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Unbelievable: My Front-Row Seat to the Craziest Campaign in American History | Katy Tur
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Compelling this book couldnt be more timely. Jill Abramson, New York Times Book Review FROM THE RECIPIENT OF THE 2017 Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism Called "disgraceful," "third-rate," and "not nice" by Donald Trump, NBC News correspondent Katy Tur reported onand took flak fromthe most captivating and volatile presidential candidate in American history. Katy Tur lived out of a suitcase for a year and a half, following Trump around the country, powered by packets of peanut butter and kept clean with dry shampoo. She visited forty states with the candidate, made more than 3,800 live television reports, and tried to endure a gazillion loops of Elton Johns "Tiny Dancer"a Trump rally playlist staple. From day 1 to day 500, Tur documented Trumps inconsistencies, fact-checked his falsities, and called him out on his lies. In return, Trump repeatedly singled Tur out. He tried to charm her, intimidate her, and shame her. At one point, he got a crowd so riled up against Tur, Secret Service agents had to walk her to her car. None of it worked. Facts are stubborn. So was Tur. She was part of the first women-led politics team in the history of network news. The Boys on the Bus became the Girls on the Plane. But the circus remained. Through all the long nights, wild scoops, naked chauvinism, dodgy staffers, and fevered debates, no one had a better view than Tur. Unbelievable is her darkly comic, fascinatingly bizarre, and often scary story of how America sent a former reality show host to the White House. Its also the story of what it was like for Tur to be there as it happened, inside a no-rules world where reporters were spat on, demeaned, and discredited. Tur was a foreign correspondent who came home to her most foreign story of all. Unbelievable is a must-read for anyone who still wakes up and wonders, Is this real life?
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A compelling, disturbing, and well-written accounting of the 2016 election. As we seem prepared to enter yet another election season with Trump on the Republican ticket, I think it‘s important to remember how unhinged he is and was. Books like this help us not forget that truth.

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Reading this over a weekend just 65 days from the 2020 is a unique experience. Tur calls 2016 the “craziest,” but I suspect she now thinks it wasn‘t as crazy as this cycle. She offers a behind-the-scenes look and it feels gossipy and even lighthearted. But I had some “woah” moments that foreshadow some of the worst things he‘s said and done in the time since 2016.

Full review http://www.TheBibliophage.com #thebibliophage2020

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This book was SO good. It told stories from the campaign trail that we are all familiar with but from the journalist perspective. It was an incredibly objective read about Trump and how he won- plus the details from the authors personal life gave it the perfect personal touch

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I chose to listen to this book strictly for a challenge prompt. It was painful for a variety of reasons. I found Katy Tur‘s memoir covering Trump‘s campaign whiny & superficial. I get it was crazy-town but she‘s a reporter & this was a PLUMB assignment, so a little humility would have been nice. This was rubbing salt in the wound, totally unnecessary and agonizing. I didn‘t need all the rehashing🥺

Riveted_Reader_Melissa God bless you... I think I‘ve read everything about him and his Presidency that I can stomach, and it all makes me feel worse. I still want to read Joy Ann Reid‘s, but I‘m just not sure I can stand any more. 4y
Cinfhen Thanks @Riveted_Reader_Melissa there were probably other books I could have chosen but this was available on Hoopla and I thought I‘d be able to stomach it. It was really difficult and now I‘m dreading the buildup to the next 4 years 😞 4y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Cinfhen Yes, so much yes.... I feel like I need to turn off all news and social media except for Litsy and Goodreads for the next 1 to 5 years. 😕 4y
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Need to UP my #Nonfiction2020 challenge. This is for #SomethingAboutAnElection but Katy Tur is a little too millennial for me 🙄

