3 stars
This book was filled with lovely prose, eccentric once-wealthy people, and a small ocean-side town. I‘m a fan of dark gothic and this fit beautifully. I think I love a River a little bit, and Neely... both the embodiment of troubled boys. And Vi, she was a complicated and unique heroine. I‘m looking forward to reading the next book!
Good world building, just everything else was bad
Well, well, well.... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS BOOK AND I CANNOT EVEN DESCRIBE HOW MY HEART FEELS! Despite the goodreads reviews, I managed to conquer this book in one day, I loved the storyline, characters and romance! Totally recommend and definitely is now one of my favourites!
Not to mention all Hozier songs fit this books atmosphere...
#YA #Romance #Gothic #Hozier
Absolutely loving the atmosphere of this book right now 😍
#YA #Gothic #Eerie #Unpopular
This book certainly was on the strange side but I absolutely adored it! I‘m baffled that more teen readers don‘t know about it! And, my gosh, the atmosphere was GORGEOUS!!
This is honestly one of those books that I have a hard time rating, because I really enjoyed it, but man! That relationship was super manipulative! I mean, I get it, he's the "devil", so it's gonna be like that. But still kinda ick. Otherwise, I loved the Needful Things vibes that I got from this, so onto the sequel!
“Lots of people have bad stories, and if they wail and sob and tell their story to anyone who‘ll listen, it‘s crap. Or half crap, at least. The stuff that really hurts people, the stuff that almost breaks them...that they won‘t talk about. Ever.”
#adventrecommends Day 15
If you like YA, this is a must read.
Since I can never stick to a set reading plan, I'll say that out of this pile of library books, a few of them will be read this #April. #AprilTBR #ReadingResolutions @Jess7
My #audiobook for my commute this week. After The Gene, I needed something purely for entertainment. #YA
Hey, look! I made a log cabin quilt, only with books. QOTD: Have you read any of these? What did you think?
Books in the picture:
🔸The King Slayer
🔸Circle of Stones by Catherine Fisher
🔸The Infinite Sea
🔸Guile by Constance Cooper
🔸Landry Park by Bethany Hagen
🔸The Beautiful and the Cursed
🔸Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea
🔸The Peculiars by Maureen McQuerry
Okay, so these were total cover buys for me. When I bought Anna series by Kendare Blake, these were recommended and were beautiful! But, the plot is mostly just awkward to me and OMG she compares EVERYthing. So many "references" that just seemed to try too hard and were unnecessary. I am not sure if I even want to try Spark and Burn, but maybe if I wait a while. For now, this was not really speaking to me. Still can't deny those covers, though. ?
Call me butter, because I'm on a roll! Well, if two days in a row can be called a roll.
I really loved this book, and the cover definitely had me thinking immediately of the prompt for today.
#RockInMay #HomeByTheSea @Cinfhen
STILL reading this one. It's kind of a weird/not that entertaining premise. Have you read this? Thoughts? #currentlyreading #currentread
So ready for #yallfest ! Since I already have the signed bookplate set for TRC & Maggie is only signing 3 per person, I'm going to take 3 & my Husband will take 2 of her others. I am taking the SoC set, the Divergent series, & I also have two of Kendare Blake's books (both are signed) so I went online to get the hardbacks of the Anna in Blood set, then it recommended that gorgeous book Between The Devil and the Deep Blue Sea. I had to! #NoRegrets
I cleaned out the garage and went to the tip and mowed the lawn and now my reward is sunshine and this.
?"You stop fearing the Devil when you're holding his hand." ?
Eerie, romantic, hypnotizing. Amazing book, I couldn't put it down. I just bought the sequel today!
More book post today. I just read and really liked WINK POPPY MIDNIGHT and am putting this on my nightstand to-read pile, which is now of sufficient height and instability to making sleeping in my bed a hazardous activity (I do it anyway because I'm so punk rock).
I didn't hate this book, but it wasn't what I was expecting. When you say gothic horror that's what I expect, when most of the time I spent my time yelling at the main character about how stupid she was. I'll read the second though, because that's the trash I am.
I haven't started reading this book... I keep on forgetting that I actually have it. Nonetheless, I'm super excited to read it this year!!!