A fun story about a man suddenly who finds himself a cheese salesman. Genuinely made me laugh! 7/10
A fun story about a man suddenly who finds himself a cheese salesman. Genuinely made me laugh! 7/10
I read this book in one sitting. It is fun, funny, sad, frustrating, relevant, and accurate. I think Elsschot wanted to prove you could create tension in a story by making the ordinary extraordinary. A bored 50-ish clerk decides to go into business in the ‘30s, but he has NO idea what he‘s doing. I was so stressed out by the end, I was just as relieved as Frans to be done with cheese. 😂 181/1,001 #1001Books (pictured is my fave ep of Tom & Jerry)
I had to go to the old tbr to find a book set in Belgium, and my massive #1001books Goodreads shelf did not disappoint.
According to the description, a gentle, satirical fable of capitalism and wealth set in Antwerp; a comic masterpiece about the perils of upward mobility that is as relevant now as it was in the 1930s.
15/100: this is another one that gets three stars from me because it was good but it didn‘t necessarily blow me away. The blurb on the back calls it a tragicomedy and that definitely fits it. It is basically a 1930s pyramid scheme and the complete summation of every one of my anxiety dreams. It was a SUPER fast read and I ended up reading the whole thing on a night when I couldn‘t sleep, took a break to try to sleep, then gave up and finished it😂
found this while unpacking - No idea from whence it came but i shall read it!