipher @minkyb Thanks - today is better! ☺️ 7y
Librariana I send you all the virtual hugs 💖 and virtual vino 🍷 and virtual books 📚, dear. I'm sorry emotional baggage is getting unpacked and that loved ones are having a tough go of it, too. But try as best you can to hang in there and continue to go to the things that bring you comfort. Will be thinking about ya and sending positive energy! 🌟 7y
mcipher @Librariana Thanks! Luckily I have worked really hard to have a lot of tools I can use to help me muddle through. Now to figure out how to help the kid develop those skills... 🤔 7y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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So, I kind of suck at pictures but I wanted to share our crazy snow, my lunchtime read (I am hoping for luscious and deep and immersive but not too sad) and #Chloe checking out said snow. So this is what you get before Chloe headed off to check out her food bowl. @MinDea #catsoflitsy #tuxedokittiesoflitsy

MinDea So cute! And holy snow! 7y
AmyG Wow. Send your snow to the mountains of CO. We need it here! 7y
mcipher @MinDea @AmyG It‘s still coming down! We never get this much snow in CT. 7y
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Swan Thieves | Elizabeth Kostova
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Suet624 Yes it does. I love getting letters in the mail 😀 7y
shadowspeak17 So true. A nice handwritten letter is a lovely surprise when all you usually get in the mail anymore are bills and ads. 7y
erzascarletbookgasm 💙 this! 7y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I read this back in 2010. It's about an artist who has a mental breakdown, the psychiatrist who works to help him, and a mystery from the time of French Impressionism. 🎨 #emojinov @RealLifeReading

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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I am liking The Swan Thieves...not sure if I love it. It does make me want to paint and visit art museums...

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I'm finally getting around to reading this one. I read The Historian many years ago and loved it, but this second novel has been on my TBR for way too long.

Coleen Loved The Historian. Was "meh" on this one. But hope you like it! I've still not read her latest. 7y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I'm in heaven!!! ♡♡♡ #indiebookstore #buxtonvillagebooks

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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My absolute FAVORITE part if being down here in the Outer Banks...Buxton Village Books! ♡♡♡ #indiebookstore #buxtonvillagebooks

JazzFeathers 😍😍😍 7y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Just arrived at the Outer Banks in North Carolina for a week of relaxing, sunshine, and TONS OF READING! I just had to take a picture of my first sweet tea of vacation! ♡♡♡

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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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This is a relatively new purchase, but I admit I only bought it on the strength that I'd read The Historian 😏 although it does have a pretty cover👌
Anyone read this?
My to read book stack is dangerously teetering, at risk of toppling over, yet I keep adding 😁
#AuthorsOfLitsy #ElizabethKostova #TheSwanThieves #tbr #bookstack

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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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More from HPB - I know The Swan Thieves hasn't gotten rave reviews, but for a gorgeous hardback from the clearance shelf for only $3, it's worth a try. Also picked up another Flavia book, and The Women in the Castle. #bookhaul #nosuchthingastoomanybooks

Swan Thieves | Elizabeth Kostova
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Still reading for #WomensHistoryMonth: The Swan Thieves, Invisible North and starting today The Gustav Sonata

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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Such beautiful and real characters ❤️🔥🍷

The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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When it comes to #artrelatedbooks, the first that came to mind was this one. It's partly because I love Impressionism, and that's the art dealt with in this story. But mostly , it's a fascinating story. #seasonsreadings2016 Picture from Cromford, during our trip to England this past August, the first thing I associated with the word swans.

RealLifeReading Pretty! 8y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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As long as birds and fowl count as animals (of course they do!), here are the books I found on my shelves. #animalsoncovers #FunFridayPhoto

SusanInTiburon Dog Songs! 😍 8y
BarbaraTheBibliophage @SusanInTiburon I found that in the clearance shelf and thought it would be a good Christmas present for my dog-loving friends. ❤️ Mary Oliver! 8y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Although it got mixed reviews, I very much enjoyed this book. If you are interested in art history and women artists, this book will draw you in. I love Kostova's writing. She can make pictures with words.

