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Gli ospiti paganti | Sarah Waters
GRANDISSIMO, MAESTOSO ROMANZO. COS CHE SI SCRIVE! STEPHEN KING Gli ospiti paganti conferma il talento superbo della Waters, insuperata testimone letteraria di epoche perdute e vite segrete. The Times Come accade con tutti i romanzi della Waters, verrete stregati da ogni pagina... Invano ho cercato di trovare anche un sola cosa negativa da dire su questo libro. Financial Times Con Gli ospiti paganti Sarah Waters ha scritto sia una bella storia d'amore, sia un romanzo psicologico cupamente ricco di suspance... il lettore dovr affrontare un giro sulle montagne russe che lo lascer letteralmente senza fiato. The Washington Post Una scrittrice fra le pi internazionalmente affermate della sua generazione Leonetta Bentivoglio, la Repubblica Londra, 1922. La citt porta ancora i segni della recente guerra: sono molte le cose che hanno bisogno di essere ricostruite, restaurate, molte le ferite da sanare, molti i cuori da riscaldare. Una madre e una figlia, i cui uomini di famiglia son stati portati via dalla guerra, sono costrette ad affittare alcune stanze della loro casa per sbarcare il lunario. Gli ospiti paganti sono una coppia di giovani sposi, che con la loro allegria e sensualit portano una ventata di aria fresca nelle polverose stanze dellappartamento. Ma anche turbamento. I rumori, i passi, gli incontri in bagno, sul pianerottolo, la condivisione della vita quotidiana: unintimit con estranei a cui le due donne non sono abituate. Lo scenario cambia velocemente, e molti fatti accadono nel vecchio appartamento che sembrava destinato a una vita fatta di piccole abitudini e di noia: un amore inaspettato e travolgente; una misteriosa aggressione; e da ultimo un omicidio. Con la maestria narrativa che lha gi consacrata al successo di pubblico e critica, Sarah Waters imbastisce un racconto avvincente sulla passione amorosa, i desideri inconfessati e le loro travolgenti conseguenze. Un romanzo raffinato, che inserisce nellaffresco di unepoca storica personaggi destinati a rimanere nel cuore e nella memoria del lettore, cos vivi, cos autentici nella loro drammatica brama di felicit. Sarah Waters una delle migliori narratrici viventi. The Indipendent Sarah Waters immerge il lettore nella vita londinese del dopoguerra... E, alla fine, la sua bella rievocazione storicca, ricca dell'atmosfera del tempo, cede il passo a una domanda pi universale: cosa fai tu per amore?. The Economist Un intreccio magistrale di crimine, vita domestica e passione romantica. Los Angeles Times Se ne accorto Stephen King, ammiratore entusiasta della Waters, la cui prosa avanza (come in King) con unincrollabile ricchezza di tensione e di azione Leonetta Bentivoglio, la Repubblica
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Set in 1922 Frances and her mother are in need of money so they decide to open their home to Lilian and Leonard Barber. But then Frances and Lilian start getting closer. And then Leonard dies.
#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I really like this book but it‘s so much longer than it needs to be. Still a pick.


Soubhiville That‘s been the consensus by a lot of readers this month. 🙂 1mo
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I meant to read the print version of this with a couple of audiobook chapters to speed me along, but I listened to nearly the entire 21+ hour audiobook. It's good. It met expectations. It's also very long but that's absolutely on brand for this author.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! 1mo
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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This was just a so-so for me. I loved the unique story line, but it just dragged forever. It would have been 5 stars for me if 200 pages were cut. #AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

Deblovestoread I just started this. It hasn‘t grabbed me yet. 🤞🏼 it does soon. 1mo
vlwelser I'm feeling the same about it. But it does sort of fit with my expectations of how the author writes 1mo
Bookwormjillk @vlwelser this was my first. @deblovestoread fingers crossed 1mo
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Ruthiella I love Sarah Waters but this is my least favorite. It totally dragged for me too. 1mo
youneverarrived I was going to say the same as @Ruthiella 1mo
Bookwormjillk @youneverarrived @Ruthiella good to know! I loved the story line so I won‘t write Waters off entirely. 1mo
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I am posting one book per day from my extensive to-be-read collection. No description and providing no reason for wanting to read it, I just do. Some will be old, some will be new. Don‘t judge me - I have a lot of books. Join in if you want!


