Thanks to @Librarybelle and the #literarycrew #buddyread I got this book off of my shelf in February! What a great story!
Thanks to @Librarybelle and the #literarycrew #buddyread I got this book off of my shelf in February! What a great story!
I wanted to read this for so so long and my trip to the fancier library in one of our malls finally gave me the chance. I loved it; it was absolutely my kind of literary historical fiction, if that is even a genre 🙂 ⭐⭐⭐⭐
I was initially drawn to this book because of the beautiful cover but luckily it‘s also fantastic historical fiction.
Taking place in the late 1890s, we meet newly widowed, Cora, who is ready to embrace her new freedom and, inspired by Mary Anning, explore the world around her. Tales of a killer sea serpent are at the center of the story. There were so many characters I grew to love.
Read if you like strong female mc bucking the norm.
I was so close to reaching my #FabulousFebruary #20in4 Readathon goal!
219/251 pages
Falling asleep during a readathon is my downfall too often.
But I loved this book and the motivation the readathon gave me to read a little more every day!
Thank you @Andrew65 !
I enjoyed this book and would have enjoyed it more if the narration had been better. This book is about Cora, who is recently widowed, heads to Essex to find their legendary serpent.
#LiteraryCrew @Librarybelle
#WickedWords #Lake @AsYouWish
#LiteraryCrew friends: it‘s time for the discussion! I have 8 questions posted as spoilers. You may find them on my feed, the book‘s feed, or searching for #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead .
While I try not to post too many questions with big spoilers within the question, this time there are a few. Fair warning, in case you haven‘t finished the book but wish to preview the questions!
Our March book is Hour of the Witch. I‘ll post a reminder tomorrow!
8. Apple TV+ recently turned the book into a miniseries. Has anyone seen it? Plan to see it?
Info on the series, from the Apple TV+ website: https://www.apple.com/tv-pr/originals/the-essex-serpent/
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
7. The novel sets up Cora to choose between two men and in the end she chooses neither. Do you think this is a comment on traditional literary plots? Do you think the novel sees friendship as more valuable and enduring than romantic love? ~from Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
6. One of the subplots of the novel is the disappearance of Naomi Banks. She and Joanna Ransome argued and Naomi ran away. By the end of the novel, she has returned and Joanna is trying to cope with the imminent death of her mother. Do you think they will become close friends again, for good, or are the differences between them simply too great? ~from Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
5. Cora‘s physical size and mannish habits of dress are frequently commented upon by
other characters in the novel. She rejects a lot of society‘s expectations of her as a
woman, whereas Stella Ransome is the living embodiment of the perfect housewife. Despite their differences, they are friends. What do you think Perry is trying to tell us by having Cora save her rival instead of quietly letting her drown? ~from RGG #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
4. Many of the characters have unequal relationships: Cora and Martha, Spencer and Will.
Do you think that viewing someone as a means to an end necessarily precludes loving them? ~from Reading Group Guide #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
3. “I‘ll fill your wounds with gold”, Michael says. He means both literally that he will make sure Cora is financially comfortable during their marriage in exchange for the pleasure of hurting her, but also that he will remake her as something more beautiful & interesting than she was before. Cora survived her marriage, but was damaged by it. What do you think the seams of gold are in Cora‘s character? ~from RGG #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
2. Many comparisons have been drawn between Sarah Perry‘s writing and the Victorian novelists who were writing at the time the book was set, including Charles Dickens and Wilkie Collins. Do you think this book feels Victorian, or contemporary feel when she effectively provides hope in the form of bread each day? ~from Reading Group Guides #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
1. We're traveling to Essex this month for the book! I cannot help but think, as a lover of gothic stories myself (albeit very British-based gothic stories), that the setting is perfect. Have you ever visited Essex? Have you visited a place with a potential “sea monster“ lurking in the waters?
To get us in the location mood, here's a site that will take us to Essex: https://www.visitessex.com/
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
#20in4 #FabulousFebruary update!
I‘ve read 128/251 pages so far with Bombadil‘s help.
