Just got my celebratory “I finished Wheel of Time” t-shirt, lol. Nyneave was my girl and I didn‘t even mind all of the braid tugging.
Just got my celebratory “I finished Wheel of Time” t-shirt, lol. Nyneave was my girl and I didn‘t even mind all of the braid tugging.
And it‘s over. What an amazing ride. This was basically my first jump into fantasy. I‘ve always been a sci-fi girl and I never dreamed that one man could create such a rich and fantastic world. I‘ll never forget this journey (but I‘ll totally forget all 10 million named Aes Sedai). Mr. Jordan, you were the best. Thank you.
I‘ve pretty much done nothing today except read this book. I think I cooked a couple of times? Maybe? It‘s almost worth calling into work tomorrow for.
When my girl Moiraine popped in on Rand‘s meeting with the leaders and started quoting The Karaethon Cycle, y‘all, I damn near teared up. ❤️ She‘s the best and I‘ll love that character forever.
The beginning of the end. After almost a year journey, I‘m getting ready to start the last book in this series. I gotta admit, I‘m a little emotional. I‘ll miss this world. The series isn‘t perfect but it has definitely touched me in a special way.
Long time, no Litsy. I‘m one of those people who simply can not juggle hobbies. Whatever hobby I‘m into, I dedicate myself to fully. Mostly I tend to alternate video games and reading. While I was in video game land, Wheel of Time took a backseat but I‘m back baby! Finished book ten and eleven in the past couple of weeks and I‘m riding strong to the finish line!
It took ten books but I finally hit a point where the spanking scenes made me cringe with discomfort. Please please please Amazon, do not include spanking in the Wheel of Time show. #BuddyReadWoT
Yay!!! Fresh off of preorder. I timed my listen of this series pretty well since I finished the fourth book last week. Can‘t wait to finish this awesome series.
But man, a 39 hour audiobook is gonna be an undertaking.
I‘ve read the print book a few times so I went with an audiobook for this reread. The audiobook is amazing. The only downside is that I couldn‘t stop remembering that awful World War Z movie. This story deserved better.
I‘ve been listening to The Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks on Audible but I‘ve just finished The Blood Mirror. I have a week until the next book comes out so I guess now is a perfect time to listen to some novellas that I‘ve been hoarding on Audible. I really enjoyed Into the Drowning Deep. So far, this prequel is fine.
I don‘t think the slog is as bad as people say as long as you scoot through the books quickly. I‘ll be honest, at this point, all of the books have merged together in my head. The story would be better served with fewer plots but that would have taken away from this epic storytelling. #BuddyReadWoT
Uh...so my copy of Winter‘s Heart goes from page 96 to 65. There‘s a double print of pages 65-96. That‘s so weird! I‘m reading the trade US paperbacks. Anyone else have this book and notice this issue? #BuddyReadWoT
I got through this one in a hurry. I enjoyed PoD way more than ACoS. I didn‘t even really feel like this one was a slog. I enjoyed the character development and the pacing felt good. Onward to Winter‘s Heart!
For some reason, this one took me ages. I guess I just wasn‘t really interested in what was happening. Is this the beginning of the slog? Anyway, I‘m halfway done with the series!
Welp, this one sure does end abruptly. I really loved the world building and the story was growing on me. I hated the characters and it really really really felt like the book just sorta ended. I don't blame Ms. Anders for finishing the book there, I was getting bored of it too.
1) Not bad! 45/52. I won‘t hit last years numbers but I think I‘ve enjoyed more that I‘ve read this year.
2) Dogs are the only non-primate to have left-gaze bias.
3) Symphonic and Power Metal, silly pop-punk, and that catchy hipster music from the early 2010s
4) Dating, engagement, and our upcoming wedding all fall around late Oct/early Nov.
5) 🙌
@howjessreads #friyayintro
And last book finished for the Tome Infinity and Beyond readathon! Lord, this one is a doozy. I‘ve either read it before or I‘ve seen the movie so I knew exactly how it would end but man, it‘s still brutal. I think it‘s definitely time to return to Wheel of Time. I‘ve been going hard on this post-apocalyptic books for this readathon. I need something a bit less morbidly depressing.
I‘ll be torn about my feelings about this book for awhile. As a piece of literature, I thought the characters were wonderful and their story was so sad. I couldn‘t stop thinking about how nonsensical the idea of donors were though. I wish we would have gotten just a little bit of backstory about why donors existed or were needed. I wish the story didn‘t even have this outer layer of a sci-fi story. I would have enjoyed it a lot more then.
Another book done for the Tome Infinity and Beyond readathon. It‘s also another reread. I really like this book. It really attacks the idea of a cozy catastrophe that you normally see with some British dystopian authors, like Wyndham.
This was an interesting dystopian book. I‘m not sure if I‘d put it on a list with the greats of the genre but sometimes, you need the perspective that time allows to realize how well those books stand. I really enjoyed reading an Arabic take on the genre. I would recommend this one to anyone who enjoys a good depressing dystopian book.
A great little novella about a wanted man who escapes to a deserted island that is rumored to be cursed. To say much more would spoil the entire plot of this compact adventure story. The plot moves quickly and with purpose to it‘s plot twist. It is the perfect length. This story would be campy in less capable hands but it‘s masterfully told. A great little one sitter. I highly recommend it.
The point of the Tome Infinity and Beyond readathon is to read sci-fi books from authors around the globe. I had a hellova time finding South American sci-fi authors who caught my interest. I came across this tinsy little one sitter. I‘m definitely looking forward to getting through this one tonight.