alisiakae I would get annoyed just looking at that cover. 🤣 4y
Cinfhen It‘s hard to relive this @4thhouseontheleft I‘m not sure I‘ll make it to the end of the book ...it‘s slowly killing me 4y
Suet624 I listened to this one and what I actually remember most were some of the things she wrote about her parents. They were amazing. The rest of the book was so terrible. That man and his followers are just awful. 4y
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Cinfhen I‘m not sure this is a good time to be listening @Suet624 the next wave of frantic campaigning is starting and it‘s giving me anxiety 4y
TrishB I‘ve read this one. ☹️ 4y
Suet624 I understand. My children and I are pretty deeply involved in election activities and it‘s difficult to be battered about daily by the whims and fears of the electorate and the idiocy of the current occupant. 4y
AmyG Yes! I agree with @Suet624 that the best part was about her parents. I don‘t know how you could read this @Cinfhen - it gave me such anxiety that I never finished it. 4y
Cinfhen Ohhh; I agree @AmyG @Suet624 Katy‘s parents are COOL but I‘m not a fan of Katy, she‘s coming across as whiny & self obsessed 😬 4y
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I've always liked Katy Tur and her snarkiness. She not only shares her journey through the craziness of the 2016 presidential campaign but much of her personal history. She is funny, smart, snarky and has a foul mouth. I adore her even more! I can't believe how many details of the election cycle I had forgotten! (Blocked out?!?)

If you are choosing between hard copy or audio, go audio. Katy is a great narrator, no big surprise.

GingerAntics I‘m sure we all have a type of PTSD where we‘ve forgotten in an attempt to preserve our sanity. 5y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie @GingerAntics I absolutely believe you're right. I actually gasped several times because I couldn't believe I had forgotten certain moments. It left me in awe that even after all those things, America really did elect that man. 5y
GingerAntics It‘s truly unbelievable, isn‘t it? This is an aptly titled book. I think part of it may be that we‘ve been so desensitised to his madness, two years in, that it‘s easier to block stuff out than keep a running tally. 5y
Bookish.Leftist.Auntie Definitely! The, "this is not normal," mantra becomes difficult after it becomes the new normal. It will take much longer than his tenure as president to undo the harm he had done on every level, and that is not including the harm we won't be able to undo. 5y
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Eye rolling, stomach clenching view from the front seats of the election campaign. I don‘t see that conditions are any different for 2020. My American friends please tell me there‘s someone else ready to step up?
I didn‘t have a book mark with a giant orange so I‘ve gone for a giant peach instead 😁

Kaye I have yet to hear of any definite contenders for 2020, but I‘ll bet there‘ll be a truckload trying out to run against him. I don‘t even want to think he‘d get 4 more years. 4 more hours is way too many in my opinion. YUK. 6y
alanacristin I got this as a kindle deal a few months ago and still haven't had the stomach to read it 😖😖😖 6y
Melissa_J LOL at the bookmark! 6y
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AmyG I‘m with @Kaye and I‘m not sure he will get another 4 years. And there will be so many people trying to unseat him. 🤞🏻 (edited) 6y
Amiable My sanity is literally hanging onto the hope than we only have to get through 2020 and then we can kick his giant, racist, misogynistic, science-denying, continually lying ass to the curb. Please, God and millions of voters ... 🙌🏼 (edited) 6y
Chrissyreadit We have some amazing contenders who are possible. The DNC May be its own worst enemy in this issue. And the electorate college- it is set up so that the GOP will perpetually gain the votes of several states. 6y
Kaye @Chrissyreadit You hit the nail on the head about the Electoral college. I really dislike the system the way it is. I wish they‘d do away with it and just allow each VOTE to count . It‘d be a much more fair system, just my opinion. My state has one of the highest number of electoral votes, but we have more registered Republicans that vote straight ticket no matter who is running . I hope some of them wake up before 2020. 6y
Annl I am a Canadian living right in the middle of Florida. (Before you ask, grandchildren are here) just a dose of what I see every day, huge Trump signs and smaller ones offering weapons training. Although, one bright light, I am aware of one family that have take their huge Trump flag down. 6y
Chrissyreadit @Kaye I am also in a crazy red state. I struggle all the time with little things- like hearing blatant lies told at a poll place by a poll worker to a voter. We need to increase education and civic engagement desperately too. But ultimately change will come, I just hope before the damage destroys our future. (Climate change specifically) 6y
Chrissyreadit @Annl I keep reminding myself the March For Our Lives Kids came out of Florida and not to give up! 6y
Annl @Chrissyreadit I agree. My grandson told me during the last presidential election that is was time there was a female president because men had the job too long. I know we will be okay! And I try to avoid streets where signs that make me question people are located. Florida is a strange and beautiful state. 6y
TrishB @Kaye @AmyG @Amiable @Chrissyreadit @Annl thanks all - good to get the thoughts of those in the thick of it! 6y
TrishB @Melissa_J a bit of light relief 😘 6y
Cedricsmom I think that‘s a lot of the problem: there‘s no one to step in so people vote desperately, if at all. 6y
TrishB @Cedricsmom agreed- people should be stepping up already! 6y
Caroline2 It‘s all so shocking isn‘t it!!! 😱 love your bookmark tho! I wanted to find a guinea pig one to send with it for you but guinea pigs are just too cute!!! 😆 6y
TrishB @Caroline2 it brought it all back! 6y
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Bit of hairdresser reading 👍🏻 I wish this book was fiction and the ending was different....

