The last 20% of this book was a different one entirely. All that build up and getting attached to these kids, watching them struggle. The idea of keeping kids alive till they‘re an “adult”, just to harvest their body to save others life‘s…. This is a world that never found out making synthetic body parts, so they take from the (still) alive candidates. The twists come hard and fast by the end. Not my favorite from the author, but I get the point.
Set in a dystopia where reproductive rights extend into a child's teenage years, Unwind is the story of Connor, Risa, and Lev on the run from being “unwound“, becoming unwilling organ donors. This is a story I will definitely share with my HS students.
“Picasso had to prove to the world he can paint the right way, before he goes putting both eyes on one side of a face, and noses stickin' outta kneecaps and stuff. See, if you paint wrong because that's the best you can do, you just a chump. But you do it because you want to? Then you're an artist.“
Picked up this book for the first time in my life. I‘d have to say it has become one of the best books I‘ve read. The story had me not wanting to put the book down; I wanted to know more. I just found out there are more books to the series. Definitely will be reading the next book. Personally I look forward to a movie or a tv series if it‘s ever made.
How we kick off holidays💝
It's #manicmonday!
📖 Unwind by Neal Shusterman
✍️ Linda Urban
🎬 Unbreakable, Underworld, Up
🎤 U2, Umm (or Oum) Kulthum
🎶 Umma Therman (Fall Out Boy), Unbreak My Heart (Toni Braxton), Unchained Melody (Righteous Brothers), Un Sueño y Nada Mas (Grupo Polo Montañes), Un Beso (Aventura)
This book was an absolute ride!! Loved how the Book handled talking about a subject like this while still keeping the book interesting. It‘s definitely not for the faint of hart but it‘s worth checking it out
Have a review video talking more about this one #booktube #bookreview
Unwind review
Spooky season calls for a neal shusterman review! I read this one for a book club yearsss ago, but I‘m still semi-scarred by the story. The plot itself is well-developed and the premise is unique, but I‘m just not a fan of the gory/eerie genre. I also didn‘t know this book was basically about abortion laws until this year🫢 anyways, not the biggest fan, but some people may like it!
I vaguely knew about this book because a classmate did a project on it at UF, and I am so happy I read it!Just like Dry by Shusterman, “it‘s giving me anxiety but I can‘t stop reading it.” After a war on reproductive rights (too real, amirite?), it‘s decided that people can‘t abort, but “unwind” children between 13-18, giving their organs and body parts to other people. This book follows 3 kids escaping the process. Made me audibly gasp in places.
This story has such an interesting premise and one that seems particularly poignant right now: abortion is outlawed but parents/the state can choose to “unwind” kids from age 13 to 18, which means every single part of the child is taken apart and transplanted into someone else who needs it 😳. We see it from the POV of a number of people, including 3 kids set to be unwound. It‘s brutal and heart wrenching and quite poignant. ⬇️
That time when I met Neal Shusterman at the LA Times Festival of Books & got my FAVORITE book EVER signed by him! 😍 On cloud 9!
His son Jarrod & his son's wife Sophia are SO NICE! 🥰🥰😃 Guys, I can't even!
That's my Instagram @wj.cintron if you wanna connect!
#books #nealshusterman #unwind #dystology #dystologyseries #bookseries #dystopian #unwindseries #bokish #roxy #jarrodshusterman #booktok #littens #bookrecomendation #bookworm #oncloud9
1. Uhhhhhhhhhhh….Orchid? ‘Cause of the Opeth album? Idk 😭
2. Gonna answer both. Unwind by Neal Shusterman will forever be my comfort read. A book where you can send your unruly children to have their body parts and organs amputated and donated to other people in need. Very comforting indeed 🥰 My comfort genre constantly switches from high fantasy and sci-fi.
3. Honesty.
This was a reread for me and oh my geezus. I forget how much this book breaks my heart!!! A world where you‘re taken apart live and your parts used for someone else. Neal Shusterman knocked it out of the park with this book. Incredible!
What could fit this not-so-scary sounding, dance-poppy Rihanna song?🤔 A disturbing YA dystopian series about parents who send their unruly children 13+ to have all their organs and body parts transplanted to different donors? Hm wise choice to me!
Seriously, this is easily in top 3 all-time favorite series for me Do yourself a favor and read this masterpiece! Recommend to anyone looking for sci-fi with body horror elements
I am posting one book per day from my to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new - don‘t judge me I have a lot of books.
Join the fun if you want. This is day 128.
I think this is a great book for upper primary and early middle school aged kids. It‘s not too violent, and mild sexual innuendo, but manages to create a dystopian world with an interesting premise. I think it manages to add perspective to the abortion debate in a fairly meaningful way, and perhaps provide a way to discuss that and other difficult topics with the freedom of a fantastic dystopia as a framework.
Finally got around to reading the first book in this series. It was very good. An easy middle/young adult book to read, that breaches a lot of topics of discussion.
