Ohhhh I loved this. Stayed in bed on a Sunday morning to read it (sorry, Vicar). If you have any interest in Welsh mythology, or Wales itself, or what it feels like to be alone and far from home...read it.
Ohhhh I loved this. Stayed in bed on a Sunday morning to read it (sorry, Vicar). If you have any interest in Welsh mythology, or Wales itself, or what it feels like to be alone and far from home...read it.
Unable to find this in the Litsy database (what gives, Litsy? It pubbed in the UK on Monday) so am tagging the author's debut instead. 4 teens open a time capsule they buried 5 years before...after their friend, the fifth time-capsule-burier, has died. Non is such a talent: tons of emotion in her books, but they're never sappy, and her characters never feel idealised. Reading this tonight.
BREAKING: Husband Returns from U.S., Brings Thoughtful Gift
Hugely excited to get my hands on this one. I collected the little limited-edition maps that Eliot and Lloyd-Rose used to make and to have that gorgeous, off-centre sensibility in book form is a delicious prospect.
Full disclosure: I've known Josie and Max since they were born, and their mother Marjorie has always been my preferred source for parenting advice. Now that advice is in handy (and totally engaging) book form! I unreservedly recommend this to all mothers and fathers, Jewish or not (I'm not). So much food for thought here about how to raise good, kind, interested people. The world needs more of those.
I cleaned out the garage and went to the tip and mowed the lawn and now my reward is sunshine and this.
Started this because Marjorie Ingall told me it's nearly flawless. Now about to make the 6yo go to bed unjustly early so I can get back to it. Like nothing I've read before, and totally spellbinding.
More book post today. I just read and really liked WINK POPPY MIDNIGHT and am putting this on my nightstand to-read pile, which is now of sufficient height and instability to making sleeping in my bed a hazardous activity (I do it anyway because I'm so punk rock).
In today's post: my friend Natasha's new book about Jane Austen's wild child, the impulsive Lydia Bennet. Tragically I have NO imminent reading time as half-term and a visit from my parents are looming. It is unfair, do admit.
Pub day for this scary-as-hell YA thriller. Its author is one of the nicest, most thoughtful people I work with, and the fact that such a nice person's mind came up with something this unsettling is one of the great mysteries of my work.