Soubhiville Me too! 6y
melbeautyandbooks I agree! 6y
AlaMich Some days I still wake up and can‘t believe it‘s actually happened. 😭🤬 6y
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Leftcoastzen It‘s just awful. 6y
AmyG Hahahaha...don‘t we all. 6y
Gina I trully believe I am living in the twillight zone 6y
TrishB @Soubhiville @melbeautyandbooks @AlaMich @Leftcoastzen @AmyG @Gina I hear you all! Brexit is the same crap here.....😔 6y
melbeautyandbooks @TrishB Brexit should have been a bigger clue to me as to how the US election would go. 6y
Caroline2 It‘s shocking isn‘t it! The whole time I kept thinking, it would be like Alan Sugar being Prime Minister?! 😱 6y
TrishB @Caroline2 it‘s good we‘re still shocked though! 6y
alisiakae Me too. 6y
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An inside look at 45‘s campaign and what it was like to cover it. One of my scary October reads.

saguarosally And here I‘m just reading 6y
Centique @saguarosally that made me laugh 😂 but yes truly scary 😳 6y
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I enjoyed this but it wasn‘t quite as insightful as I hoped. I would have liked more social commentary and more explanation as to why, despite everything, people voted for Trump! It was still really interesting though, to read an eyewitness account of the Trump campaign through the eyes of a journalist. 👍🏻

SleepyDragon Some things are just unexplainable. 🤪☹🌊 6y
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Thanks Goodreads! Finally won a give-a-way 😁

#Goodreads #giveaway #resist

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Don‘t you just love it when you completely forget that you preordered a book months ago and then you receive a random book package one day and it‘s like BOOM it‘s your birthday!!! 😆🎉👏🏻😁

SW-T 😂😂😂🎂 6y
GingerAntics Oh wow, that does sound awesome!!! 6y
Trollkonstnaren A perfect timing 👻 6y
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This is a great look back at what it was like to cover the DT campaign and is a good addition to the record of what will hopeful be an anomaly of history. That being said, I‘m really sick of the man and burned out on books about him, so I only listened to this now because I‘ve had it on hold forever. I recommend it overall, but if you‘re anything like me, you need a break right now!

Jess7 Loved this book! 6y
Prairiegirl_reading So many books about him! Makes me wonder if he has his grubby mitts in the publishing industry. But who would know!!! 6y
Hooked_on_books @Prairiegirl_reading I think if he had his mitts in publishing that we wouldn‘t be seeing these books! The ones I‘ve read haven‘t been terribly complimentary. 6y
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Fantastic! Authentic and honest. Always have liked Katy Tur but now I‘m a fan girl. Can‘t recommend enough.

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Book #2 finished. This was such a painful read! So much stuff has happened since the election that I had forgotten a lot of the stuff that happened before the election. I really can‘t believe he won. What a joke. Upsetting read. But it‘s a good book if you can handle reliving that time. I have been eating candy all afternoon so time for some fruit. #24in48

MicheleinPhilly Right? I read this book recently and just kept thinking, “Oh remember when we all thought that would be the end of it?” “NO, this will surely put an end to it?” “Huh, I mean he has to be done at this point, right?” 😔 6y
Julsmarshall Amazing and disheartening book, isn‘t it? And yet it keeps getting worse 😭 6y
ReadingSusan @MicheleinPhilly It‘s still so shocking! 6y
ReadingSusan @Julsmarshall yes. I was hoping that would be the worst of it and he would just be an ineffective leader. Wishful thinking 😭😭😭 6y
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My afternoon! Still plugging along but feel a headache coming on 😱 #24in48

sparingqueen Hopefully your headache passes quickly! 6y
Readerann No!! 😩 Hope it goes away. A nap maybe? 6y
ReadingSusan @sparingqueen @Readerann had to take Advil but that made it go away quickly! 6y
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Back at #24in48 cuddled in bed listening to this audiobook. I have to say it‘s pretty painful to relieve all this. I forgot about all the pre election stuff because he has done so much more since then.