The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Ok this is gonna be longer than usual.
No, I did not enjoy this- not the first half in print or the 2nd in audio but audio allowed me to sprint to the finish line.
Started end of summer last year roughly, seemed promising enough but after almost 300pp of the same BS i was BORED. THE TEDIUM. maybe this trope works for others but OMG there is only so much of this "hidden romance" I can take especially when I don't like either MC very much.??

Andrea4 AND when it is written so...romantically? And what takes place is very lackluster. Waters tried to build suspense around something that just doesn't cut it. And it isn't until the halfway mark that the climax happens at which point, I thought, ok, I'll continue B/c SOMETHING IS HAPPENING, but OMG even that got drawn out for another 300pp and I was bored stiff. The MC talked about being bored by fear, well, I was bored by the sheer rumination👇🏽 1y
Andrea4 Of the same damn things! Where was the editor, I ask you?! Why did no one say to Waters that every movement, every spoken thing didn't need a simile or metaphor to accompany it? And the ending...really, you had me read ALL of that for THAT ending. I should not have started this book at all. 1y
MrsMalaprop Oh dear. I‘ve had this one on my #tbr shelf for years, having loved Fingersmith & Tipping the Velvet. It my stay on the shelf a bit longer… 1y
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Andrea4 @MrsMalaprop well it seems others have enjoyed it! It's unfortunate that this is my first Waters because it does NOT make me want to try anything else of hers. It was gifted to me though as well, I'm not sure if I would have picked it up. But it promised secrets, mystery, gripping suspense...just promises. 1y
MrsMalaprop I‘ve read quite a few of hers and have found they range from excellent to blah. 1y
Andrea4 @MrsMalaprop that must make it difficult to gauge the next one... 1y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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It's 1922, and Frances and her mother are in reduced circumstances following her father's death, and obliged to take in a young couple "of the clerk class". A passionate love ensues. The period detail appears spot on, and the characters are human and believable in their predicament.
Perhaps a little slow-moving for some tastes, but by the halfway mark I was totally caught up in the story and finished the last 150 pages at a sitting.

LeahBergen There‘s something so captivating about Sarah Water‘s writing. I just love it! 2y
batsy Slow-moving but so rich and detailed. I found it a page-turner 😁 2y
jlhammar I loved this one! 2y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Amiable Fabulous! I'm excited to see your reviews about these chunksters! 2y
jenniferw88 @Amiable I've started The Count early as I'm reading it on Serial Reader! 2y
Amiable @jenniferw88 Oh, that's a great option. One of the other chunkster challengers used Serial to get through theirs last year. I can't remember which book it was but it helped tremendously! 2y
BarbaraBB Great choices Jenny ❤️ 2y
SamAnne The Count is on my 2023 reading list. 2y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Sarah Water's creates such wonderful character based historical stories + this is in the best tradition of the classic 1920s domestic crime/court room drama. Here a mother + her adult daughter take in a yng married couple to lodge in their home. Quickly Frances +the wife lilian become v close (in the classic sarah water sense)+ tensions rise as the marriage creaks as well as erotic tension mounts.Loved this which captures time and place perfectly

TrishB Agreed- a great read 👍🏻 2y
Cathythoughts Nice review, I think I‘d like to reread this one. 2y
batsy Great review. I too appreciated it for the same reasons. Found it hard to put down! 2y
jlhammar Loved this one! 2y
Centique I love Sarah Waters too - I‘m sure this one is waiting for me on my bookshelf somewhere! 2y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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It is so rare for me these days to read a PHYSICAL book. It's not that I don't have time. I can binge watch shows while mindlessly scrolling on insta so why don't I read? Good question. Tonight, with the dog firmly planted I've decided to finally jump into this one.

