I wish I could say #babyitscoldoutside , it‘s snowing and I‘m snuggled up with a #bookandblankie beside the fireplace,...unfortunately it‘s cloudy over here and looks like it‘s going to rain any time now.
(pictured not my dog).
I wish I could say #babyitscoldoutside , it‘s snowing and I‘m snuggled up with a #bookandblankie beside the fireplace,...unfortunately it‘s cloudy over here and looks like it‘s going to rain any time now.
(pictured not my dog).
1. Naturally it‘s starting to cloud up. At least it‘s not cold.
2. Science fiction
3. At the 🏖. I‘m perfectly happy to sit in a chair and read. In the 🌃, walking and sightseeing. Either way there‘s good food and drink!
4. It‘s brick and cream stucco.
5. So difficult to narrow it down to just one! My favorite so far this year has been The Summer Wives!
This one was too funny not to share. Sorry I haven‘t been on here much. I‘m having health issues and apartment hunting. Zillow is very exhausting and addictive at the same time. I really should be packing, but I finally started reading Meddling Kids and if #Ozzie hadn‘t jumped on my chest in jealousy that I finally had time to read, and stopped petting him, I would be a lot farther along. Oh well stay safe and warm my friends!! ❤️❤️❤️📚📚📚😻😻😻
Hope you guys had a great Christmas!! Sorry I wasn‘t on here I had too much rich food ( just a small amount of trail mix and butter and cheese popcorn) really early in the day and was sick all day. Today I have a psychiatrist appointment so I HAVE to go out in this mess. Sanity or warmth? Hhhmmm right now that seems like a rough decision, j/k ( maybe) Oh well everyone going back to work bundle up and stay safe!! ❤️❤️❤️ Merry Belated Christmas 🎄
I now have 3 overdue library books but I just want to cuddle under the covers and read today instead of making the 12 block round trip quest to the library. I don‘t have much cash. I have credit, but not cash. Darnitt why can‘t you pay library fines with a credit card? This is going into the cash I have for laundry money now. Good grief. I wouldn‘t mind, I like the cold, but I am already sick 😷#booknerdproblems also, do they count Sunday?
Hhhmmm...🤔🤔🤔Lol. Sorry I didn‘t participate in the Dewey‘s readathon. I was just exhausted yesterday. I did finish Paper Girls 3. I‘ll post a review later. ❤️❤️❤️
😂😂I needed that laugh! I've been getting headaches every evening for about a week now. My mom thinks I am eating too much salt or it's because the heat kicks in when the temp drops. I'm starting to think it may be because of a couple of bad teeth. Whatever it is, at least I have my books. At least I have my books, lol, 📚📚📚❤️❤️❤️😊😊😊My room is too cluttered with them to even put a humidifier in and risk moisture damage. #booknerdproblems
Yay!! I get to wear a jacket and not look totally nuts! I'm going to the library. I'll post my haul later 😉Have a great afternoon!! ❤️❤️❤️
I live in a very populated area ( Chicago) and sometimes it sucks for a simple, shy, quiet, introverted, crazy cat lady like me, who would just like to be able to sit on her front porch and read without worrying about being shot or drug dealers acting like me being on my own porch is interrupting their hustle. The temp is ok, but honestly I still feel safer in the winter. When I went to go visit my friend in OK I couldn't stand the quiet though😂
Better yet, ice cream WITH the aliens!! 👽👻🤖🎃I just saw something I posted on Instagram about having my windows open in February. FEBRUARY!! Eight months with this 💩already!! I can't wait until winter, let alone a 50 degree day in OCTOBER!! Sorry for the swears and caps, lol. I will continue this rant in my journal in all red caps like my therapist suggested 😂#sorrynotsorry 🤷🏽♀️my next post will be book related, I promise 😉👍❤️❤️❤️you all