Crystallinegirl I read this one last Christmas. It's an incredible book. 6y
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Ok I think this is all I can do on #24in48 for tonight. Headed to bed. See you all tomorrow!!

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3.5 ⭐️

A good listen.
Nothing really new, but it was helpful to refresh on some of the details. Tur was there from the start, & at times was targeted by Trump, leading to her needing a security detail.

Definitely worth a listen if you enjoy journalism. Tur gives a great account of life on the road for a correspondent.

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From an interview in 2015, just weeks after announcing his run.
What was he so sensitive about? 🤔

Ashley_Nicoletto I couldn't stop reading this book, but I was also horrified and angry for large parts of it. 😂 6y
Sweettartlaura @ashley_nicoletto that‘s how it‘s panning out 😕 (edited) 6y
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Listening this while #audiocleaning

BookishMarginalia I enjoyed this one (and was appalled in equal measure). 6y
Sweettartlaura @bookishmarginalia that‘s just about what I‘m expecting 6y
Suet624 This book was 👏🏼👏🏼👍👍 6y
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So, this one is good. Is it the best one for explaining the Trump Campaign and everything about it? No. Is it a fun read? No. Is it interesting and somewhat entertaining? Yes. Definitely yes.

RaimeyGallant Interesting. And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy! 6y
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This was a tough read. Setting aside my personal feelings for the man currently occupying the Oval Office, I can‘t even begin to imagine following someone for a year and a half. The thought alone exhausts me.

But this book also reminded me of the total shitshow that passed for reporting in 2016. A shitshow that is going to begin again once the midterms pass. 😩 Here‘s hoping the media has learned some lessons.

mrozzz Well said!! 🙌🏻 6y
WhatDeeReads Judging by their response to the white house correspondents dinner, they have not. 6y
MicheleinPhilly @WhatDeeReads I know. I‘ve always said that if healthcare and education were not for-profit industries, our country would be in much better shape. Now I add news media to that. 😡 6y
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Oh man Audible has another amazing sale 🤣 I only looked through half the titles available so I wouldn‘t be too tempted.

MelissaSue81 I really liked that book! 6y
Crystallinegirl This book was great! 6y
tessavi I also snatched this up during the sale! 6y
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Phew. This was a painful but worthwhile listen. But man was it painful.

MicheleinPhilly I‘m reading this now and it almost seems surreal. Like there‘s a daily dose of awfulness now but when being reminded of the daily dose of awfulness during the campaign, I‘m once again baffled as to how we ended up here. 6y
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I finished this audiobook on my walk today. I found it very interesting and informative, however it did just remind me of how many bizarre and as the title suggests unbelievable things took place during the American election. I also found the insight into how intense reporting on people like Trump can be really fascinating but at times I did feel my attention wander slightly. Overall good but not amazing, if you‘ve read it what did you think?

Samplergal I read it and it was amazingly scary, imho. Katy wrote a good diary, not great writing, imho, but she sure did journal the clown show. Scary stuff. 6y
Christine11 @Samplergal I agree about the writing not being great but like you say she did document everything that was going on well and it was definitely scary! 😊 (edited) 6y
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Spending the night with a mystery knit-a-long and finishing this on audio. I‘ve been loving it so far; there are other MSNBC anchors I like better, but Katy Tur narrating her own book is fabulous.

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The whole Trump campaign was literally unbelievable, but this - a journalist‘s account on the campaign trail - hits pretty much every high (and low) point that I remember, rushing towards the finish line like a truck that has lost its brakes barreling down a mountain in the faint hopes of coming across one of those runaway truck ramps.