Sparklemn I find the draw of binge watching shows and playing games on my phone & laptop wins out over books most evenings. Not sure why. I love to read! Hope you enjoyed your evening. 2y
Andrea4 @Sparklemn glad I'm not the only one! To me one requires more brain power and yet I really enjoy it if it's a good book! It was a good night and I've made some good headway on the book! 2y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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It's Bookspin time! 💕💕💕
No Bingos for January but I read quite a few chunky books and it was a good start for the year.

Yuki_Onna You have such a good penmanship! 😊 3y
RaeLovesToRead @Yuki_Onna Aww, thanks! 😊 3y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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My favourite book by Sarah Waters is The Night Watch followed by Fingersmith. She‘s totally my jam even though I just noticed that her books aren‘t very popular on Litsy. Any other Sarah Waters fans out there?

#currentlyreading #friyay

AmyG I loved The Paying Guests, The Little Stranger and Fingersmith. Definitely a fan. I have Affinity somewhere. 3y
Ruthiella I LOVE Sarah Waters! ❤️ Fingersmith, Affinity, and The Little Stranger are my faves! I liked The Night Watch and Tipping the Velvet a lot. I was a little disappointed by The Paying Guests. I wanted a little more ambiguity regarding Lilian and her motives. 3y
LeahBergen I‘ll read anything she writes! 3y
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Cathythoughts I loved the ones I read … must read Night Watch 👍🏻 3y
batsy I'm a fan and I loved this one a lot! 3y
MicheleinPhilly I am a HUGE fan! 3y
BiblioLitten @AmyG @Ruthiella @Leahb @Cathythoughts @batsy @MicheleinPhilly So happy to see that her books are loved by all of you. Her books are a default read by now. 😊 3y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I'm posting one book per day from the ever growing unread stacks in my personal library. No description or explanation, just books I own and plan to read. #tbr

Day 32

The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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It took awhile to get into this one - the first 200 pages definitely could have been edited down significantly. It does pick up eventually and the last half of the book made it worth it. The writing was amazing though. You get such a sense of the atmosphere of post-WWI London. Tension and lies, on both a large and small scale, are huge themes in this book and are exquisitely wrought. A great psychological study. Will be reading more by Waters.

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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Indulged myself in some very long reading periods over the last couple of days. And thus I've finished this book.
I got quite attached to Frances and Lily 😊 and found both of them equally brilliant yet frustrating women who seem unable to stick to their convictions. Totally understandable in many ways, given the era.
I thought the storyline was very enticing, kept me guessing until the final sentence. Whilst there were some real stereotypes

rachaich They were needed to emphasis the two women. Very pleased to have chosen and read this one ☺☺😚😚📖 4y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Half way through and thoroughly enjoying both the writing and the storyline 😊😊😚😚

The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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My choice for January book club. I figured I'd best pick something from my towering TBR pile 🤣😂.
So this is my book.
I've read another by Waters and wasn't that thrilled. This one seems to be more appealing.
In other news.... it's Friday. Hurrah!!!
Having my broken oven looked at again, by a friend, this afternoon... please think positive thoughts...😊🙄😘

Cathythoughts This is a good one 👍🏻❤️ 4y
erzascarletbookgasm My copy is still languishing on my shelves 4y
rachaich @erzascarletbookgasm it's really good so far 😊 4y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters

I love how the author set the stage of 1922 London and could draw into the story easily. I enjoyed the different plots and the complexity of the characters. However 560 pages was a stretch. Would have loved it to be at least 200 pages less

The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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The second time I‘ve used a Sarah Waters novel for #tropesinaugust. 😀 Frances and her mother are forced to take in a young married couple as “paying guests” (lodgers) to make ends meet in interwar London. Upper class Frances becomes friends with the wife, working class Lillian. Soon their friendship develops into something more, a #forbiddenromance...

