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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
"One of the most harrowing, powerful, and imaginative books of the year" (Anthony Doerr) about twin sisters fighting to survive the evils of World War II. Pearl is in charge of: the sad, the good, the past. Stasha must care for: the funny, the future, the bad. It's 1944 when the twin sisters arrive at Auschwitz with their mother and grandfather. In their benighted new world, Pearl and Stasha Zagorski take refuge in their identical natures, comforting themselves with the private language and shared games of their childhood. As part of the experimental population of twins known as Mengele's Zoo, the girls experience privileges and horrors unknown to others, and they find themselves changed, stripped of the personalities they once shared, their identities altered by the burdens of guilt and pain. That winter, at a concert orchestrated by Mengele, Pearl disappears. Stasha grieves for her twin, but clings to the possibility that Pearl remains alive. When the camp is liberated by the Red Army, she and her companion Feliks--a boy bent on vengeance for his own lost twin--travel through Poland's devastation. Undeterred by injury, starvation, or the chaos around them, motivated by equal parts danger and hope, they encounter hostile villagers, Jewish resistance fighters, and fellow refugees, their quest enabled by the notion that Mengele may be captured and brought to justice within the ruins of the Warsaw Zoo. As the young survivors discover what has become of the world, they must try to imagine a future within it. A superbly crafted story, told in a voice as exquisite as it is boundlessly original, Mischling defies every expectation, traversing one of the darkest moments in human history to show us the way toward ethereal beauty, moral reckoning, and soaring hope.
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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I don‘t know if your dollar general is as bad as ours but it‘s a wreck! All the time not just during the holidays and then I see these books! The horror!! 😫😫

IndoorDame Poor things 😢 2y
Ruthiella I just know you straightened them, didn‘t you! 2y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Mine has hardly had books the last few months but the illness they do have are a mess. They stack up or line up easily. Why are they dog-earring covers? 😬 2y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ For the content of this book it was beautifully written. It weaves the good, the bad, and the ugly altogether in a storybook narrative. It touches on nightmares without giving them to you. I would #highlyrecommend the book. I will say the ending seemed a bit to storybook but it was still a good read #litsy #fiction #holocaust

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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I‘ve been meaning to read this one for a long time and could never seem to get my hands on it. Lucky me the hubs was in the clearance section and there it was for $7.00. So, now I get to finish the journey.
#bookhaul #litsy #historicalfiction

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it—I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me—I have a lot of books. Join the fun if you want. This is day 4!

I‘ll get to it!!

kspenmoll Like this idea! 4y
TheRiehlDeal Can you do this for your virtual TBR or does it have to be books on your bookshelf? 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @TheRiehlDeal I‘m thinking any type book will work!! 4y
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Andrea4 Love the owl!!! 4y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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My husband went to The Dollar Tree for some essentials that he couldn‘t find at the grocery store today. He checked their book section while there and brought home some essentials for me. 😂 I think Mischling is going to go in my pile of possibilities for May. Do you ever pick up books at The Dollar Tree? I think our local stores are hit or miss, as far as an interesting selection goes. I can‘t resist browsing whenever I do go there!

quirkyreader I have found some amazing books at Dollar Tree. 4y
allureofbeauty I always buy books at the dollar tree. I actually have had he one on the left as well and haven‘t read it yet lol 4y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick Nice selection! Dollar Tree can be hit or miss, but I've noticed there are some locations that get a better selection (and take care of the books) so I visit them when I'm in the area. It's a good way to pick up a book that you might not read otherwise. Then there are those you start reading and realize why there were so many selling for $1. 4y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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So much #litsylove for all of you @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Thank you guys for the beautiful gift! So far this book is heartbreaking and lovely ❤️

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks You‘re welcome!! I hope your birthday is awesome!! 🎊🎊 5y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Dollar Tree finds!!! I already have Mischling gifted to me by the awesome @Mdargusch ❤️❤️ I‘ve been shocked to find such great books there lately!!

