Janeites...use the wisdom of Jane Austen to find a #remedy for anything! #RedRoseSeptember
Janeites...use the wisdom of Jane Austen to find a #remedy for anything! #RedRoseSeptember
#30junebooks @howjessreads My attempt at #spinepoetry - it makes sense in my head? What would Jane do? Speak - bright young things! Perchance to dream...before the awakening. Ok...maybe not 😄
A very fitting quote for Piratess @CrowCAH !
A little surprise from my awesome neighbor today! ☺️
I don't know what Jane would do, but I'm sure this book will answer that #WhatWouldJaneDo? #AustenInAugust
Found an Amazon package in the mailbox and thought to myself, “I didn‘t order anything, did I?” Nope, but my dear #Litsy pen pal @Jerdencon did! Thank you for the lovely birthday gift Denise! I‘m so very touched - you‘re the best!!!
I love seeing everyone‘s Austen things for the #JaneAustenSwap ! To my match, please know I would be beyond happy with anything...honestly! If you want an idea of the books I own, my LibraryThing account lists everything Austen I own and/or read (link to my LT profile in my Litsy profile, and I use the tag Jane Austen for every Austen book). I do own the tagged book, for instance. Continued in comments...
A little bit of Austen snark. 😆
#150PnPCoverParty (Day 5)
Took a bit to post, but seriously - my mother's day gift :-)
Talk about #JoiningaFanClub...my enjoyment of everything Jane Austen led me to JASNA, the Jane Austen Society of North America. It's an organization of Janeites.
The tagged book is a fun look at Austen quotes that fit any possible occasion. #JuneTunz
It's early and I need to work but FIRST had to open my #CupidGoesPostal package, which I've had for WEEKS! OMG @brennahawleycraig is the best!!! A foodie book, a history/archaeology book, and Jane Austen ! 💕💕 And a very cool laser-cut bookmark from Paris. Thank you, thank you!!!!!
Found this at the bookshop earlier. Almost bought it but then saw that it's only a collection of neatly designed quotes. Hmmm, is that really worth my hard earned money? I can't decide. It IS cute but ... hmm. 🤔
Hello Littens! It has been far too long -- November was a hectic month, so I was not able to do much here. Please know that I wish I could have liked and commented on your wonderful posts from last month, because you all are awesome and always have beautiful pictures and/or something insightful and fun to say 👍😊 So excited to be back!!! 📚🌞
The list of short works I finished yesterday 😄 Plus a snacking total of: 6 mugs of broth, 3 cups of water kefir, 2 bowls of cucumbers, and 1 bowl of bell peppers 🍴 ~
Hope everyone had a wonderful end to the readathon. Round of applause for the Litsy community 👏 Looking forward to the next one! How are you doing today? ~
#readathon #24HourReadathon #DeweysReadathon #Deweys24HourReadathon ~ @DeweysReadathon
I'm needing to turn in for the night. It's been a fun day of reading and sharing! Thank you for being you, Littens, and congratulations on making it through another day 😄 ~ May your day be brighter and your dreams sweeter 🌞🌛 ~ #readathon #24HourReadathon #DeweysReadathon #Deweys24HourReadathon ~ @DeweysReadathon
Happy marathoning (technically in two-ish hours), Littens! May the next 24 hours bring joy and camaraderie to all those participating and not participating. May your day be brighter and your dreams sweeter 🌞🌛 ~ #readathon #24HourReadathon #DeweysReadathon #Deweys24HourReadathon ~ @DeweysReadathon
Keep this on my desk for whenever I need a little Jane in my life... Along with a Jane Austen action figure, of course 😀