YES. I‘m gonna miss these losers so much 😭😭😭🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Do you ever feel dumb because you did NOT see that plot twist coming, even though it was straight outta Fingersmith? And there I was just assuming it was just going to be depressing. VIGERS!
We‘re not exempt from the world‘s injury, so we are doomed to suffer spiritual illness over time.
Anyone else doing the Book Riot Read Harder challenge? This is for task #12, a celebrity memoir. I love Robert Webb! #readharder
I don‘t even usually like poetry....but here we are.
We all knew where Lyra would end up, but reading this had me a little teary-eyed. 😭😭😭😭
I feel like I‘ve been waiting for this for one million years😭😭😭
Listening to the audio because Eddie is narrating and is delightful as always. Plus he has said "live audiobooking" a couple of times and it's hilarious!
Like death, college serves as a kind of escape hatch. But while death takes you straight to the morgue, college is a single rope dangling loose from the inescapable net of society. While in death everyone receives equal treatment, college is a place where certain people arrive covered in a layer of musk, a nastiness that they, in turn, smear onto others.
Oh, to wake from dreaming! Look, there is the chest of drawers. Let me pull myself out of these waters. But they heap themselves upon me; they sweep me between their great shoulders; I am turned; I am tumbled; I am stretched, among these long lights, these long waves, these endless paths, with people pursuing, pursuing.
I went back and forth along the long, narrow corridor not daring to look behind me, for I had heard that in the countryside they say you should never look back when you are walking in the dark, because on your shoulders you have little flames -"shoulder flames"- that keep away ghosts and evil spirits when they are lit.
AAAAAGHHHHHHH! HOA!!!! ESSUN!!!!!!! NASSUNNNN!!!! In other news, cat snores are the best.
A bit on the gossip-y side, but very good. As always, I get a little (or a lot) sad about Alexander II. I think it may also be very good for people with little to no prior knowledge of the Romanovs, as it goes over the death of Ivan IV (Grozny, The Terrible) and the deaths of Dmitri (the false ones too) and Feodor, and the eventual crowning of Michael I. But like I said, it is on the gossip-y side, which is why it's not rated as a "pick"
AHHH! So, because work is slow, I took today off to sleep in and finish reading this book (and maybe to knit later?)
My immediate response after finishing: Dazai, you morose fuck. Which really is all you need to know.
Painters who have had this mentality, after repeated wounds and intimidations at the hands of apparitions called human beings, have often come to believe in phantoms -- they plainly saw monsters in broad daylight, in the midst of nature.
Finished rereading N.K. Jemisin's The Fifth Season in preparation for The Obelisk Gate, which I was fairly certain was being released on the 14th....turns out books are NOT released on Sundays. Lame. Anyway, last year I read every book that Jemisin has written and this is her strongest work so far. Is it weird to be really proud of an author's progress? Because I am. So. Proud.