Yes… both my mom and dad would read to me but the most vivid memory I have of a read-a-loud is of my 5th grade teacher reading the wayside schools series! She would do voices and made it so engaging… my classmates and I still talk about it! #sundayfunday @ozma.of.oz
A few days ago, kiddo encountered excerpts from this book in a grammar exercise. She asked if we could get it from the library because it sounded good. She got so excited that it was already on our shelves and started it immediately. We borrowed the next three from the library, too. Yesterday she finished the first, hugged it, and asked if she could put it on her own shelves (instead of our shared shelves) because she loved it SOO much! 😍 I melt.
15 Aug-20 Sep 22 (audiobook)
Quirky, sometimes macabre, entertaining short story collection. Many of the stories were quite short which made this a good choice for Polly, Beatrix and I listen to in the car. Luke joined for a few and thought it truly bizarre.
Reading my third Bridgerton book that I put on hold back in February when I decided to take the genre challenge and read romance. Meanwhile I'm finally reading Sideways with my son. He's a picky reader.
Re-read the first book in the Wayside School series so I can listen to the SSR podcast episode about this one. Fun kids book though some of it didn‘t age well. #middlegrade #fiction #waysideschoolseries
@kelly_anne to answer your question from the comments. They have pictures at the start of the book. I was about 6 or 7 when my teacher read them to the class and I loved them, so your kiddo may like them as well. Hope that was helpful!
30 stories about the students in the thirtieth floor of Wayside School.
As a kid, my second grade teacher would pull out one of these books and read a story a day and I loved them. I saw someone else post this the other day and I wanted to reread them again, still just as weird and I still love them.
A few months ago, Katie from The Bookly Club reached out to invite me to work with her on a collab to celebrate the end of school. We‘ve been cooking this up ever since and I‘m so glad to finally be sharing it with you! On this episode, we chat about Louis Sachar‘s Sideways Stories from Wayside School! Link to listen in my bio. 😜
I loved these books as a kid. I'm more excited than I probably should be that a new one is coming out.
This F book was written by Louis Sachar and illustrated by Adam McCauley. When I was in third grade, my teacher read this aloud to us and I loved it. I would use this book for a RA. Sideways Stories from Wayside School is about a school that is 30 stories high because it was built sideways. Each chapter you are introduced to a new character and hear their strange and funny stories. #UCFLAE3414F19
1. This emoji makes me think of teachers. So Sideways Stories from Wayside School or the Best______ Ever Series.
2. School Ties with Brandon Fresier
3. Schools Out for Summer by ACDC (but the Alice cooper version is pretty cool too)
#Manic Monday
Thanks @Joscho
Sometimes when you‘re overwhelmed by all the garbage fires it helps to take action of any kind. You can help some classrooms either be sharing and/or tossing some $ their way: https://bookriot.com/2019/08/16/friday-fund-days-drop-some-dollars-help-some-cla...
Lucas found a Wayside School animated show on Youtube. One of the characters is voiced by Michael Cera. We just finished the book, so Luke is having fun pointing out all the things he remembers.
This well loved copy was my husband's when he was young. I had a copy myself as a kid.My daughter read it when she was about 9 and I just finished reading it aloud to our 7 year old.
"Sideways Stories from Wayside School" is a fun, fictional (F) novel written by Louis Sachar and illustrated by Adam McCauley. This story could be read aloud (RA) to the class by the teacher. Sachar's book is exciting and different! When I was in the second grade, my teacher introduced the class to this book; she read a few chapters aloud to the class every day. "Sideways Stories from Wayside School" left an impact on me because it was the first
Sideways Stories from Wayside School, written by Louis Sachar and illustrated by Adam McCauley, is a (F) story written about a classroom in a school and the weird things that happen. This was my favorite book in 5th grade when we read it as a class. I think this also helped me become interested in education, as weird as it is! The different stories that come together to make a weird school is entertaining.
Congratulations @Crazeedi 🎉 ! I love Litsy. The first book I remember reading is Sideways Stories from Wayside School. I got to share it with my now teenage stepson. He loved it as much as I did when I was a kid. Thanks for this giveaway it gave me a fun trip down memory lane. #20kgiveaway
Reading this book with my Intervention group and I've never had a group of kids more excited to read! "Ms. Bowen, it's time for interventions! Hurry up!" ?
I thought these books were hilarious when I was a kid, so I got them to read with my kids. I can‘t wait to relive these stories!
Hooray for Long Island authors!!! This was adorable and I'm kind of sorry I was too cool for it as a kid, but it's never too late to read a fun book! 30 stories are featured about Wayside School, which was built 30 stories high, but with no 19th story, instead of 1 story high. Fun and relatable stories for reluctant middle grade readers! #raisingreaders #mountTBR
🤣🤣🤣 I get you, Kathy!!!
Oh man I forgot about some of these books! After seeing the covers a lot of good memories resurfaced.
