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Complete Canterbury Tales
Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
From the bawdy Wife of Bath's tale to the riddle set by the Franklin, this complete collection of 'The Canterbury Tales' makes for an easily accessible, entertaining read.
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Enjoyed the audiobook.

The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Thank you for the tag @dabbe 🥰

1. The wife of bath in the Canterbury tales. Shouting down the male pilgrims to tell a fairytale story about consent and free choice for women 🎉
2. Death in the sandman series. Rereading this right now and I love her so much, maybe my favourite literary Death
3. Got to be Jane eyre - a classic never to be beaten

#threelistthursday if you‘d like to play you‘ve been tagged!

dabbe 1. The wife of Bath was a badass, too! 2. added to my TBR! 3. #greatminds
Thanks for playing! 🧡💜💛
ChaoticMissAdventures I love Death as a character. The Sandman one is so so good. I also loved Jose Saramago' Death (but he is a male Death) in 13mo
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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For starters, I am not a big fan of traditional prose, it is tedious, repetitive, and boring in execution, especially when written in Olde Middle English. Also, I can‘t fathom why this work has received such praise when I can think of a hundred other works that far exceed it in execution, storyline, character development, style, class, and especially a much more compelling plot than any of the tales that Chaucer had written. 1/5 at best.

282Mikado I started this many years ago and put it back on the shelf. I could have penned your review precisely back then. You have just confirmed that I need not give it another try. 1y
Pip2 @282Mikado save yourself the precious time and read something more worthy. I almost bailed half way through but would read it on my lunch breaks at work and for whatever reason decided to get through it. 1y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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#OnThisDay in 1397 Geoffrey Chaucer gave a reading of his Canterbury Tales at the court of King Richard II. He read in English, the language of the common people, rather than the Norman French spoken at court. Up to this point, English had been dying out but Chaucer was hoping to increase its use at court. Inspired by Boccaccio, he began writing his tales of medieval life in the common tongue. 👇 #HistoryGetsLIT

TheKidUpstairs ...From the moment of his reading at court, use of English increased dramatically and in 1399 Henry IV became the first monarch to take his coronation oath in English. 2y
LeahBergen Very cool! 👏 2y
Graywacke Such terrific trivia! I‘m planning to make Chaucer my reading main theme in 2023 theme. And I just bought editions of the Tales and of Troilus and Cresyde this month. (This year it‘s Boccaccio) 2y
TheKidUpstairs @LeahBergen @Graywacke this was one of my favourite "on this day" finds so far. Glad you appreciated it too ? Dan, I like the idea of setting a classic reading theme for the year! I've never read the entirety of Canterbury Tales, just bits and pieces of it for classes back in the day. 2y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🙌🏻📚🍺 3y
Eggs Ah yes 👏🏻🍺🤗 3y
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Despite some regressive stereotypes portrayed in relation to marginalized communities (especially in the prioress‘s tale) multiple stories in the book are humorous and preposterous. With a few stories exempt, this book is relatively enjoyable. However, it has become apparent to me that I would not of been able to make my way around mid to late 1300s Britain.

hannah-leeloo Welcome to litsy and thank you for following. Happy reading sweet 📚❤📖 3y
martellax @hannah-leeloo thank you !❤️ 3y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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It was all rather interesting and entertaining: some tales are bawdy while others chivalric, fable-like, inspiring... But then we get to the “The Parson‘s Tale” which is an extremely long lecture/sermon/treatise on Penance, Contrition, the Venial Sins and, the Seven Deadly Sins. All detailed and with examples. The last tale in the collection, it absolutely killed any good will I had for this Classic. In the future, I‘ll probably just read selects.

Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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So, my brain is too busy decoding the Early Modern English of Shakespeare to *also* try and work out the Early Middle English of Chaucer— so I got the modern translation by the late Burton Raffels— and in audio.

I‘ve been surprised at the cynicism, relative morality/amorality and, sexually crude uh, “events” and mostly entertained.

Will probably go back to my old trusty Norton Anthology next time I decide to tackle this one!

The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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OriginalCyn620 📚👍🏻📚 4y
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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This might take a while...

The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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#NamasteNovember #CautionaryTale The Canterbury Tales consists of many different types of tales, some of which are cautionary tales.