Bookwormjillk I love A Piece of the World. I actually have been re-reading it this week. It‘s one of my favorites of the decade if not ever. 5y
Mdargusch Ahhh. I remember that book! 😁 5y
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Suet624 I just found this book at the Dollar Tree too! 5y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Suet624 I bought several that day to give away! 5y
Suet624 Great idea. 5y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Amazing, @Kshakal !! This is perfect. Thank you so much!!
#summersantagoespostal #litsy #bookswaps @BookishMarginalia

Kshakal @Wannabe_Quijote you welcome!! I am so glad you like it!! 🤓 5y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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My #longweekend #bookhaul! And the #tbr pile is getting out of control again! 😂😂😂

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Mischling is a gut-wrenching powerful story following 12 yr old twins Pearl and Stasha who are selected for testing in Josef Mendele‘s infamous “zoo.” Separated from their mother + grandfather they witness the horrors and severe abuse of Mengele‘s victims. This was so difficult to read at times that I had to step away to chill out. Grab the kleenex as it gets VERY descriptive in places. 4 ☆ 💔

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

You can't bore a snake with the taste of evil.

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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When you go to the dollar store and find an autographed copy of a book on your TBR list. Score! 🙌🏼

k.reads.5 Wow, that's amazing! This has been on my TBR for ages. 6y
AmyG Wow! And this was a good book, too. 6y
ErikasMindfulShelf Awesome!! 6y
Bookish_B @AmyG that's what I've heard! 6y
Bookish_B @pl.2886 mine too! 6y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

What a great book!

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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The Angel of death, Dr. Josef Mengele, managed to die a free man in South America. This is a novelization of events experienced by twin sisters and others at Auschwitz. It's a beautiful story but quite upsetting of course, feeling a bit numb right now.🙁

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

13 year-old twins Pearl & Stasha are 2 halves of a whole. Stasha is in charge of the funny, the future and takes on the bad. Pearl is the sad, the good and the past. They are despair and loss, hope and light. Through Konar's thoughtful and magical prose, the girls deliver their story in 2 halves in the hopes of becoming whole again. If your soul can survive the journey, you'll be rewarded by one of the most powerful & beautiful books of the year.

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

Pri kraju knjige:
"Svi su oni bili djeca, nekoć."

At the end of the book:
"They were all children once."


Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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I have read this book in three days. The story is so touching, I was on the edge of tears. Need to cry.

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷This was beautiful and terrifying. I can't imagine going through the things that happened during the holocaust. I feel that this is one of those books that should be read in schools.

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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So beautifully written, which is a testament to the author since the setting is Mengele's Zoo during WWII. As the story unfolds, the tale of the twins is heartbreaking and what's done to them and others is horrifying, but the girls still manage to hold on to hopes of a future after the war when they can be together once more.

The photo is Josef Mengele. The monster whose experiments during the war prompted the author to write this novel.

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Started this audiobook today at work. It's really well done, but I know I'm going to end up bawling by the end. Most WWII books do that to me. I will never understand the horrors humans inflict on other humans. Books like this, to me, are far more scary than ghosts or supernatural horror stories.

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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3 | #OctoberXFiles

Joseph Menegle was Auschwitz‘s #BoogieMan, and this harrowing tale of twins, Pearl and Stasha, hurt my heart 🌹

Cinfhen Such a heartbreaking story 😭😭😭and to know it was based on real life events & people 💔 6y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Such an amazing book. It's definitely a book that I would recommend for someone who likes reading about WWII

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Three of my #floralcovers #riotgrams Question: does anyone have a floral cover on a book written by a man?

thegirlwiththelibrarybag I think I have two floral covers, total, on my shelf. Both by women. 6y
LeahBergen Hmm... I‘m going to have to look at my shelves now. 🤔 6y
readordierachel That's a really good question. I don't have any, so I did some googling. Most floral covers appear to be on books written by women. I did see this recent one though 6y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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The always sweet and insightful @britt_brooke has hit the bog 250k, and is celebrating with a giveaway. And what a stack of books! I have only read A Little Life, and I want to read all the rest 🤞

Congrats on your milestone Brittany, it is well deserved! #250kgiveaway

britt_brooke Thank you so much for the kind words!! 💚 And Thank you for entering. 🤞🏻 6y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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I really wanted to like this and was so disappointed. I‘ve read several memoirs of holocaust survivors and maybe that‘s made me a tough critic. The twins in the story had a shared telepathy. Being a twin myself and not believing in telepathy, I found these parts distracting. There were also coincidences I thought were too good to be true and I thought the ending was very slow and I really had to push myself to finish the book. So bummed.

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Well done book about twin sisters who suffered at the hands of Mengele during the Holocaust - while there are some horrifying moments, the story is well done and the characters are wonderful.