Klou Sounds good! Great choice!! 4y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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quietlycuriouskate Not related to this post but I thought you might like to know I ordered myself some Great Courses today, following from your post the other day.😊 4y
Lcsmcat @kathedron Fun! Which ones did you order? 4y
quietlycuriouskate Dante; History of English Language; Beethoven's piano sonatas; Sacred Music, and Philosophy of Religion. They should keep me going for a while! 4y
Lcsmcat @kathedron That should keep you busy! Let me know how you like them. I‘m enjoying the lecturers for the St. Augustine Confessions. They also threw in some freebies - sample lectures from other courses. My husband and I (both conservatory educated musicians) though the “how to sing” was laughably awful. 4y
Eggs Perfect 👌🏼 4y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I‘ve wanted to read Sarah Waters for ages & finally got to this, but it wasn‘t for me. It‘s well observed & you cringe at the Englishness of it all (the dithering, politeness & class boundaries). Compulsive reading - I kept going to see what would happen. But the characters annoyed me hugely & the tone was too gushy for me. The romance was so overwrought, the dramatic twist felt over the top & was drawn out. What should seem fresh felt staid.

MrsMalaprop Have you read others of hers? Fingersmith & Tipping The Velvet are 👌👍❤️. 4y
Abailliekaras @MrsMalaprop no I haven‘t. This one was recommended by a friend who loves Sarah Waters & told us this was the one to read. I think it‘s just a personal taste thing. I wanted to love it! 😬 4y
CarolynM I'm not a fan of Sarah Waters, I don't like that cod Victorian style. 4y
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Abailliekaras @CarolynM I‘m glad I finally gave it a try, but ... it wasn‘t for me. 🤷🏼‍♀️ 4y
Lindy @Abailliekaras I just listened to your Books on the Go episode about this and wholeheartedly agree with you. I‘ve loved every Sarah Waters book except this one, which is too overwrought for my taste. 4y
Abailliekaras @Lindy I‘m glad I‘m not alone! 4y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I'm guessing this is my #santathing - thanks to whoever sent it - I'm looking forward to all 3!

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Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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#MayMovieMagic #YouGiveMeSomething This is the only book I could find that seemed to fit ... 🙃kind of. I loved the book 👍🏻♥️

TrishB Clever 😁👍🏻 5y
batsy Loved this too 💜 5y
Moray_Reads My favourite Sarah Waters 5y
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erzascarletbookgasm Oh, haven‘t read this..somewhere on my shelves 🙂 5y
Theaelizabet After seeing how much all of you loved it I may give this one another try someday. I bailed about a third of the way through. Puzzling, since I adored Fingersmith and The Little Stranger. 5y
RohitSawant SW is one of my most anticipated authors! 💜 5y
Cathythoughts @Theaelizabet @rohit-sawant I loved this one one. But my favorite is 5y
Cathythoughts @TrishB 👍🏻♥️ 5y
Cathythoughts @batsy soooo good ♥️👍🏻 5y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm are we not blessed with all the good books on our shelves.... happy sigh 😊😊😌 5y
Cathythoughts @Moray_Reads yes! It‘s good ! My fave is still Fingersmith 👍🏻 5y
canbku Ugh just has to return this to the library because i didn't get to it in time. Still on my list! 5y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters

$1.99 ebook today!
Hey, if you love the idea of deeply convincing historical fiction about the lives of ordinary British women just after WWI, which veers slowly into a gorgeous lesbian romance, and (I haven‘t reached this part yet, but according to the reviews) then transforms into a murder mystery—well, you will adore this magnificent novel as much as I do. I‘m only halfway through, so don‘t tell me how it ends!

Carolyn11215 I love Sarah Waters‘ books! Fingersmith one of my all time faves! 6y
scowler1 This might be my favorite. Brilliant author. 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I‘m impressed by Sarah Waters‘ range as a writer. Sure, like Fingersmith, this book was suspenseful and almost horror-like in its close perspective and there were elements of lesbian romance in a historical context. But it certainly stands on its own as a riveting story and impassioned character study. I didn‘t love this book, but listening to Juliet Stevenson‘s narration was a delight. Waters‘ writing is gorgeous and her dialogue is excellent.

saresmoore To be honest, I could have done with a few more twists. I was just certain that it would turn out that Leonard was having an affair with Charlie (nope). The ending was a bit of a disappointment, too. 6y
Susannah I totally agree with you. I was disappointed, but the construction of her story and development of her characters are just so good! 6y
readordierachel Juliet Stevenson could narrate the phone book and I would listen. 6y
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saresmoore @Susannah Yes, great story, but I was craving more! 6y
saresmoore @readordierachel Amen to that. She‘d probably be able to come up with a distinct voice for each entry. 6y
andrew61 I picked it up in a library sale a couple of weeks ago so looking forward to it - she is very readable. 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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On a gorgeous #audiowalk this morning with Francis & Lillian. My, but this book is a slow burn!