Eggs Great choice! 5y
Schwifty The Canterbury Tales are a great example of the old adage about how people don't really change down through the ages. 5y
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Verba Docent
The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt

Not light reading. Some of the tales in this work are fun, funny, and even a bit exciting. Some, however, are extremely boring. Of note, The Tale of Melibee is perhaps the most boring thing I have ever read! If one wants to complete this to earn the achievement of reading the classics, good luck! If one would rather read select tales, it would prove more enjoyable.

Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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I read a prose translation of the Canterbury Tales (my book was titled The Story of the Canterbury Pilgrims) and it was very readable. This may have been the first stories within a story book (but maybe not) and featured stories the characters on their pilgrimage told to pass the time as they traveled on horses. My favorite was probably Patient Griselda or The Knight‘s Tale. I compared my version to the Middle English and can see value in both.

StayCurious lovely picture 💐 5y
Caroline2 What a beautiful bag! 😍 5y
HotCocoaReads @Caroline2 Thank you—it‘s my new Yoshi Bag and I love it!!! They have a whole line of Bookworm bags in different colors, displaying different books, and they‘re so perfect! 5y
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HotCocoaReads @StayCurious Thank you so much! This was a really fun book—both to read and photograph! 😀 5y
Amiable Love that bag!! 5y
marleed Oh Canterbury Tales is the only book I saved from college. Why I, as a non lit major, took a class on Chaucer is beyond me. But I read the entire book in Old English and loved it. It didn‘t take long to get use to the prose. 5y
HotCocoaReads @Amiable Thanks—I love my new bookworm bag from Yoshi! 5y
HotCocoaReads @marleed I found it very enjoyable—and funny 5y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer

Read in Middle English- much more enjoyable for the challenge

The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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Here's a picture of the completely-made-from-scratch peanut butter pie I had while I read The Canterbury Tales at lunch today. 😁

Lovesbooks87 That looks so good!!! 6y
Liatrek Oh man I love peanut butter pie 😍😍 6y
Texreader Looks yummy!!! 6y
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Mtroiano 🤤 6y
TheSpineView One of my favorite desserts! 6y
Myhusbandhatesreading WOW that looks really good!!! 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego That looks amazing. 6y
Soubhiville oh yum! 6y
ShelleyBooksie Where's the coffee? 6y
Kerrioke That‘s making me hungry 😋🤤 6y
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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I started The Canterbury Tales today, of which I've previously only read two of the tales. I really just wanted to post this picture of the fabulous lunch our culinary program made today. 😁

j.rye Looks delicious! 6y
Emilymdxn Chaucer is one of my favourite writers of all time! The Canterbury tales aren‘t my fave but I love them a lot, excited to see what you think 6y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer

For class we only read the Miller‘s Tale, the Wife of Bath‘s Tale, and the Nun‘s Priest‘s Tale. Now I know why. Listened to it on audiobook and, damn, some of these stories never ended it seemed! Of course, those three were good and I enjoyed them again but the rest? Meh.

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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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I immediately thought of the tagged book for #ALittlePriest ...the myriad of characters who have tales to tell on their way to Canterbury; some are pretty scandalous! I‘ve yet to read Chaucer‘s classic in its entirety, but I do remember reading a few of the characters‘ tales for classes over the years. Not in Old English. #MusicalNewYear

LiterRohde The Tales were written in Middle English. It‘s much more accessible. Old English reads like another language needing translation. Middle English reads like an odd form of English. If you have only read Modern English translations, you should try it in Middle English, maybe even in audio. I think it sounds wonderful and it‘s interesting to see the development of language. Sorry if I‘ve said too much... 6y
Librarybelle Thanks for correcting me, @LiterRohde ! And, thanks for the suggestion! It would be interesting to read/listen to them in their original vernacular. 6y
vivastory Wonderful choice! 6y
Lynnsoprano @LiterRohde I never thought to listen to an audiobook of the Middle English. As a singer, I kind of hear the cadence of the language, but listening to a good reader must be almost magical. 6y
Centique @LiterRohde this reminds me of when I turned up to my first uni lecture in an Old English paper. There were about 30 of us - by the end of the lecture 20 of us had decided to switch to Medieval! Chaucer was a relief after Old English 😂😂 6y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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I remember nothing about it, probably because I didn‘t understand it then. It and Beowulf. I must have had some sadists as English teachers. #tuesdayTidbits

Reecaspieces I think I can still recite most of the prologue...but have no idea what it means 😂😳🙄 6y
TheDaysGoBy I don‘t remember minding reading this. The same couldn‘t be said for other books my teachers picked 😂 6y
SilversReviews I remember reading this too...I think they were required reading. I‘m sure the teacher wasn‘t too happy about them either. 😊 Thanks for playing...I like your graphic...nice job on it. (edited) 6y
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I was fortunate enough to have a great high school English teacher who took the time to explain Chaucer to us. I might have been the only one in my class who enjoyed this, but it really got me into The Canterbury Tales. I like the subtle (and sometimes outright) humor and the way Chaucer shows us who these characters are based on the stories they tell. Classics usually aren't my thing, but I'm a big fan of most of these stories.

