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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
When the man you worshipped as a kid becomes your coach, it's supposed to be the greatest thing in the world. Keywords: supposed to.It didn't take a week for twenty-seven-year-old Sal Casillas to wonder what she'd seen in the international soccer icon--why she'd ever had his posters on her wall, or ever envisioned marrying him and having super-playing soccer babies.Sal had long ago gotten over the worst non-break-up in the history of imaginary relationships with a man that hadn't known she'd existed. So she isn't prepared for this version of Reiner Kulti who shows up to her team's season: a quiet, reclusive shadow of the explosive, passionate man he'd once been.Nothing could have prepared her for the man she got to know.Or the murderous urges he brought out in her."Sal, please don't make me visit you in jail. Orange isn't your color."This was going to be the longest season of her life.
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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When she was young, a woman‘s professional soccer player had a deep crush on a world-renowned German soccer player. Now he‘s become her coach, and he‘s not nice at all. For all sorts of reasons, the crush is long gone. But she‘s nice and she tries to break through his tough shell, never quite successful but enough for him to make a huge impact on her life and career. I appreciated the MC was from San Antonio! Audio well done. Enjoyable light read.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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A friend just recommended this book to me. It‘s free with Kindle Unlimited and Audible. So I‘m going to listen to it next! I‘m looking for a palate cleanser since all the Halloween reads and I think this‘ll do it

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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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This author is becoming a favorite of mine. I love the FMC! This is how a strong woman should be written in my opinion. The slow burn was perfect! ❤️ You don‘t have to be a big sports person to enjoy the story either.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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I love slow burn novels. When a novel builds up to the eventual consummation, I feel it's so much sweeter. This is one of those books that'll make you believe in soulmates. Out of the five Mariana Zapata books that I've read, I enjoyed this one the most.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Omg! This book was epic! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ #bookblogger #bookreviewer #bookworm

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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1. One fluently (English), one not so fluently anymore (French was my college major).
2. I ❤️❤️❤️ this book.
3. Three - brown Korean beef, green broccoli, and white rice.
4. 🤣😍⭐️
5. I‘m a day late so I‘m just gonna tag @4thhouseontheleft to say thanks for the fun questions!

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Firstly, kick ass poc heroine, fun banter, and sexual tension for daaaaayyyyyyyysss

Secondly, this book changed my mind about slow burn romance. You can ask anyone I know what kind of romance books I hate the most and they would all tell you slow burn. If you are hesitant to read this book because, like me you want to get to hot sweaty stuff, I implore you to give this book a chance. Its worth the wait.

Go read this book!
#romansty #romance

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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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I got a solid start yesterday between work and my real life book club. It‘s a rainy day so lots of reading time!Today will include a reread via #audiobook of tagged and finishing a delightful period romance by Evie Dunmore. #24B4Monday
@TheReadingMermaid @Andrew65 @jb72

Andrew65 A good start, good luck for today. 5y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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I‘ve read 3 entire Mariana Zapata books in less than 72 hours. I might need an intervention. 🤣

Also no #friyayintro today. Just not feeling creative today, sorry!!

Nessavamusic ❤️❤️Mariana Zapata!! 5y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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My #junereads ❤️

StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego A great month. I really need to get on the Murderino bandwagon I think. 💖📖💖 5y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Another re-read. Callie Dalton does a great job narrating Mariana‘s books and I really enjoyed the audio version. I‘m sure this won‘t be the last time I read this book. Kulti has both the “enemies-to-lovers” and “famous athlete” themes that I love. #romantsy #romance #junereads #slowburn #soccerbooks

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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"My schnecke. My little snail."
Mariana Zapata makes my time at work breeze by like a great love story. #liquorstoreblues

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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1/5⭐ For a character who has totally gotten over her teenage crush a decade before, she sure does mention it Every. Other. Sentence.

I was hopeful for a great slow-burn romance, but this book seemed slow because Sal dwells on everything and remembers things at great length. Even listening to the audiobook at 2x speed, the book stagnated in constant circling around the same ideas with no forward progression. #projectnew

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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I really wanted to love this. Many people I know love her work. This is the second book of hers that I‘ve read, and while I didn‘t hate this nearly as much as From Lukov With Love, I did not enjoy it. The typos, word choice errors, and contradictions drove me insane. I was practically yelling at my iPad through half the book and if she‘d used “could care less” one more time, I might have thrown my iPad across the room. #unpopularopinion

