Oh baby, Scalzi's done it again! I ripped through this one. I am overjoyed it's the first in a series. Perhaps it's a strange thing to find irksome, but I keep encountering blurbs on Scalzi's books that almost damn with faint praise regarding his 'accessibility'. It's a rotten thing to suggest that because something is easy to read and widely appealing that it's somehow lesser, I don't want to imply that, but 1/?
Thank goodness for Kiva and her foul mouth and amorality, she provides these darkly refreshing bursts of humourous irrevence when things are getting tense. On a similar note, I sincerely hope we see more of Vrenna in the next book.
Stellar character on work Ghreni because by the time the Interlude rolls around, every bit of it has me chortling in schadenfreude. 10mo
Always, always check your math, and get peer reviewed sources. 😉 10mo