"In which" reading a chapter of this each night with my daughter (she's 3) has become the best part of my day!
"In which" reading a chapter of this each night with my daughter (she's 3) has become the best part of my day!
Cooked my steak tonight using this as a guide and it paid off!
Learning some new things. Can't wait to start cooking 🙂
"women have been coaxed, cajoled, shoved, and squashed into a series of feminine contortions for so many centuries, that it is not quite impossible to define their natural abilities or aspirations... whatever you are, you are woman."
Had this one on the shelf for awhile. Really glad I picked it up. It's sad, it's celebratory, it's heartbreaking, it's inspiring. I'm so glad a friend recommended.
I enjoyed this, but found it a little difficult to really get into. Took me a long time to read it. It was a good story, but I expected the castle to have more life and the characters sometimes seemed flat. Could have just been my current mood. It was OK, but not a page-turned for me.
This weekend's book haul! So excited! Used book sales are the best 🙂
"... coffee can energize the industrious at dawn, calm the reflective at noon, or raise the spirits of the beleaguered in the middle of the night." ☕ so true! ?
"For after all, if attentiveness should be measured in minutes and discipline measured in hours, then indomitability must be measured in years."
Just getting started. 🙂
Actually finished this one a few days ago, but just getting around to posting. I really enjoyed it! I didn't figure the mystery out until almost the very end, which I appreciate. There were a lot of different emotions and complex characters, too.
The upside to waiting rooms is time to read.
Summer backyard reading 😎☀️
This wasn't a gripping read for me, but I did enjoy it. I read it in between other, more exciting things, which worked well. I thought the last chapters had some great insights.
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/5 This was a fantastic read! I loved the characters and the narrative shifts. A lot of true history, too. I am generally a fan of books with great female protagonists and this book is full of ones that won't be easy to forget. I definitely recommend.
Loving the female characters in this book and the shifting narration.
1. The Alice Network, Kate Quinn; She's Come Undone, Wally Lamb; Girl Who Played with Fire, Stieg Larsen
2. Jackdaws, Ken Follet, part of this morning's book haul
3. The Sunflower, Simon Wiesenthal
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
Reading to the backdrop of a spring storm. Smells and sounds beautiful here! And this book is fantastic! Thanks for the recommendation Litsy!
4/5 Took me forever, with two stomach bugs sweeping the family and starting a new job, but I did enjoy this book. Didn't find it as gripping as the others in the series (1st one is my favorite so far), but it held my interest with a complex mystery and some time with two very likable lead characters. I think there's a lot more character groundwork than plot in this installment, but overall I recommend.
Just not getting into this one. I don't think these people are interesting as characters and I have yet to get to the part that deals with the mystery behind the fire. Maybe I'll return to it another time.
Learning so much about Venice! It always takes me longer to read through nonfiction, but I enjoy learning along the way 😊
Unplanned snow day + napping toddler = time to read! 😀
A little slow and uncertain at first, it ultimately became one I couldn't put down. I liked the way the characters were crafted, even if I didn't always like the characters themselves. I especially loved the women and the way the war is discussed through their experiences. (Picture from Google images).
1. At the Waters Edge, Sarah Gruen; Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, J.K. Rowling (re-read); Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, Mildred Taylor (teaching it); Mighty Miss Malone, Christopher Paul Curtis (teaching it);
2. probably The Hate U Give, Angie Thomas. I read it this summer.
3. Canterbury Tales?? In translation, of course. Not sure, read a lot of "old stuff" in college, haha.
#weekendreads #rachelsbrittain
After a busy day of cleaning, meal planning, and prepping for the week, I finally get a few moments to read! Love these quiet moments before I crash..
I'm interested in the tagged book and plan to see it through, but I can't say I'm loving it. p. 146 of 665. It's a lot of drama around nothing. I don't like the main characters, but I think that's the point, so I'm going to keep reading and see where it goes. But it is an impressive 40° and sunny!
Weekend reading plans! Not nearly as exciting as a pile of good novels, but... I have a job interview on Monday! 😊 I'm two years removed from my masters degree, so I need to do a little prep. 😆
Just starting this, with high hopes since I enjoyed Water for Elephants. Really need to find time for a trip to the library to get some physical books, but thank goodness for ebooks in the meantime!
This months Bookroo delivery for my daughter. Two cute finds. It's the best Christmas gift we received this year!
This was good, but was my least favorite of the series. A friend told me she thought this one was "rushed." I agree. I felt like it jumped at times. I did like the way it concluded the story, though, and would still recommend.
So I started Mockingjay this morning. These are quick reads, but I am enjoying them and am looking forward to being able to talk about them with my students. I needed something quick and simple now. Honestly don't know why I waited so long to pick them up. Haven't seen any of the movies, yet, either. Are they worth it if you enjoyed the books?
Pleasantly surprised at this book and series. Really found myself unexpectedly enjoying book 1, now I can't put this one down.