Group read of Willa Cather‘s work. My favorite American writer.
Group read of Willa Cather‘s work. My favorite American writer.
Very much enjoyed this depiction of pioneer life.
Daisy would not last long as pioneer (nor would I likely).
This I read after reading recommendations by @CarolynM and other Litsy friends. Loved it!! Gentle yet wise..that‘s Alexandra Bergson battling life in the tough landscape of America‘s Midwest early last century.
A quote”people have to snatch at happiness when they can, in this world. It is always easier to lose than to find”
I hope your snatching some happiness today!
#americanliterature #litsypick
This story broke my heart. Cather showers compassion and understanding on the isolated and hard-working men and women of the prairie. Her beautiful, eloquent words seem at times to be in opposition to the primitive nature of which she writes.
#catherbuddyread Going back and catching up while reading Collected Stories. The collected stories I have read so far are still under Jamesian influence while O Pioneers is free and was wonderful
#catherbuddyread Starting in on my catch up with Cather. How to do it without my buddy read partners? I guess I will try to go back and reread their posts.
I remember reading My Antonia in high school and loving it. I always intended to go back and read more of Willa Cather's works but never did... I'm so glad I finally read this one!!
Now to decide on my next Serial Reader title... any suggestions? I tend to stick with books on the shorter side because I lose interest if theres like over 100 installments
Pretty decent #bookreport this week. Not a pan/dislike in the bunch. Some are low picks, sure, but still picks. 😃
Books in the upper half my fave this week, books on the lower on the so-so spectrum of being good.
I was surprised by how much I really liked O Pioneers, btw. Will need to read more Cather methinks.
Listened to this classic by a woman about a woman on Hoopla. I gave it 5 stars. It was one of those epic family stories I love and the writing was wonderful. I expected it to be like Little House on the Prairie, but it was so much better - an adult‘s view of life. It isn‘t on my #BookSpinBingo, but I can use it for #SuperSeptemberReadathon. It was very good.
Loved this book. It is my second Willa Cather and loved the writing about the land. I was captivated by this story and felt completely immersed in the world. SO happy to continue on with this series. All the stars!
✨ O Pioneers by Willa Cather #classicschallenge2020 and Fortunately, the Milk (on audio) by Neil Gaiman
✨The Lotus-Eater by Somerset Maugham
✨Me by Elton John (not long at all🙈)
I haven't read the Little House series yet (I have seen the show), though this feels like a more grown up version of that life. I wanted it to be longer and dive deeper into the lives of the Bergsen family members with more detail on how they built their homestead. It is the first of a trilogy but I'm not sure yet if the subsequent novels are a continuation. If you're interested, grab a digital copy free on Project Gutenberg! It's an easy read.
I've been very busy lately, but managed to get this lovely classic finished 😁
I have some more classics that I own I'm planning to read this fall. Next up is (finally!) Little Women
Finished this earlier in the week after so many suggestions for Willa Cather on The Readers podcast. I loved the writing, the twist at the end, and the length of the book in general. Does anyone have thoughts on the rest of the trilogy? It doesn‘t seem to be about the same characters. Suggestions on other Cather novels??
Started this afternoon.
I‘m enjoying exploring Cather this year and also our #catherbuddyread . O Pioneers looks at the early immigrants who settled the Nebraska prairie and how that world molds them. With Cather the descriptions of the people and place and the atmosphere she captures leaves a lingering impression, here, especially, of the heroine, Alexandra Bergson.
"We come and go, but the land is always here. And the people who love it and understand it are the people who own it—for a little while."
I loved everything about this work of - love of land, rich tapestry of landscape, beautiful characterization, intricate relationships, grief, loneliness, and eventually finding solace in the land.
Looking forward to read the other 2 parts in this trilogy.
O Pioneers: The End. (Part IV chapters V-VIII and Part V Alexandra, chapters I-III)
The book begins in town, but quickly makes its way to a vast and overwhelming landscape, and here we end, after some serious drama, talking about the land.
Some discussion questions coming in the comments.
I finished up fellow buddy readers. 😁 My horrible condition text displayed. #catherbuddyread
And I am happy to report I finished the last requirements for a grad class today so I‘m free to read whatever the hell I want and don‘t have to get anything specific from it! 🎉
O Pioneers! #catherbuddyread April 15-21
- Part III Winter Memories, chapters I-II
- Part IV The Mulberry Tree, chapters I-IV
Isolation and the impossible love of Emil and Marie.