CaliforniaCay Have you read Sometimes We Tell the Truth by Kim Zarins? The author was my medieval lit professor, who was OBSESSED with Chaucer. She wrote this book as a modern day retelling of Canterbury tales, and it's a teen book! I haven't read it but it seems like a fun read for any fans of the original. 6y
JacintaMCarter @CaliforniaCay I haven‘t read that! I‘ll have to check that one out. 6y
Leftcoastzen Such a cool old cover! 6y
BookDragonNotWorm I had an English teacher make us learn the opening stanza in Middle English - it felt like speaking gibberish, but it got the entire class engaged and involved in a book we probably would have overlooked otherwise. It was fun reading it. Good teachers make such a difference! 6y
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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TheBookKeepers All the light we cannot see is so good! 6y
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An English legend. Chaucer has his share of problems in life, just like all of us have. This work was the first I read in college. I made a “C.” Wake Forest was hard for me. Nevertheless, I reread it recently. No wonder I made a “C.” Lol.

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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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My last year of high school I had to read the tagged book. I ended up liking the story, but cliff notes were definitely used to get the nuances and help me pass the test (which was like half my grade). I'd like to read it again as I don't remember even what happened despite all that 😂

#requiredreadingredo @ErinSueG @WhiskeyMistress

robinb We also had to read it as seniors...and recite the prologue in front of our class. 😳😜😩🙄😱 (edited) 6y
night_shift @robinb thankfully, we didn't. It was bad enough I took theater and we had to read stuff aloud like that. I wouldn't have been able to take another class having me do that 😂 6y
robinb @UnidragonFrag That Middle English was a killer!!! It didn‘t help that I was shy speaking in front of a group either. 🤷🏻‍♀️😔 But...I made it through. 🤣 6y
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Mommamanzi I remember my mom reading them to me. ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
night_shift @robinb yes, it was! And yeah, same here. Still am. 😅 @Mommamanzi that's cool!! I don't think my mom even heard of it until I brought it home haha 6y
Mommamanzi My mom is an English Lit teacher. 📚😊 6y
night_shift @Mommamanzi that's the coolest! 🤩 6y
robinb @Mommamanzi My English lit teachers were always my favorites in school! ❤️ 6y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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The #BookishFather of English Literature...Chaucer!


Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer

A hilarious read if you can wade through the Old English.

Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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#LadyMadonna contains the line (I've always heard as) "Sunday morning creeping like a nun". So here is the Second Nun from The Canterbury Tales ?

Itchyfeetreader Clever pick! 6y
rabbitprincess @Itchyfeetreader This one was a toughie! 6y
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Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer

A mixed bag for me. There were some really funny parts, but there were also some tremendously dull parts (e.g., the tales told in prose 😵). I should track down a print copy with commentary and background, now that I have some idea of the story.

saresmoore Commentary is a good idea. I‘ve yet to successfully make it through the whole book. Maybe a Litsy buddy read would help... 6y
rabbitprincess @saresmoore Yes, it would lend itself nicely to a buddy read! 6y
Lcsmcat If you organize a buddy read, count me in please. 6y
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Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Catching up on Serial Reader and eating leftovers from the bridal shower: my signature shrimp dip and some grape punch I bought to mix with the rest of the club soda (which I won't drink neat).

casvelyn Oooh... shrimp dip sounds intriguing! 6y
DivaDiane Ah, the paperback version of theCanterbury Tales is on my #MountTBR! 6y
rabbitprincess @casvelyn It is a kind of 80s recipe in that it involves cream cheese and mayo or Miracle Whip, but it is delicious 😋 @DivaDiane Thinking of tracking down a paperback later to read commentary and other background information 6y
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Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Happy St Patrick's Day!

LitsyGetsGraphic You nailed this St. Patrick day 🍀🍀🍀 7y
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Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Excited to announce the launch of Catching Lives Bookshop Instagram! A second-hand bookshop in Canterbury run entirely on donations and good will of volunteers. All profits go to the homeless charity Catching Lives. More than a wonky door!

