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Atomic Love
Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
54 posts | 43 read | 20 to read
In 1950s Chicago a former scientist on the Manhattan Project finds herself torn between two men: the physicist she loved passionately during the war, and the handsome, wounded FBI agent now investigating him for espionage, in this breathtaking novel of betrayal, love, desire, and secrets. Chicago, 1950. Rosalind Porter has always defied expectations--in her work as a physicist on the Manhattan Project, and in her passionate love affair with co-worker Thomas Weaver. Five years after the end of both, her guilt over the results of her work and her heartbreak over Weaver are intertwined. She has almost succeeded in resigning herself to a more conventional life. Then Weaver gets back in touch--and so does the FBI. Agent Charlie Szydlo wants Roz to spy on Weaver, whom the FBI suspects of passing nuclear secrets to Russia. Despite her better instincts, Roz has never stopped loving Weaver, but now finds herself drawn to Charlie, even as she's not sure she can trust him. Charlie, whose time as a prisoner of war haunts him, is not sure he can trust himself, especially around Roz. As Roz's feelings for each man unexpectedly deepen, so too does the danger she finds herself in. When it becomes clear the Russians will stop at nothing, Roz will have to choose: The man who taught her how to love, or the man her love might save?
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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My next Historical Fiction read is planned to be Atomic Love by Jennie Fields. Has anyone already read it? I haven‘t come across anyone who has yet! It came out last year from Putnam. #historicalfiction #romance #wwii #histfic #womensfiction #tbr

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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This was a decent book about love and betrayal. I liked the characters.

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Roz has always loved science. She becomes the first women who gets to work on attaining the power from atoms. Roz knows the new power can be used for good but after they are used to drop the bombs to end the war she is not sure if their scientific findings should have taken place. A love story filled with history, Russian spy‘s, and the FBI. Good read.

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Rosalind is a physicist who worked on the Manhatten Project, but between feeling guilt about the deaths caused by an atomic bomb and a broken heart she had to leave. Now 5 years on she is asked by FBI to meet up with her ex-lover Thomas and see if he is a spy for the Russians. This novel has spies, love, science and a women trying to get ahead in a man's world. I very much enjoyed it. #books

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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These are my three new library books. The tagged book is also from the library, which I have had out for a while and am finally reading! #tbr

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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I enjoyed this book! Rosalind is a physicist who worked on the Manhattan Project who had an affair with her colleague that ended in heartbreak. Years later she is asked to spy and join the FBI to uncover if her ex passed intel to Russia. It‘s an entertaining story fictionalizing two true history facts. A member of the Manhattan Project passed info to Russia and one member was a woman.

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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We delayed Christmas so my oldest could join us after two negative COVID tests (he was exposed at work). So I just opened my gifts today. Check out my fab haul. I pretty much only get books and bookmarks. 😂

Hazel2019 Love it! 4y
Crazeedi You scored!!💕 4y
AmyG Wow! And glad the kid tested negative. Oy! (edited) 4y
Tamra Worth the wait! 4y
LeahBergen That‘s a wonderful stack! 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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So as from Tuesday we go back into lockdown, so everything will be closed apart from essential shops. Anyway I went to the library again and took out these plus some others. It will hopefully be only for a month! #tbr

BarbaraBB You‘re going into lockdown again too? Will it ever stop? You are in the UK, right? 4y
emmaturi No in Switzerland. Hopefully with the vaccines out now next year will be much better! @BarbaraBB 4y
BarbaraBB Oh yes ofcourse! I heard that about Switzerland... take care! 😘 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Spies and love and atomic secrets.

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Finished this one while my son naps on my lap this morning 💙 I started it right before he was born in August and haven‘t had much free time to read lately! This book had some interesting parts, however, it fell short for me. It was a little choppy, everything kind of fell together too neatly in places and the suspenseful parts weren‘t really suspenseful...It was okay, but not great. #botm

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Hoping to finish this one up tonight or tomorrow! 🛀 📖

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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I really connect with this as a new Mama of a 3 month old 💙

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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#BookReport - Finished 2 books this week. I‘ve picked up and put down like 5 books and couldn‘t get into much.

