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Small Victories
Small Victories: Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace | Anne Lamott
From the bestselling author of Stitches and Help, Thanks, Wow comes her long-awaited collection of new and selected essays on hope, joy, and grace. Anne Lamott writes about faith, family, and community in essays that are both wise and irreverent. Its an approach that has become her trademark. Now in Small Victories, Lamott offers a new message of hope that celebrates the triumph of light over the darkness in our lives. Our victories over hardship and pain may seem small, she writes, but they change usour perceptions, our perspectives, and our lives. Lamott writes of forgiveness, restoration, and transformation, how we can turn toward love even in the most hopeless situations, how we find the joy in getting lost and our amazement in finally being found. Profound and hilarious, honest and unexpected, the stories in Small Victories are proof that the human spirit is irrepressible.
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Eggs 💗📚💚 2y
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Quick story: my godmother died in March, almost three months to the day after we found out she had pancreatic cancer. It was fast, and it was awful, and it still doesn‘t seem real. Yesterday at work, I opened our lost-and-found drawer when a patron called to ask if we‘d found any pictures in books she‘d returned. I moved a notepad, and this bookmark fell out. My godmother‘s name? Christine. (Aunt Tine, to me and my cousins. 💖) #annelamott #signs

bookishdawg I‘m so sorry for your loss 💔 2y
Monica5 Sorry for your loss. Cancer sucks 😞❤️ 2y
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actualdisneyprincess @StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego @bookishdawg @Monica5 thank you, friends. 💖 mostly just trying to think of all the great fun we had. 💖 and little things like this happen, like little hellos. 🥹 (edited) 2y
kspenmoll I am so sorry you lost her but what wonderful serendipity! 2y
actualdisneyprincess @kspenmoll it has joined its bookmark brethren in a spot of honor on my shelf! 2y
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Eggs We chose the same quote🙌🏻 4y
Karisa Somethings bear repeating! 😊 4y
LoverOfLearning @Eggs how funny! 4y
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TheKidUpstairs I've never read any of her work, but I've heard she's quite inspiring! 4y
AmyG I just adore Anne. 4y
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The right book to listen to during this time of social distancing. These essays contain many reminders to be thankful for what we have, for our friends, and our communities. Found the essay about losing her dog among the most moving. She has deep faith, is progressive, and has wonderful humor. I loved operating instructions and this hit those same notes. I really like her approach to life and it was a nice listen. Pic from today‘s walk.

UwannaPublishme ❤️Anne Lamott! 🙌🏻 4y
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I love reading Anne Lamott's books. I don't love listening to Anne Lamott read her own books. Lots of great nuggets and wit but, man, she needs to get someone who could be a better narrator - anyone, really.

SitsWithaBook Oh my gosh! This. Yes, this! I forgot which of her books I tried on audio but omg. It sounded like she had ill fitting dentures or something. 🤣 Dreadful. 6y
wordzie 😂 ur funny 6y
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All hail Queen Anne. You‘ll laugh, you‘ll cry, you‘ll be horrified, and you may even challenge yourself to a Dry 2019. (dec 2018)

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Like a 🐢. Broke 1k. Yay me!

DGRachel Congrats!🎉🎉🍾🎉🎉 7y
alvingregorio @DGRachel someday I will reach your level! 7y
Gezemice Congrats! Way to go! 7y
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Jess7 🤗🤗 7y
alvingregorio @Jess7 Thanks! 😃 7y
DivineDiana 👏🏻📚👏🏻 7y
alvingregorio @DivineDiana thanks for the ❤️ 7y
Birdsong28 Congrats 🎉🎊📚📖 7y
vkois88 Congrats! It's a huge milestone 7y
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This is actually from Lamont‘s twitter page, but it was too good not to share.

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Hate switching books in the middle but, after all the violence this weekend the world, and I, need more wisdom from the wonder Anne Lamott. #understanding #spirituality

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If you decide to read this, do NOT listen to the audiobook. She reads it herself and, bless her heart, she is so monotonous.

TheBookDream I love her as an author. It's been years since I read anything though. 7y
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cathysaid ❤️❤️❤️ this so hard 7y
merelybookish @cathysaid I ❤️ her work! 7y
EllieDottie I love this quote!! 7y
Cathythoughts Great post 👍 7y
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I almost bailed on this one because I realized it was a collection of essays I had already read. I'm glad I stuck with it. It was good to revisit with these words.