Bibliogeekery Love that book! 😍 #queerbooks 6y
batsy I love the book! Can't wait to hear what you think. And this is a gorgeous picture. 6y
JillR I loved this one :) 6y
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auntie_jenn it was, and the narration was brilliant. so many voices! 6y
saresmoore @auntie_jenn She is an excellent narrator! I look forward to listening to more of pretty much anything Juliet Stevenson reads. 6y
saresmoore @Bibliogeekery @batsy @JillR I‘m loving it more as it goes on! The complexity just keeps building. 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I got new headphones and they‘ve changed the audiobook experience utterly. This is me #audiocooking while listening to a particularly blushing part of the tagged book. I had to put down my peeler! 😳

Moray, you are absolutely right—Juliet Stevenson is a brilliant narrator. I‘ve become lost in the story!

Lindy Headphones make a big difference. I‘m getting by with a pair that only works on one side and it‘s not as immersive as two ears full. 6y
saresmoore @Lindy I figured I just wasn‘t an audio person, but the difference is pretty incredible. I had been using a pair of outsized old earbuds that gave me a headache. Perhaps new headphones will be a holiday gift for you, this year? 6y
Moray_Reads Juliet is Audio Life. She's fabulous. Austen, Elliot, Gaskell, Woolf, I love them all 🎧❤️ 6y
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saresmoore @Moray_Reads I feel like a whole new world has been opened up to me, now! 6y
Moray_Reads I was really resistant to audio at first but now I love it. The only problem is that listening takes so much longer than reading! 6y
saresmoore @Moray_Reads It‘s true! That‘s my frustration, as well. Though I do enjoy it during crochet or working a jigsaw puzzle. Because I‘m obviously an octogenarian. 6y
Moray_Reads It's definitely nice to be able to "read" while doing others things 6y
Lindy @saresmoore Yes, good idea to drop hints about new headphones for Christmas. 💡👍 6y
LauraBeth 😂 octogenarians unite! I asked for nice headphones this past Mother‘s Day. 6y
Leftcoastzen 😂👏 6y
Moray_Reads @LauraBeth @saresmoore @lindy they make such a difference. I have Bose. They're stupidly expensive but they're so good 6y
saresmoore @LauraBeth Well, did you get the headphones? 6y
LauraBeth @saresmoore when the boss asks for headphones - she gets headphones! 6y
merelybookish A good audiobook can make laundry fun! 6y
saresmoore @LauraBeth Oh, good. I assumed as much, but in my house, there‘s a lot of insubordination going on in the form of one very forgetful husband. 6y
saresmoore @merelybookish It‘s true! I think of how productive I could be with audiobooks if I could just get rid of my needy children... 😆 6y
merelybookish @saresmoore Sometimes I put on my headphones to signal to my family to leave me alone. 6y
LeahBergen 😂😂 I love this! 6y
WanderingBookaneer I‘ve had mine for a year and am still in love. Enjoy! 6y
LauraBeth Tell him that his insubordination will reflect poorly on the year-end annual review you give him! 6y
saresmoore @WanderingBookaneer Well, that‘s great to hear! 6y
saresmoore @merelybookish Ah, brilliant! 6y
saresmoore @LeahBergen Wonder how long I‘ll associate peeling carrots with the unbuttoning of collars—*ahem*—and more. 🙊 6y
Hollie I think I know that part 😊. Perhaps I should put headphones on my Xmas list! 6y
Hollie @LauraBeth year-end review 😂😂😂 6y
Kimzey 🤭😂 6y
britt_brooke 😆😆😆 Love the ones my husband bought me for our anniversary in May. It‘s a huge “don‘t talk to me” at the gym which I love. 6y
batsy And now you'll never look at a carrot the same way again! 😳😂 6y
Moray_Reads @batsy @saresmoore I definitely find the more...intimate scenes worse in audio than in print! 😂 6y
kgriffith You‘re adorable 😍 6y
Cathythoughts I loved this book ! I‘ve also read Little Stranger & The Fingersmith ( ♥️👍🏻) what next ?? I can‘t imagine on audio... that would be interesting... I have newish headphones too ! Amazing ... LOVE S Waters 6y
saresmoore @Cathythoughts I loved Fingersmith! The Little Stranger will be next. The audio is very, erm, emphatic? Lively? Immersive? Which is great, but really intensifies this already rather intense book. Not just the sexy bits, but many of the scenes are very vivid and almost gory. I think I like it! 😅 6y
saresmoore @kgriffith Aw, shucks! 😘♥️ 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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It‘s the perfect chilly day for a cup of earl grey and some #audiocrochet. And for rhyming, too, apparently.

