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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I read this many years ago well before COVID and as with all pandemic books I cannot help but compare to what we have experienced the last few years. This book is much worse than what I experienced, and while I don't agree with every thing my government did, but yikes the government Saramago has created here is chilling. This is an impressive and brilliant look at humanity. Often harsh (check TWs) but incredibly realistic. 👇

ChaoticMissAdventures Saramago's writing style is particular and can be challenging for some, but I love the stream of consciousness element of it. I feel like you get to know the characters as much as the characters get to know each other. The setting is so well described you can (unfortunately) see yourself in it. He was such an exceptional writer. 2mo
Hooked_on_books I loved this book! 2mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Hooked_on_books ❤️❤️❤️. I am making it a mission to get more people to read Saramago. I think he is brilliant. 2mo
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Kitta I picked this for a bookclub once (the theme was it had to have won an award, any genre) and everyone else hated it but me! 😂 Truly chilling and an interesting read. (edited) 2mo
ChaoticMissAdventures @Kitta oh no!! Do you remember did they hate it because it is so dark, or because his writing style is difficult? Those are the only reasons I can see for people disliking it. He was an amazing writer, one of my all time favorites. 2mo
Kitta I think because it was so dark! The writing was good I agree, I thought it would make for good discussion. 2mo
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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This was really haunting. So bleak, dense, required real concentration. I got a little frustrated at some of the misogyny (only the women are worried about their clothes matching when EVERYONE IS BLIND 😤) but still a pick. Def not light hearted.

#birthdaybashreadathon #scarathlon #mischiefandmayhem

PuddleJumper Ooft, yeah that's annoying 11mo
TheAromaofBooks Great progress!!! 11mo
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I went for the Saramago, I returned with a #BookHaul 😁📚
I haven't yet read the first of Ferrante's Neopolitan books, but when I do, I'll have the second ready.
Registration is a 1954 collection of contemporary Chinese short stories.
Triste's History is Argentinean author, Vázquez Rial's, story of death squads during his country's period of governmental terror.

Bookwomble Bound to Violence by Malian author Ouologuem, deals with slavery, colonialism, and survival.
Heath's story, Man Come Home, mingles Guyanese folklore with urban Yardie culture.
Gods of Foxcroft because of the Bruce Pennington cover, with hopes the contents are worthy of it🤞
shadows Excuse me, can I ask a question...Saramago is one of your favorite writers? 1y
Bookwomble @shadows Well, I've only read three of his books, so it would be premature for me to say he's a favourite author, but I've enjoyed all three, so he's going in the right direction 😁 1y
shadows Firstly thank you,secondly my English language is not good, excuse me for my wrong words, thank you for your answer 1y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🖤📚🤍 1y
BarbaraBB It‘s so good! 1y
JenReadsAlot @BarbaraBB Good to hear! 1y
Eggs 🖤🤍🖤 1y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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#TemptingTitles Day 14: #WithBlind - looking forward to reading tagged book. Read and reviewed Invisible Cities when I was in Bari, Italy last year.

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Perfect 😍 1y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, and some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


TieDyeDude This is the only book I re-read immediately after finishing it the first time. It takes a little bit to get into the flow of the writing style, but I absolutely loved it! 1y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago

This is a good/wild read.

Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Easily one of the more intense books I‘ve read in a long time. Premise: People suddenly start to go blind and then are abandoned by their government and asked to fend for themselves - result? Absolutely chaos and anarchy, the disruption of order and organisation, the breakdown of humanity as we know it. Highly compelling work, triggering in parts, vivid descriptions makes your skin crawl. Loved every minute of it.

TalesandTexts Stacked - high on my tbr now 2y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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There are definite pandemic vibes here, but this rather brutal novel resonates even more with themes of global climate change and environmental degradation caused by the blind pursuit of profit and short-term pleasure. Either way, neither the characters nor people outside of the fictional world are likely to learn anything.