GondorGirl I love her essays and non-fiction work! 7y
Lmstraubie @GondorGirl She makes me laugh, reflect & lighten up 😊 7y
Leelee.reads @GondorGirl I agree! Her novels don't do much for me, but I love her non-fiction work. 7y
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Current #audiobook 💖

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I'm excited about my new books that arrived today!! Small Victories is a collection of essays by one of my favorite authors. Be Light Like a Bird is a middle grade book that was recommended by a friend.

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Forgiveness means it finally becomes unimportant for you to hit back. You're done. It doesn't necessarily mean you want to vacation together.

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Enjoyed this because Anne Lamott. I only wish it gelled a little better - I know it is a collection from different times, but the stories about her so as a kid, then suddenly adult, then a kid again, threw me off. Here's my Edie-cat refusing to pose with my book. She just wants to get in my face and lick me! #catsoflitsy

BarbaraTheBibliophage Great picture of your cutie! 8y
rubyslippersreads 😻😻😻 8y
asiriusreader Such a beauty! 😻 8y
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Tanzy13 🐱 8y
DebinHawaii So sweet and pretty! 🐱❤️ 8y
Lmstraubie I know what you mean. I adore Anne Lamott, but I didn't finish this one. I'll go back eventually because, hey, it's Anne Lamott! Kitty is adorable! 8y
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Grocery list bookmark and my favorite lap warmer. She is so snuggly lately for some reason. #catsoflitsy

RealLifeReading Awww!! 8y
rubyslippersreads That face! 😻 8y
Sparkpuppypup So beautiful. ❤😍 8y
Tanzy13 🐱 8y
monkeygirlsmama She's smiling! 🐱 8y
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Still working my way slowly through this - I'm reading a little at a time and savoring it. I really really love the blue type. It makes the whole book have this special, magical feeling.

Lmstraubie 💖💖💖 Anne Lamott!!! Her books are small bits of wisdom to be injested slowly. 8y
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"I welcomed my lovable self back, with a small party, just the cat, me, and imaginary cups of tea, which I raised with an outstretched pinkie." Not only do I now want to have a self-love, finding 'me' again party, but she uses an Oxford comma. ❤️ ❤️❤️

saresmoore The Oxford comma is like a balm for my weary soul. All of this is, really. ❤Anne. 8y
mcipher @saresmoore So glad you agree. My husband is strictly anti-Oxford and it breaks my heart. Such a smart man, such a poor choice. 8y
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Library run at lunch - I have 10 minutes left to enjoy my danish, my coffee, and my New Year's Reading Resolution book (Tolle is in hold so I switched gears).

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Years ago, Anne Lamott's "Bird by Bird, Instructions on Writing and Life," inspired me to tackle the daunting task of researching and writing a book. Yesterday, I started Lamott's 2014 collection of essays, "Small Victories, Spotting Improbable Moments of Grace." I'm a chapter in, and once again bowled over by her talent.
#annelamott #hugefan #smallvictories #birdbybird

saresmoore Yes! 8y
kspenmoll Love her writing.❤️💚 8y
Suet624 She's so important to me. 8y
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I heard Anne speak a few months before this came out. She covered a lot of themes in her talk that are in this book, which made if feel like a great review and more in-depth study of what she'd had to say about grief, family, faith and learning to fall better.

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Getting over being sick and trying to focus today so I'm giving Anne Lamott a listen. She's a good guide for yucky Mondays.

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First page slapped me in the fucking face when I opened it.

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"Life does not seem to present itself to me for my convenience, to box itself up nicely so I can write about it with wisdom and a point to make before putting it on a shelf somewhere." #firstpost #nowreading

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Looking forward to this one


I love Wendell Berry‘s lines that “it may be that when we no longer know what to do, we have come to our real work, and that when we no longer know which way to go, we have begun our real journey. The mind that is not baffled is not employed. The impeded stream is the one that sings.

The_Real_Nani Glad to see you on Litsy! I was getting lonely!! 8y
DanaH It hadn't crossed my radar yet. 8y
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