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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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I just got this antique library cabinet and had to empty the shelves it replaced. It's funny the books you forgot you had. I so wanted to love this book, The Historian is a favorite of mine, alas The Swan Thieves is not.

rubyslippersreads Gorgeous cabinet! ❤️📚❤️ 8y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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Like, OMG, I had to take a #shelfie! So, this is the other side of our #schoolmarm desk's middle shelf up close. Only three are mine, all the rest I bought for @BookBabe for her bday or Christmas or just because 😍😻. Any particular titles stick out to you? Any superbs and any meh's?

MicheleinPhilly In Cold Blood, Shine Shine Shine and To Kill a Mockingbird are all ACES. I thought reading Smilla's Sense of Snow was pure torture. 8y
TheLondonBookworm I'm liking the sound of Swan Thieves!! 8y
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Dogearedcopy I listened to 'In Cold Blood' (narrated by Scott Brick) and it is one of my all-time favorite books & audio! It's narrative non-fiction re the KBI's investigation of the Clutter family murders; and concludes with a thought provoking section on capital punishment (still within the narrative.) 8y
Dogearedcopy It's been ages and ages since I read/listened to 'Smilla's Sense of Snow' I had the honor of being the studio engineer of the now OOP audio narrated by the late, great Ralph Cosham. If I could find a copy of that audio, I would definitely re-listen 😊 8y
[DELETED] 2232195534 The Mirror by Marlys Millhiser is one of my fave books ever. Read it in my late teens and it was so unique to me at that time. 8y
Dogearedcopy And yet *another* audio-related recommendation, TKAM (narrated by Sissy Spacek) is one of the all-time great audiobooks! I had, of course, read it in print in high school (and didn't much care for it); but listening to it as an adult opened up that book for me on unexpected ways (I could "see" the structure and themes that were not obvious to me before) and SS's performance is impressive. 8y
Dogearedcopy I was only "meh" on 'Hell House.' The masterwork is Shirley Jackson's 'The Haunting of Hill House.' All other haunted house stories seem like derivative and weak by comparison. 8y
HotTeaGoodBooks Oh, I had forgotten about The Swan Thieves! That was a good book. And now I'm reminded why The a Historian is on my shelf as well. Must get to that one... 8y
DGRachel @Dogearedcopy - I second the TKAM audiobook recommendation. Sissy Spacek was fantastic! 8y
kspenmoll TKAM - Every year when I co-teach this novel learn something new from my students- In Cold Blood read years ago but audio sounds like a reason to reacquaint myself with the book. @Dogearedcopy @DGRachel 8y
BarbaraJean @ddevalco The Historian is amazing! I read it before The Swan Thieves... and I think I like it better. 8y
OrangeMooseReads To Kill a Mockingbird and In Cold Blood. It's always good to see those friends together. 8y
Melkyl Yes on TKAM and In Cold Blood! 8y
LeahBergen @OrangeMooseReads Just like when Harper Lee and Truman Capote lived side-by-side as children in Monroeville, Alabama 😍 8y
LeslieO That's a good shelf. Smilla's Sense of Snow has been in my TBR pile for awhile. Enjoyed the Swan Thieves. 8y
Tanner I enjoyed Shine Shine Shine. 8y
ApoptyGina69 One I LOVED The Historian too. 8y
MrBook @MicheleinPhilly @irre @Dogearedcopy @kaysreadinglife @DGRachel @kspenmoll @BarbaraJean @OrangeMooseReads @Melwilk @LeslieO @ApoptyGina69 😁👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 Thank you all for the great insight and #recs! The world was not complete until I met everyone here on @Litsy ☺️🙌🏻! @OrangeMooseReads @LeahBergen I concur! But then again, it is you two, so it doesn't seem possible to disagree 😎👌🏻! @TheLondonBookworm Me too! I'm going to have to read it 😊. 8y
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The Swan Thieves: A Novel | Elizabeth Kostova
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So bummed I'm not at my house right now. I have so many more books than my mom. But I put together her prettiest ones for some #spinepoetry for the #24in48 readathon.

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