Cinfhen Pretty!! And nice little ditty 😜😘 6y
RadicalReader @saresmoore best rhyme I have ever heard Earl Grey and crochet 6y
valeriegeary It's the writer in you.... 🤗 #alwaysbewriting #andrhyming 6y
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LeahBergen This photo makes me feel all cozy. 6y
arubabookwoman Love the variegated blues! 6y
saresmoore @Cinfhen Ha! Thanks! The yarn is such a beautiful color. I couldn‘t do it justice in the photo. 6y
saresmoore @RadicalReader 🎶 These are a few of my favorite things... 6y
saresmoore @valeriegeary Ooh, I could use that to explain so many of my lovable eccentricities. 🙃 6y
saresmoore @LeahBergen All three of us gals are eating up the coziness ‘round here. It‘s wonderful. 🍂 6y
saresmoore @arubabookwoman It is so gorgeous. The yarn is 50% silk, 50% camel and it is so luscious and easy to work with. I‘m very pleased! I got it from expressionfiberarts.com if you‘re interested. 😊 6y
RadicalReader @saresmoore and then I don‘t feel soooo bad 6y
Suet624 What are you making? 6y
saresmoore @Suet624 If only that were clear... I think it‘s going to be a big shawl/scarf, at this point. I‘ve been very noncommittal. 6y
Suet624 Just flying by the seat of your pants, I see. 6y
saresmoore @Suet624 More like trying to escape the bleak reality of our world in sporadic bouts of purposeless handicrafting. 😬 6y
Suet624 Hahaha. 😩😩😩 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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When you go home with more books than you left at your friend's house.....

#blamelitsy and specifically @LeahBergen who put the idea into my head. 📚😎😄😉😂 #sorrynotsorry

Lola Winning 😛🙌🏻 6y
saresmoore 👌 6y
LeahBergen Nicely done. 😆 6y
readordierachel As it should be 😉 6y
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Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Thank you @Trashcanman for very generous #justabook stack! I look forward to enjoying these books this winter. In the meantime, I‘m enjoying the maple leaves. Thanks @TheBookKeepers for arranging this swap.

TheBookKeepers Yay! I have Bel Canto on my TBR too! Let me know what u think about it! Thanks for participating in the #JustABookSwap ❤️📚💚💌 6y
Trashcanman You are most welcome. 😊 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Well, this book just took an appropriately dark turn for the first of October. It was Mrs Barber in the parlour with an ashtray 😱

And some incongruously lovely palm trees in the background 😂🌴

RaimeyGallant Pretty pic! 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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A little beach reading

swishandflick Great pic! 😍 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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My Thai tea count is at 4 for the week and I have no regrets except that that number isn't higher 😅

LionHeartLeo I‘m slightly obsessed as well :) 6y
rachelsbrittain @LionHeartLeo no one else I know even likes them and I m absolutely crazy about them 😅 6y
LionHeartLeo @rachelsbrittain I love them! This amazing breakfast spot near me has the most incredible Thai Tea pancakes! Sounds weird but soooo good! 6y
rachelsbrittain @LionHeartLeo oh my goodness that sounds amazing! 6y
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Paying Guests | Sarah Waters

