I'm not crying; you're crying 😭
#fridayfidelity #tuesdaytunes
I'm not crying; you're crying 😭
#fridayfidelity #tuesdaytunes
“Accepting that life is a perfectly imperfect experience is a crucial part of appreciating senior citizenship and coming to terms with the past.“
Quick & fun read. 🕺
Thanks to a relatively bookish coworker, these have been added to my audiobook, bus book collection.
#dickvandyke #audiobook #busbooks
Dick Van Dyke is undoubtedly charming and delightful. The book is just not terribly interesting or engaging.
Absolutely adore DVD. This audiobook was highly enjoyable. The section where he interviews Carl Reiner is priceless.
I feel like I‘m in a slump unless it‘s an audio. I have many great books to read but I don‘t feel motivated to read. I was so busy last month I didn‘t have the time; now I have the time but no desire. Ugh 🙄😩😂
Also I am enjoying this, I love Dick Van Dyke! Makes you feel better about getting older no matter what.
(I changed my profile pic so don‘t be alarmed 😆😊)
#riotgrams 9. Book spine poetry
I love Dick Van Dyke and was happy to listen to him narrate his book. I enjoyed his stories and his opinions/points of view on a wide range of topics.
I did think it would be a bit funnier but still a “pick” for me.
Up next... Keep Moving by the love of my life Dick VanDyke. You know he married a 40 year old makeup artist, he could upgrade to this 30 year old makeup artist AND hairstylist. JUST saying.😍📚
Soooo happy Dick Van Dyke narrated his own book, he does a fantastic job. This had me laughing in the car and he talks about the later years of his life. Turns out he is pretty liberal and gives some good advice while acknowledging he is lucky. Good length but any longer and it probably would have been tedious. Read because I could dang it. Though at this rate, I probably should do more than the Read Harder Challenge
So glad this book is read by the author. Reading this just because.
What a delight. Funny, touching, thought-provoking, and - best of all perhaps - read by the author! May get a hard copy or Kindle copy later to have his lists and grades for the past 90 years. Loved it!
I feel disloyal, but this short audiobook was just okay for me. I have always loved Dick Van Dyke and his reflections and advice on aging are great. The rest is filler to make the book acceptably long. Still getting over that his wife is my age.