Loved the tagged book, Amelia Bedelia, Hatchet, The Teacher from the Black Lagoon, and Roll of Thunder. 😍😍
Saw this on tumblr and it reminded me that I have been shit on here. Gave me a chuckle. Happy New Year!
📚 The Shadow of the Wind, Sherlock Holmes, Sideways Stories from Wayside School
✒ Shakespeare, obvs! V. E. Schwab, Esmeralda Santiago, Shel Silverstein,Louis Sachar... I feel like I could keep going.
🎬 Star Trek (TNG, of course!), Star Wars, and recently Stargate: SG1
🍣 Sushi and sashimi! 😋😋
#ManicMonday @JoScho
I remember that the whole class loved this book when I was a kid. I don‘t remember it being such a Lovecraftian acid trip. My son is loving it though 🤷🏻♀️ (night 627 of our reading streak)
I‘ve not had the mental energy to read lately (like, for the past month) but today I had a great reading day! It started with cat cuddles and my eldest reading one of my childhood favorites (tagged). I brought it home from work for her yesterday and she‘s already finished it!
#catsoflitsy #raisingreaders
1. Sideway Stories from Wayside School 💕
2. Cake! I'm an icing type of girl
3. Crochet, lots of other crafts, and working on snail mail/letters/swaps
4. Somewhere close enough to a beach or lake with beautiful water.
#friyayintro @howjessreads
Schools out but we‘re still learning. #schoolsoutforsummer #educator
#BookMail is for the Girls! These books were some of my favourites as a kid, and seeing The Westing Game all over Litsy made me want to have my own copy along with Wayside School books for them when they get older. ❤️ All hardbacks of course 📚
1. Sideways Stories from Wayside School, Series of Unfortunate Events, Harry Potter, Hank the Cowdog. I was always a reader...
2. Well they all were not published in 2017 but the To All The Boys I've Loved Before series was my favorite read.
3. Current: Julia in I am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter...
4. Fifty Shades of Grey
5. Random Tags because I dont know anyone yet! @Jackielovesreading @Orton1227 @eflind
I finished this one in a little less than an hour. I‘m keeping track of my reading for the remainder of this week for #24in48 ⏰
Though I did enjoy this one, I wish I had also put the other two on hold as well. I think that in this case, the first of the series might not have been the most exciting. #ThrowbackReadathon
The first teacher who likes to wiggle her ears, one at a time, stick out her tongue and turn her students into apples whenever they do anything she dislikes. 😂 Such a perfect first chapter. 👌
#throwbackreadathon @monalyisha
Getting started on this one and starting my timer for the #24in48 now that it‘s officially passed midnight here. ☺️ #ThrowbackReadathon
Loved it as much I did growing up. The quirkiness of the book really speaks to me 😉 #throwbackreadathon #catsoflitsy
Picked this one out for the #throwbackreadathon hosted by @Clwojick. Always a fun read... silly, nonsensical stories about the teachers and students of Wayside School, where the builders accidentally built up inside of placing the rooms side by side. Where Miss Zarves teaches on the 19th story even though there IS no 19th story, and Louis keeps an eye on the kids outside. Going to read the next one while I'm off to get as many throwbacks as I can
Kicking off the #throwbackreadathon with one of my favorites! Here‘s to a long weekend of great memories!
My TBR for the #ThrowbackReadathon is getting pretty steep too! 😱 A whopping 4️⃣3️⃣ books and counting for the four day readathon!!
I am so so excited for January ❤️ It's going to be one heck of a month for my 2018 reading stats!
I would have to say I'm most excited to reread Robert Munsch, but also The Phantom Tollbooth, Freckle Juice, Sideways Stories, The Twits, and Mr Poppers Penguins (which I have yet to get my hands on).
Got to spend some time in a third grade classroom this afternoon and I got to read them one of my favorite childhood books!
I really enjoyed this trip down memory lane. Although I couldn't tell you what made these books so appealing to childhood me it was a quick read which brought back many pleasant memories of bookfairs and school readathons.
#Rocktober My little guy, who‘s no longer so little, used to love these stories ...#PeopleAreStrange 😜
I don‘t remember Wayside being a TV series?!?!
Dewey‘s 24 Hour #readathon book 2 done! I finished Sideways Stories a few minutes ago. This is a book that I totally loved as a kid, but absolutely don‘t get as an adult. Definitely kid humor. 😂 Reading this book did make me nostalgic for some of my childhood faves though.
I‘m a few pages into book 3, Twilight Pariah. Really loving the style so far. I‘m switching out bookmarks for the I ❤️ Horror one I got in my October Nocturnal Reader‘s Box.
Switching gears from reading The Alice Network for some easy nostalgia reading. #readathon #hour7
I've posted about this book before and I'm sure I will again because it's one of my all time favorites. I discovered it by accident when I was vacationing as a kid. Now I read it to my students every school year. It never fails to crack them up. #laughoutloud #awesomeautumnbooks
This book was so much fun to read with my five year old! He got a kick out of all the funny stories 💚