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The God Delusion
The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

One of the best things about “The God Delusion“ in audiobook form is that its arguments are just as relevant now as they were when first published. And it offers a scientific and reason-based approach to the concept of spirituality.....
Full review: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/6499567112

Lesson in Vengeance | Victoria Lee
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Finished this little dark academia #BuddyRead. I really enjoyed it. Also, look at my little Lobster the Halloween Kitty :)

#MischiefandMayhem #Scarathlon

Points = 51

PuddleJumper 🐈‍⬛😻 Beautiful kitty 13mo
Clwojick So cute! 13mo
dabbe Hello there, you Lovable Lobster! 🖤🐾🖤 13mo
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Lesson in Vengeance | Victoria Lee
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PuddleJumper Yay! 13mo
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Lesson in Vengeance | Victoria Lee
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(2021) It's YA dark academia, about a student at an elite prep school with witches in its history. Lots to like here, with interesting characters, an unreliable narrator, and a plot that's twisty without being eyerolly.

Thanks to Texas legislator Matt Krause for bringing it to my attention by saying it should be banned from school libraries. Your priorities are screwy Mr Krause but your, um, recommended reading list ain't half bad. #BannedBooks

kwmg40 Some of my favourite books frequently get banned and it's nice that the bans just give them a bigger audience. I love that Margaret Atwood is currently auctioning an unburnable copy of The Handmaid's Tale. 2y
swynn @kwmg40 May all attempted book bans be advertisements! 2y
ElizaMarie Ha! I love this! I should frequent the “banned“ book lists to find my next TBR! 13mo
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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#two4tuesday @TheSpineView
Thanks for the tag @TheNeverendingTBR 😀😊

1) Good question. I think I've learned something from most of the nonfiction books I've read over the years (and from a lot of the fiction too).

I'm going to tag The God Delusion because it was reading the theory of reduced complexity that made me realise once and for all that I'm an atheist not an agnostic.

2) Nope. Not a big drinker these days!

ravenlee The God Delusion is on my list to read this year. It took me ages to commit to atheism over agnosticism. I found an article once about “indifferentism” - whether god exists or not has absolutely no bearing on my life. But as that doesn‘t work in common parlance, atheist is more useful. 3y
RaeLovesToRead @ravenlee To warn you, Richard Dawkins can be very smug and irritating. Even now, over a decade after reading it, I can remember some points that annoyed me. I've always been an atheist since childhood, but it was the theory that a being complex enough to CREATE this degree of complexity is in itself more complex (ergo even less likely) that shone a torch on the logical fallacy of "surely there must be someone behind all this!" ...cont... 3y
RaeLovesToRead ...from that point on, I could never kid myself I was an agnostic again. 3y
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TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 💚🍀 3y
ravenlee I‘ve read some of his other work, and Hitchens and Harris as well, so I know to expect attitude! I‘m still looking forward to it, just tempering expectations accordingly. 3y
RaeLovesToRead @ravenlee I have Hitchens' God is not great & mortality on my shelf. Got quite a lot of other non fiction books that I'm prioritising though! 3y
Branwen Pssst! I've been reading your poems and loving them so far! I'm very impressed! 💕 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Branwen Awww, thanks! 😊❤ 3y
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A tour de force. Should be mandatory reading for all.

Lesson in Vengeance | Victoria Lee
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Lesson in Vengeance | Victoria Lee
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Hey all… only four days let to enter the #RoaringWolf Back to school giveaway. To enter see the original post, like and follow both myself @Littlewolf1 and @Roary47 . Share the original post to your page and tag a friend for 2 additional entries. Winners will be announced on August 21, as well as our September challenge. Good luck to everyone participating.

Lesson in Vengeance | Victoria Lee
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Hey everyone! It is not too late to enter the #RoaringWolf Back to school giveaway. You can have 3 entries by following myself @Roary47 and @Littlewolf1 and liking one or both of our posts on the giveaway, share, and tag a friend. It‘s important to follow both of us since Littlewolf1 will post the winner and I will post the September challenge on August 21st! Happy weekend reading everyone!

Lesson in Vengeance | Victoria Lee
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#RoaringWolf @Roary47 @Littlewolf1 have started a monthly challenge and you know how much I love these. Go to their posts for details.

Tagging some that may be interested.
@Chrissyreadit @CBee @BookishMarginalia @WanderingBookaneer I believe you four work with students.

Chrissyreadit Thanks! 3y
WanderingBookaneer Thanks for thinking of me. 3y
CBee @Butterfinger if you count attempting virtual schooling for my kiddos, I suppose 😂 3y
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God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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Bought myself some Non fiction books...
Yep hoarding is a thing 🙈😂

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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Resounding Trumpet Blast for Truth!