Non-theme read, 8 readathon hours, 86 points for #TeamSlaughter #scarathlon @Clwojick

BarbaraBB I never forgot about this one 2y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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With the sudden onset of white blindness, the characters really have to work on their listening skills #listeningday #julyjam @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @eggs

Eggs Well done!! 2y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Blindness is a very layered, complex novel which explores human nature through an imagined epidemic of blindness. This dystopian narrative is at times philosophical and meditative, at others action-fuelled. Blindness functions in many ways; it is both wilful and fought against, the characters are blind to each other and themselves, society is blind to moral obligations and the characters to the role we all play in the social reality.

BarbaraBB I still think about this one at times. I read it at least ten years ago. So impressive and scary. 3y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago

I read till the misused punctuation became to much of an obstacle, it didn't make me feel blind, felt like I was grading papers and someone was on their way to a rewrite, if you want to make me feel blind maybe don't tell how the rooms are painted and furnished, I can hear just fine, I often close my eyes when I'm eavesdropping so I can concentrate, no quotes, no periods just destroy my ability to get inside your book and listen to your story.

Blindness | Jos Saramago
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ChaoticMissAdventures Saramago is one of my favorite authors ❤️ 3y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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#conflictedworlds #illness
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @eggs

"Blindness is a private matter between a person and the eyes with which he or she was born"

violabrain This book is amazing! I read it almost 20 years ago now I think and I still think about it from time to time. Probably time for a reread! 3y
Eggs Excellent choice and intriguing premise👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 3y
ChaoticMissAdventures @violabrain I love his writing. One of my favorite authors. Everything he does is vivid and full of life. 3y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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ok, trying this: not a club but a post. and not a recent read, but a supposedly Good Book that I hated: Jose Saramago's Blindness. hated. h.a.t.e.d.
what's yours?

Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Reading a book about a worse pandemic in the middle of a pandemic was disconcerting at times. The epidemic of blindness and how humanity reacts and survives was moving and disturbing. The long unbroken narrative with shifting perspectives worked and heightened the sense of not knowing what was happening and why and how long it would last. The descriptions of the smells and deteriorating conditions and brutality were visceral.

sarahbarnes Great review. This book shook me when I read it. I can only imagine what it was like to read it right now. 4y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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What a strange story! Surprising and disturbing in many ways but also thought provoking. Like nothing else I‘ve ever read, it examines what makes us human and what people are willing to do when society breaks down and all expectations of community and decency are abandoned in the interest of survival. This has been on my #TBR for nearly 9 years! Thanks @TheAromaofBooks and #BookspinBingo for finally reading! #ReadingEurope #Portugal

Blaire This motivates me to read it. I‘ve wanted to read it since I saw it in kramerbooks probably 20 years ago!! 4y
TheAromaofBooks Glad it was worth the wait!!! 4y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Current #audiobook while painting. Really intriguing so far. #BookspinBingo #ReadingEurope #Spain @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 4y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Page turner- looking for a copy to read in Portuguese.

Chrissyreadit Welcome to Litsy! I‘m going to share a link filled with great information about engaging with the app. The picture is a hyper link to a thread filled with activities to join and many active Littens to follow! 4y
BethM Welcome to the best spot on the internet! 4y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 🥳📚🥳 4y
DrexEdit Hi! Welcome to Litsy! 😊 👋 📚 4y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago

An epidemic of blindness suddenly hits, at first the government attempts to quarantine those afflicted but soon everyone is blind. Except one women, she guides and takes care of a group of blind people. I really enjoyed the writing style and I really questioned how this situation might pan out in reality.

Blindness | Jos Saramago
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#ReadingEurope2020 #Portugal @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB

I've wanted to read this one forever it seems, so I'm happy I finally pushed myself to get it off my TBR. Although it took me a little bit to get used to the lack of punctuation for the dialogue, I found myself wrapped up in this story and unable to put it down.