5 Stars ! Really great storytelling... looking forward to more S Waters. 👍🏻❤️

LeahBergen I‘ve read and enjoyed all of her books (and can‘t wait for the next one!) 6y
MrsMalaprop Love her. Haven‘t read this one yet. 6y
JillR I loved this too! 😊 6y
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Cathythoughts @LeahBergen she is just so readable 😍 6y
batsy Yay! Glad you loved it too. 6y
Cathythoughts @MrsMalaprop this was my second of hers ... I also read & loved The Little Stranger , I chose it for our next bookclub! Will be interesting to see what the women think of it ... 👍🏻 6y
Cathythoughts @JillR yes! It‘s really good 👍🏻 6y
Cathythoughts @batsy thanks! I did 👍🏻❤️ 6y
MrsMalaprop Fingersmith is my favourite. I liked The Little Stranger too. 6y
Cathythoughts @MrsMalaprop yes Fingersmith seems a big favorite ( it‘s in my possession) 👍🏻 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Tropical breakfast reading

Erofan Yummy!!!😍 6y
Reviewsbylola Beautiful breakfast! 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Sarah Waters has been on my tbr for ages (ever since @Mollyegutman recommended her to me). Finally starting with The Paying Guests

LionHeartLeo I‘ve been wanting to read this for a long time now too, how is it so far? 6y
rachelsbrittain @LionHeartLeo it started a little slow (or maybe that's because I had just finished much more action-packed sci-fi right before haha), but I'm really enjoying it. The prose is just gorgeous 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I have to say , reading this book last night & any opportunity I get today. It‘s my second S. Waters , but I can honestly say I‘ve never felt more comfortable & completely content with any other writing. I‘m in the present with this book ... it‘s a wonderful experience..

Reviewsbylola I feel the same way about Waters. I‘ll read anything she writes at this point. My favorites are Fingersmith and Tipping the Velvet. 6y
Cathythoughts @Reviewsbylola She is so gifted ❤️ What is it about her ?!!! 6y
youneverarrived Exact same as @Reviewsbylola. I‘ve read all her books and those two are my faves. She is a brilliant writer. 6y
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Cathythoughts @youneverarrived this is great ! And I havnt even got to those ones yet ❤️ 6y
Cathythoughts @MicheleinPhilly I can see why !! 👍🏻❤️ 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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“ There had been a pearl brooch on her lapel, and one of her gloves had had a rip in it, showing the pink palm underneath. My heart fell out of me and into that rip .... “ ❤️

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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Next up : I‘m afraid there is nothing else for it ... a second helping of Sarah Waters please. (Really loved The Little stranger) ❤️❤️❤️

erzascarletbookgasm I have not read this. Soon 🤞 6y
Tashreads I‘ve started it too. I loved Fingersmith 😍😍 6y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm just starting ... it‘s long ... but my sense is that it will fly 6y
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Cathythoughts @Tashreads Fingersmith will be next up for me ... she is such a good writer 😍 6y
erzascarletbookgasm @Tashreads , Cathy, I loved Fingersmith! 5⭐️ for me. 6y
Cathythoughts @erzascarletbookgasm Fingersmith is sounding better & better 👍🏻 6y
batsy I loved this. A slow burn but a good psychological build-up 👍🏽 6y
Cathythoughts @batsy oh good ! I like your description 👍🏻 6y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Fingersmith and also Tipping the Velvet 👌 6y
Cathythoughts @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled thanks! I‘m on it. I‘m getting Fingersmith for a weekend break we are taking soon 👍🏻❤️ 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I've a very long train ride before me and a big fat novel to keep me company.