RebelReader I felt the same way about this book and I want my book group to read it,but they are resisting. 😩 6y
Ubookquitous @rebelreader Oh it would be great - the focus is on the sisters and wonderfully portrays the ability of youth to adapt and overcome so much. (edited) 6y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

This is a hauntingly beautifully written bit horrific book. I have read quite a bit of holocaust literature, but this one I wish I never read.

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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“One of the most harrowing, powerful, and imaginative books of the year" (Anthony Doerr) “about twin sisters fighting to survive the evils of World War II... A superbly crafted story, told in a voice as exquisite as it is boundlessly original, MISCHLING defies every expectation, traversing one of the darkest moments in human history to show us the way toward ethereal beauty, moral reckoning, and soaring hope.” #TBR | #Flowers - #ReadingResolutions

RebelReader This was an amazing book! ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
GatheringBooks i received this book for review but haven‘t gotten around to reading it yet :( 7y
DivaDiane Wow. Sounds very interesting. 7y
CaitlinR Read it as an ARC, then it dropped off my radar, thanks for a great review. I‘ll put it on my staff picks shelf. 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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#NuYear #CallOutTheDogs Almost every account I‘ve read regarding the Holocaust always describes the insistent terrifying barking of ravenous dogs as the cattle cars arrived at Auschwitz. Ive heard survivors suffer from PTS whenever they hear barking dogs😥😥This January 27 marks the 13 annual International Holocaust Remembrance Day and the 73 anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz #weRemember #NeverAgain

TrishB 😢 never forget. 7y
BarbaraBB Well said, well chosen 😢 7y
shawnmooney 💜 7y
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Cinfhen 73 years ago still seems like this lifetime @TrishB @BarbaraBB @shawnmooney 💔 7y
Kalalalatja 💔💔 7y
rockpools 💔 7y
eanderson 💔 7y
Mdargusch Terrifying! 7y
emilyhaldi 😢 7y
Reviewsbylola So sad 7y
Cinfhen I know, I had dinner last week with my friend and her MIL was visiting. She was taken to Auschwitz when she was 9 💔She and her sister were the only members of her immediate family who survived. Her parents, grandparents and 3 other siblings died. She said to have children, grandchildren and hopefully live to see a great grandchild is the BEST revenge against Hitler. @emilyhaldi @Mdargusch @eanderson @RachelO @Kalalalatja 7y
TrishB That‘s awesome 👍🏻 the best revenge is living ❤️ 7y
emilyhaldi Incredible story about your friend‘s MIL ... I cried just reading it! Heartbreaking and also inspirational that she kept building her family and enjoying life ❤️❤️❤️ 7y
Mdargusch Such a sweet revenge! ❤️ 7y
mrp27 💔 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Last read of 2017. Very sad and well written. Sally had to butt in. She wants me to feed her. #goodbye2017 #catsoflitsy

Tanzy13 🐱 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

I don't even have words for how good this book was. There were some very sad, hard to read parts throughout, but the story is so worth it. ❤ If you've been hesitating to read it, I'd highly recommend giving it a try.

Lucas.Rencher I can't wait to read this one! 😀 7y
Cinfhen I thought the first half was breathtakingly beautiful, although hard to read 💔 7y
Owlizabeth I‘m going to have to read this sooner rather than later, I suppose. 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

For those of you who enjoyed Mischling, I'd recommend watching this video. It's a real life account of a twin who survived the Mengele Zoo, and it's a really powerful video to watch.


CocoReads And if you‘re ever in Terre Haute, Indiana, I recommend stopping by her museum. It‘s small, but very powerful. https://candlesholocaustmuseum.org/ 7y
Lucas.Rencher I really need to read this book! 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Starting my next book! This is a #BlameItOnLitsy. I've seen so many amazing posts about it, but I feel like it's going to be a really sad read.

Owlizabeth That‘s why I haven‘t started it yet! Interested to hear your opinion. 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks I have it but can‘t bring myself to read it yet. 7y
whatsthEStorey I loved this book! Definitely worth reading! 7y
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Christine11 I‘ve got it but like you I know it‘s going to be really emotional so I‘ve avoided it a bit ! Hope you enjoy 😊 7y
AmyG Wonderful book. Not an easy read. 7y
AngelErin I‘m reading it now and so far I love it. Enjoy and yes it is sad though. 7y
Lucas.Rencher It looks so good I can't wait to hear what you think of it! 😀 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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✨I just started #mischling by #affinitykonar and so far it‘s pretty good. It will be a story that will break my heart I‘m sure. Especially as I have twins it‘s going to really tug on those heartstrings. If you‘ve read this one, what did you think about it?✨

