Annoying past few days. Ducked into bookshop & randomly selected a title. Plot synopsis looks intriguing. Completely broke my pseudo-moratorium on buying new books, but sometimes.... [no spoilers!]
I saw Oliver Sacks speak toward the end of his life while he was in poor health. So, it's particularly wonderful to read his memoir with focus on his young life as a doctor and as an adventure seeker. Digging so far...(even for a memoir skeptic like myself)
*Sick in bed reading.* Not quite ready to throw in the towel and nap, but pushing everything aside in hopes of lighter fare. I've been meaning to read this for ages.
"Psychopaths are broadly defined as people who behave in a way that breaches social expectations and norms, but who feel no remorse or shame when they do so. They lie, cheat, and steal and can inflict great cruelty with no care that others consider what they do is wrong."
Finding it hard not to connect this with 2016.
About 75 pages in and [sadly] feeling this is required reading. Hate, fear, racism, bigotry, and misogyny are exhaustingly global.
For a book about murder, this was delightful. I would normally categorize this outside of my reading purview but glad I cracked it.
Enjoyable children's literature: Gothic haunted house tale. Definitely an homage.
A bit uneven & in need of editing (read: bloated). Favorite aspects were the rules of time travel and when narrator was active in history. Making me miss the sharp, cutting early works of Stephen King.