Basically...and I am craving something sweet but I will have to settle for waffles and syrup. I'm not going out there...lol
"Vainglorious"? I didn't realize that was a word. It was already in the phone when I started typing it so...?You learn something new every day, lol ? It's about 4:15am and this is usually about the time I feed the cats and close my room door to try to rest, but my room is the coolest room in the house and I can't sleep anyway. I can't wait until this heat breaks. Al Gore for Emperor of the World! ( or at least his global warming policies, lol)
Basically... my brain is not functioning well and I have to have my fan on such a high setting that I can't hear my tv again. I am going to turn it down for Orville on Fox tonight though. I want to make sweet yet intellectually comedic love to Seth MacFarlane's brain. Damn it's hot. 😂😂
I agree. I am freezing. I just broke out my winter comforters and I feel so much better now. I've heard that people with severe anxiety like I have feel better with a ton of blankets also. Soo hhhhmmm 🤔Pizza sounds really good. Really good 😊!! Ever since my dr decreased my iron I have been getting chills. I am going to stop complaining and read. Love you all ❤️❤️❤️📚📚❤️❤️
??? 😂😂😂
😂😂 I wish I could. I have a friend with a birthday coming up in September. Maybe we can go to the beach! Every once in a blue moon ( or an eclipse 😂) I want to be social. My best friend moved to Oregon and since then the most fun place I have been is the book section at Walmart, lol. 😍😍😍📚📚📚❤️❤️❤️
Too bad I am broke and in a not so safe area and I went to the library yesterday because the neighbors are driving me nuttier today. They are either banging on something or playing loud music with the kind of deep bass than penetrates your brain or their kids are screaming. My concentration is shot. I am going to put my ear plugs in and try to take a nap. Extroverts-- smh, lol ( kinda) ❤️❤️❤️❤️you guys. Hope you all are having a great day 📚📚📚🌞
This is from earlier today. I agree. The weather here in Chicago has been awesome lately. Even this app can't come up with anything bad. Hope you Littens have a great night!! ❤️❤️❤️
Not much of a dog person, but I'll let that slide for some cash 💰😂
What are slutty brownies? 😇 Seriously though I don't know. I am either too naive or too old or both, te he
Sorry that last post was so negative. Here's something positive. I got a call about a computer job!! I am going to call them on Monday. Wish me luck. I haven't worked in over a decade. Is there a fairy tale where a girl who is on disability for psyche issues gets her dream job and lives happily ever after? I might write it, damnitt, lol Wish me luck, please!! 🤞🏽🤞🏽👍👍🙏🙏
I got cold today! I actually got chill bumps on my arms. I'm extremely anemic but this is ridiculous! I had to go and dig a comforter out. I keep canceling my hematology appointment but I'm afraid I might need an infusion now. Good grief...
That's why we are picking today to go to the laundromat. It's a 12 block round trip walk, and my mom has a bad back. Our landlord's washer is broken now though she wasn't letting us use it anyway...definitely taking Hyperbole and a Half with me!! ❤️❤️📚📚
😂😂I'm so bored. It's time to read 📚📚📚 Or go to the library...
That's a risk I would take if I wasn't so tired and I wasn't so late. I could at least walk to the library 📚❤️Have a great night Littens!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Yes!!! Go Mother Nature!! I figured out why my eyes are burning. The neighbors smoking " something" cigs and who knows what else and it's coming through my window. This would be the perfect time to read but my eyes are literally burning. Come on rain and thunderstorms!!! ????⛈⛈??