Excellent dystopian thriller with lots of heart. I will definitely have to read more by this author now.

TheKidUpstairs Reading this one years ago sent me into a big Saramago phase. My favourite is 4y
BarbaraBB I loved this one! 4y
Librarybelle I love the cover! 4y
Hooked_on_books Loved this book 4y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Catching up while enjoying great sunny day!!

Blindness | Jos Saramago

Abstract yet totally worth reading

Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Day 3 ~ Books that changed me or left a deep impression upon me

Tagging @Soubhiville to play along, if you want to.

TieDyeDude That is definitely one of mine! 4y
AvidReader25 This one was intense! 4y
Ncostell I read this years ago and still vividly remember it. 4y
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ValerieAndBooks I read this a couple months ago and still think about it sometimes, especially these days!! 4y
abookishbutterfly @ValerieAndBooks it‘s definitely been on my mind these days! 4y
abookishbutterfly @Ncostell It‘s such a powerful book! 4y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Seven books that left a very deep impression and/or changed me.
day 7

MySharonaK I know this isn‘t really the right read for a time like now, but it still didn‘t feel right to omit this book from my list, it‘s one of the most powerful books I‘ve ever read 4y
BarbaraBB Such a great and confronting book. 4y
MySharonaK @BarbaraBB I agree. It‘s a punch in the gut isn‘t it? 4y
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Jess861 Unpopular opinion: I didn't like this book but it was more the writing style that wasn't for me! 4y
Sharpeipup @Jess861 I felt the same way which is a shame because the storyline is rather intriguing 4y
MySharonaK @Jess861 @Sharpeipup I really get it. It‘s a difficult style, and it takes a lot of getting used to 4y
Jess861 @Sharpeipup @MySharonaK - I know, I absolutely loved the storyline and really thought I'd love the book as well. Just not a writing style that is for me. 4y
BarbaraBB Absolutely. That humans would so fast lose all dignity sounds frightening but believable. 4y
MySharonaK @BarbaraBB very true. Too believable 4y
OwenBanner I have not read this, but I watched the movie not knowing anything about what was going to happen, and that one has definitely stayed with me 4y
MySharonaK @OwenBanner I can definitely understand why, I was really shaken during and I knew what was going to come next... so this coming as a surprise must be even harder 4y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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With the world currently gripped by coronavirus hysteria this account of a mysterious illness that causes instant blindness seemed a timely choice. The style is initially challenging, long, run-on sentences, no conventional names etc, thus replicating in the reader the disorientation felt by the characters. The descent into brutality is swift and inexorable. Unique and unforgettable.

Cinfhen Great review!!! I‘ve heard this book is really disturbing 😖 5y
Ncostell I read this book years ago and still remember it vividly. 5y
Minervasbutler @Cinfhen thanks! It really is 5y
Minervasbutler @Ncostell I think it'll stay with me for years too 5y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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An epidemic of white blindness (a blank white is experienced) suddenly hits and the first sufferers are sent to an asylum. As more people are struck, everything spirals into epic dystopian proportions.

Wow, I loved this and would love to discuss. Punctuation is minimal (see my previous post) but easy to get into the narrative flow.

Unforgettable! Definitely seeking out author‘s other works; several are #1001Books, but not this one.