I‘m really interested to see how this one book turns into a series. If it will follow more and more characters or delve into these lives some more...
Liked it! Coincidentally, I just finished Remains of the Day and Unwind seems inspired by Ishiguro‘s Never Let Me Go. Unwind is primarily a YA adventure story though, rather than a character study or rumination on a moral/ethical issue, although those are present to a degree. It‘s first in a series and I‘m looking forward to seeing where the story goes! The picture is from the brilliant Allie Brosh‘s blog and 💯is how I feel lately. #insomniasucks
Let me say this book was engaging and I binge read it in one day. With that being said, I didn‘t feel as attached to the characters as I hoped I would and I felt like things didn‘t really pick up until near the end. However, I liked it enough to get the second book and I hope the future books in the series are as engaging and create more of a connection for me with the characters.
Finished this a couple days ago. The beginning was a little slow and lost my interest but picked up again when I forced myself to continue. Is the rest of the series worth finishing?
(not a horror book, just scary dystopian!)
1. Husband & I were sleeping in a guest room at my parents'. A panflute was near the bed. I woke up middle of the night hearing one and then a second note played on the panflute. I sat up. I thought it was a dream. My husband sat up & asked me why I was playing the flute.
#wellThatWasOdd #supernatural
2. Airbags!
I forgot to check who's played. Come play!
"In her six months working in the emergency room, the young doctor has seen enough strange things to fill her own medical school textbook, but this is the first time someone has crash-landed a helicopter in the hospital parking lot."
? What a way to start a chapter!
This book made me think. What will become over the argument between pro-life and pro-choice? Excited to read the rest of the series.
I‘ve been so obsessed with Neal Shusterman‘s books lately. Unwind was really good, I thought the ending was okay. Unwind is an amazing book 10/10 rating!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Good morning! I was able to get through a chapter of my #jolabokaflodswap book from the wonderful @Lovesbooks87 last night, and I am hooked! I am a little backwards because yesterday was family day and today is the day I get to do nothing but read, so I'm quite excited to do just that all day (with a brief intermission for French toast coming up soon 😋).
If you're looking for a well written, exciting and stressful distopian that will burrow deep into your head, look no further. I kind of regret reading this book (at the very least I should have skipped the unwind chapter) because it really upset me, but it's a great read. #distopian #yalit #medical
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
➜ I love this book. It was something I was able to understand and resonate; being a teenager without the right to voice. Being abandoned by the ones who were suppose to love and protect you.
➜ The biggest complaint I can think of would be the side quest midway with a side character. However I regret EVER being bored with it because the payoff was BEAUTIFUL!
Ten out of ten, would recommend.
I am in love with the My Library app. I spent way too long deciding exactly how I'd use it, and I settled on this ^. I'm using the notes feature to give books a Status rather than a rating: love, good, fun, etc. Wtv word feels right to me. The Goods, the stuff I came to the book for. For some books, I added a Problems section, for anything I didn't like. Feels good to track my books my own way. Goodreads is great but so rigid!
Man, this story was still has heart-wrenching & explosive as the first time I read it. Connor is one of my all time favorite characters — gritty & warm-hearted. Both make up for the slightly confusing world-building. I still have a REALLY hard time believing that in a futuristic world the abortion debate was somehow put to rest without a single discussion about what to do if the pregnancy is not viable/endangers the health of the mother. ★★★★☆.
This is one of those books I‘ve talked about as if I‘d read it but never really did. The public librarian came to talk to my 7th & 8th graders about summer programming and books. She included this flashback and here I am .... reading it now! So good 😊
"Why are you still with me, Fry?" CyFi asked. "Any sane dude woulda taken off days ago."
"Who says I'm sane?"
"Oh, you're sane, Fry. You're so sane, you scare me. You're so sane, it's insane." - Lev and CyFi
"Which was worse, Risa often wondered-to have tens of thousands of babies that no one wanted, or to silently make them go away before they were even born? On different days, Risa had different answers." - Risa
This is a science-fiction novel which I would assign students to read individually. This novel takes place in the US and is set in the future. In this future world, there is a second Civil War which is far over reproductive rights. The resolution of the war was that between age of 13 and 18, parents can have their child “unwound,” whereby all their organs are transplanted into different donors, so life doesn‘t technically end.
Abortions do not exist after the Second Civil War, parents can now give their children up to be unwound if from 13-18 they do not reach their potential in life. Connor escapes only to find Risa and Lev who are also trying to escape their unwound destiny. I loved this book, every pro lifer and pro choice person needs to read this. Great YA book that uses today‘s challenges of how people think that their way will solve all problems.
I'm waiting for Thunderhead to come in so I'll give this a try in the meantime.
What is wrong with Shusterman?! What makes someone think and write something like this?! Why do I let him hurt me with EVERY BOOK?!
I have a feeling this will hurt...
Took me about 200 pages to really get into this book, but I ended up loving it! The ending has me eager to see what happens next, so I'm glad I have the box set and can just dive back in.