I‘m going to make it @Librarybelle and @Andrew65 !#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead
#DogsOfLitsy #TomBombadil
I've been meaning to read this for years & I'm glad #LiteraryCrew gave me the push I needed. I greatly enjoyed it. Perry's writing is exquisite; loved her eye for detail & the lush, abundant descriptions of nature. I appreciated the complex characters & how invested I was in how things turned out for them. I loved the chilly beauty of Aldwinter & the strange sense of unease that permeates the book. All of it was right up my street. @Librarybelle
Soooooo. I tried reading this book a year ago, but I couldn‘t get into it and set it aside. Love the cover, love everything about the book blurb, and enjoy the writing. This book totally seems my cuppa! I picked it up again for #literarycrew read, but after 25% I‘m giving up. #hailthebail. It‘s just not working for me. 🙈
He‘s back! @Andrew65 won‘t let anything stop him from getting a Readathon going for us each month! Thank you! 💙
My #20in4 #FabulousFebruary goal is to finish The Essex Serpent just in time to discuss it with the #LiteraryCrew.
I have 251 pages to go and my Bookly app predicts I need 7 hours to do it.
#LiteraryCrew This is a pick but that‘s partially my way of justifying the Audible credit spent and the time I spent listening to this. The writing, the language, is beautiful! I think the storytelling is a bit weak, with lots of peaks and valleys. This is not her first published book but this was the first released in the US.
We‘re a little over halfway through the month, so checkin time for this month‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead !
Any thoughts to share with the group?
Discussion on the 29th!
A young man walks down by the banks of the Blackwater under the full cold moon.
#FirstLineFridays @ShyBookOwl
#LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead @Librarybelle
With help from Nova!
A young dog walks in front of a book under the warm desert sun. 😂
I was really excited for this one… gave it seventy pages then threw in the towel. Wasn‘t intrigued by any of the characters or any events that were happening.
#LiteraryCrew I‘m trying to listen to this as an audiobook. But I‘ve fallen asleep twice. I‘ve finally finished chapter 2. Is anyone else having trouble with this?
Welp, I finished it. I found the writing lovely, but really couldn't find a lot of reason to care about the characters who were, I admit, beautifully drawn.
New month, new #LiteraryCrew book!
We‘re diving into this one by Perry…read at your own pace. I‘ll post periodic checkins throughout the month. Discussion questions will be posted on the 29th.
All welcome to join! If you would also like to join see @librarybelle post https://www.litsy.com/web/book/33468/The-Essex-Serpent
New month, new #LiteraryCrew book!
We‘re diving into this one by Perry…read at your own pace. I‘ll post periodic checkins throughout the month. Discussion questions will be posted on the 29th.
All welcome to join! If you would also like to join in this month, just comment below!
Repost for @Librarybelle
February‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead is The Essex Serpent, a gothic creepy novel…I‘ve read it before and liked it!
Read at your own pace; I‘ll post periodic checkins throughout the month, with discussion questions posted on the 29th.
If you would like to be added to this month‘s tag list, or to the every month tag list, let me know!
February‘s #LiteraryCrew #BuddyRead is The Essex Serpent, a gothic creepy novel…I‘ve read it before and liked it!
Read at your own pace; I‘ll post periodic checkins throughout the month, with discussion questions posted on the 29th.
If you would like to be added to this month‘s tag list, or to the every month tag list, let me know!
Cora Seabournce travels to Essex in her widowhood seeking fossils and a scientific explanation for the local hysteria that a serpent plagues them. This was really well written, the descriptions of the nature and landscapes were beautiful. The characters were all deeply complex and very distinct. The ending was rather open ended and maybe slightly anticlimactic but still enjoyable. There was so much detail that I‘ll think about this one often.
borrowed the book and the audiobook from the library and i am truly enjoying following along especially because the narrator is fantastic…this is one of those times when i saw the series first then just fell in love with the story and wanted to experience the written version— yes i eat pizza with a knife and fork lol 😂 #readinglife #readinggoal #audiophile #weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
Really enjoyed this series (on Apple TV here in NZ). The setting of London and Essex in Victorian era was beautifully portrayed and Claire Danes was fantastic. (Also quite happy to look at Tom for hours 😂) It‘s been a few years since I read the book but the plot was as I remembered. The stand out for me was Frank Dillane as Luke Garrett - god he made every scene he was in so interesting! Must look out for him in future.
When cleaning the bathroom seems more appealing than picking up the book, you know it's time to move on.
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs
(1) Colchester
(2) Not really.
(3) Jurassic Park comes to mind, if that counts.
Thanks for the tag @The_Penniless_Author 🙂
Loved this creepy tale of sinister beasts and doomed love.
I just love the wardrobe they‘ve given Claire Danes! That‘s got to be the best jumper ever! If only I had your skills @julesG
Not the most popular of adaptations I know - but I‘ve just seen episode 1 and the landscape is lush and Claire Dane‘s knitwear alone will get be back for episode 2!