this month's book club book!! #tbr #readjanuary @RealLifeReading
this month's book club book!! #tbr #readjanuary @RealLifeReading
Love this book - so much inspiration for making life easier through small movements. just need to do it a bit more really @RealLifeReading #bookishresolutions #readjanuary
#seasonsreadings2016 #day5 #classic #haventread I've tried so many times. I WANT to enjoy reading anais nin. I love the idea of reading anais nin. And yet i struggle.
#seasonsreadings2016 #day4 #notinenglish Candide... it's gotta be. Though sneakily this one is technically in translation so I've put a nice sartre in the back drop for good measure.
trying to catch up with #seasonsreadings2016 #day2 #kickassheroines love love loved this book growing up
fleeing complexity #seasonsreadings2016
Christmas books are starting to arrive!!! 📚 📚 🎄 #feministfriends
found this while unpacking - No idea from whence it came but i shall read it!
book club book handover- wife's done, my turn now
taking ideas on board and reading between the lines, but i refuse to name my chimp.