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

Found it interesting and humorous.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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As well as doing a reading challenge, I‘ve also been pushing myself to go to more events, such as talks, readings and lectures. I‘ve even challenged myself to go to events on my own, which is something I never would have done a couple of years ago. I‘m seeing Richard Dawkins tomorrow evening and am looking forward to it immensely!

JacqMac Good for you! Enjoy! 5y
Connster @JacqMac Thank you! 😁 5y
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God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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JanuarieTimewalker13 Haha!! Absofreakin‘luty!! (I‘m trying to be good and not using the other f word) 5y
gradcat @JanuarieTimewalker13 You can you that word anytime you wish on my posts—I‘m not easily offended! 😂 Thanks for commenting—I love it!! 🥰 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Well, it‘s from the Arthur Truluv book I just read, I‘m trying to not to say it. Arthur didn‘t like it, and I loved that character!! But thank you, I‘m sure I‘ll revert back to my f bombing ways soon. Especially whilst driving. PS...I‘m not British, but I love the word “whilst” and use it whenever possible😀 5y
gradcat @JanuarieTimewalker13 I love “whilst” too! So you just go for it!! 😂🤣😅 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Haha!! Thank you!😘 5y
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I absolutely love all things spiritual/philosophy based, as well as book stores (obviously)

Where are your favourite places to fulfil your bookish desires?

#books #spirituality #atheism #biology #richarddawkins

JanuarieTimewalker13 My library, Book Outlet and BOTM, pretty much anywhere, actually. I‘m book nosy too. I need to know what people are reading. Meanwhile, I couldn‘t care less what they drive or where they live. If they have a book with sprayed edges, especially, I think they must be book rich. Like, they‘re the 1% I strive for. Hahahaha📚❤️ 5y
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

“Life is too short to bother with the distinction between one figment of the imagination and many.”

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

“As ever when we unweave a rainbow, it will not become less wonderful.”

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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Ok, I‘m calling it. This book frustrates me. I agree with a lot of what Dawkins says, as I already tend to agree with him, but I simply cannot abide someone who is trying to convert people for whom he has so little respect. He continuously belittles those who believe in God and is grotesquely arrogant. Appropriately, this was my final book for #lrc2018, “a book you started but did not finish.” 🤪

Patchshank I feel the same way about him. He's like a fundamentalist atheist or something. I feel like his time could be better spent than hating on religious people all the time. 6y
Weaponxgirl I also got sick with how he talks about women. I‘m an atheist but I feel he is the sort of person who views themselves as so logical that there is now way they could ever be wrong and if you disagree with him then you are just overly emotional. 6y
Weaponxgirl He thinks he‘s a Vulcan basically 6y
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julesG @Weaponxgirl Like that. He'd make a terrible Vulcan, though. Too much hate. - - - I bailed on this one, too. Tried to read it in increments over a few years and just hated it too much to go on. 6y
Weaponxgirl @julesG oh he would, Vulcans aren‘t mean spirited 6y
Moray_Reads @Weaponxgirl @julesG @Patchshank I agree. He has many valid points but the way he makes them is despicable. I think organised religion had a lot to answer for but the way he goes after perfectly ordinary, decent believers is something I cannot get behind, atheist or no. 6y
Hooked_on_books @Patchshank @Weaponxgirl @julesG @Moray_Reads Glad to see I‘m not alone! Though I‘m not surprised, given this thoughtful community. ☺️ 6y
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The book which breaks so many dogma.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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My wife Lisa and I flew from Minneapolis to Dallas to see Richard Dawkins and Carolyn Porco speak last weekend. I bought meet and greet tickets so we got to schmooze with them. It was freaking amazing. His books have meant to much to me. I‘m still over the moon.

saresmoore Wow! Very cool! 6y
RealBooks4ever 💜💜💜 6y
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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What atheism needs is a new spokesperson. A likable, compassionate, non-condescending spokesperson. Because that is my frustration with Dawkins. Thing is, HE‘S NOT WRONG. But he is so smug that you kind of want him to be. He has great points, for the most part, but I still just hate how arrogant and patronizing he is about religion. It does no one any favors. You can‘t get people to listen to you if you are busy telling them how stupid they are.

julesG My point exactly 6y
TrishB Agree. 6y
Libby1 I believe in God but I agree with what you‘re saying about Dawkins. I like to engage with other people‘s thoughts and ideas, including those that differ from mine, but I find his statements so arrogant and uncaring (remember what he said about people with disabilities?) that I have no interest in reading his books. 6y
Moray_Reads He's a deeply unpleasant man. His attacks on perfectly innocent people on social media make me sick. I also saw him tweet about how cathedral bells are much nicer than the "aggressive" Muslim call to prayer. But you're not supposed to believe in any religion, Richard! An Islamophobe atheist, lovely. I definitely don't want him as the figurehead of unbelief. 6y
RowReads1 Atheism doesn‘t have a spokesperson. 6y
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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AlwaysForeverReading Welcome to Litsy!!! 💙💜♥️❤️💕 6y
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