MommyWantsToReadHerBook Those errors would drive me crazy too! 6y
LauraBeth I‘m not beyond correcting adults who say “could care less”. 😂 They need to learn! 6y
DGRachel @LauraBeth You‘re my hero. 😘😘 6y
Lauredhel AND it's over five hundred pages? That's a 'no'. 6y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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This book is driving me insane. Kulti keeps calling Sal “Schnecke” and she says she doesn‘t know what it means. But, a few pages ago, she mentioned having taken three years of German in high school. That‘s about all the experience I have with German, and even I know what it means. 🙄 Don‘t even get me started on the frequent use of “I could care less”. 🤬

julesG "Schnecke" is also used to refer to a woman/girl in a relationship context. It can mean girlfriend. 6y
UwannaPublishme 😱😱😱 6y
DGRachel @julesG thank you. I knew it was being used as a term of endearment in this context, but I didn‘t know it was common. I‘m just finding so much of this book to be annoying but for some reason I can‘t bring myself to bail. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ 6y
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julesG It's a term of endearment in East Germany especially. I remember my grandparents calling me thus. 6y
Moray_Reads I HATE "I could care less", it means the exact opposite of what it should ? 6y
Reggie Have you ever listened to the Heaving Bosom‘s podcast? Because they read Zapata‘s other book The Wall of Winnipeg and trashed it. I liked the book but I can‘t deny how much they made me laugh with comments just like yours. Totally entertaining. 6y
DGRachel @Moray_Reads I know! And she uses it A LOT in this book - at least a dozen times. @Reggie I haven‘t listened to that podcast. I really wanted to love this book because Zapata comes so highly recommended, but this is the second book of hers I‘ve read and I just don‘t think she and I are a good fit. 6y
Reggie It happens. Before Litsy I would never think about bailing on a book but I did it twice last month. I say give it up and find something better. 6y
DGRachel @Reggie A friend loaned me her Kindle version and I felt obligated to finish the whole thing. I was swearing almost the entire time, but I‘ve just finished it. I now need to go to bed because it‘s 4:30 am. 🤦🏻‍♀️ 6y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Soccer world cup= sport romance

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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It was refreshing to read a story featuring a female athlete! I didn‘t realize I liked sports romances until I read “The Wall of Winnipeg” and “Kulti.” Mariana Zapata has also perfected the slow burn romance with this one! Hooo boy! *Fans self* And we get a fun cameo with the crew from “Under Locke!” I really enjoyed this one! (If you‘re wondering why I included a snail in my pic, you‘ll just have to read the book😘)

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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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I am on a sports romance jag, this is just a glimpse. I don't even like sports? So far Kulti is the best by a mile, but I'm looking for more with female athletes! Any recs?

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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I'm glad I finally picked up a book by Zapata, & I'm glad I went with the audio. 16 hours of the slowest slow burn I think I've ever read. I really liked the heroine who always stood up for herself to the often rude hero.

I have to say, though, the casual slut-shaming disappointed me, as did the depictions of some of the female minor characters. I'm on the fence between pick & so-so, but I'll go with pick because I did finish. #romantsy

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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"He poops." ?

I'm just immature enough to find the heroine's sense of humor funny.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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WOW. This is the slowest slow-burn romance in the history of slow-burn romance. 600 pages of pure angst and crazy intense sexual tension—my poor little heart. I need a hug 😩

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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My #Narcissistic6
1. The title character, smug soccer player
2. Jimmy the spoiled lead singer
3. The arrogant Lord Jason Fielding
4. The hot smug rugby player (hooker is a position)
5. Lucien, a proud vampire
6. Jericho the mysterious bookshop owner
Thanks @ValkyrieAndHerBooks

Zenvicious I definitely almost put Jericho on mine. 😍 7y
julesG Ronan Fitzpatrick 😁 7y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Usually I don‘t like slow burn romances but this author does a great job writing them. I love that in her books the heroine and hero are friends way before they become lovers.

I really liked how Sal was a strong woman trying to make her way in women‘s professional soccer(futbol). I loved her relationship with her family.


Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Excited! One of my #pop18 books for next year is $0.99 in the Kindle store today. This is my book about or involving sports.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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It was a slow start, but it got really good. Would recommend.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata

This is my third Zapata's book after Wall of Winnipeg & Wait for it. What can i say? Soccer is not called the beautiful game for nothing & I become a stark raving fan every 4 yrs for the World Cup. Kulti conjures every yummy aging soccer player I have in mind,Sal your budding female soccer star. However he fantasy of a renowned soccer player coaching a female player too big to bridge at times & i just focus on the romance. A beautiful one #osrbc

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Just finished this beauty and it's amazing! A great slow burn romance! I loved it so much!! 📚❤️🙌

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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⭐⭐⭐⭐Who knew soccer could be fun? In Kulti, Salome is a starting forward for Houston's women's soccer team. Her biggest idol growing up was Reiner Kulti, a world famous German soccer player. After her brother has a nasty run-in with Kutki on the field she is quickly disillusioned with him. Now, Kulti is retired and her new assistant coach...

The slowest of slow burning romances! The writing style took some getting used to, but this was great! ⚽💋

EloisaJames I really liked this one too! As you say, super slow burning but more interesting for that. 7y
JuliaQuinn I like this, too! I've liked all of hers. 7y
Velvetsun After having most of my bookish friends on FB recommend this to me, I just started this today. 7y
Mc_cart_ny @Velvetsun I hope you enjoy it!! 7y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Another book haul from the library!!