More 👇

ValerieAndBooks This counts as a one-word title for #ReadWithMrBook @MrBook . Also #ReadingEurope2020 (#Portugal — although it doesn‘t specify that it‘s set there, the author is Portuguese) @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle 5y
alisiakae I loved this book when I read it a few years ago. What did you think of the ending? There is actually a sequel 5y
Hooked_on_books I read this one a while back and loved, loved, loved it! 5y
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Liz_M I've read 3 or 4 of his novels, my favorite is tagged. I am not a fan of history or historical novels and so was less interested in The History of the Siege of Lisbon, but you might like it! The present-day city description was fabulous, just not the history stuff. 😂 5y
BarbaraBB I loved Blindness too. But then I read the tagged one and bailed so I am always hesitating to read him! (edited) 5y
Suet624 Hmm..this one is stacked already. I don‘t remember ever hearing about it though. 5y
Librarybelle Good choice for Portugal! 5y
MrBook Oh, nice review! On my TBR! 😁 5y
Blaire This has been on my tbr forever!!! 5y
Freespirit Amazing book...frightening, riveting 5y
ValerieAndBooks @4thhouseontheleft I really liked the ending -- very hopeful. I do wonder how they reconstructed after the people started to recover. The sequel has definitely been on my radar and I hope to find it soon 👍! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Hooked_on_books Yes, it is fantastic! It was in my TBR for so long....but better late than never! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Liz_M I'm definitely eager to seek out his other works. I usually buy used, but he might have to be an exception! And I love history so the Lisbon one might be my type also 😊 5y
ValerieAndBooks @BarbaraBB Hmm, do you remember what made you bail? Not the right time, or definitely bad writing? I know not all of any author's works can always satisfy everyone. 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Suet624 However you stacked it, I hope you like it when you get to it 😊 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Librarybelle Thanks -- two countries down, many more to go 😉 5y
ValerieAndBooks @MrBook Thanks for this month's prompt which got me to finally pull it out of the TBR! Loved it. 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Blaire It was in my TBR for a long time -- LT tells me since Nov. 2009 😮 . Can't believe it took me this long to finally get to it! Hope you do, soon 😊 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Freespirit yes, exactly! So many thoughts with it. What was scary was how society broke down as a result! 5y
BarbaraBB I couldn‘t get into it. An ongoing stream of conscience while Blindness was plot driven, which I prefer! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @BarbaraBB that makes sense. I prefer plot driven, also 😂! 5y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I have been engrossed with this story of what happens when an epidemic of blindness hits, in spite of the punctuation style throughout (see above). Also none of the characters have names — they‘re “the doctor‘s wife”, “girl with dark glasses”, etc.

But tonight am having a hard time. I‘m sure it didn‘t help that I had two mango martinis along with a very filling Indian dinner 😋 with hubby tonight 🥴🍸🍸. Will get back to this tomorrow!

Leftcoastzen Hang in there ! This is on my TBR. 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Leftcoastzen I have about 75 pages left, definitely should be able to finish tomorrow when I‘m more alert 😊. This had been in my TBR, too, for a long time. 5y
TieDyeDude If I remember correctly, I reread this almost immediately after my first readthough. Amazing work. I can see the writing style being hard to deal with while intoxicated, though. 😁 5y
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Reggie I‘m jealous of the martinis and the Indian food!!! Sounds like a good night! 5y
Liz_M This is such an amazing book, once you fall into the flow of the no punctuation writing style! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @TieDyeDude Yes, this was so good. I'm still thinking about it! I know there is a sequel of sorts (Seeing) and now I want to read that ASAP! Have you read it yet? And yes those drinks packed a punch -- next time I know to get just one 🙃 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Reggie It was a good night indeed 😁 . I don't think there's much Indian food where you are? BTW this book would be right up your alley I think! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Liz_M Yes, definitely amazing, and the great thing is that it didn't take long at all to fall into that flow... after a couple pages I was sucked right in! 5y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I don‘t usually put my reading goals out there as far as challenges, etc — but I‘m excited about the ones I plan to do in 2020! They‘re as follows:
#authoramonth2020 @Soubhiville
#readwithmrbook @MrBook
#ReadingEurope2020 @BarbaraBB @Librarybelle
#classicschallenge2020 @Reviewsbylola
#1001Books (ongoing challenge)

I don‘t expect to get much reading done in January as I‘ll be away the second half.