I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Katy Tur is very smart and quite funny. This book was an easy read, and the only reason I am giving it a 4/5 stars instead of a 5/5 rating is because I didn‘t love the jumping timeline (semi-linear timeline). I would have preferred a more traditional true linear timeline. I especially liked learning about Katy Tur‘s parents. This is a #mustread! #audiobook #Politics #partmemoir #KatyTur #bookreview #JPBookreview

Itchyfeetreader Agree - I listened to this on audio and the timeline baffled me to put into the wider context ! 6y
RaimeyGallant Nice review. 6y
AlaMich I enjoy hearing her interviewed. I‘m sure the book is super interesting. 6y
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Redwritinghood Agree. The timeline and her tendency to go off on long tangents in the middle of an anecdote were my issues with this book. 6y
knp4597 Just started this one yesterday and I‘m already more than halfway through it :) The audiobook is narrated by the author herself and she‘s great. 6y
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This was sort of a memoir about her time covering the Trump presidential campaign. She relates some first hand experiences at Trump rallies that sound quite frightening. I found that she often went off on a tangent in the middle of relating some event, though, and this got confusing (at least it does on audio).

Sweettartlaura I agree. As much as I liked it, it felt too personal at times. When I heard it had started as a piece for Marie Claire, that made a little more sense. 6y
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The NBC reporter chronicles the surreal experience of covering Trump since the primary days. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Velvetfur I heard her being interviewed on BBC Radio 4 Woman's Hour, it was...interesting... Sounds crazy! 6y
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Started #Unbelievable today! I‘m loving #KatyTur already! This “is her darkly comic, fascinatingly bizarre, and often scary story of how America sent a former reality show host to the White House. It‘s also the story of what it was like for Tur to be there as it happened, inside a no-rules world where reporters were spat on, demeaned, and discredited... Unbelievable is a must-read for anyone who still wakes up and wonders, Is this real life?”

Dolly Imagine waking up from a longtime coma and finding out this. 🙃 6y
tammysue Stacked! 😁 6y
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I wasn't sure if I could read anything about Trump but Katy is a great writer. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for her... I also wish I would have counted how many times I said WTF or OMG when listening to this!

Samplergal Crazy isn‘t it? I read it the day it dropped. Poor Katy. At least she got a book deal from it. 😜 6y
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I downloaded this audiobook on impulse and I honestly can‘t even remember why, since I‘ve mostly been ignoring the political books lately. That said, I thought this was a great memoir. Very well written and hits all the highlights of the campaign we all remember, as well as some behind-the-scenes stuff and an inside look at the world of political reporting.

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The best way to counteract a hard to read (topic not writing) is with a warm fire.
This book is a so far a perfect memoir of the unbelievable trajectory of Trump from campaign to Election Day. Katy Tur may be one of my new favorite people.

JenReadsAlot I'm listening to this on audio right now! 6y
DogEaredBooks @JenReadsAlot what do you think so far? I really like her writing and I really am connecting with her portrayal of the events 6y
JenReadsAlot I really like it (considering the topic). She is a great writer and narrator. 6y
mrozzz She‘s awesome! I‘m so glad she wrote this. 6y
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Managed to snag a signed copy of Unbelievable. I didn't know you could find those at Barbes & Noble.
#barnesandnoble #signedcopy

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Jess7 Yes!!! I bought these two too! 6y
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The kindle deals have been exciting the last few days. Today there's several great looking biographies and memoirs 😍 i picked up a few not already in my library 📚 I'm not sure I'm ready for this one yet but it's been on my #tbr for awhile. #mommyreads #ebooks #kindledeals

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As a memoir about Katy and the experience of being on the road with a campaign I found this fascinating, and it acted as a good reminder of the Trump campaign. Her style on audio was casual yet still specific and felt like a friend catching you. It is not chronological which was a tad confusing on audio and it‘s not the go to book for detailed analysis although what insights she gives are credible and interesting.

VeganCleopatra I liked this one, but I think one where Tur doesn't hold back would have been pretty funny. 6y
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Between follow-up appointments & happy to have my Kindle so I could finish this one. I was immediately engaged & absorbed by Tur's account of covering Donald Trump's campaign in the 2016 election. In turns humorous & horrifying given the outcome & while I avoided most of the Trump coverage specifics at the time, what she writes about is familiar-but with her take as a front row observer to the madness. Great if you are into politics & journalism.