Hate it when that happens!! Obviously taking a break from the great book. My eyes are burning and my head hurts. I'm exhausted. I'll probably be reading again at 3 am or so. Have a great night Littens!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️🏙🏙🌠🌠
Ok, now it's being psychic. I was reading my anxiety for yoga book and decided to take a break and go get ice cream and watermelon- fun. Then my landlord asked me to do her lottery and get her groceries which ramped my anxiety back up 1000 points. She is not letting us use her washing machine again also. But now I'm back home and I am going to start reading again. Thanks for the support guys!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️📚📚📚
Eh, I feel the same way sometimes. I'm interested in astrology but not astronomy so much, lol. I should read a Neil deGrasse Tyson book. My mom really liked his last one. Ya know, I think I will put it on Library hold right now 😊🌠🌠
Another nice one!! Have the Chicago people been complaining? Lol 🤔😂
That would be awesome!! But I did that yesterday, lol 😂😂I have to go pick up a couple of prescriptions today and go to the library to pick up the yoga for anxiety book. We have a ton of cereal but need lactose free milk which I have to go to Walmart for. After that-- reading and playing with kitties!!! 😻😻😻📚📚📚Have a great day Littens!! ❤️❤️❤️🌞🌞🌆🏞🌅
I did go outside today, just to stock up on paper plates and plastic utensils because I am sick of washing out the cats' bowls and washing dishes in general. I now have 2 overdue library books that I am too exhausted from the heat to read. I have lost 4 pounds in sweat over the last 2 days. Plus recent celebrity deaths are quite depressing. Reading slump in full effect. Using tomorrow as a ME day. I wish I could just hibernate in the summer ❤️❤️😴
I don't base my self- worth on whether or not you like me- sun! 😂Today has been a good day so far. I got the library issue straight. The system just had not noted that my card had been renewed. The cool librarian was there. I am so thankful 🙏And, since I can't find a place with pre- approved credit that sells books ( besides coloring books) I am getting a package of cute long sleeve stuff that I can wear now from kjordan.com Very cute stuff!! ❤️
That's even better than a puppy/monkey/ baby!! Have you guys seen that commercial? It's for some type of energy drink 😂😂 Well this day is starting off great!! Have a great day Littens!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I agree. Mother Nature is always moody here in Chicago though. Feeling like I had an allergic reaction to something I am itchy with rashes and I have a dull headache. I hope calamine lotion works. It was one of the few things in our medicine cabinet that isn't expired. I took one Benadryl and I may have to take another one soon. I can hear the bugs making noises out there. Are there any Cicadas this year? That mess always freaks me out. Want snow
No Thanks. I actually considered going to the Taste of Chicago this year because one of my favorite musicians Alessia Cara was there. But- naw, too many people. And I bet the acoustics were bad. And I like turkey but hate turkey bacon. Sorry to vent on here so much lately but the only IRL friend that I used to go out with ran away out of state to live with her long distance boyfriend. She'd bribe me by saying we could go to a bookstore 😂😔🙄📚❤️
This reminds of what a teacher said to me Sophomore Year of high school. We had to do an oral report, and she knew how terrified I was to talk ( undiagnosed social anxiety disorder and other issues) so she said to me- Maybe YOU can do a mime act. It was so insulting. I can't even remember what I did for the project I just remember what she said. It still bugs me now when people try to push shy kids into acting. My main outlets- writing, reading ❤️
😂😂😂 You guys know how I feel about my loud neighbors!!! I think they gave up on the snow cone stand so it hasn't been so horrible, thank God.
And it feels like 94!! I heard it's supposed to rain later but that can't come soon enough. It's even too hot for ME to go to the library. I can't wait until the yoga book I have on order at the library comes in. I feel like I need some exercise. Sorry to complain, but I hate being confined. Been watching Family Guy all day I wish I could hop in Stewie's time machine to winter again.
That sounds sticky. Today has been a good day though. I'm honestly starting to think and hoping all those kids screaming last weekend was some sort of court- ordered visitation, or maybe someone's grandchildren that visit every once in a while. It's really only been noisy one other day this week. Thank God! I was really anxious about it being every day especially since school is out. I went out for some much needed watermelon and ice cream then 😴
@MicheleinPhilly THIS is a boring one. I turned my profanity settings to "some" just because I was sick of the F- word being in almost all of them. They still say friggin' a lot though ?