Tagged book fits 2 of the challenges 📚📚

Reviewsbylola Good luck with your challenges. I‘m glad you‘re joining us! 5y
Suet624 good luck! 5y
BarbaraBB Looking forward to another year of reading with you 💕 5y
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MrBook What an honor #ReadWithMrBook is one of your choices! ☺️🤗🤗🤗 5y
Librarybelle Good luck! ❤️❤️❤️ 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Reviewsbylola this will be fun, trying 😊📚📚📚 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Suet624 thanks, I might need it! Didn‘t realize how many European countries there are 😅! 5y
ValerieAndBooks @BarbaraBB same!! I started looking up possibilities...I don‘t know if I‘ll get to all the countries, but look forward to broadening my reading horizons 😊 5y
ValerieAndBooks @MrBook I couldn‘t resist your reading prompts for the year 😘 5y
ValerieAndBooks @Librarybelle thanks! I look forward to the different perspectives I‘m sure I‘ll encounter. 5y
Suet624 I really have never been good at challenges of any kind my entire life. So I‘m particularly impressed by your desire to push yourself. 5y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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BarbaraBB Loved this one. 5y
Freespirit Oooh this is a book that stays with you for ever! Very thought provoking 5y
Eggs Great cover and intriguing premise👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 5y
GrahamBarnesy Next on my list. Can't wait! 5y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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When the whole world goes blind, what becomes of society? Jose Saramago toys with this question, exploring human nature and the world we see- or in their case, no longer can see. Intriguing read and one that definitely gave me some things to think about.

Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Almost everybody in the world goes blind except they see white.

#BlackorWhite #SeptemberSins
@Jenniferw88 @NataliePatalie

Blindness | Jos Saramago
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7 days 7 covers - day 4

Blindness | Jos Saramago

When you ask me what my favorite book is, the answer is always either Blindness or The Road, depending on which one I‘ve most recently reread. As usual, this book was a wonderful experience. As soon as this readathon is done, I plan on reading the sequel “Seeing”.

violabrain This is an amazing book! 5y
Geeklet @violabrain I love it so much. 5y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I‘m participating in the Tome Infinity and Beyond readathon that started today, mostly because it gave me a fun reason to reread Blindness. I freaking adore this book. This reread is just as good as every other one.

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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Imagine a world where people suddenly go blind and there is no rhyme nor reason for this bizarre epidemic. While at times difficult to read due to the structure and that its a translated book, that should not prevent you from picking up this dystopian masterwork by this Pulitzer Prize winning author.

Blindness | Jos Saramago

I read this book in about a day after a friend of mine recommended it to me. The book grabbed my attention and didn't let me go until I finished.

Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👏🏻🎈👏🏻 5y
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Cecit | Jos Saramago
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"we did not become blind, I think we are. Blind who, while seeing, do not see".
One of my favorite writers.
4 stars on goodreads
#book #readingchallenge2019 #litsy #toread #bookly #bookworm #josesaramago #blindness #litsybook #goodreads

Freespirit This is a harrowing story but I loved the writing. 5y
Redwritinghood One of my favorites too. 5y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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Dystopian and dark AF. Just what I was looking for.

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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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#OneWordReview : "MASTERPIECE".

Here are some of my favorite quotes from the book:

"Inside us there is something that has no name, that something is what we are."

“The difficult thing isn't living with other people, it's understanding them.”

"I don't think we did go blind, I think we are blind, Blind but seeing, Blind people who can see, but do not see"