According to Goodreads, I‘ve read this before and I had given it a three. Past Erica is a jerk because I don‘t remember this book at all and it was excellent. Book two done for Tome Infinity and Beyond Round 3. Now to continue on the wonderful book The Death of Grass. This readathon has basically just been an excuse to do rereads.
Book 2 for the Tome Infinity and Beyond Readathon! I‘m counting this book as my America book. This is also for my sci-fi book club so I have my sticky notes ready. I‘m prepared to tab this bad boy up!!
When you ask me what my favorite book is, the answer is always either Blindness or The Road, depending on which one I‘ve most recently reread. As usual, this book was a wonderful experience. As soon as this readathon is done, I plan on reading the sequel “Seeing”.
I will absolutely bribe Biscuit and Gravy with munchie bones to get them out of my reading chair. No questions asked. I hope the bones hold out until I‘m ready to wander off to bed. 😂
Thanks for the tag @vivastory 😁
1) The tagged book. I‘ll eventually buy it and read it. Promise!
2) The Road and Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy and Blindness by Jose Saramago
3) I don‘t need that kind of negativity in my life. I don‘t really keep track of a TBR.
4) The Hot Zone. I gave it a 4 on Goodreads. I haven‘t read much nonfic this year.
5) I‘m late so whoever is left!!
@Eggs #WondrousWednesday
I get about four different sets of daily emails letting me know about Kindle sales. Naturally, this leads to a giant pile of unread sci-fi books hiding on my Kindle. 😁
A really good novella about a penal colony placed in the Cambrian period. The men in the colony are political prisoners sent back in time for their revolutionary activities. Instead of being action filled, this is a thoughtful examination of stalled revolutions, the effects of isolation of people, and how people change their perspectives. This was a very enjoyable little piece of writing but the kindle version has some typos so beware.
We used to go here a lot when my fiancé was studying at UNCG 4 years ago. The selection is great but the prices are a lot higher now. I saw a used copy of The Black Prism that was $3 more than a new copy on Amazon. BotM books were $15. I get that indie stores aren‘t able to sell new books as low as Amazon but this was used. Got a used copy Ender‘s Game for a .25 though so it wasn‘t all bad. It‘s worth a visit. Just check prices before you buy.
I enjoyed this one a way lot more than Feed! I still think Grant writes her human relationships in an off-putting way but I found the story so interesting that I was able to flow through the story quickly. It helps that I found the characters to be more interesting. I hope more stories are told in this world. I‘d love more recommendations about monsters in the sea.
I meant to wander into the local used bookstore but it seems like they‘re still moving into a new location. I hit up a little cafe for a turkey and feta panini. The solitude of the booth was worth every penny. The sandwich was a nice bonus.
My local library had its first sci-fi/fantasy book club meeting tonight and I think it was an awesome turnout. We had seven people and the tagged book is gonna be our first read. As an extra perk, I own a lot of the books we‘re considering and this is a great opportunity for me to read them. I‘m not awesome at making friends outside of the Internet so I‘m really pumped for this book club!
Another satisfying conclusion! I definitely enjoyed this book a lot. The Aes Sedai drama was a highlight. I liked this one a good bit more than the last book. The pacing felt better, even if this one was a chunker. I think I‘m done with the really giant tomes for awhile. Onward to book seven! #BuddyReadWoT
Ever have one of those introvert days where you can‘t be bothered to socialize? I‘m having one of those and of course, we‘re having a day long office meeting. I‘m hiding in my office until the last possible second. This book ain‘t bad so far. I like it a lot more than Feed.
I put together another bookcase and reorganized my giant scary pile. My big bookshelf is home to my speculative fiction, my new bookshelf has my nonfiction, and my old trusty $20 white shelf has my normal fiction, comics, and stuff that‘s close enough to normal fiction. I will *not* celebrate by buying more books, lol.
Every day I get more concerned about the structural integrity of this poor bookshelf. 😮😂🔧📚📚📚📚📚
Alright, I needed a little science fiction break from all of this fantasy but I‘m back in the fight. #BuddyReadWoT
If you‘ve read a John Scalzi book, you know what you‘re getting. This one was another interesting popcorn style book. There‘s little to really crunch on but the story moves quickly and it‘s engaging. Don‘t bother learning much about the characters. They all basically talk and act the same way. Apparently we‘re all just snarky in the future. It‘s fine though. I like his books, I just have problems recommending them to others.
A cool conclusion to the trilogy. I‘m not certain if I‘ll continue reading anything about the Foundation but I definitely enjoyed my time with this series. It‘s always fun to go back to the classics. I think I‘ll appreciate space operas more now that I‘ve gone back to the roots. I highly recommend any sci-fi to go back to the original monoliths of the genre every now and then.
Switching between reading Asimov and reading John Scalzi is definitely giving me the strangest literary whiplash I have ever felt. Good thing I‘m nearly done with this book.
Nice kindle deal going on right now. Bird Box author Josh Malerman‘s latest book is $2.99 for the kindle version today. I believe this book is fairly recent, coming out earlier this year. I‘ve been meaning to read it and this is an excellent price. #horror #ebookdeal #kindledeal
I really should have read a summary of the first book or reread it or something. I‘m like 22% into this book and very confused.
I was literally across the street from Barnes and Noble when I decided I wanted the BN special cover of this book. I couldn‘t really be bothered to cross the street so I just ordered it from their website instead while staring at the sign for the store. 😕 I am enhanced lazy.
I had a whole lot of concerns about this book starting out. I can‘t tell you a single thing that happened in the first third of the book but the story really takes off after the character of Mule is introduced. After we‘re introduced to Mule, the story really begins to jell together and the ending of this book really makes you want to immediately jump into Second Foundation. So I‘m gonna go ahead and do just that. ❤️