AmyG I like how she included info about herself...her bio. Her parents were amazing...wih their history in journalism. I watch her on TV but really became a fan after reading this book. She is also a big fannof the band Phish...so I get a chuckle when she throws lyrics into her reports. (edited) 6y
DebinHawaii @AmyG I agree! Her parents were so interesting. I need to watch her reports.👍👍 6y
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Max chose to sleep on his ottoman in one of the few moments of sun on this rainy day rather than read with me this afternoon. 🐱Max says that he's tired & his mom's book is really boring... there are no cats & just the mean orange man with little hands & Max thinks he probably doesn't even like cats...🙀He'll get up when his dinner is ready. 😼#catsoflitsy 😽❤️

JenReadsAlot Now that's a happy kitty! 6y
Texreader ❤️❤️❤️ 6y
TricksyTails Look at that happy face!! 😽😆♥️ 6y
LauraBeth Max is so adorable 6y
DebinHawaii @JenReadsAlot @TricksyTails He is a happy boy! 😽❤️ @Texreader 😻😻😻 @LauraBeth He is pretty darn cute--especially when he is sleeping! 😹🤣 6y
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When your book is the cake barrier.

DGRachel Bitsy looks so hopeful. 😍🐶🍰 6y
Bookzombie What kind of cake is that? 🤤 6y
LeahBergen Wow. If my husband only looked at me with a FRACTION of that longing... 😂 6y
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Kalalalatja I‘m relating so much to Bitsy right now 😂 6y
Karkar @Kalalalatja I so can relate to Bitsy too!! 🤣🤣 6y
LauraBeth @Bookzombie it‘s marble buttercream 💕 6y
LauraBeth @DGRachel she may have gotten a small piece 😀 6y
LauraBeth @LeahBergen I know, right?! Just a fraction! 6y
LauraBeth @Kalalalatja and @Karkar Poor, poor Bitsy 😂 6y
TNbookworm 😂😂 6y
BookNerd1975 This picture makes me long for a piece of cake. 6y
Gina The longing in that dog's eyes for that cake is hilarious. I look at cake the same way. 6y
Bookish.Heart I don‘t blame her. That cake looks good! 6y
Bette I want cake! ❤️🐶📚🍰 6y
Suet624 Good book. Loved her parents. 6y
RohitSawant 🤣🤣🐶😍 6y
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Trying to get a few chapters in this afternoon on the Kindle but someone (🐱) seems to think it's time for his dinner--even though he's about 30 minutes too early. 🐱Max says that although he likes to have his mom home again, she should really stop her reading & get him something to eat because he's had a really tough day of napping & grooming & it's Friday--so it's time to start the weekend! 😹 #catsoflitsy 😽❤️

Zelma Hi Max! 👋 6y
GlassAsDiamonds Max!! ❤️❤️❤️ is he back to normal yet? (Puffs cranky because she‘s been in boarding, she wants hugs so she slept on me all night but then hissed halfway through pats....I‘m hoping it wears off soon!). And because I haven‘t said it yet: glad you‘re back!!! 😊😊😊 (edited) 6y
Libby1 😻 6y
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LauraBeth I‘m with Max on this one 6y
JenReadsAlot Hi Max! Hope all has returned to normal with him! 6y
DebinHawaii @Zelma @Libby1 @LauraBeth @JenReadsAlot @GlassAsDiamonds Max says 'Hi' back. 😽❤️He is doing well after his traumatic month & pretty close to back to normal, thankfully. And thank you @GlassAsDiamonds it is good to be back. 💜 6y
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#FierceFeb #ModernGirl -Had my brother take all of my library books back before he left as I wouldn't be home before their due dates😢📚including the print copy of this book that I REALLY wanted to read so I'm happy my library e-book hold came in. I read a few chapters this morning & think that author & news correspondent Katy Tur is a good example of a 'modern girl' or woman--trapped in the madness of covering the Trump campaign for NBC.🎤🤦🏻‍♀️

batsy Glad you have the ebook available, will look out for your review! 6y
mrozzz Too right you are! 6y
LauraBeth I‘m reading this now too and am really enjoying it! 6y
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DebinHawaii @LauraBeth Me too--it is really interesting! 👍👍 6y
Samplergal While I liked it I felt her writing wasn‘t that great. Maybe a style, but wasn‘t that impressed. 6y
Cinfhen Nice choice, Deb! So glad to have you back participating🤗🤗😘 6y
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A one sitting read that left me deeply depressed about politics yet again, but well written and engaging.

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