I love Norse mythology, especially Loki, but this book just didn‘t hit the mark.
I love Norse mythology, especially Loki, but this book just didn‘t hit the mark.
I liked to see things from Lokis perspective, that was fun, but overall it didn't captivate me as much as I thought it would since I like Loki so much.
I recommend reading Norse myths before reading this book because it has a lot of references but it doesn't tell them fully so it's way better if you understand the full picture the book is trying to paint.
My Norse Myths recommendation would be "Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman, it's an amazing book.
I enjoyed this book retelling some Norse mythology from the point of view of Loki, the trickster god
#ScarathlonDailyPrompts #Trick #Scarathlon2022 #TeamMonsterMash
Second time reading through and annotating this book and I still love it with all my heart especially with my - very much alive - fascination with Good Omens. Very much reminded me of Neil Gaimans works and I couldent have asked for more. Admittedly I got a little tired and slowed my reading once Ragnarok began, which I thought was curious since it's literally the end of the world's. Or at least one of the ends. Will forever love our trickster.
A fun and likeable read, it's a more 'immature' and comedic take on Loki's experience through Norse mythology tales, does a good job of getting some chuckles from you and potentially sympathising with Loki's (probably bias) view on things.
I liked this take on Norse Mythology narrated by Loki, but I didn‘t love it.
It was interesting to hear the stories from his point of view, though most of my knowledge of Norse myths come from marvel (which obviously isn‘t super accurate) and Krampus 🤣
This was my pick for #AmongTheGods and was also my #BookSpin book :)
I liked this but it's a low pick. Maybe I would have loved it more if I had done a refresher or Norse mythology to get all the in jokes. There was definitely a layer of humor woven in but it was never laugh out loud funny like I was hoping for. This was one of my #CalibreRoulette picks.
My sleep pattern is way off so it‘s starting a new book at 2:30am for me. Going to see if I can squeeze in one more finish for August.
About to start this one. Hope it‘s good 🤞🏼#loki #mythology #fantasy #libraryloan
Here is my must read stack for August. It includes picks from June and July‘s #bookspin as well as the new picks for August which are The Complete Grimm‘s and Legend. Loki is my #calibreroulette pick for the month.
After a couple of failed attempts, I finally redd this through.
I enjoyed it, it was written like a fantasy novel.
This was a fun read! Thanks @Velvetfur for including this in the #MythsandLegendsSwap🤩🤩
Loki‘s portrayed as snarky, sarcastic and surprisingly human. I had the Avengers‘ Loki in mind from the start; the author was either inspired by him too, or simply created a very similar image of him, cause they really fit.
One of my favorite books this month and perhaps this year. The downfall of Asgard told from the perspective of Loki. His sarcasm and wit is just wonderful!
#7covers7days #covercrush
Day 4
Thank you for the tag @sudi 😘. Lets see if I can make a whole 7 days!
#7covers7days Day 1
Would you like to play (if you haven‘t already) @laurenbescoby ? A cover a day for 7 days, no explanation needed, tag someone new each day.
I was really excited about this—I think it suffered partly from sitting on my TBR too long, but also I wanted more out of it. Loki was too straightforward for me—I expected an unreliable narrator, but it‘s framed more as a justification for his actions. It was interesting to see his exclusion by the gods & underlying need to be accepted. Almost sympathetic, but not quite—that‘s where I needed more. Still fun, though—I may pick up the sequel.
I‘m debating on getting this one to listen to on the trip to Maine next week. I‘ve been wanting to read it for a while. #audiobooks
Weeee!!🥳🥳 I think I‘m the first to post my #MythsandLegendsSwap presents🤩🤩
I love love LOVE everything! The (hot) chocolate😋 And the notebook🥰 I‘m trying to teach myself to take notes while reading, so perfect timing👍🏼 And the books are perfect, can‘t wait to get started☺️🤩 The ‘book fund‘-tin is just adorable, we‘ve got a baby coming in a few weeks, it‘s going to be his/her first book fund🥰🥰
So, a BIG thank you to @Velvetfur 🥰🤩
If you like your Norse gods sounding like petulant rejects from the Twilight series, here you go. Otherwise, I preferred Gaiman's Norse Mythology. I was tired of Loki's catchphrase "so shoot me" well before halfway.
Was only in Melbourne for an hour and I found so many bookstores! I got these 2 at a $7 store, all brand new books just for $7 😱
I don't pretend to know much about love, but that's how great lives come to an end, not in the flames of passion, but in the silence of regret.
Meh. This isn't terrible, I just couldn't get into it. It's very similar to Gaiman's Norse Mythology, so I felt more like I was rereading. If you're really into the Norse gods then you will probably enjoy this.
