I‘m going to start this read! I‘m excited since I heard so much about it on booktok! I already finished my read of the grishaverse trilogy, so I wonder how that‘ll change things for me.
I‘m going to start this read! I‘m excited since I heard so much about it on booktok! I already finished my read of the grishaverse trilogy, so I wonder how that‘ll change things for me.
★ ★ ½
↯ It was a conscious decision to have that many characters, and a choice to only focus on the protagonist. Which, honestly, is fine. But the sisters were there simply to get killed off so I found myself thinking: whats the point?
↯ The pacing was subtle enough to not get boring. The writing style really did capture an eerie vibe. There was an attempt to make this book fantasy but it didn‘t leave a lasting impression.
↯ There was a lot of characters and the author focused on three. Two were developed, as they were the love interests. The other helped advanced the plot whenever it slowed.
↯ I am a HUGE fan of the fantasy in this book. It‘s always constant and never forgotten. The story was predictable but not in a good way. Just. This again?
Overall, it‘s a nice book to pass the time with, but not to dive into.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
↯ The concept was an interesting twist, focusing more on the cursed Kingdom than the cursed Prince. We see characters# development through the consequences and actions towards the kingdom, which made me really believe this Prince is future King.
↯ The romance was great and every character had something to root for! It was never a dull moment, but definitely a book targeted towards lasses than lads.
#bookblogging #yabookreviews
If you haven‘t read A Curse So Dark And Lonely before, then you better get on that! It‘s a boon inspired by the classic Beauty & The Beast fairy tale, but except Stockholm syndrome, Harper is this badass gal who is more interested in helping the kingdom than she is falling in love. The Prince shares this sentiment and works on protecting his people than courting the unwilling gal. It‘s so gooood!
#yabooks #bookblogger
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
↯ The concept was amazing, the little details about the utopia left just enough room for imagination. How Shusterman twisted this utopia was a shivering wonder down my spine that I very much welcomed.
↯ The characters were all great, perhaps a bit stale in the beginning. Most of the characters are traits made into a person but they form@their own identity towards the end.
↯ 10/10 I recommend. It‘s a twisted, silly, jaw dropping read!
The world the author created was wonderful and the book had a lot of room and potential to really wow the readers.
But it didn‘t. Instead the book rambled on about the protagonist‘s though process before she spoke and after she spoke that the book was over before anything real and concrete happened.
If you want to read a book just for the sake of reading it, you can choose this one. You will in no way benefit from finishing this title.
This book was very refined and a specific audience can enjoy this with all their hearts. I wasn‘t apart of that targeted audience. There was a regal atmosphere and I truly appreciated the details and the lore. Just. That romance.
Was the hardest thing I ever had to swallow.
The potential turned into cliches at the end, another thing that killed it for me. But I do recommend!
Visit my blog for a full review!
The cover was bright & colorful—that‘s why I picked it up. I did not regret it but I wouldn‘t recommend. As someone who‘s well educated in the land of entertainment, I‘ve seen all what the book has to offer before. And I‘ve seen it done better. But to anyone who only reads books, or been out of entertainment circle long enough, this book is sure to WOW you. Be warned though that the climax falls flat and it‘s a vanilla swept-under-the-rug ending.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
➜ I love this book. It was something I was able to understand and resonate; being a teenager without the right to voice. Being abandoned by the ones who were suppose to love and protect you.
➜ The biggest complaint I can think of would be the side quest midway with a side character. However I regret EVER being bored with it because the payoff was BEAUTIFUL!
Ten out of ten, would recommend.