#bookshop #canterbury #secondhandbookshop

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#RiotGrams Day 19: I was hard pressed to think of my #FavoriteSchoolRead - much of what I remember are novels of my own choosing (from Flaubert to Pasternak to Dostoevsky). This one was required reading when I was in high school. I think our class only managed to read the introduction, but not much more 😭😭 - but I was still fascinated by it. If only I had the version on the left to make the reading more accessible, that would have been awesome.

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Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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I have a feeling things won't end well for Absalom if he's said to be "a bit squeamish of farting" ?

Richryan52 @rabbitprincess Indeed they will not 7y
rabbitprincess @Richryan52 And they did not indeed! Haha. I'd heard the basic plot of that tale but this is the first time I've actually read it. 7y
Richryan52 @rabbitprincess I majored in medieval lit in college and grad school. Now I write Sherlock Holmes mysteries 7y
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Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Complete Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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November 8: #classicliterature - Bought this book for high school English and still have it! #canterburytales #chaucer #lilbookishthanks

Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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I love The Canterbury Tales. But as The Brain says, this translation stink. I wanted to throw the book at the wall it was so bad. My word of advice, find a better translation.

ItsAngel Love the brain ❤️ 7y
AlaMich That's the hard thing about books that have multiple translations, figuring out which one to read. 7y
teebe Good to know! I'm so so dubious when it comes to translations. I try to research the translators and read reviews from people who speak the language. I've heard horror stories of translators not understanding a word and so just leaving it out. Nabokov once wrote an article listing all the mistakes translators make 😂 7y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Usually I don't flag my books, but with Chaucer I had to. "The Knight's Tale" was long and drawn out. And the translation into modern English isn't the best. Some of the words are so obvious, but in the modern translation they are something else. I am going to be gritting my teeth while reading this translation. And gosh darn it, it's the 21st century can't we have a more accurate Interlinear translation done by a linguist.

quirkyreader Too bad Tolkien or Lewis didn't give us a good translation. Tolkien's version would have been the bomb. 7y
PirateJenny Terry Jones, yes the one from Monty Python, wrote an entire book about Chaucer's knight. Not a translation but a critique. I bought that thing 30 years ago and I still haven't read it. And yes, that is something I would read for fun. 7y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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This was a hard one! #MonsterMadness2017

But perhaps The Summoner's foul breath could match Godzilla's atomic breath in a battle for halitosis supremacy?

#Godzilla #itsastretch @LibrarianRyan

LibrarianRyan 👍🏻👻🤓😜🤣 7y
Natasha.C.Barnes I'm loving this one. 7y
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Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Major happiness today. At the library I found a Interlinear translation of the Tales and ran into my school friend Sean the Librarian. I hope I have finally found the edition of the Tales that speaks to me.

Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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I can't hear the song #goldenyears without thinking of the ballroom scene from A Knight's Tale. I love this movie. (Film photos from IMDb). #septembowie

Cinfhen Hells Yeah ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️PERFECT CHOICE🏆Heath Ledger 💘💔 7y
Centique Yes! I love this scene. My kids just watched this recently and loved it too 😍 7y
writerlibrarian Great minds think alike. Love love this movie and the music is 👏🏻 7y
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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I quit my job the other day and was given this beautiful parting gift by my colleagues 💕💕

Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer
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Most of us here love beautiful editions of books. And I raise my hand to this, many of the editions are way out of budget range. I found out about #callaeditions when they first came out. They are beautiful like #folios but much easier on the pocket book. And if you live stateside the postage and packing is not very much. Granted there aren't very many yet, but the Catalouge is slowly growing. And they are from Dover Publications.

quirkyreader And as we all know, Dover makes good books that last for years. 7y
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I'm on vacation in Alaska🌦
I was pleasantly surprised to see that the ships library mostly consisted of classics from penguin🐧
Book love always❤👏🏻

GardenJess I never made it to the library on my Alaska cruise , and now I feel I missed something crucial! Lol. 7y
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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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This is currently at the top of my #ClassicsTBR, but it's pretty slow going. #JuneBookBugs

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The Canterbury Tales | Geoffrey Chaucer, Thomas Tyrwhitt
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Lots of Penguin black spines in my #ClassicsTBR. #junebookbugs

RealLifeReading 😍😍 7y
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Hmm. Which one, which one...