Currently reading Spinning Silver for #LMPBC which I‘m really into, listening to Peril at End House on audio and reading Winter Counts

#WeeklyForecast - Finish these 3 books and hopefully get into Girl Serpent Thorn and a mystery. I have so many library books right now!

rachelm Amazing reads!! 4y
eri.reads Nice selection! 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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This book was okay. I was really interested in the spying, the Russian conspiracies and the Science stuff. I just felt like this book was more about Roz‘s feeling and a lot of romance talk. I should have realized it would be like that based on the title but still. I‘m glad I read it, but I could have used more espionage.

Flingogal That's disappointing, I love historical women in science fiction! 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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A little espionage and a little love...Rosalind, Weaver, Charlie. Who betrays who and who falls in love? Started out a little too slow for me but I‘m glad I stuck with it.

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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I love historical fictions, but unfortunately this one fell flat for me. I actually almost DNF‘d it but decided to stick with it since it‘s my #bookspin . I was expecting spies, espionage, and romance. Though there was some romance, it was uneventful and frankly irritating. Rosalind was suppose to be this big scientist, but her skills were never utilized. This story had so much potential, I‘m saddened by the let down. Sept 16/20 #bookspinbingo

BayouGirl85 😢😢 4y
TheAromaofBooks Oh no!! Always so sad when a book lets you down like that. :-/ 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields

Women are expected to give up their dreams for men....She was raised to say, I‘ll turn down the job. Marrying you is enough for me.

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Starting this #botm over again, as I only made it 18 pages into it before little man arrived 4 1/2 weeks ago 💙💙 Snuggles and a book = a great combo to start our long weekend at the cabin (Oliver‘s first trip!)

Thousand-Lives So precious! 😍 Enjoy those snuggles! 4y
AmyG He‘s beautiful! Enjoy your boy. 4y
Chelsea.Poole So sweet 😊 4y
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Texreader ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
tracey38 Aww, so adorable! 4y
8little_paws So cute!! Enjoy the snuggles!! They grow and change fast. 4y
Chrissyreadit Congrats! He looks so sweet! 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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This is my September #doublespin. I enjoyed this BOTM book. It was a quick read. A historical fiction tale of espionage and love during the Cold War.

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Looking forward to something new. First time reading this author... excited 😊

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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A page-turner from #BOTM! Between pick and so-so. There‘s a love triangle and the main character likes to drink scotch. A lot. I liked the historical fiction aspects of the Cold War and also dealing with the aftermath of the Manhattan Project. Also liked the Chicago setting 👍

LeahBergen Great photo! 4y
BarbaraBB Great photo indeed 😍 4y
ValerieAndBooks @LeahBergen @BarbaraBB Thanks! I used the stage light setting under portrait mode on my iPhone ☺️ 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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I really enjoyed this book. The characters were well developed, and the plot was captivating. A great mix of thriller, romance, and historical fiction. Highly recommended!

#botm #bookofthemonth #coldwar #historicalfiction #romance #atomiclove #augustbotm

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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I actually can‘t remember the last time I read a physical book! It‘s just too easy to keep picking out new ones on my kindle.

Today feels like the first day of Fall here. Perfect weather for sitting outside with a brand new book! Here‘s hoping my August botm pick lives up to the hype 🍂🍁📚

#botm #bookofthemonth #historicalfiction #autumnreads #septemberreads

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields

A little heavy on the romance for me. I found myself skipping over sections 🤭 2 - 2.5

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields

A good read, a tie between 3.5 and 4 🌟👍🏻 I wish the ending was a bit more satisfying, kinda an “Eh” which surprised me because the rest of the book kept me interested.

