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Siri, Who Am I?
Siri, Who Am I?: A Novel | Sam Tschida
17 posts | 17 read | 12 to read
"A young woman wakes up in a Los Angeles hospital with amnesia and a head wound and must work backward, using her Instagram account, to piece together her identity"--
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Just not the right season for me. Rather than sympathizing with Mia, I found that she just annoyed me. Off to the Little Free Library it goes. #HailTheBail

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This is my #ReadOrDonate choice for July. Some of you have already posted. What is everyone else reading? 🤔 I love seeing everyone‘s choices! 🙂

PuddleJumper Probably the book I accidentally stole from the library. I think I've had it going on a year so I'll try and read that and give it back 😅 4mo
TheAromaofBooks I think I'm going with the tagged book - I picked it up on a whim a year or so ago because the premise does sound fun. Hopefully it's not terrible 😂 So far I am 6/6 donating after reading LOL 4mo
Allylu Our Friends of the Library group is collecting books for the annual book sale, so I will be donating a bunch this month. 4mo
rmaclean4 I am in a romance mood, Funny Story by Emily Henry. 4mo
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I was looking for something lighthearted last night and started this…Got to 18% and it was just not doing it for me.

This is a VERY old #NetGalley ARC 😅

slategreyskies I remember reading that one and having to suspend my disbelief at all the plot holes. Not sure why I finished it. 5mo
Amor4Libros @slategreyskies That‘s how I was feeling. I kept thinking: “I‘ll keep going, there must be something salvageable here”…But it just wasn‘t happening 🙃 5mo
dabbe #hailthebail! 🤩🤩🤩 5mo
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Despite the fact there were a few laugh out loud moments it wasn‘t enough to sustain this one. Although not horrible (⭐️⭐️⭐️) it wasn‘t anything I‘d rush to recommend. Mia wakes from a coma with no memory of who she is…and that might be a good thing. Great setup just dull follow through. #readingchallenge2022

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Sammy is rubbing himself on book. Do you think my sister‘s cats will be pleased about his scent all over it once I give it to her for Christmas? 😂 #catsoflitsy

DivineDiana 😻 3y
Megabooks 😂😂 3y
Crazeedi It will keep them intrigued 3y
LiseWorks 🤣 3y
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This was a quick fun read. The twists weren‘t exactly surprising, but it was a satisfying rom com type story.

Hestapleton I saw your post about this earlier and grabbed it at my library! 3y
IndoorDame @Hestapleton I hope you enjoy it! 3y
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Hi to all my Litsy friends! I‘ve missed you guys!

I‘ve been in a bit of a reading slump lately but I‘ve eased my way back into it with a few romance novels, and I just used my teacher appreciation gift from last spring to get this #bookhaul that arrived the other day!!!

I‘m super excited about some of the pretty editions and about the tagged book which I‘ve been waiting to read all year.

Ruthiella Welcome back! 😃 3y
IndoorDame @Ruthiella thanks! Feels good to be back!😃 3y
wanderinglynn Welcome back! You‘re just in time for all the Litsy fun fall things. 🎃🧡 3y
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WJCintron The Queen's Gambit is SO GOOD!! Most of it is told from inside her head, LOVE it!! 3y
IndoorDame @wanderinglynn yes, I‘m sooo excited for that! Definitely my favorite season 🎃👻🧡 3y
IndoorDame @WJCintron I‘m really looking forward to that one! I‘ve heats only good things about it. Plus I watched and enjoyed the first few episodes of the show, but realized I didn‘t want to continue until I‘d read it. 3y
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Predictable? Yes. Realistic? No. Worth picking up? Yes. If you need something light and easy but with a touch of introspection, this is a good pick. Mia's "journey" to figure out who she is takes some fun twists and ultimately ends in an entirely ridiculous way. But it's cute and fun and great for summer.

Megnogged Couldn‘t agree more with your review. 💯 4y
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Started this one today! So far it‘s super cute, funny, and light...just what I wanted. 🤗🥳
#currentlyreading #lighthearted #amnesia #librarybook

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I enjoyed the first 2/3 of this (once I got over the absurdity of the hospital releasing her in her condition) but then it became #toomuch
Too ridiculous
Too convoluted
Too hard to believe
I guess I wanted a little more depth. Still, it was entertaining and contains several truth bombs about our image obsessed society.

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Siri, Who Am I? is laugh-out-loud funny – as in splitting-your-sides, tears-running-down-your-face, can‘t-even-talk-you‘re-cracking-up-so-hard kind of funny!

A big thank you to Sam Tschida, Quirk Books, and NetGalley for providing a complimentary Advance Reader Copy in exchange for this honest review.


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On the surface, Siri, Who Am I? by Sam Tschida from Quirk Books is a fun novel combining a love story and amnesia, but Tschida goes further by diving into identity in the time of social media. Does identity drive social media, or is social media influencing identity? The footnotes are the inner monologue of the novel passing judgement, asking questions, and making statements. https://onthebl.org/2020/05/14/siri-who-am-i-by-sam-tschida/

lahousewyfe Darling pic! 4y
ontheBL @lahousewyfe Thank you! 4y
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1. Man Cub has a stuffed orange moose we got at IKEA. One day I put my glasses on it and propped Catcher in the Rye open in its lap and took some pictures. I originally used it on Tumblr.
2. Volunteer Coordinator for a hospice company.
3. “Working” from home, reading, binge watching TV series
4. ‘Killers of the Flower Moon‘ and ‘Game of Thrones‘ on audio
5. Just do you and let others do them. ⬇️
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks #allaboutme

OrangeMooseReads You don‘t have to be learning or doing just because others are. If you celebrate not taking a nap awesome I do too. If you celebrate learning to knit/crochet/a new language awesome I‘ll celebrate with you. Just surviving the day is something to celebrate no matter how you did it. 4y
Crazeedi @OrangeMooseReads great advice! 4y
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I just want to start off by saying that you have to suspend your disbelief to fully enjoy this book. If you go into the book thinking it‘s going to be super realistic, you‘re not going to enjoy it. There are lot of things that are pretty unbelievable. So if you read this book, just follow Mia and just go with it. Don‘t think too much about it.

Full review: https://oddandbookish.wordpress.com/2020/04/28/review-siri-who-am-i/

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