Read read read, must read more 😊
2nd in the testing trilogy and I‘m super stoked. This is a reread but I kind of dig that so...here we go 😁 Sleeping Gus 🐶
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Life is in a lull which means time to pick some books up again. Loved the first book and partway through the second. Wish me luck!
The second in The Testing series, Cia comes back having completed the Tests that the governement has thrown at her and other testing candidates. They're at the university but cant seem to remember the Tests they've been subjected to. Cia and the others must fight to remember as well as once again fight to survive initiation. Initiation takes a deadly turn. Must read.
I 👏🏼 NEVER 👏🏼 WANT 👏🏼 THIS 👏🏼 SERIES 👏🏼 TO 👏🏼 END 👏🏼
I needed a book I could start and finish in a day. I think this is the one.
Back to school means it's time for "independent study"...gosh, I'm witty....
They waived the 10 book a day limit for me but then I reached the max amount of books checked out at one time 😭😭😭 but yeah...went to the library again. And yes, I've never read Hitchhikers before 🙈
I love the premise of the series, but this is too plot-heavy for me. Constantly having to keep track of who is playing which side and who cannot be trusted gets tiresome. I like the characters, but the continuous internal questioning tends to get on my nerves.
I'm reading this faster than before. I think it's better than the first time I read. Maybe because I'm in the mood for dystopian at the moment.
I'm rereading the first two books so I can finally read Graduation Day, but I just remembered how boring this book was for me when I was reading it for the first time. I'm going to power through it so I can finally finish the trilogy.