(due to word limit I'm adding some more quotes in comment section below)

imitelis Some more:--> 6y
imitelis “the only thing more terrifying than blindness is being the only one who can see.” 6y
imitelis “all stories are like those about the creation of the universe, no one was there, no one witnessed anything, yet everyone knows what happened.” 6y
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imitelis “You have no idea what it is like to watch two blind people fighting. Fighting has always been, more or less, a form of blindness.” 6y
imitelis “That we're going to die is something we know from the moment we are born, That's why, in some ways, it's as if we were born dead.” 6y
imitelis “there is nothing in this world that belongs to us in an absolute sense” 6y
imitelis (when the girl with dark glasses begins to weep) "Be quiet" the doctor's wife said gently, " let's all keep quiet, there are times when words serve no purpose, if only I, too, could weep, say everything with tears, not have to speak in order to be understood." 6y
imitelis “Fear can cause blindness, said the girl with dark glasses, Never a truer word, that could not be truer, we were already blind the moment we turned blind, fear struck us blind, fear will keep us blind” 6y
imitelis “Without a future, the present serves no purpose,” 6y
imitelis I guess i need to come to a halt. There are lot of lines from this book which i totally fell in love with, but i guess i should leave some of them for you guys to discover by yourself.. 6y
rachaich I loved this book. Seriously in awe of it. I think I watched the film after but it's the book that stuck with me :) 6y
imitelis Yeah.. One thing the movie does exceptionally well is cinematography. They have done very good job at adapting the book and its language into visual form. At least that's what i think. 6y
imitelis I especially loved the ending of book and the protagonist "Doctor's Wife" 6y
pdever Great book! 6y
Redwritinghood He is one of my favorite authors. I still need to reading “Seeing”, though. 6y
imitelis Me too. I haven't read it but from what i have came to know about it, it's not the direct continuation of blindness. It's different story within same story world if I'm not wrong. Though i have heard that the doctor and his wife do make appearance in the sequel but not as main protagonists. 6y
ShyBookOwl I've been curious about this one. I hear it has a unique structure 6y
imitelis Yeah.. The style is quite unique. Many long sentences are there in which commas take the place of periods, quotation marks, semicolons and colons. There are no quotation marks. So its slightly difficult for one to guess who's speaking to whom. But it's totally done on purpose. 6y
imitelis And there are no proper character names, we just get to know them by their profession or particular trait or relationship to another character eg. Doctor, doctor's wife, girl with dark glasses, etc. 6y
Carolyn11215 This book messed with my head something fierce. I read it while my mom was going blind. Not an ideal time to read...scared the bejesus out of me. 6y
CaitlinR Added it to my TBR based on the description, your quotes., and the comments. Thanks 6y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I bought this book on my recent trip to Portugal. It is my first by the Portuguese author Jose Saramago. It is way outside my comfort zone! An epidemic of blindness hits the city and it shows the social structures we take for granted falling apart. At times it is brutal and dark but it is also brave and heroic and well written.
It has a strange writing style with long paragraphs and minimal punctuation. I am glad I read it and would read another

RadicalReader Gorgeous book cover honestly unbelievable how pretty these covers can be 6y
Haroon_Ishaq On my TBR for long 😑 6y
Freespirit It is definitely worth reading @Haroon_Ishaq and is a relatively quick read. 6y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I wanted to share my travels in Portugal 🇵🇹 I have come to Obidos north of Lisbon. It is a beautiful medieval walled town well known for its book shops and literary festival. I am staying at “The Literary Man Hotel” which has books every where. Above top left is the book shop which was originally a church where I purchased Jose Saramago‘s book Blindness. Other photos are from our hotel and myself at the medieval wall. Such a gorgeous place❤️