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Dogs. Hammock. Book. Life is complete.
(Excuse our mess. We just got back from a long day at the lake. 2/3 of the kids just stripped and went to nap 😂)

AmyG A friend just told me she read and loved this book. Enjoy! And your 2 friends are 🙌🏻❤️ (edited) 4y
j.rye @AmyG I‘m not sure I like it so far 😭 it‘s a lot heavier on the romance than I expected. It‘s not really my thing. I‘m about halfway don‘t though so I‘ll finish it. Haha. And thanks 🥰 they kind of are the cutest. 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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A suspenseful romance set in Chicago with a backdrop of Cold War espionage and atomic bomb regrets. #BOTM

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Sunday treats! Stuffed French toast, coffee and a good book! Hope you‘re all enjoying your weekend ♥️

JustReadingJess That French toast looks amazing 🤤 4y
Bookish_B @Jkafka816 it was so yummy! 😋 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields

I want more friends on here. I love mystery, thrilling, and beautiful books. Be my friend and suggest books!

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields

Overall, this was a great story. I liked the spy plot and I really love Charlie's character. I just wish we would've had more of his backstory and would've squashed his insecurities by the end of the story. I wasn't a fan or Roz, she needed more character development. I also wish Weaver's character had a better end to the story. Other than that, this was a beautiful story and I recommend it to avid readers.

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Good. Set in the cold War in America it is a rollercoaster of book as it is full of subterfuge and spies with a spot of romance. Also it questions the morality of the atomic bomb and its effect on people who made it. Thank you Penquin Random House for inviting me to read this via Netgalley.


Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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4 💫💫💫💫 I felt this novel was more a humdrum romance then a suspenseful spy one. It was boring to me but I found the historical context interesting, the main character started to get on my nerves, obsessing about one of the Male characters that hardly makes an appearance.

#review #newrelease #BOTM

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Chicago, 1950
The hot touch of the city still on her, Rosalind unfasten's her stockings and drops them in the bathroom sink with a handful of washing soda.


Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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I enjoyed this one more than I expected. Check out my review.


Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Loving this book so far.

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Last day of summer break for this #teacherofLitsy 😭. #backtoschool tomorrow, so I made this beach day last and last. #botm

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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My very first Book of the Month is here! I‘m so excited to dive into this book. (Side note: I was legit shocked to learn from the little card that came with this book that BOTM has been a thing since 1926!)

#botm #historicalfiction #atomiclove #bookofthemonth

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Baby boy still isn‘t here so may as well start a new book 🤷🏻‍♀️ #botm

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Perfect little Thursday. Resting up for my 29 hour weekend 🤦🏻‍♀️😬

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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#BOTM arrived today. Excited for these ones! 😍

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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My #BOTM picks! I wasn‘t quite sure about Atomic Love (I‘m not a huge fan of romance novels) but between the historical fiction element and that gorgeous cover I couldn‘t resist!

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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It‘s #bookmail day! #botm

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Finally! #BOTM (I definitely blame the delay on trump postal shenanigans) #bookmailisthebestmail #bookloversday

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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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Annoyed with #botm shipping. I picked my box on 7/31, and here I am on 8/5 and technically USPS doesn't even have it yet? My books are usually here by now. 🤨
PA> IL> PA is a weird detour to get to Maryland...

InBooksILive Mine took almost 2 weeks to get to me and I‘m in PA! I swear it took the longest routes possible. 4y
TheLibrarian This is happening to both my boxes and I live in PA and I ordered 7/30. This just baffles me. 4y
katlyn447 Looks like I'm not alone! My box hasn't moved since I posted this... Honestly, this is the kind of thing that makes me rethink my subscription. Free shipping isn't worth it when this is what happens; I'd be willing to pay for an upgrade to a better delivery service. 4y
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Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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SUPER EXCITED about the tagged book and decided to give the add-on a try! 📖

Atomic Love | Jennie Fields
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My #Bookofthemonth pick is #AtomicLove Ohhhh so good, spies, romance, and a strong woman character, plus the title 😛 is super cool.

I'm running late on my #LitsyLove On August 12th I'm mailing my letters with a surprise gift. 🤫