Started this today on MAY THE FOURTH. Happy Star Wars Day! #starwars #maythefourth
Started this today on MAY THE FOURTH. Happy Star Wars Day! #starwars #maythefourth
Considering the title, and the cover art, you'd think this book was about Vader and the Emperor. Sadly, you'd be wrong. Yes they play a part in the story, but it's more about the freedom fighters of Ryloth and their attempt to kill off the two heads of the Empire. Not a awful book, just kind of meh and misleading. I wanted more Vader. 3 🧐🧐🧐
12/20 #bookbuyingdiet
I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description or reason for wanting to read the book. Some are old and some will be new. Don't judge me - I have a lot of books.
Day 210
#tbrmountain #bookbuyingdiet
I was hoping for a bit more Lords of the Sith, a bit more insight in Vaders thoughts. That's what I find so fascinating about the books. There were some informative scenes I enjoyed a lot. But all in all it was a bit to much focused on the action part. The Twi'lek characters didn't really come alive to me, so this part sadly was lost to me. Still a good read, though.
I liked this one, much more of a Rebel battle than I expected with that cover, but I liked the interaction between these 2 Sith Lords, and some of the insight into Anakin/Vader‘s inner thoughts. Although I will admit, I couldn‘t help rooting for these rebels, even though I knew they were destined to fail based on the larger history.
Just checking in, how‘s everyone doing, I liked this one, much more of a Rebel battle than I expected with that cover, but I liked the interaction between these 2 Sith Lords, and some of the insight into Anakin/Vader‘s inner thoughts. Although I will admit, I couldn‘t help rooting for these rebels, even though I knew they were destined to fail based on the larger history.
And just a reminder, The Rise of Skywalker is up next.
I thought the first half and the middle were pretty decent and not too bad and I liked Isval but I have to say the end dragged a bit. I wanted way more insight to Vader and the Emperors interactions but felt like it cut way too much to rebels. I thought it was gonna be more like 70/30 not 50/50. All in all I‘d probably not feel the need to read this one as nothing really changed events or gave a great backstory
I like seeing something like this. A person/soldier who knows what needs to be done but stands on their principles.
I‘m playing Star Wars: Fallen Order on Xbox and wishing I could read more on the Nightsisters. Also reading Lords of the Sith and it‘s been pretty good but some of the creatures they are fighting on Ryloth got boring and I‘m skimming through those fights.
The dog and me reading chapter 12 of Lords of the Sith while my girlfriend plays The Last of Us II on PlayStation #dogsoflitsy #starwars
This book takes place after Revenge of the Sith when Vader's loyalty is still being tested. Actually its rather creepy how Sidious keeps testing him and repeatedly calling him "my friend." A psychiatrist could have a field day with them.
Most of the story takes place on Ryloth where Cham and a group from the free Ryloth movement attempt to take on the Empire.
#ReadYourSign Leo Characteristics ?
@Clwojick @Meaw_catlady
As we wrap up May & get ready to dive into Lords of the Sith, I thought I‘d check in & see how everyone one was doing? Did you get a chance to read A Crash of Fate? Did you enjoy it?
@CSeydel @alicia @bookandcat @DivaDiane @ElyssaReads @NovelGirl82 @wtimblin @trioxin_sematary @Shadowfat @callielafleur @annkuch13 @PSreads73 @SenatorMothma @InLibrisVeritas @Andrew65 @GrilledCheeseSamurai @Jari-chan @teainthelibrary @BookwormAHN
This wasn't so bad - Kemp has a great way of writing but I really wished it focused more on the two sith lords on the cover, but Kemp did write some great Anakin/ Vader moments.
I‘d already read this previously but got my own copy for Christmas, so of course I had to read it again! ;) This is one of my favorite new canon Star Wars books. Darth Vader and the Emperor are stranded on a planet and hunted by Rebel fighters. It has some great action scenes and provides interesting insight into the relationship between the two Sith lords. A great read for Star Wars fans!
I can't say I fully enjoyed this book. the book is based in the years between Revenge of The Sith and A New Hope and only covers a period of around a month.
The writing was good but maybe it just wasn't my kind of book. I would recommend the book for star wars fans looking for a fix though.
I'm not usually a fan of these kind of books but Ive said I'm going to try and read different kinds of books this year :) #readingchallenge #book2 #2018readingchallenge #starwars #lordsofthesith #fangirl #darthvader
It's really a toss up for favorite villain between Darth Vader, Emperor Palpatine, and Darth Plagueis. Jojen agrees with my book choices obviously. #day27 #septemberphotochallenge #favoritevillains #starwars #catsoflitsy
Lords of the Sith is one of my favorites from the new Star Wars line up! So often you see the Emperor doing nothing but ordering Vader around, but this book is all about showing off just how powerful these two figures truly are. I loved seeing the tense partnership at work.