Emilymdxn Oh my god these pics are incredible it sounds like a dream trip!! I need to go back and go to these places. 6y
YouReadMyEyes Lovely! 6y
Freespirit I saw that Obidos had a literary theme and had to stay at a book themed hotel. Highly recommended for bookish people like us @Emilymdxn ❤️ 6y
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Freespirit Thanks @YouReadMyEyes it is gorgeous! 6y
Redwritinghood Looks fantastic and like you‘ve had a great trip. 6y
TrishB Lovely ❤️ 6y
Freespirit Wonderful place to visit @Redwritinghood and @TrishB 6y
tracey38 Wow, that is all lovely! Looks like a fabulous place to visit! 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Thanks for sharing! Looks like a wonderful place, and lovely photos! 6y
Freespirit It sort of combines all my interests... books, travel and history @tracey38 and @erzascarletbookgasm 😊😍 6y
DivineDiana Putting on my”Must Visit” list! 6y
Freespirit I highly recommend Portugal @DivineDiana 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Oh wowwwww!!! What a beautiful place!! 😍😍 6y
Freespirit It is truely beautiful💕 @Jee_HookedOnBookz (edited) 6y
Velvetfur I love these photos! I'm so jealous, I want to go back right now but I can't afford it anytime soon, waargh.... I'm happy for you though 😁 6y
Freespirit Thank you ❤️Are you from Portugal originally? @Velvetfur 6y
catebutler How lovely! Portugal is beautiful. 6y
Freespirit It‘s fabulous Cate .. so picturesque @catebutler 6y
Velvetfur @Freespirit Ah no, sorry for any wrong impression I gave! I used to live there, in Porto, in 2000, and I love the country dearly 😊 I'm so happy for you having such a great time there! 6y
Freespirit Thanks @Velvetfur 😊 6y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I am lucky to be travelling in Portugal at the moment. It is amazing.. lots of coloured tiles and brightly painted houses, cobbled streets and ancient churches. I found these beautiful book marks today and couldn‘t resist😍✈️📚#travel #portugal

TrishB They‘re lovely ❤️ 6y
DivineDiana Beautiful! ❤️ 6y
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ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Wow - I love them!! 6y
CarolynM Gorgeous! Bookmarks make great souvenirs. 6y
batsy Very pretty! 6y
Freespirit Thanks @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I couldn‘t resist them😊 6y
Freespirit I agree @CarolynM I always bring some home from my trips😊 6y
Freespirit Thanks 😊 @batsy 6y
Jee_HookedOnBookz Gorgeous! If only they have those designs as bookmarks too!! Won't that be lovely!!! 6y
Velvetfur I love those gorgeous bookmarks 💜 6y
Freespirit They are copies from the beautiful tiles in Portugal @Velvetfur I am collecting them 6y
catebutler These are beautiful bookmarks! What a great souvenir from your trip. 6y
Freespirit They make a great gift @catebutler ❤️ 6y
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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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I just finished watching this for movie/bookclub. The movie was very true to the book but with much omitted of course due to length. Visually it was artsy (blurry and very black and white). Book was better as usual.

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Blindness | Jos Saramago
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A productive January for me. Maybe cause I was sick and alot of these were less than 300 pgs. I usually average 7-8 books a month.

#Finale #anewchapter
@Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88

Riveted_Reader_Melissa So sorry you were sick, but congratulations on a great month! 6y
Riveted_Reader_Melissa @Blueberry You‘re welcome! Feel better soon! 6y
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Crazeedi I hope you are feeling much better now ! 6y
Blueberry @Crazeedi Thank you. I wish I was feeling better but not yet. 6y
StillLookingForCarmenSanDiego Some excellent reading there! 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I hope you‘re feeling better ❤️ 6y
Crazeedi @Blueberry awww, I'm so sorry, have you tried elderberry? It great for viruses etc 6y
Blueberry @Crazeedi as in tea? Thank you. I will buy some. 6y
Crazeedi @Blueberry there is an elderberry syrup I buy , but elderberry tea might be good too. I know the elderberry syrup works for me. 6y
NataliePatalie Which one was your favorite? 6y
Blueberry Either Hope Never Dies, The Highwayman, or A Dirty Job but Seven Fallen Feathers is intense. 6y
NataliePatalie Ooooohhh lots of good reads then 6y
62 likes13 comments
Blindness | Jos Saramago
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3 stars. A very interesting and unique story. The writing style of no quotation marks and very few paragraphs was interesting and sometimes challenging. Written by the Nobel Prize winning author Jose Saramago and translated from Portuguese into English.