Oh my happy heart! I loved this book. Fake dating rom com that makes you swoon. Everyone deserves someone like Lucas in their life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Oh my happy heart! I loved this book. Fake dating rom com that makes you swoon. Everyone deserves someone like Lucas in their life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
While this isn‘t may favorite by Alice Feeney it was still a lot of fun to read and I particularly liked the Agatha Christie vibes. A great October read! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I devoured this book. I thought it was original and it definitely made my heart happy. Not your typical rom-com in the fact that the characters are dealing with grief (and the fact that the main guy is a ghost). Their interactions and conversations are meaningful and even though he is a ghost you find yourself rooting for this couple. I won‘t give away the ending but I am happy to say I was smiling at the end. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
So many twists and turns with this one! It was a lot of fun and kept me guessing.
The brutal honesty between the two main characters was a little disarming for me personally but otherwise this is a beautiful romance that tugs at your heart.❤️
I know I am very late to the game in reading this one but had to talk about it. This book kept me up and I haven‘t been able to stop thinking about it. This broke my heart in so many pieces but I am so glad to have read it. Sometimes we have to walk through other‘s shoes to gain some perspective on our own life. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I liked this one just as much as Rock, Paper, Scissors. If you are able to guess the ending, you are much more clever than I am 😂
If you get a chance, listen to this as an audiobook. He narrates it himself and just listening to his voice makes you smile. Such a warm, kind heart 💛
Wow. This one kept me on my toes; I had heard so much about this book and really wanted to see what all the hype was about. If you love psychological thrillers this is a must read.
Super cute Christmas rom-com. These two characters build such a wonderful friendship that it is super satisfying when they truly get together!
🌶🌶🌶 spicy but with characters that you come to really care about and root for. Loved this one!
This book was like a warm hug for me💛 I absolutely loved these characters- sort of brooding male lead with a single mom not really looking for love and who is most comfortable in the small bubble she has created for herself. The chemistry is spot on!
Fake dating trope done right! I absolutely, whole-heartedly, flipping LOVE this book. Likable characters, cute banter, awesome supporting characters and such amazing chemistry. (One major spicy scene thrown in for good measure)🌶🌶 Have I mentioned I loved this one!?! Easily one of my top 3 of the year.
This book was so much fun!! The author had me hooked from his author note as the beginning when he said he wanted to see how it would go pairing his mom against Dracula and how it wouldn‘t be a fair fight. As a mom and wife myself, this book especially resonated with me; it is so much more than a fun vampire story. Awesome spooky read🧛🏻♂️
I heard so much about this book but I wasn‘t sure if it would live up to the hype. I‘m so glad I read this book!!!! Beautiful and heartbreaking in the best way. Addie has to be one of my new favorite characters ever.⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I loved the ending so much!! If you like psychological dramas, this is a great choice.
The last line of this book!!!😱 What a great psychological ride! Without giving any spoilers I think this book deserves an epilogue that goes like this:
Everyone visits the main character and apologizes to her for COMPLETELY blowing off her concerns and she just tells them “I told you so”. The end.
The author did such a wonderful job of capturing Anne‘s feisty personality. Also, Gil Blythe is my new book boyfriend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
This was a laugh out loud rom-com. Perfect summer read!
Lots of fun and the perfect amount of spooky vibes. Not scary but has you truly guessing what the heck is going on. (Also, I am in love with this cover!)
As someone who adores all things Austen it was nice to spend time with some of my favorite characters. Not my favorite retelling by any means but a fun read nonetheless.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ An amazingly likable main character! If you like psychological thrillers this is one you should definitely check out. So different, but in a good way, since I usually don‘t smile much when I read a twisty thriller- this one made me 😃
Poppy is such an amazing character. Can‘t believe I have to wait so long for the next book🤷🏻♀️
I read a lot of rom coms and I have to say that this one has moved into my top 5! I fell in love with these characters.💛 Also, as someone who deals with social anxiety I appreciate the author‘s care in creating a wonderful, likable character dealing with this issue.
Ugh, I really thought I would like this one but it fell flat for me. I was bored and really didn‘t like the main characters. At least the cover is beautiful!
When you are immersed in this story, it feels completely real. I felt all the love and heartbreak that the main character went through. Such an important story that way too many women can relate to. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
As a mom, this one hit me hard. I couldn‘t read fast enough to find out how it was going to end.
This was a quick rom-com read that I loved. Flirty with likable characters.
This was such a fun read. If you are a Jane Austen fan you should definitely give this one a try.
I‘m so glad I read this book⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ My heart is so full right now
I was nervous to start this one because I was afraid it wouldn‘t be as good as the first book. So far so good, though!
For my next installment of ‘books I chose to read solely based on the beauty of their cover‘...
Just gonna say it- this one is better than the first one.
I have read more books written in verse this past year and Acevedo never disappoints. I love her writing style.
This was such a sweet love story. I absolutely adore these characters. Filled with yummy food references and a great story I highly recommend this to anyone who wants to smile.
I really wanted to like this book but It fell flat for me.
When you want to throw your book across the room when you get about 3/4 through it but you can‘t because you need to keep reading to see how it is all going to end and you‘re so happy that you didn‘t throw your book and stop reading because the ending is flipping awesome. Yeah, that was this book. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I may or not be up all night reading this one👀📚
Completely original and beautiful. I love how the author intertwines two seemingly separate stories into one. This book made my heart smile.
Have you ever chosen a book simply based on how beautiful the cover is?
While this one has an awesome twist it started slow for me and I really didn‘t care for any of the characters. Overall a fun, quick read but not my favorite.
Holy forking shirtballs people! 😱 If you like psychological thrillers you won‘t be disappointed. Now, I‘m gonna need some time to digest what I just read😬
A quick read with a couple of great twists! This one is like a Hitchcock film, only with a LOT more wine. I loved all the movie references 🎬
Wow! If you love twisty thrillers this is a great pick🔥 Took a while for the twist to actually sink in. I may or may not have talked to myself when it all came together “what!?!” “Holy crap!” “Wait, what!?!”🙃
This one started a bit slow for me but by the end-🤯 The most frightening aspect of the story is that it really isn‘t that far-fetched.