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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Slightly artsier September tbr photo from bookstagram because I couldn't resist.

britt_brooke Pretty!! 6y
KirstieE Loooove this ! 😍 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I‘ve been thinking a lot about language and its relationship to detail and violence. Both The Paying Guests and Angela Carter‘s “The Bloody Chamber” depict violence and gore at a microscopic level of detail, but that close eye seems inextricable from the lush, twisty prose with which both stories are told.

rachelsbrittain I've really got to read both of these-- especially since The Paying Guests is still sitting on my shelf 😅 6y
Mollyegutman @rachelsbrittain you won‘t regret it! I hope. I have *feels* 6y
rachelsbrittain @Mollyegutman I have a feeling I will too. And I can't wait to discuss the feels with you. Maybe once I finish the two I'm reading right now (fingers crossed today or tomorrow) that can be one of my next reads 6y
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Zelma I recently read these two back to back. Both excellent (though I felt like The Paying Guests started strong and faltered as it went on). 6y
Mollyegutman @Zelma I don‘t think I know a single person who‘s happy with the ending! I wonder if that‘s the point, though? Maybe the shift in genre in the second half—I think it moved from a romance to something more like a thriller—makes us look at the women differently, too. I love that book almost doesn‘t *allow* us to like them by the end. What do you think? 6y
Zelma @Mollyegutman interesting take on that. I can see the switch in genre but I felt like it got too repetitive. I just got bored, to be honest. I was fine with the romance taking a backseat/fizzling; I just think the courtroom scenes weren‘t as strong as the domestic ones. 6y
Mollyegutman @Zelma oh, huh! I could see that. 6y
RaimeyGallant Adding to my tbr. And welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon Some of us put together Litsy tips to help new Littens navigate the site. It's the link in my bio on my page in case you need it. Or if you prefer how-to videos, @chelleo put some together at the link in her bio. @LitsyWelcomeWagon 6y
Chelleo Welcome to Litsy 🤗 6y
Eggs Welcome to Litsy 👋🏻🌸🤗 6y
DebinHawaii Welcome to Litsy!! 🎉📚🎉Hope you are enjoying it here! 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Currently reading

The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I enjoyed this love story that turns into a crime story, although tbh I've had enough lesbian sex scenes to last me a while! 😊 At times I just wanted it to end as it was stressing me out, but well written and emotionally rich.

The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Finished up at the pool 👙. I grabbed this at the library, not seeing much I wanted (they have a pitiful selection of books I might like to read- but a shit ton of Amish novels 🙄). I was drawn to its length (I love a chunkster) but I felt like this could have been about 200 pages shorter. I liked it, but I‘m ready to move on to The Summer Wives.

sammisho It's sooooooooo long! 6y
Hollie @sammisho and sooo slow moving! 6y
youneverarrived Agree! I love Sarah Waters but this one did drag on a bit! 6y
Hollie @youneverarrived it was my first Waters and I was definitely expecting a quicker pace. 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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About 150 pages left and wondering how things are going to turn out... Man, my youngest has a gift for being awake at the stroke of 6:00 on a Sunday right now! We're having some "real" winter (for Pretoria) right now and I already can't wait for spring ????

Mandigolightly What a cute bookmark! Jsyk, I “tagged” you in a thing, but actual tagging in litsy isn‘t working for me right now. No pressure though! 6y
MommyWantsToReadHerBook @Mandigolightly I don't see anything else you tagged me in! 🙁 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I have to be people-y today so while Anthony sleeps in a bit more, I need to read with coffee before the festivities can commence. My #fancy mug was my birthday gift from my son. #heatofjuly

Cinfhen Awesome gift and extra special because it came from your son ❤️ 6y
Hollie @Cinfhen he‘s becoming a good gift giver. One year for Mother‘s Day I got a package of Dollar General Panties and a Spider-Man balloon 😂 6y
DivineDiana He knows how to choose a great gift! The mug, that is! 😉 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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I just dripped from my cup (condensation) into a library book! I feel like a horrible book lover. In my defense, I was startled that when I shifted from my position in the local bar booth, my shoulder was stuck to the wall. Fucking small towns. Why can‘t we have nice things? I shouldn‘t stick to the wall.

LeahBergen 😂😂 6y
Ashley_Nicoletto Fucking small towns. 🤣🤣🤣 6y
Erinsuereads 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 6y
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The Paying Guests | Sarah Waters
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Too long, too predictable. Dammit, Sarah Waters.