A book that doesn‘t hit you over the head with its ideas about art and money, but leads you there through an atmosphere of beauty, privilege, wealth, and a little light larceny. Recommended.
A book that doesn‘t hit you over the head with its ideas about art and money, but leads you there through an atmosphere of beauty, privilege, wealth, and a little light larceny. Recommended.
Just finished this book! I'd give it 4/5 stars. It was fun to learn about the NYC art scene, but I think it dragged a bit in the middle as the author was trying to be subversive about the protag's criminal behavior. I thought a major plot point had been dropped until I got to like the last 50 or so pages. 😂 Would still totally recommend this one!
JCO‘s blurb says most of it 🙌🏻
Let me also say:
More & more I see many lucky breaks are a sham - they are crimes, to varying degrees of legality.
So then I root for characters like Lacey. She is a self-made woman in the rarified stratum of the art world. She‘s got the knowledge; she put in the hours; she fosters the relationships. She just needs cash.
By juxtaposing her rise & fall with the housing bubble & stock market crash of 2008...
Light, enjoyable, and beautiful. Possibly a touch lacking in conflict or events, but I liked the meandering.
This was a reread, pictured with the beauty who was my Granny.
🎧 This novel is basically a love letter about NYC and the art scene using the character of Lacy Yeager as the expositional device. Lacy is a beautiful but emotionally enigmatically woman who works her way up from the bins at Sotheby‘s to owning her own gallery... This is a novel that settles into you as opposed to knocking you out but is nicely written nonetheless. 👇
🎧 I‘ll start this backlist title (about a young woman who goes to work at an art auction house in NYC) tomorrow while I‘m hauling things over to our storage locker.
It‘s been sitting on a drive for years but I‘m determined to listen a good number from my TBL queues this year!
I‘m not sure why the image for this came up so lo-res 🤔
TBR #Shelfie Part 1 - Realistic and Non-Fiction on top. Weirdy Weird Weird and Otherwise Uncategorizable on bottom.
Hey, I‘ve read The Violent Century and it was great! #RiotGrams
10-22-17: 27th finished book of 2017!
10-14-17: Books in Nature. I'm so far behind because I was waiting to get some Nature for this book to be photographed in! #bookriot #riotgram #booksinnature #anobjectofbeauty #stevemartin
10-12-17: Day 12: Book & Library Card #bookriot #riotgram #bookandlibrarycard #anobjectofbeauty
7-8-17: Got this at the library book store for $1.60!!! Such a great find!📚
Picked up a stack of books at a Friends of the Library bookshop.
One of my favorite contemporary Renaissance men. Love his banjo playing, too.
Just picked this book up from Mutiny Cafe over on South Broadway. Bought some stickers and read some comic books, meet up with a friend for pizza. Lovely night in Denver ✨ #DenversBookLovers #Mutiny Cafe
#shelfie With a few exceptions, front row is To Be Read and back row is favorites. Childhood favorites on top, then non- and realistic fiction, then steampunk, superheroes, and weird, then fantasy. Science fiction not pictured. #riotgrams
YAAAAAAS! My fave Dickinson poem is in the book of poems. I'm a fridge magnet & postcard nut, are perfect. The key chain is a postal replica - very cool. I knew Steve Martin wrote, but I'd never read any of how work - than you so much @Louise for that! The subject of commodification of art is right up my alley. My anthro thesis was on the commodification of media. @Louise it's like you know me!#SecretSantaGoesPostal #WinterSolsticeBookExchange
Day 8 of #SeasonsReadings2016: #ArtRelatedBook
I'm behind on the December photo challenge so I'm catching up. Pardon the post spam. This has been in my TBR forever. I really need to move it up there list.
Did you guys know that Steve Martin (who, by the way, dated Cindy Sherman) is a really amazing novelist? I read this one, which is about an up-an-coming It Girl in the NYC art scene, years ago and absolutely loved it. The story spans from the 1990s to the early 2000s, and includes 9/11 and the morally questionable protagonist's reaction to it. Amazing novel--can't recommend it enough.
#artrelatedbooks #booksaboutart #SeasonsReadings2016
#seasonsreadings2016 I loaned my copy of this book out because it was so good. Steven Martin so talented! This book was such an interesting read giving a glimpse into the world of Art dealing. He included pictures of the art work in the book too and the lead female character was not your typical fictional woman. I've have picked up two more of his books after reading this one.
In "An Object of Beauty", a novel by Steve Martin about the art world, a #realliveperson shows up in one chapter and discusses art with Lacey (main character). John Updike died just before this book was published. I liked this book because I'm artsy fartsy like that (and it includes some color illustrations of art!) but can see how those not into art might not. ETA: I don't see this pic as a spoiler as it doesn't affect the overall plot.
I was not very impressed by this book. I guess maybe because I am not part of the "art world", but there was just not enough of a plot for me to follow. It wasn't terrible by any means but I wouldn't put it on a list of recommendations.
How am I supposed to get home and read my book when there's a train ten miles long?!
Does anybody happen to have a list of the September photo challenge? Realized I forgot to take a screenshot of it and would like to join in the fun 😁
Now off to see if the second half of this book is any better than the first...
Not actually book related but I figured you could all appreciate this amazing sculpture at a building my hubby helped design as much as I did! 💗
Not actually book related but I figured you could all appreciate this amazing sculpture at a building my hubby helped design as much as I did! 💗
Having trouble getting into this one but hopefully it will pick up soon! Took some sinus meds so gonna read til I pass out 😂
Rainy day equals great time for snuggles and reading!
90 degrees outside and no a/c...so book and hard soda in front of the fan it is!
About to start this one I picked up at a discount store...anybody read it?