"That it will never come again is what makes life so sweet."
This book was pleasant to read, generally, and poetic at times. I did enjoy it, but I found the writing long-winded. More examples are given on a certain point than needed, and while the stories are nice I found myself eager to get to the next subject before the previous was over.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

Currently reading Richard Dawkins's God Delusion. Very interesting points.

I knew about Dawkins when I watched on YouTube a forum of some famous scientists composed of Neil deGrasse Tyson, Bill Nye, Brian Greene, and him.

I'd just like to put it out there that my first literary encounter with questioning the existence of God by reading Michael Shermer's How We Believe: Science, Skepticism, and the Search for God.

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I‘ve had this book for a good 6 month and only halfway through. I find this is quite a slow read for me for some reason.Enjoying it either way👏🏻👏🏻#goddelusion #richarddawkins

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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

I'm not sure why, but Dawkins decided in this audio version to utilize two different narrators. He would read a passage and then a female voice would break in with something akin to a snide remark or sarcastic aside. Very distracting from the subject matter.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins


The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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Dawkins is kind of an asshole, but he gets it right sometimes. Trying to raise my kids like this. Not gonna lie - it would be a lot easier to just ask them do what I tell them to all the time, but I try to remind myself that I am raising adults, not kids. #children #quotsy #quotsydec17

alisiakae 🙌🙌🙌 7y
saresmoore Yes and amen. 7y
ReadingSusan Love this. I wish my mom had done this. 7y
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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This is a great read for believers and non-believers alike. If you are a believer in God this book cannot cause you to suddenly drop your belief in the almighty or about the heavens. It may however, give you some insight if you are a seeker of truth and help you to improve your critical thinking thinking skills. It did for me. But i have certainly decided that i dont discuss politics or religion in public.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

Depends on what you believe in... Great read.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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“We are all atheists about most of the gods that humanity has ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further.”

I started with the ebook but quickly switched to audio which flowed much more smoothly. Dawkins presents thorough and compelling arguments, but is sometimes repetitive and occasionally goes a bit off course. It definitely could‘ve been shorter, but overall it was an intriguing read.

Ashley6 He loses me sometimes when he goes off on tangents with evolutionary theories but he tries to tie it all together to a realm I can understand, thankfully. 7y
britt_brooke @Ashley6 Completely agree. 👍🏻 7y
Ross I love me some Dawkins! There is a hilarious youtube that consists of him laughing out loud while reading some of the vicious hate mail that people have sent him. Great stuff. (edited) 7y
britt_brooke @Ross Ooh, I‘ll have to check that out - thanks! 7y
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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I don‘t really plan ahead very well, but I know for sure I‘ll finish the four I‘m currently reading. #novtbr #noteworthynovember @Jess7

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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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“That Child is too young to know whether it is Muslim or not. There is no such thing as a Muslim child. There is no such thing as a Christian Child”. If the rest of this book is as interesting as the preface, I‘m in for a ride.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

Still battling jet lag. Can‘t wait to get off work and crawl into bed and get deep into this before (hopefully) getting a good night‘s sleep tonight.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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Finally completed it 🤗🤗. I listened to the audiobook 🎧🎧 narrated by Richard Dawkins himself. It was a wonderful experience as his narration brought out the best of the book.

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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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Indigo Vancouver done me well

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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I listened to the Audible version of the book which was narrated by Richard himself, and his wife (currently separated), Lalla Ward, a British actress. I thought it was fantastic to have Richard talking to me for the better part of fourteen hours. It is probably the most well known and regarded books promoting atheism. It's points hit home for me; I'd be curious to hear what a believer thinks of this book. Photo taken by me in 2015.

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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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"Ridicule is the only weapon which can be used against unintelligible propositions. Ideas must be distinct before reason can act upon them; and no man ever had a distinct idea of the trinity." -Thomas Jefferson

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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins

When you're reaching out there, existentially, turn to this book for, not exactly for questions answered. Instead an embrace that everything great we will ever have will only happen in a single existence. You knew it all along: there is nothing overseeing our lives.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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My next audiobook. Read by Richard and Lalla Ward. Preach to me, Richard.

The God Delusion | Richard Dawkins
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#Lets #explore #something #about #God #😒😏😏✌🏻✌🏻