Being in your mid thirties and being wealthy enough to never have to leave your house.... idk ... sounds pretty awesome to me.
Being in your mid thirties and being wealthy enough to never have to leave your house.... idk ... sounds pretty awesome to me.
I couldn‘t get into this book...a suspense novel about a reclusive author who witnessed her sister‘s murder years earlier and eleven years later thinks she knows who the killer is. Her sanity is questionable so there‘s a lot of unreliable narrator moments and red herrings. It was ok but just didn‘t really work for me or feel like there was much realistic about it. A bit - I started skimming halfway through. #petsoflitsy #dogsoflitsy #loki
I stayed up rather late reading my book & fell asleep only to wake up this morning to do laundry. Imagine my surprise when I discovered I had washed my bookmark with my sheets...🤦🏼♀️
#bookmarks #haveyouever
Recommended for fans of Paula Hawkins and Gillian Flynn of which I am a huge fan of both. This book however somewhat failed to grip me...I didn't dislike it but it just didn't keep me feverishly turning the pages.
Linda, a famous best-selling author, has mystified fans by never leaving her home. She is haunted by the murder of her sister, whom she discovered in a pool of blood 12 years ago, and by the face of the man she saw on the scene.
Linda copes by secluding herself indoors. But her refuge is shattered when the murderer appears on her TV. She resolves to use her means of communication with the world--the plot of her new book--lay a trap for the man.
Oooooh this is one of those Lifetime-made for tv-women in jeopardy movies. A famous mystery author, still haunted by her sister's murder twelve years ago, believes the journalist interviewing her is the killer. Imagine Tori Spelling, Shannon Doherty, or even the late Farrah Fawcett in the role of this revenge tale that teaches that anyone can catch a suspected murderer. Gurl! Read this one!
Trying to read with him on my lap 🤪#dogsoflitsy #spoiled
I took a shower and put on make up and left the house with The Hubster. Is it bad that I am ready to get back in bed with my book?? 😂😂
Book 9 of #vacation is a #thriller about a reclusive author who hasn't left her house since she saw her sister murdered. When she spies her sister's killer on tv, she decides to write a book about the incident to try to lure her killer into a trap. Translated from German.
This book felt similar to The Dinner by Herman Koch, though not as good. It's not literary enough to reread, but not pulpy enough for me to classify it as a beach read
I really wanted to like this book and it pains me to pan it. But I spent half of the book debating whether to put it down and the other half feeling like I'd come this far, I should see it through to he end. I just feel like the whole female unreliable narrator has been done much better in other books.
This novel is a real psychological mind bender, which by and large had me guessing throughout. It has been some time since I read a thriller that built tension so consistently and effectively throughout. Some characters felt a bit flat and aspects of the plot could have been explored in more detail to heighten my engagement. A solid read overall.
🇩🇪 Auf meinem Blog gibt es heute die #Rezension zu diesem Buch!
🇬🇧 On my Blog today; The review of this book!
🇩🇪Habe das Buch nun beendet! Rezension kommt noch diese Woche online!
🇬🇧Finished this book! Review follows.
Noch knapp 90 Seiten und dann habe ich das Buch von Melanie Raabe beendet! Das wird auf jeden Fall noch heute zu Ende gelesen und dann bald möglichst rezensiert!
Aktuell auf Seite 155 und absolut fasziniert. Melanie Raabe schreibt spannend und packt den Leser mit jedem Kapitel ein wenig mehr!
Die ersten 100 Seiten gelesen und absolut begeistert. Ein spannender Thriller mit einer Geschichte in der Geschichte. Toll wie Melanie Raabe einen mit ihrem Schreibstil sofort packen kann!
"Am nächsten Morgen klettere ich aus den Trümmern hervor und setze mich Stück für Stück wieder zusammen. Mein Name ist Linda Conrads. Ich bin Autorin. Ich diszipliniere mich jedes Jahr dazu, ein Buch zu schreiben. Meine Bücher sind sehr erfolgreich. Ich bin wohlhabend. Oder besser: Ich habe Geld. Ich bin 38 Jahre alt. Ich bin krank." S. 12 #MittendrinMittwoch
Nun nehme ich mir #DieFalle von #MelanieRaabe vor!
The holiday break is winding down and I am spending today in bed, reading. First up is THE TRAP.
The Trap was a little slow in places, but the plot was interesting and caught me off guard quite a few times. Ended up staying up until 2:30 am when it got to the ending.
I did not love this book which makes me sad because so many loved it. The story line was a bit stop and go and the twists were abrupt. I never really got into the story and it never made me want to read it. I am glad i finished it because the ending was good. I love European fiction but I don't know I would recommend this one. :-(
Not loving this book so far but hoping some good wine will help me get through the last 75 pages or so.
Well this was quite entertaining and I read nearly all of it in one sitting. The writing is a little choppy at times, likely due to the translation from German, but didn't interfere with the plot at all. There were a couple of twists that I definitely didn't see coming, especially towards the end. Inserting excerpts from the novel that Linda (the narrator) writes was a really nice addition to the story. Four solid stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Perfect Sunday afternoon at the 'rents. Did afternoon tea with my grandmother and now relaxing reading with some wine before heading home. I really need a balcony....
Spending my son's nap time reading in the yard! ☀️☀️
Starting my morning right with a big cup of coffee and a book I can't put down. ☕️
This is the definition of psychological thriller. Most of what happens in this book is in one woman's head and it is hard to differentiate what is real. I really enjoyed this.
Reading next...and hoping it's not too scary😱
I found this a really good read. I enjoyed the way it was written. Never think you have figured things out while you read along!
This didn't do it for me... I hated the writing style. There are many twists and turns, I can see why people loved it, but I found it all predictable 😬 I'd recommend it to most people, esp if you're in the mood for a thriller.
So it begins...
A gripping psychological thriller that I could not put down. For me, the best part was the unreliable narrator. Just what I needed to get over my reading slump. Definitely recommend!
This book will mess with your brain. An unreliable narrator trying to solve the murder of her sister. She is a famous author who hasn't left the house in 10 years. She thinks the local news anchor did it. There is also her novel at the end of each chapter. You won't know what is real at all,Loved it
I am a sucker for an unreliable narrator and this one has one of the most unreliable aka unreliabalest- fears people, leaving the house, thinks her therapist is out to kill her, and is convinced the anchor man on the local news killed her sister. Did I mention she is also a bestselling author.
Evening reading.