I have always liked Joseph Campbell.
#josephcampbell‘s #thepowerofmyth holds a special place in my heart.
#book #books #bookjoy #bookstagram #readstagram #bibliophile #history #historybook #historybooks #keepcalmandlovehistory
1. Hephaestus. God of Fire. Shunned because he wasn't beautiful like the other gods, the only real worker god in the bunch.
2. Tagged
Thanks for the tag @TheSpineView #Two4Tuesday
Wanna play? @audraelizabeth @Buechersuechtling @ReadingIsMyHobby @Onceuponatime @TheBookDream @Daisey @Bookishlie @Sharpeipup @Cuilin @ReadingFeedsTheSoul @Lucy_Anywhere @Onepageatatime88 @SpiderGoddess
March 2021 - nonfiction / philosophy - an interesting read and lots to research
I remember trying to read The Hero With A Thousand Faces as a teen, because George Lucas mentioned it in an interview, but it was way over my head. This audiobook is much easier, it's made up of interviews with Campbell, by Bill Moyer, where he discusses his theories on various myths and mythology. Entertaining for those people who are interested in mythology or comparative religion studies.
3 💥💥💥 1/2
Nothing like an advertisement for videocassettes at the end of the ebook to remind you that the book you are reading predates the medium you are reading it on. #RtC #Overdrive #VirtualMountTBR2019
🌟🌟🌟🌟 (3.5)
I enjoyed reading this, but probably should have read it when I was younger and less skeptical. There was a lot of Campbell explaining what he thought was wrong with modern society.
Currently listening to.
Anyone know how much this compares to the book? I know it‘s based on a program but I don‘t want to miss deeper information if there‘s more to the book!
#mythology #heromyths
1. The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow
3. Lilith
4. Kokopelli
6. Daughter of The Forest
@hermyknee this was so much harder than I expected! 🤪😆🙃
Our time has changed...and it continues to change so fast that what was proper 50 years ago is not proper today. So the virtues of the past are the vices of today, and many of what were thought to be the vices of the past are the necessities of today. And the moral order has to catch up with the moral necessities of actual life in time, here and now, and that's what it's not doing, and that's why it's ridiculous to go back to the old-time religion
"Life has no meaning. Each of us has meaning and we bring it to life. It is a waste to be asking the question when you are the answer.”
"God is the experience of looking at a tree and saying, 'Ah!' ”
"The problem in middle life, when the body has reached its climax of power and begins to decline, is to identify yourself not with the body, which is falling away, but with the consciousness of which it is a vehicle. This is something I learned from myths.”
One for us oldies ????
“Sit in a room and read - and read and read. And read the right books by the right people. Your mind is brought onto that level, and you have a nice, mild, slow-burning rapture all the time.”
My goodness! I just came across Joseph's Campbell's series The Power of Myth on Netflix! That's my night sorted!!
Ended the day like this after a rough weekend. I missed the writer‘s workshop I‘d been creating work 2 months for and also my birthday present from my family. :( I‘m really sad about it, but my husband and Berwyn have made it better (the doggy in my face). I‘ve been in a major reading slump lately, but this situation has at least made me want to escape into a good book again. 📚
The power of myth is now in my top 10 fav books of all time. It gives you a completely new understanding of the myth and metaphor that exist in most cultures. It opens your eyes to the truth and lessons in the myths contain. Myth is different than lie. Myth is truth in disguised.
So good!!!
"the mystery of life is beyond all human conception. everything we know is within the terminology of the language of being and not being."
"it wouldn't be life if there were not temporality involved, which is sorrow-- loss, loss, loss"
Intelligent conversation with intelligent people. A must read if into the structure of ideas and story.
#mask #quotsynov17 @TK-421
#sizzlinsummerbooks #bookanddrink
Sitting on the meditation steps near my building, reading The Power of Myth and drinking an iced soy chai latte.
WWJD, baby. #mythology #lyricalapril #day3 @Cinfhen also #aprilbookshowers @RealLifeReading
#mythology Still a best myth book I have. I also recall the 'Man, Myth & Magic' books I enjoyed looking through in the school library, 10+ years ago. I'll make a note on looking to find them again. #aprilbookshowers 🐉
I can't think of #mythology without thinking of Joseph Campbell. He is the king of myths! #aprilbookshowers
“This we know: the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to the earth.”
Excerpt From: Campbell, Joseph. “The power of myth.” Anchor Books, 1991-06-01 00:00:00-07:00. iBooks.
This material may be protected by copyright.
The first 1/3 of the book seems pretty solid, & throughout the rest there is a lot of great information, but along the way I became pretty disillusioned pretty quickly. Unfortunately, while Campbell undoubtedly knows a volume of information & makes great comparisons some of his information is simply factually incorrect. I wondered if at some point he was drinking his own Kool-aid, & if he was wrong there, what else was he incorrect about?
#anthropomorphiccharacters #feistyfeb 🐲 I'll go with The Power of Myth as a great variety of mythologies and wisdom tales, between Gods, humans, animal kingdoms, and the anthropomorphic throughout history and beliefs. Joseph Campbell was recommended by a bookshop palm reader, some 8 years back, with great chats and an actual palm read 😯 books could help from possible old age memory struggles; not a worry taken to heart, keeping well healthy.
This book consists of interviews between Campbell & Moyers, which makes the text veer away from the tedious and boring. As such, an immense amount of information becomes available about archetypes & other patterns tying the world's many traditions together. Deeply insightful, illuminating, & resonant for all readers & writers. This book should be required reading! #PairWith: Godiva Hot Chocolate, with mini marshmallows, piping hot.
Surprisingly awesome 😊 this was required reading for a world religions course at school and it's really a delight. Joseph Campbell is a natural born story teller. He shows similar elements in different mythologies and really makes you analyze myth, what it is, what it means to people etc. So fun😊