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Swoon! Aiden will always be my favorite Zapata man but Reiner Kulti is a close close second! 😍 I loved every minute of this book.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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That moment when #goodreads realizes you're obsessed with a new book. I do love the ability to track my highlights, I'm now actually using that feature more often! #28highlights #newrecord

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Doing some last minute storm prep tonight, making sure the house heat is turned up higher than normal (i.e. 70° lol) and making sure everything (including the Kindle!) is charged because we're getting a last gasp of Winter, a nor'eastah! I hate big storms, and it's never a good sign when your weatherhound bff texts you that your band on the map is going to get walloped. @mrsmarch May we all keep power!!! ?? Stay safe Northeastern Littens!

jpmcwisemorgan Stay safe, and warm! 8y
DebinHawaii Stay warm and safe! 💜 8y
OneCent76 Stay safe and I hope you all get to keep electricity! 8y
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Chessa I heart doge. Hope you stay safe and warm! 8y
CoverToCoverGirl It's arriving here around mid afternoon for us.. 😳 8y
Pinkmeghan @CoverToCoverGirl woke up to a dusting, I assume the real snow will start closer to this afternoon. 🤢 8y
Pinkmeghan Thanks @jpmcwisemorgan @DebinHawaii @Chessa @OneCent76 fingers crossed we keep power!! 8y
CoverToCoverGirl @pinkmghan ours is now supposed to start around 7pm.. It's going to be a winter wonderland in the morning 😃😔 8y
Laalaleighh Sending this to my bf. He loves these memes. 8y
Pinkmeghan @CoverToCoverGirl yay? We'll go with that? 😂🙊🙈🍷 8y
Pinkmeghan @Laalaleighh doge is the best! 8y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Omg. This book. So first of all, I did not think this was going to be my kind of book - I don't like soccer, and I generally don't like "older man" books. I do however very much enjoy "slow burn" romances, and this one absolutely fits the bill. I have a total #bookhangover from this, and I'm not even mad about it. Now time to plow through Zapata's backlist #romantsy

tapgurl I'm always afraid to admit I don't like soccer!!! People get their kids into it here and I was always a dance mom! 8y
EloisaJames Have you read Wall of Winnipeg? My absolute favorite! I liked this a lot too 8y
Pinkmeghan @tapgurl they keep trying to make soccer a thing in New England with the Revolution but it just doesn't interest me! 🙊 I'm with you' 8y
Pinkmeghan @EloisaJames Wall of Winnipeg was one of my top reads of 2016! 😍 I can't get over how she can write for 500 pages without ever feeling long-winded! 8y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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That moment when you discover one of your new favorite authors has a backlist!!!!!!!!! 🛒🛍🎁🎀😍🔥💯💃👑

Lizpixie Best. Feeling. Ever!!! 8y
cathysaid Ooooh...do tell. Who's the author? 8y
Pinkmeghan I agree @Lizpixie !!! 8y
Pinkmeghan @cathysaid it's Mariana Zapata, she wrote one of my favorite books of 2016! 8y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata

This is the first book I have read from this author and it was so good. I never thought I would like a slow burn such as this, but instead of getting bored I was hooked and I kept flipping to find out what's going to happen next. Now I am #currentlyreading #WaitForIt and it's turning out to be again a slow burn. I've already 😂 and giggled and cried.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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I can't wait to get home tonight and read Kulti! #osrbc #romantsy

Lauren_reading So good!! 8y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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A player/coach slow burn romance that kept me hooked start to finish. Kulti was arrogant and an are and a marshmallow for the right woman, and that was feisty Sal. Another winner from MZ! #romansty

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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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I think I'm the only person who didn't LOVE this book.
I wasn't crazy about the pacing and found myself questioning Kulti's fixation on Sal.
There were also issues the main character Sal had, that suddenly just disappeared without any real resolution except her deciding the issue in question simply wasn't a big deal.
Don't get me wrong, I liked Kulti, but I didn't love it like so many others did.

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Kulti | Mariana Zapata

I love humorous, but touching romance books with HEA... This one did not disappoint. I listened to it and the narrator did a great job bringing the characters to life

Lauren_reading I loved this book! It was my first by this author, but I have more that I bought. 8y
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Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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One of the best romance books I've read in a long time. I did an immediate re-read. #audiobooked #kindle

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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This was recommended by a friend and I really enjoyed the story. The book was long and the build up to the relationship was drawn out, but made sense. I can't wait to read more from Zapata.

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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When you want to stop fan-girling 😂

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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Had to DNF this one. My first for 2016. I just couldn't get into this one and it was over long at almost 500 pages! That's a lot for a sports romance. 🙁

Kulti | Mariana Zapata
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So so so freaking solid. The best romance I've read in a long time... And I read A LOT. Slow burn. Tension. Soccer. Humor. I couldn't put it down. I legit tried to read while chopping onions. Must read more by Mariana Zapata asap!