Masterful! I enjoyed this even collection even more than the novel I've read by this author (Bowlaway). Very impressive.
Masterful! I enjoyed this even collection even more than the novel I've read by this author (Bowlaway). Very impressive.
This is my first ever book by this author and I loved it!! Short stories are very hit or miss for me, but these were all just so beautiful I didn‘t even mind that they were also very sad. They all deal with loss of various kinds, and a diversity of reactions to that loss.
Not a part of my #31Books so consider this a freebie!
Thunderstruck is a collection of nine stories about people who are missing – some runaway, some die, others just disappear. It is an interesting thread for what appears to otherwise be unconnected stories.
I love when reading one book leads you to another. Elizabeth McCracken & Ann Patchett are writing buddies. Patchett mentions her in one of the essays included in This is the Story of a Happy Marriage. I stopped reading & ordered this collection immediately. It has not disappointed!
Honestly, I appreciated all of the stories except for the titular one, which struck me as less-well-crafted than the rest. Many more hits than the one miss.
Hands down one of the best short story collections I've read. Likely to finish this one tonight, which means I'll be requesting the rest of her books from the library around 10 PM. #bookwormproblems
I picked up this story collection on the strength of “Juliet,” which was included in Season of Stories in 2016. However, most of these stories I found a bit odd. They just didn‘t work for me.
#LRC song title
The most common mistake in the world: believing that pleasure and virtue are somehow related.
McCracken's writing is just delicious. These stories are enchanting and poignant and wonderful.
#seasonsreadings2016 @RealLifeReading One of the stories in this collection is set in a library, and is about how the librarians react to a violent crime--if you haven't read Elizabeth McCracken I totally recommend her! These stories start out one direction and then take a sudden turn when you aren't expecting them to.
Cooper also flunks the reading companion test! #readingcompanions #photoadaynov16 @RealLifeReading
One of the best collections of short stories I've read in years. Up there with "Birds of America", which is about the highest praise I can offer.
Cooper feigns innocence after chewing off the back cover and readers' guide to Thunderstruck. 🐾 #petsoflitsy
I really liked this first story in the Season of Stories. What a cool idea! Has anyone read the rest of the stories in McCracken's book? I'll probably run out and get it now, so smart of them to give me one on the house. Looking forward to the next story next week!
If you don't already know, @penguinrandomhouse is doing free daily email installments of short stories! It's only day three and I've already fallen hard for Juliet! #notpaid #justmynewfavoritethingever #sharingiscaring
Juliet is the first short story from Season of Stories. It's a really interesting story and it's in a library.
This one kept me thinking. I took it slow and read story but story as many are quite sad and take time to digest. I highly recommend though and I look forward to reading more from her! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Completely loving 'Juliet' - so impressed with @penguinrandomhouse and their Season of Stories!
My September reads! I'm pretty impressed with myself since I started a new job and have also been studying for my first MFT licensing exam (it's next week 😅). But, having a commute to work does wonders for my reading life ☺️. Who else is short on time and a fan of audiobooks!?
#somethingforsept #shortstories I've only read the first story in this book but, after I read it I had to think about what it said for quite some time. I have set it's a side because I want to read it during @DeweysReadathon ;short stories are a great read during a read-athon.
First: cover = amazing. I would like to break out my watercolors now. Second: book = so satisfying.
I read her memoir earlier this year & I must say, these stories are also intensely personal, with a momentous pull towards grief & loss.
McCrackin's stories are unexpected; never the ones I think I'm going to get when I start. To be surprised like this is a great pleasure. Read her memoir first; her writing will hit you harder that way.
Listened to while hiking today as part of my #24in48 #readathon. Every story was excellent, overwhelming. Will definitely read more of her. Excellent narrator, as well.
4.5🌟So many good stories to choose from for my blog review! All the stories had big heartbreaks and/or little ones. The descriptive language was incredibly detailed wo being annoying. She doled out crumbs of info in the storylines at a steady pace to keep me interested and guessing about the ending
500 woot woot!! 🎉🎉🤗🤗 What an amazing book! Thank you from the recommendation @BookishFeminist 👍🏻 I will definitely be reading more from McCracken. I love holiday weekends for reading!
If you like books with excellent descriptions of characters' appearances, then this book is for you! The pink one is my favorite.
Assuming I don't bail, this will be my 500th book since April 2012 (purchase of my first Kindle), and my 104th book this calendar year! 👍🏻🤗🎉
TBR Tuesday! 🤗📖 Thunderstruck I'll start next as the final one for two weeks of short stories on my blog. Skinny I picked up with my settlement money. You Know Me Well finally came in at the library. Plus two audiobooks. I'm feeling good about my TBR!
Ok, I've decided to do two weeks of short stories for my blog and added two more. Thanks @BookishFeminist for the Thunderstruck rec and everyone who recommended Kelly Link. I've read this one, but it's the only one my library has as a Kindle book. Is Magic for Beginners worth buying?
I haven't read many collections of short stories but this one was a great way to get into them. There are so many quotable lines that I identified deeply with. It was a beautiful read!
Lunch break reading. Taking my time through these lovely stories. I'm thinking of diving into some Margaret Atwood next in celebration of the announcement of the upcoming Hulu adaptation of The Handmaid's Tale. Yay!
"Love is food. That's all. Neither better not worse. Sometimes very good. Sometimes terrible. But to say - as people will - that wasn't love. As though that makes you feel better! Well, it might not have been nourishing, but it sustained me for a while."
From the massive 1Q84 to this beautiful collection of stories. Reading with balance.
When ghosts and allergies are casually interchangeable. I remember reading this story aloud to @annabelgraham in Lisbon and we couldn't believe our ears. Elizabeth McCracken for prez, please. ❤️
"The dead live on in the homeliest of ways. They're listed in the phone book. They get mail. Their wigs rest on Styrofoam heads at the back of closets. Their beds are made. Their shoes are everywhere."