Blustery day when I made it to the Wall of Books at Kansas City Central Library. My Jane Austen scarf kept slapping me in the face. Since Pride and Prejudice wasn't one of the books I went with Willa Cather for my Shelfie. 📚🌬🤓
#opioneers #willacather #prairiewriters
#literarytravels #bookwall #shelfie
4⭐ this story is one of love for the land, the independence of a woman who loves the land; a story of love found and love lost. I knew before I was done how the story goes, it's an archetype of the human condition. Well worth reading
What a fantastic book I am reading! The fluidity and beauty of Cathers descriptions are awesome. I'm ashamed I've never read any of her novels!
@Graywacke #catherbuddyread
O Pioneers! - Part 2 Neighboring Fields
16 years on. I kept wondering where Cather was going with this, but it seems we can always trust her. This section all ties together, from grim reaper Emil at the graveyard to an emotional place at the close - even if we might not pick up on it all along the way.
(Image is from various of our posts)
What fabulous descriptions! I can see these people!
I love Willa Cather. The house is finally tidy so I am relaxing with her book and a cup of tea.
“There was trouble enough in the world, he reflected, as he threw himself upon his bed, without people who were forty years old imagining they wanted to get married.” 😂
Indeed it is an enigma! True then and today. I love the western plains, all along that black hills line running north/south. It‘s the first breath of the true west when traveling in from the east. #catherbuddyread
O Pioneers! - Part 1 The Wild Land
“But the great fact was the land itself, which seemed to overwhelm the little beginnings of human society that struggled in its somber wastes.“
Cather‘s writing, the hard people who are careful how they express themselves leaving us a little in the dark, and the indifferent land, the great fact framing, threatening everything. And Alexandra. Welcome to empty plains of Nebraska.
Finished Part I. Her writing seems so effortless - it's such a joy to read. I'm remembering why I loved this book so much the first time I read it. #catherbuddyread
"Alexandra drew her shawl closer about her & stood leaning against the frame of the mill, looking at the stars which glittered so keenly through the frosty autumn air. She always loved to watch them, to think of their vastness & distance, & of their ordered march. It fortified her to reflect upon the great operations of nature, & when she thought of the law that lay behind them, she felt a sense of personal security."
Love love love this book!
Is it horrible that I‘ve finished the first section already? It was too good to stop! #catherbuddyread @Graywacke @catebutler @CarolynM @Tanisha_A @saresmoore @Tamra @jmofo
"Of all the bewildering things about a new country, the absence of human landmarks is one of the most depressing and disheartening."
I am in love with her writing. The descriptions of landscape; introduction to characters, outlining their features and characteristics is done seamlessly. The prose structure is just smooth, you'll fly through.
Lucy and I are sitting outside of the dance studio in the sunshine while her sister does some hip-hop. Good thing Lucy brought three books because class just started and she‘s already finished one. 😅
I‘m starting O Pioneers! for the #catherbuddyread.
Getting started : #catherbuddyread
A little Willa before work. I‘m enjoying rereading this classic. #catherbuddyread @Graywacke
Got my copy, @Graywacke. This would be my first Willa Cather, i am excited. Thank you for organizing this. ☺️
A plan! Of sorts. 😁 This is a bit tricky because there are five unequal parts to O Pioneers!, instead of four equal buddy-read friendly parts. So the plan above has a long week 2 (112 pages in my edition) with three shorter weeks, and has me posting something each Sunday for the part. Let me know your thoughts.
Just checking in (after mostly being off Litsy for a week, while on vacation). The book waits impatiently for an April buddy read. Let me know if April 1 is a good start date (happens to be my birthday 😊🤫)
@catebutler @Lcsmcat @Crazeedi @Tanisha_A @Tamra
I've read this book a little while ago, and I was totally awed by Willa Cather's writing. I really enjoyed the story of Alexandra Bergson, a pioneer, who is dedicated to make her father's land prosperous. We follow her from childhood to late adulthood, we get to know her, to understand her. I'm very glad I discovered this author. I'll definitely read other works by her.
Beautifully clear and profound at times while doing a fantastic job invoking a sense of the land which gives and takes. Cather skips what other writers might dwell on giving as much space to the reading of her plot as her epic setting implies it must have.
Ok I‘m reading three books at the moment- this being one of them. The other two are Deaths End - hard-core Sci-Fi, and a brilliant graphic novel, Future Arab. It hit me today what they all have in common... any Litten brave enough to guess? Comment below!