My 2017 favs. #favoritebooks #2017reading
I am so done with 2017. I‘m calling it now and any books I read tomorrow will get counted towards 2018. Fuck it. #booksiread #goodbye2017 #2017reading
With a couple weeks left, I will probably read more books, but 200 was a nice round figure, plus the link to this feature is now gone from the top of my #goodreads page and I had to search for it. Oh my #firstworldproblem #readingstats #myyearinbooks #2017reading All I can see is that I am pretty generous with my ratings. Or maybe, I mostly read 'good' books... either way works for me.
My day off is being spent cuddled on the couch with my kitty and my kindle since I'm still under the weather. Not how I wanted to spend the first days of 2017 but at least I can do some binge reading of a favorite new series. #2017reading #seriesreading #StinkytheCat