#booktools Love my bookweight almost as much as my booklight. Cuz a girls gotta eat!
#booktools Love my bookweight almost as much as my booklight. Cuz a girls gotta eat!
Just finished. *happy sigh* I shall sleep happily tonight w witches, moms and daughters, dragons and swamp monsters holding me close. Delightful.
You guys. 1984 is really good. #duh #likeyoudidntknowthat #doubleplusgood
When you're avoiding political social media but your book goes there too. 🙄
#bookishresolutions I've decided today to do away w all TBR lists. Books come to me when I need a new one to read. I never return to these lists and they're just there getting longer. In fact, this book is on my TBR list. My former TBR list. :)
Amazing read. Like a 007 movie with a kick-ass woman in the title role and without all the boring parts! Will be ordering Vols. 2 and 3 from the library. And re-reading this tomorrow!
This is a great read w a kickass heroine. Loved it! I'll be returning to this author for more.
I'd see that movie! LOL
I don't know. I read the whole thing so there's that. And I liked all the people in the story. It's a nice story. I wouldn't read it again. Also all the characters have really plain names and I felt that that made it difficult to tell them apart until I got well into the story. Did anyone else experience that?
Listened to this on audiobook. Didn't care for it but listened to the whole thing. I wonder if it had to do w the narrator. It's a pretty dry recounting of his life but sticks more to the medical parts. When he would discuss his life and relationships it was much better. That's probably me. I'm not a math/science head at all so prefer the touchy feelyness.
Really enjoyed this. Clear that politics haven't changed much since I was a kid. Sad and comforting somehow.
Just getting started. The boys are in Philadelphia!
Alligators! Enjoying lunch in the grass outside work w a little fantasy.
Just getting started on a new book.
Golly this was unexpected and good. Picked up at Wild Rumpus on a whim and well-rewarded. Great female characters. Weird in a good way. Magical realism all over the place.
I'm a native Minnesotan, where most of this book is set, and felt like I knew many of the characters. The story jumps around quite a bit to introduce new characters but when it ends, it does so in an astonishing, heartfelt and wonderful way. READ THIS BOOK!
Super predictable but I kept reading for some reason. Must be something there. Also provoked a great book group discussion about assisted suicide.