I managed to become a chaperone again for the Chess Team while their coach is on Medical Leave. I‘m in the Tempe area and was introduced to this lovely park. This is an amazing reading trip! 😍 Go Chess Kids ♟️ 👑💛
I managed to become a chaperone again for the Chess Team while their coach is on Medical Leave. I‘m in the Tempe area and was introduced to this lovely park. This is an amazing reading trip! 😍 Go Chess Kids ♟️ 👑💛
Finally finished the final 2 out of the 5. I LOVED frost & starlight. So light and cute. I enjoyed silver flames, although not as much as the others. I love Nesta and Cassian, the spice just started to take over the plot. But it was still really good. I'm glad to be done though, as someone who doesn't particularly like series, I've gotten into quite a few this year 😅
4.3⭐️ this was a hard pick for two reasons. One, I had a lot of fun read this month. Too, I really hated the FMC, but I think that‘s what made this book so great. While at the end, I was happy, the intense emotion that the book gave me was well done. And while it was a great book and wins for the month, my top right now it‘s still The House Of Sky and Breath.
Took me 4 months.
Seriously contemplated a DNF.
@BookBabe2018 convinced me to push forward. I'm so glad I did.
No one told me this would be a friendship book! I love friendship!
In my heart, I know Gwyn and I would be best friends.
I know the next book won't be featuring Azriel as a MC, but I would absolutely love if it did.
I‘ve been holding out on this one for a while, I was worried about what would happen but it was really good. Nesta was more relatable, and the 🌶️ was top tier.
It had pacing issue as some of the other books did. & I would have liked better explanations for a FEW things.
But it was really good.
Finally starting this after finishing the others in March of 2022. Immediately casually annoyed about how they are talking about how emaciated and unhealthy Nesta is -except for her breasts and ass. This is written by a woman & im pretty sure it‘s a universal experience that if you lose 10 pounds 5 of them are from the boobs but ok SJM
I only picked 5 because I can‘t plan ahead
I begged my friend to read the first 3 ACOTAR for a year & a half &then she finished the 5 books within 2 weeks & keeps looking at me like I need to catch up.
I read the first PLL book earlier in the year & was SHOCKED at how good it was & I recently thrifted the next 2.
Witch‘s Heart: I recently went to a Norse theme celebration of life & it made me want to know more Norse things.
Brilliant book. Didn't like Nesta to start off and some of her reactions were questionable but she pulls through! She slowly becomes a well rounded character fixated on conquering death.
Also the Dread trove is just *chef's kiss*
“Amren put a hand above Nestas heart. ‘That‘s the key, isn‘t it? To know the darkness will always remain, but how you choose to face it, handle it…that‘s the most important part. To not let it consume. To focus upon the good, the things that fill you with wonder.‘ She gestured to the stars zooming past. ‘The struggle with that darkness is worth it, just to see such things.‘”
My absolute favorite book in theACOTAR series, its spicy and I could not put it down
Nothing like a good book and cake on Saturday night. What do you like to do?
So I am giving this a pick because I did enjoy it even though this dragged in parts and did take me forever to finish. It‘s probably my least favorite of Maas‘ books - she is one of my favorite authors. Nesta as a main character just didn‘t work for me. She was too sullen and too self-defeating for WAY too many pages. But it did pick up speed eventually. #WinterReadathon Book 3 Finished
Organizing ☕️♥️ #courtofsilverflames #sarahjmaas #twinings
Early morning walk & 📖 before work. #courtofsilverflames #sarahjmaas
Diving back into the Prythian World, head first! #courtofsilverflames #sarahjmaas #coffeeshop #butterflypeaflower
SICK DAY - stuck in bed with a book! 🤧🤒☕️ #acourtofsilverflames #acosf #sarahjmaas #sickday
A Court of Silver Flames follows Nesta on her journey of overcoming trauma from her haunting past. Nesta must mend her relationship with herself and with her loved ones, all whilst undertaking a dangerous mission. Along the way, she and Cassian (her love interest) fight to find forgiveness and love for each other. If you enjoy young adult fantasies such as Throne of Glass, or The Cruel Prince, you would enjoy A Court of Silver Flames. (1)
man i dragged this book out too long because I knew my heart would be shattered once the sad realization set that the series is concluded ( at least for now, i desperately hope). i don‘t think i‘ll ever find a series that could fill this void. words can‘t express enough how much i love them. till next time 🤍🤍
This series has steered away from storytelling to writing about adult fantasies which are not my cup of tea. The previous installments had sex, but they also had beautiful storytelling. They had world-building, battles, magic and so much more outside of romantic relationships. Sorry, my fellow bookish friends. I believe this is where my journey ends.
Review https://www.behindthepages.org/post/a-court-of-silver-flames-by-sarah-j-maas-boo...
I truly never thought I would finish this series, these books are stupid long but I did it. For now obviously since we all know she‘s going to write another book to round out the endings for the Bat Boys
We started baby food this weekend! Made my own whole audio cooking :) sweet potatoes are next week, this week is squash- Wes is unenthusiastic about it 😂
Absolutely love this series, and was so excited when I found out this was coming out. Love that it pivoted to the story of two secondary characters from the first books, continuing the main storyline from the others but giving us a different perspective. I also love that one of the main messages is “be kind, you don‘t know what others are going through”.
Only thing I don‘t like - they changed to cover from the original! Now my set doesn‘t match 🤣
Tired Tuesday Question! 😴 What would yours be? Share in the comments ! Mine would be the Fae world of Court of Silver Flames 🔥 🎭 Life is going pretty good in the Night Court!
Wes had an ear infection which explains the extreme fussiness for the last week. Which also means I‘m listening and physically reading to this just so I can spend time in the world 😂 working in the office today so getting in an audio workout!
I am loving my current read! Such a good continuation of the previous books in the series.
#fantasy #acotar #acotarseries
When you finish a long book that just came out and the next sequel is still so far away, sigh. . . 😢
Okay but how can I NOT ship them with crap like this
It‘s always a good weekend when pre-ordered goodness is delivered on a Friday! Can‘t wait to read these. #tbr #preorder #deliveryday #series #sarahjmaas #brigidkemmerer
Does it bother anyone else when they change the covers for the newest book and then your old covers don‘t match anymore? Like, these are nice covers but I‘m not rebuying the series and now my set is mismatched.
“Forgiveness is also something we grant ourselves. And I can talk to you until these mountains crumble around us, but if you don‘t wish to be forgiven, if you don‘t want to stop feeling this way...it won‘t happen...You don‘t need to become some impossible ideal. You don‘t need to become sweet and simpering...You can keep that sharpness I like so much, that boldness and fearlessness. I don‘t want you to ever lose those things, to cage yourself.” 😭
“He‘d never stop being grateful for it: for the High Lady mere feet from him, who had saved them all from Amarantha‘s rule, who had returned his brother to him and then brought Rhys out of the darkness that lingered.” Oh Cassian 😭
#Two4Tuesday @TheSpineView 1. Yes, although I normally buy them straight away. 2. Yes, I have quite a few at the moment.