saresmoore Cuties! 7y
AngelErin @saresmoore Thank you! ♥️ 7y
LitLogophile I loved the writing! The story is great — I‘m always a little cautious with Holocaust stories bc it‘s been done, but I loved this one. It is very difficult, though. 7y
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AngelErin @LitLogophile So far I love the writing! Yes, holocaust stories for me are always difficult reads, but good. 7y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I was recently gifted this one and hope to get to it soon!! Cutie pies!! 💙💙 7y
JacqMac It broke my heart. It‘s very good though. 7y
RebelReader @JacqMac It broke my heart too, but still so well done. 7y
AngelErin @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks It‘s great so far! I hope you enjoy it when you get to it. And thank you! ♥️ 7y
AngelErin @JacqMac It‘s great so far. Very sad though. 7y
AngelErin @RebelReader So far it is really well done. Great writing. 7y
Avanders 😍 7y
AngelErin @Avanders I finished the book yesterday and it was great! 😀 7y
Avanders @AngelErin ooh good to know! 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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✨I borrowed #mischling by #affinitykonar from my bestie! I can‘t wait to start it once I finish the Stephen King book I‘m on. ✨#historical #fiction

RebelReader This is so well done. I hate to say I loved it because it is about Mengele. It's also about so much more! 7y
AngelErin @RebelReader Oh I‘m glad you enjoyed it! I can‘t wait to start it. It sounds great. 😀 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

I know some people are appalled by fiction about the Holocaust but anything that can give you even an inkling of how horrible the war was and help us to feel compassion helps us to remember. The genuine criticism of the book is that the language is almost too beautiful and flowery and that is true at times but still it was a very good audiobook.

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Been wanting to read Mischling for some time.

#audiobook #overdrive

Mdargusch Our family book club was very divided on this book, but I thought it was good. 7y
suomi @Mdargusch I'm really not sure what to think about the book! 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar

I just couldn‘t finish this book. I tried for months, but it never held my attention like the other stuff I was reading. I think the characters/style just weren‘t my cup of tea...

TricksyTails I listened to this awhile back on audio and liked it, but I'm a fan of all things WWII. I can see how someone wouldn't enjoy this as I liked it but didn't love it. Perhaps, if the premise of the story still calls to you, try it on audiobook instead? 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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Just a small portion of my #tbr section in the library. Are there any I should put at the top of my list?

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks A few are in my list!! But I haven‘t read any of them! 😊 7y
ErikasMindfulShelf I really liked Idaho. 7y
PandaPanda I really loved the twelve lives of Samuel Hawley! 7y
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emilyhaldi Idaho ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ 7y
merelybookish Idaho, Idaho, Idaho!!! If you don't like it, don't tell me. ☺️ 7y
AmyG I loved Mischling and Idaho. 7y
TheLibrarian @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @irre @PandaPanda @emilyhaldi @merelybookish @AmyG Thanks for the input. Looks like Idaho will be one of my next reads!! 7y
mrozzz Moonglow, Idaho, Mischling, and Underground Airlines 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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• So, I've DNFed this book. It's deep, it's powerful, it's heartbreaking, it's shattered me - I cannot read anymore right now. The things it portrays are too close to possible reality. The children to easy to imagine to flesh. I'll finish it another time but this is a book that's going to take a few tries to get through safely. 〰#historicalfiction #book #booklover #bookstagram #bookblogger #bibliophile #met_createchange

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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• Meet my next read... Auschwitz in 1944 and promising to be heartbreaking. 〰#historicalfiction #book #booklover #bookstagram #bookblogger #bibliophile #met_createchange

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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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I feel appreciated, thanks Barnes & Noble 😊
...ps members get 20% off this weekend

BekahB I used the extra discount as an excuse to splurge at B&N yesterday. Now I just have to keep myself away from the store for the rest of the weekend! 😄 7y
RidgewayGirl So tempted to just take a walk through the store... 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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New books from Readers First and I'm very excited about them! 🙈🙌 #book #booklover #bookblogger #bookstagram #bookishfeature #readersfirst #books #bibliophile

Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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More book post from Readers First!

TrishB Nice cover 👍 7y
AmyG Good book. 7y
Sophoclessweetheart 🙌❤️ 7y
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Mischling: A novel | Affinity Konar
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I have to stop starting books that are about the horrors people will inflict on others. This one about twins and Josef Mengele. Couldn't do it.