Another fun installment of the Mira James cozy murder-by-month mystery series. I‘ve got just three more.
Another fun installment of the Mira James cozy murder-by-month mystery series. I‘ve got just three more.
January was my best reading month since I started tracking three years ago! I read a whopping 35 books (including 6 GN, 8 juvenile biography/history with the kiddo, and 4 other non-fiction) for 6779 pages. I only had 4 BIPOC authors, though, so I can do better there - and February‘s list has better representation.
A good reading month for me.
My Sister, the Serial Killer (A fun re-read)
When They Call You a Terrorist (This one will stick with me)
Normal People (A surprise gem)
A Bad Day for Sunshine
What Lies Between Us
(These two were not really to my taste)
All of the rest
(I really liked all of the other books I read this month)
Strong start to 2021 so far with 11 books read (altho to be fair 4 of those were children‘s books to curate for nieces & nephews). 💖💪🏻
I‘d recommend all of these titles!
Question: What are you doing next week?
Answer: Reading ALL the books for #JoyousJanuary
Time to kick start the year with my favourite mid-monthly #readathon 🥳
My goals? Read as much as I can.
It's that simple. Join us!
Well I‘m excited to see another #joyousjanuary readathon from @Andrew65 and as I‘ve been dragging on books I‘ll just set my goal at 5 this time just in case 😂 I‘ve been a bit slower this month as I‘ve dived into some classics. Maybe I‘ll gain some ground but who knows.
January was tough for me. We visited my parents and while I read on the planes I didn‘t read a single page there, plus I have a new 2-hour weekly rehearsal I‘m getting used to. 11 books and 3034 pages is respectable, but I hope February is better.
I‘m unofficially climbing Mount TBR, 6 books in.
#januarywrapup. Read 6 books and 1,909 pages. Was an ok month. Best is probably chloe brown
I am working on the first one but will likely finish it tonight. I should maybe get out more? Nahhhhh
January was a good reading month for me. I loved the series ending to the Nevernight Chronicle, I'm Not Dying With You Tonight, and I'm really enjoying the re-read if Harry Potter for #potteraday . 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
I thought the Sherrill Sisters, Recursion, and Sound of Gravel were just okay. 🌟🌟🌟
The rest of the books were a solid
Here's my plan for the first month of 2020. I'll be re-reading Vicious, as It's been so long since I've read it. Have you read any of these?
I'm trying something new this year to try and limit my book spending. Color codes represent where I got the book: bought myself, library, Scribd, NetGalley or from a Litten. I'm hoping this will also help me buy only books I want to add to my collection instead of seeing every book as a sparkly diamond and buying on impulse plus it will keep track of challenges I'm in. Let's see how long I stick with it 😂
January wrap up! I read great books this month! 👍🏻
#januaryrecap #januarystats
Though I completed 1, I‘m taking 2 more #NewYearWhoDis reads into February & keeping my Libby holds on the rest to get to in 2019! Infinite Jest is my mountain to climb this year; the books I completed in Jan were much shorter 😁
As for #MountTBR, I only completed 1 owned book 😬 I plan to do better in Feb!
Read in 2019 GR shelf: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list/2827215-daria-zeoli?order=a&shelf=read-in-...
41 TOTAL! I've been looking for new ways to track & present info, so here is an experiment. I've got reading method (mostly print), content format (mostly graphic due to #letsgetgraphicweeklongreadathon), source (mostly library), etc. I checked 6 books off my #mountTBR shelf, gave an equal amount of 3/4/5 star ratings & read 51% books written by women. Gotta work on that #POCauthor stat-32% isn't good enough. See comments for recommendations! ⬇️
#Januarywrapup #readingstats.. So technically I‘m not done with the last one but I‘m 2/3rds the way through and I‘m free after 3:30 today so the chances are good that I finish. So we will say 20 books total for January.. I have my doubts that will be the case for February. 😬
I read 21 books in January total, two being audiobooks. Not a bad@start to the year. The pictures one was actually my favorite.
Great night in the ‘sip. Finally a thaw. It is 60 degrees. This is how I DO JANUARY!! The 6 degrees is for the BIRDS.
A little seasonal reading. If only it would really thaw here . . . This book is one of the better ones of this series I‘ve read. I have the next two waiting for the calendar to change! #Murderbymonth #LetterJ #LitsyAtoZ #Cozymystery #Booked2018