My #audiocrocheting for this week. I love Cows ❤️
Has anyone read the tagged book? It's ok, but mostly just a collection of stories based on the Norse Myths from Loki's POV.
The snow hare changes its coat to whitr to go unseen in winter. [...] All of life does the same -even gods- turning their coats to suit the turning seasons of the world. There should be a name for that kind of thing [...] Let's call it _Revolution_
I just walked passed the bookshop.... and then I went back
1️⃣ Loki
2️⃣ Carlos Ruiz Zafón (his books are beautiful)
3️⃣ Prague. New Zealand.
4️⃣ 2, sometimes three if one migrates over in the night.
5️⃣ Hi #Littens ?
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro
Woo! I‘m done. This book was fun and Loki was so emo but it had only two notes and I wanted the trickster to be a bit more varied and interesting. Basically a retelling, or a basic retelling. Listening to the audiobook probably helped as the reader really sold the characterization.@DuckOfDoom you were right about the yours truly and humble narrator bits. #sfftbrchallenge and #12intwo @Samplergal
Woo! Another readathon! I‘m going to be boring and go from midnight (in a mo) through midnight Sunday. I‘m hoping to finish a book, whether it‘s Loki or Frank Furness, I have plans and need to keep moving! (I want to read a book or two that talk about writing and creating before November!!! Thanks @Samplergal for getting this going! Vroom, vroom!
I struggle when I don‘t have an audio book going. Just started tagged book and I am digging it. And! I get to use it as a book based on Norse mythology for #sfftbrchallenge
Joanne Harris' The Gospel of Loki actually came out before Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology. They are both good, including many of the same myths. As much as I like Neil, I actually enjoyed Joanne's treatment more, with Loki serving as the narrator, and all stories from his point of view. I loved the asides and commentary from him. Of course I imagine him as Tom Hiddleston now lol!
Oooh, look at that cover! Thank you so much @miralunasbooknook - what a lovely surprise when I got home this afternoon. It looks so much fun! Ragged Robin is one of the plants I learnt to recognise from flower fairies books when I was teensy, and the bookmark, well - yes! Thank you 😊 😘#jbuk
Elsa & Loki 😂😂😂
I took a gamble and it paid off! YEEEES! I wanted all of these in hardback, but couldn't get this one new. Ordered one off World of Books for £3.20 and not only is it an immaculate first edition, it's signed! Yaaaaaaas! *bouncing* I have the next one on pre order so I best get reading 😄
Finally finished my second #freakyfriday pick! I thoroughly enjoyed it! I read the last half in the last 2 days. With my husband away this week, I'm getting a lot more reading time (especially once the boys are in bed). Marina is up next, and I have 3 more on the way from the library.
@Maike @monalyisha @Clwojick
Confidant...because everyone needs someone they can trust to vent to without judgement.
#freakyfriday @monalyisha @Clwojick
Today has been one thing after another, and incredibly challenging. As a reward to myself for making it through, I'm starting one of my #freakyfriday picks a few hours early. I've been looking forward to this for weeks, and it's finally time! @Maike I have a good feeling about this one!
1. Tagged book, for #freakyfriday
2. Nope. Stay at home mom... I'm not even entirely sure what this word "break" refers to ?
3. Lilies or hydrangeas
4. Chocolate eggs for sure. Not a jellybean fan, unless they are Jelly Belly ones, and even then I'm picky.
#manicmonday @JoScho
Some holds came in at the library. The tagged book is supposed to be for #FreakyFriday. I put it on hold because there were 2 people ahead of me, and I thought it would take a few weeks before I got it. I was wrong. I'll wait and read the other 3 first, then hopefully it'll be just about April. #libraryhaul
Also, I received my bookmark from @BarbaraTheBibliophage ! Thanks, Barbara!
Not book related, but my cat enjoys watching tv and tonight she enjoyed some of Thor: Ragnarok. I think she‘s a Loki fan like me.
Okay, I can‘t help myself so I‘m making a second entry/post. Another of my favorites (actually I think he‘s everyone‘s favorite 😂) is Loki, because who doesn‘t love a psychopath in horns? He‘s such a complex character for a superhero franchise, it amazes me. He‘s also really pretty. 😁 Congrats, once again @TricksyTails!
Quella fu la prima Era, il tempo di Ymir. || Non c'era terra, né mare. || Soltanto vuoto fra due oscurità, || nessuna stella tramite cui vedere. ||
What I was supose to read this summer 🌞 almost finished Monstrous Regiment and started on Maya, haha I'm so slow and read to much at the same time
#booksbooksbooks #reading #summerread #terrypratchet #loki #norsemythology #booklove #bookworm #readinginthesun