The epic life story of the world‘s most brilliant neurologist. An intriguing life you will not be able to stop learning about.
The epic life story of the world‘s most brilliant neurologist. An intriguing life you will not be able to stop learning about.
#7days7covers #day1 Thanks to @Ruthiella for inviting me. I don't know who's already playing and who isn't so I can only say join in if you feel like it.
I feel as if I've just spent a couple of days with Dr Sacks, just listening to him reminisce, and am so sorry the book is over. Better than a pick.
Absolutely loved this audiobook. What a full and impactful life. It made me want to see Awakenings again. Brilliant film.
📚 I usually have a hard copy or audio book (on phone), I would say 75% of the time
📚Yes!! I LOVE my library!
📚No. I only download an e book if I want to follow something in an audiobook. Sometimes I need the visual, especially if I want to copy a quote in my journal.
That was fun, thanks, @SilversReviews !
Finally found my perfect home in a crazy Pacific NW housing market... now it‘s time to finish packing books!
So. Many. Books.📚
I tried. I really did. But I felt like I was reading Sack's research (which is fascinating) with long tangents about his struggle with addiction- a format and paving that just didn't work for me.
Amanda: "My commutes were getting frustrating so I made a conscious choice to read on the subway. I never buy two books at the same time but I accidentally bought ‘My Life on the Road‘ and ‘On the Move‘ together. What's funny is that they are both about unconventional lives and both authors talk about their love for living a life full of curiosity and openness. Am I on the move? Yes. I'm going to work and then to the dentist."
I know next to nothing about this man. #biography #memoir #litsypartyofone #currentlyreading #audiobook
"I am a storyteller, for better and for worse." I am so grateful he was! ❤️
#junebookbugs #lgtbqauthors
I haven't read this yet. It's on hubby's shelf. I will eventually get to it. But I read many of his other books. He was a fantastic author and scientist. #LGBTQ+authors #JuneBookBugs
I've loved Oliver Sacks books with a passion. This memoir of his life from a teen onwards shows what a fascinating person he was. However this book is only just a "pick". Portions of it are fascinating but I felt bogged down in places. When he's talking about himself or people he loved it's great, but there are a lot of snippets about other people along the way that just didn't interest me. Still worth it because he is genius
Insomniac City p.252
It's true, I had to check the dictionary for the beautiful words Oliver Sacks used in his last book. He was such an eloquent gentleman, and one amazing writer, too!
I read Sacks memoir about growing up in WWII England, Uncle Tungsten and really enjoyed it and immediately put this on my tbr! #autobiography #readjanuary
I saw Oliver Sacks speak toward the end of his life while he was in poor health. So, it's particularly wonderful to read his memoir with focus on his young life as a doctor and as an adventure seeker. Digging so far...(even for a memoir skeptic like myself)
Fascinating and engrossing memoirs by a remarkable man. I am ashamed it took his death for me to read one of his books, but happy that there are more for me to discover. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
This is a great road trip book to keep my mind off election results. Almost to Nashville now...
Listened to this on audiobook. Didn't care for it but listened to the whole thing. I wonder if it had to do w the narrator. It's a pretty dry recounting of his life but sticks more to the medical parts. When he would discuss his life and relationships it was much better. That's probably me. I'm not a math/science head at all so prefer the touchy feelyness.
A pretty interesting read. I got bogged down in the science sometimes, but just sort of skimmed those parts.
Portions of this were a little slow for me, but overall I found the story of Sacks's life, his varied interests, his relationships, his travel, and his relationship with reading and writing fascinating.
When I grow up, I want to be Oliver Sacks.... That's what I thought when I read this book 😁
Fellow book nerds, do you also have a kind of Cooling Off-shelf? It's an impromptu thing. A liminal zone where the books you've finished - especially the ones you found particularly compelling - will stay for a while before they are ready for the bookcase... 📚📚📚
Only a few pages in and already hooked on Sacks' autobiographical book On The Move. 👍🏻